יום שישי, 16 בספטמבר 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

Survey: US Jews are not Islamophobic - but 26% of Muslims themselves are!noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 16 Sep 04:45 AM The Institute for Social Pol

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Survey: US Jews are not Islamophobic - but 26% of Muslims themselves are!
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 16 Sep 04:45 AM

The Institute for Social Policy and Understanding has released its 2022 survey on Muslims in America.

The survey shows that Jews are the one faith group that is most tolerant towards Muslims.
Even more than Muslims themselves!
The Discrimination and Islamophobia section of the survey shows that in their Islamophobia Index, which averages to responses for several questions about Muslims, Jews were by far the most tolerant - and Muslims looked at themselves in a worse light than the average American does.
17% of Jews were considered Islamophobic according to this index, while 25% of the general public did - and 26% of Muslims themselves.
The findings on the specific questions that make up the definition of Islamophobia are even more interesting.

While only 9% of Jews say Muslims are prone to violence, 24% of Muslims say that - the highest faith group to believe that by far and nearly triple that of the general public.

For the question of "Do you agree that most Muslims living in the United States are hostile to the United States," again the highest score went to Muslims themselves - 19% - compared to only 4% for Jews.
Nearly identical results came from the question of whether respondents agree that US Muslims are less civilized than other Americans.

Another result of the survey is that white Muslims are far more Islamophobic than Muslims of color - and it is getting worse.

ISPU tries to spin these...Read More

09/15 Links Pt2: Before criticizing Israel, US should clean up at home; U.S. Supreme Court rules Yeshiva University must recognize LGBTQ club; Israel Scores No. 1 in Digital Quality of Life Index
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 15 Sep 05:00 PM

From Ian:

Statistics show Israel haters are wrong

Anti-Israel commentators also usually neglect to acknowledge that Palestinians have been waging a terrorist war against Israel's existence since the state's birth in 1948. Much of Palestinian suffering results from Israel defending itself against these unrelenting attacks, as well as the Palestinian refusal to accept offers of land for peace and a state of their own.

Israel is often also faulted for passage of its "nation-state law" in 2018 – which declares that the country exists to fulfill the Jewish people's "right to self-determination." This attack, however, is a red herring, attempting to discredit a statute that in no way limits Israel's democratic liberties.

Note that this law does not infringe on the rights of individual Israelis, including its two million Arab citizens. Like many other nation states, it merely formalizes symbols of its people – in this case the Jewish people – such as the flag, national anthem and holidays.

Note, too, that while the nation-state law declares Hebrew to be the national language, this is not different than in the United States, in which English is the mother tongue. Nor does Israel's nation-state law establish any official religion – unlike some seven European countries that declare state religions in their very constitutions.

All of this is to point out that Israel can be a proud nation of...Read More

Elder Comix: The modern antisemites' superpower
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 15 Sep 03:00 PM

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Read all about it here!

...Read More

Only Possible Conclusion From Unpopularity Of Party's Ideas: Voters Stupid (PreOccupied Territory)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 15 Sep 01:30 PM

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

Check out their Facebook page.

Tel Aviv, September 15 - A political faction struggling to approach, let alone restore, the legislative clout it held more than twenty years ago has followed the evidence to the only tenable explanation for its collapse in the interim: the electorate hasn't the intelligence necessary to cast the correct ballot and return the faction to its former glory.

A series of surveys commissioned by the far-left Meretz Party found less than a twentieth of the electorate will consider voting for the party in the November 1 Knesset elections, a dramatic erosion of the kingmaker status it held in the 1990's and early 2000's when it commanded double-digit seats in the 120-member legislature. Meretz has failed to garner more than six seats - in 2009 dropping as low as three - in almost twenty years, as Israelis' confidence in the party's insistence on generous concessions to the Palestinians even as the latter killed more than a thousand Israelis in bombings and other terrorist attacks. Meretz leadership, however, has reached the unavoidable conclusion that democracy is imperiled because the electorate refuses to vote Meretz, a clear indication that the electorate lacks the mental capacity to make important decisions for itself.

"Essentially, the people are wrong for...Read More

09/15 Links Pt1: Glick: For Israel to be safe it must bury the Oslo delusion; PA Fails to Meet 'Minimum' US Transparency Requirements; Israeli kindness to children is a problem for Palestinians
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 15 Sep 11:00 AM

From Ian:

Caroline Glick: For Israel to be safe it must bury the Oslo delusion

The Oslo peace process was based on the idea that, despite all evidence to the contrary, Arafat and his PLO had abandoned terrorism and were willing to live in peace with Israel. Israel agreed to import Arafat, his deputies and his terror armies to Gaza and parts of Judea and Samaria, and give them autonomous rule over the Palestinians. The idea, which had no basis in reality whatsoever, was that the PLO would fight terrorists on behalf of Israel. And if they failed to do so, it wouldn't be because they were still the terrorists they had always been. It would be because Israel wasn't giving them enough power.

None of this made a bit of sense at the time. And at no point in the intervening 29 years were these absurd notions borne out by events—quite the contrary. Reality has always reigned supreme. And due to reality, some 1,700 Israelis have been killed since 1993 by Palestinian terrorists. Moreover, 29 years after Israel first legitimized the PLO, Israel's diplomatic standing is hanging by a thread. Not only did Arafat and Abbas never go to war against Hamas, from the outset Fatah and Hamas have cooperated in their joint war against the Jews, even as they compete for public support.

Palestinian terror groups like Hamas have been transformed from tactical challenges into strategic threats. Their missiles...Read More

Russia -- When It Comes To Iran And Israel: Friendship Goes Further Than Partnership (Daled Amos)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 15 Sep 09:15 AM

By Daled Amos

In the Middle East, allies and adversaries can change back and forth.

This is true not only among the states in that area but also among the outside countries that vie against each other to either gain a foothold or secure access to resources and technology.

Russia is one example.

When it was the Soviet Union, it was one of the first countries to recognize the Islamic Republic of Iran. But it also was a major supplier of weapons to Iraq during that country's war against Iran, while at the same time providing some weapons to Iran. After the war, the USSR agreed to help Iran complete its nuclear reactor in Bushehr.

Today, Russia is still in the middle of things. It has inserted itself into Syria, which helps Iran's strategy of exploiting that country to supply Hezbollah while also establishing a base of operations against Israel. Yet at the same time, despite its advanced missile systems in place to defend Syria, Russia has an agreement with Israel allowing it to take action against Iranian positions in Syria.

It's complicated.

Ksenia Svetlova, an Israeli politician and journalist...Read More

The most underreported story in the Middle East: Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah never abandoned terror
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 15 Sep 07:00 AM

Palestinian Media Watch reported yesterday:

Early this morning Fatah released a video on its official Facebook page celebrating the terror attack. During the video, a text appeared on the screen with three important messages:

1. "The Al-Aqsa-Palestine [Martyrs'] Brigades is officially announcing its operations (i.e., terror attacks)"

2. "The Fatah Movement takes responsibility for the operations of its military arm [the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades]"

3. "The Fatah leadership announces that it has returned to the phase of the armed struggle (i.e., Fatah's euphemism for terror)"

The Al-Aqsa-Martyrs' Brigades is an internationally designated terror organization. For years the United States, Europe, and other funders of the PA have tried to differentiate between Fatah which is headed by PA leader Mahmoud Abbas and its terror branch the Brigades. Palestinian Media Watch has argued all along that this differentiation is false and artificial. Now Fatah has officially confirmed that they are one organization, and Fatah is taking credit and responsibility for its murderous terror attacks.

The third part of Fatah's announcement is also significant. For years PMW has been reporting that Fatah regularly declares that the pause in "armed struggle" - its euphemism for terror - against Israel is temporary and that the phase of the "armed struggle" will return. Now Fatah has officially announced that it has returned to terror...Read More

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