Early examples of how "justice" means "the destruction of Israel"noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 04 Feb 05:30 AM I have noted before that the word "J | I have noted before that the word "Justice" when used in context of "Palestinians demand justice" or "No justice, no peace" or Students for Justice in Palestine," is a dog-whistle that means the end of Israel. It turns out that this is not a recent phenomenon. Yehoshafat Harkabi, in his 1974 work "Arab Attitudes to Israel," has a short section on this very topic. He describes many genocidal phrases popular in the Arab world throughout the 1960s that sound innocuous to those who are not on the inside, such as "liberation": Here is what he writes about how the word "justice" is used: "JUST SOLUTION FOR THE PALESTINE PROBLEM," "JUST PEACE," "PEACE ON THE BASIS OF JUSTICE," "NON-ACCEPTANCE OF THE FAIT ACCOMPLI," "SETTLEMENT ACCORDING TO LEGAL RIGHTS," "SOLUTION ACCORDING TO UN PRINCIPLES" The Arabs emphasize that they seek a "just solution" or a "just peace," which constitutes the opposite pole to a peace or solution founded on the status quo, on the fact of Israel's existence. The just solution, according to this view, is the annulment of the wrong involved in the very existence of Israel and the restoration of Israel to its legal owners. Justice is a denial of Israel's existence. Thus Nasser says: "We talk peace, but we do not accept peace that is based on the usurpation of rights and on the...Read More |
From Ian: The Jewish people alone created Israel, not the Holocaust and not the UN In the course of a few days in January 1942—80 years ago—Hitler's henchmen, including SS chieftain Reinhard Heydrich, as well as Adolf Eichmann and other top members of the Third Reich, conferred at a villa in Wannsee, Germany to engineer the "Final Solution" to the "Jewish problem." The notorious Wannsee Conference succeeded in creating an efficient, industrial-scale approach to the Holocaust. Its extensive chain of death camps and gas chambers accomplished ultimately—unimaginably—the murder of 6 million Jews. But this horror neither prevented the birth of the Jewish state nor did it—contrary to the narrative of many Israel haters—provide an excuse for Israel's formation. Ironically, many of those who oppose the State of Israel today blame its existence on the success of the murderous plans drawn up at Wannsee. Israel's enemies minimize the righteousness of its birth in 1948 by attributing the Zionists' achievement to global sympathy over the loss of Europe's Jews, as if the most devastating genocide in world history would not justify the formation of the first Jewish state. This objection to Israel conjures up the image of the United Nations and a few Western nations imposing a Jewish nation on native Arabs living in Palestine. This version has Israel created in a fit of guilt by the world's nations because they stood by as the...Read More |
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory. Check out their Facebook page. Louisville, February 3 - An American Christian movement constituting part of the mainline Protestant demographic in the United States would not have the first clue how to go about filling its pews if it did not wallow in Judaeophobia thinly-veiled as support for Palestinian rights, leaders of the movement acknowledged today. Senior figures in the Presbyterian Church (USA) voiced their anxiety at having to pull back from a staunch anti-Israel ideological and political line in the face of economic and social pressures, a line to which the affiliation has hewed in explicit terms for more than fifteen years, but stemming from decades of progressive activism with is ranks that often placed the church at odds with mainstream, pro-Israel Americans. Specifically, they fear the lack of a compelling message that will attract worshipers and adherents if they cannot channel venomous Jew-hate into anti-Israel policy and rhetoric. The membership crisis has seen membership tumble from over 3 million in 1984 to just over 1.2 million in 2020. "I'm flummoxed as to how other churches do it," confessed Juan Tricponi, an Elder of the Synod of Boriquen, Puerto Rico. "I'm not just talking about other Presbyterians, most of whom are neutral or even pro-Israel. I mean American...Read More |
From Ian: Amnesty to ToI: No double standard in accusing Israel, but not China, of apartheid Immediately after Amnesty International held a press conference in Jerusalem's Bab A-Zahara neighborhood on Tuesday, The Times of Israel sat down with the group's secretary general, Agnes Callamard, and Middle East and North Africa research and advocacy director, Philip Luther, to discuss the 278-page report they had released accusing Israel of apartheid. The Amnesty International report alleged that Israel has maintained "a system of oppression and domination" over the Palestinians going all the way back to the establishment of the state in 1948, and it meets the international definition of apartheid. The accusation was leveled against Israel both within its borders and in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In addition to demanding an end to arms sales to the Jewish state, Amnesty called on Israel's allies in the West and in the Arab world to "use all political and diplomatic tools to ensure Israeli authorities implement the recommendations outlined in this report and review any cooperation and activities with Israel to ensure that these do not contribute to maintaining the system of apartheid." Ahead of the report's release, Israel called it "false, biased, and antisemitic" and accused the organization of endangering the safety of Jews around the world. "Come on...Read More |
Last year, the UN issued about 40 anti-Israel reports. (This does not include bodies like the UN Human Rights Council.) One of them, A/76/289, is based on previous UN resolutions calling for Israel to compensate Palestinians for properties they abandoned in 1948. It refers to this one from 2018 but virtually identical resolutions have been put forth regularly for decades. These resolutions "Calls upon all the parties concerned to provide the Secretary-General with any pertinent information in their possession concerning Arab property, assets and property rights in Israel that would assist him in the implementation of the present resolution." Who responds to these resolutions? In 2021, four countries responded. Not one of them responded with "pertinent information in their possession concerning Arab property, assets and property rights in Israel." The responses were from Bahrain, Ecuador, Japan and "the State of Palestine." Ecuador wrote a couple of paragraphs about the importance of the resolution. Japan wrote a long, irrelevant submission...Read More |
Breitbart publishes an excerpt from former US ambassador to Israel's David Friedman's upcoming book, Sledgehammer: How Breaking with the Past Brought Peace to the Middle East. Word of my stubborn insistence on standing with our ally Israel had now circulated widely within the State Department. Another senior staffer decided to call me and offer the following advice: "Mr. Ambassador, don't be so Jewish." "What?" "Don't be so Jewish. You represent the United States of America. Tone down the Judaism in your work." Don't be so Jewish. I was furious. "Do you think I am under any disillusion as to who I represent? I'm not a politically correct person but I have to ask you, why do the laws of political correctness not apply to Jews?" "Just a free word of advice." Worth the price. This is a shocking anecdote, but only because the State Department staffer said out loud what so many believe. The US State Department's Middle East history has been predominantly pro-Arab and antisemitic/anti-Zionist since the mid-19th century. A generation of diplomats came from the children of American missionaries to the Arab world who grew up with the endemic antisemitism of both Christianity and the Arab world. Perhaps the best example of the State Department's embedded antisemitism...Read More |
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