France moves to outlaw pro-terror Palestinian groups. They respond that calling for murdering Jews is a "human right." (Unknown), | The French Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin is calling for the dissolution of two hate organizations in France, the "Palestine Vaincra" collective and of the "Palestine Action Committee." According to the Ministry of the Interior, the Palestine Action Committee is supposed to defend the rights of the Palestinians, but in fact relays press releases from Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah, and reports on their actions, according to the authorities. The Ministry calls for its dissolution for incitement to hatred, violence, or discrimination and provocation to terrorist acts. Similarly, Palestine Vaincra explicitly supports terror attacks on Israeli Jews. Here's an autotranslated screenshot of one of their articles that actually celebrates Palestinian support for shooting rockets at Jewish civilians: How much more explicit can they be in advocating murdering Jews? Palestine Vaincra is part of the Samidoun network, which issued a truly Orwellian press release complaining about how their support and incitement for murdering Jews...Read More |
From Ian: For Israel, victory gives us a future We are so loathe to hit the enemy hard enough to break its will to continue fighting and cause it to surrender that we run with indecent haste to the negotiating table pushing for a ceasefire, and take minimal and insufficient military steps towards the defeat of our genocidal enemies. The result is they continue to believe that although we are by far technologically and militarily superior, we do not have the stomach for a fight. They believe that we have internalized the Western paradigm that war is always the last option with as few casualties as possible, leaving the enemy proudly standing to fight another day. If Israel goes into a war against its enemies with the mentality that we lose even when we win, then we will never truly be victorious. Every tactic will just be seen through the prism of how much or little we can lose. Instead, Israel needs to return to a victory mentality. The mentality that led us to victories in the War of Independence and the Six Day War. There were unbearable casualties in these wars, but they were stunning victories, and our soldiers fought gallantly, overturning strong odds. Our leaders knew that there would be losses, but they could not be overly distracted by them if they were going to win. Victory ensured there were not even greater losses, far more bloodshed. Victory and loss can not be compared. Our historic victories are...Read More |
Last month, Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nasser al-Mohammad al-Sabah visited Beirut and told the Lebanese government the "Kuwaiti, Gulf, Arab and international message for Lebanon to not be a platform for any aggression, and for all borders to be controlled by the state." The Arab coalition he represented also insisted on setting a time frame for implementing UN Security Council resolutions, including Resolution 1559 from 2004 which calls for the disarmament of non-state militias in Lebanon, meaning Hezbollah. The Arab countries pretty much told Lebanon that they won't help it through its financial crisis as long as a separate Muslim extremist movement was allowed to operate with impunity within its borders. The weak Lebanese government mostly ignored the demands. Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib told Al Jazeera, "I am not going to hand over Hezbollah's weapons. I am not going to end Hezbollah's existence, it is out of the question in Lebanon. " A response letter from Beirut pointedly changed the language of the Arab demand for Lebanon not to be a platform for any aggression to saying that Lebanon will not be "a launchpad for activities...Read More |
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory. Check out their Facebook page. Jerusalem, February 24 - Legislators representing the Haredi sector of the Israeli Jewish community railed today against impending proposals in the Knesset to curtail financial assistance to large families, to limit exemptions from the military draft, and to cut back on welfare payments to able-bodied adults, arguing that such moves will undercut the Torah-study-centered lifestyle of the Haredi world, which somehow thrived for hundreds of years before the advent of welfare, child subsidies, and publicly-funded avoidance of working for a living. MKs from the United Torah Judaism alliance's Degel HaTorah and Agudat Yisrael factions held a press conference Thursday to criticize several pieces of impending legislation that several Coalition lawmakers intend to introduce in the coming weeks, laws that would expand military service to all but several hundred yeshiva students, instead of the tens of thousands who currently study instead of train or fight; that would slash spending on monthly stipends to parents with more than four children; and that would deny financial support to those capable of gainful employment but who choose instead to devote themselves to full-time Torah study. The MKs predicted disaster for the Torah-observant world if such policies become...Read More |
From Ian: Bernard-Henri Lévy: The Rape of Ukraine No. 4: We hear this one a lot: The diplomats will have to be back on the scene to help Putin calm down, to stop him, to help him save face. Maybe. I don't know. But one thing is sure. We should not reverse the roles and lose sight of the fact that it was Putin, and he alone, who broke the taboo over war in Europe. We must remember that it's Ukraine, and Ukraine alone, that honor commands us to save from an atrocious and announced offensive. And, even if things end there and we can breathe a sigh of shameful relief, it behooves us to never forget how, well before today's troubles, from last December and January, the Kremlin described Europe as a wide-ranging "theater of military conflict" (Alexander Grushko, deputy minister of foreign affairs); brandished the threat of a "preventive" nuclear strike of the kind Israel wields against Iran (Andrey Kartapolov, chair of the Duma's Defense Committee); and let partisan and friendly media (Svobodnaya Pressa) announce that, in the case of an enlarged NATO, Russia would vitrify "all of Europe and two-thirds of the United States in thirty minutes." No peace agreement could erase these staggering declarations, without precedent, which I assembled in a piece from Jan. 18. Or else, it would be a Munich-style peace. No. 5: Does all this mean that we should not take into account Russia's feeling of being surrounded...Read More |
By RealJerusalemStreets I sit here in Jerusalem, on a cold and overcast afternoon when the weather forecast was for sunny and warm, and I had planned to walk to the Kotel. These past two corona years, I filled multiple notebooks from online sessions. However, this is one story I feel compelled to share. Today in balmy Greece, Israeli President Herzog is officially being welcomed as previously planned. Meanwhile, Putin goes against the "expert" predictions of only threatening but starts bombing Ukraine to provide "peacekeeping" - with China and Iran in support. With the rumors and fake news, it is hard to know what is true according to Rabbi Johnathan Markovitch, the Chief Rabbi of Kyiv, in a Media Central press interview. There were lines of cars trying to fill with gas and people stocking up on food in certain locations. However, the main streets in Kyiv were empty, on Thursday morning, February 24, 2022, as warning air-raid alarms sounded. The people financially and physically able to leave had gone already. By 6:30 AM, it was too late to drive out of Kyiv as roads were clogged with cars trying to flee. The Kyiv airport and Odesa Port hit by Russian airpower were no longer options to escape. Remember for weeks authorities assured, Putin would threaten, but not really attack Ukraine. Kyiv, also Kiev, the capital and most populous city had close to 3 million people before Russian threats loomed, and was home to a thriving Jewish community. Hours after the attack on Kyiv, Chief...Read More |
Arab media has been keenly interested in Israeli reactions to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, especially around the fate of the estimated 200,000 Jews in that country. Lebanon's Al Akhbar makes the reason for that interest explicit:
As usually happens with the outbreak of a war or crisis, the Israeli government exploited the tension between Ukraine and Russia to bring in the Jews of Ukraine, where the Jewish community numbered nearly 200,000. This intersects with what was reported by the Israel Hayom newspaper today that various government ministries, the Israeli army, the Jewish Agency and other government bodies are preparing to absorb a "wave of Jewish immigration from Ukraine" and have developed a detailed "contingency plan" due to the outbreak of war there. Wars create refugees. NGOs plead with countries to accept refugees in their borders, as nations try to find excuses why the refugees should go elsewhere. Unlike other countries, Israel has prepared to take in many refugees ahead of time in line with its desire to provide a safe haven for Jews worldwide. And it is being spun as an evil Zionist plot to exploit...Read More |
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