Lebanese make fun of Nasrallah's speechnoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 17 Feb 05:45 AM Lebanon's English-language news site Naharnet is one of the fe | Lebanon's English-language news site Naharnet is one of the few that allow readers to comment freely, and most of them really hate Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. Here are some quotes from Nasrallah's Wednesday speech and some Lebanese responses: Nasrallah: Israel is in retreat and it is heading to demise. Response: Had to laugh at this;)! Sure Israel's economy is in shambles, its national debt exceeds $150 billion, it defaulted on its sovereign debts, its currency depreciated more than 20 times, it is isolated, and has no friends. Nasrallah: We encourage the Israelis to leave Palestine and we're ready to pay for their travel tickets. Response: Uffff.... why not use the money to keep the Lebanese in their country instead. Nasrallah: Hizbullah Making Precision Missiles, Drones inside Lebanon Response 1: Great.... and the Lebanese people are starving! Take your missiles and drones and shove them where the sun don't shine. Response 2: Can we cook the missiles and drones to eat them? Has Hezbollah created a tech industry around this. Or is Nasrallah just yapping to get the pay check from Khamanei? The aim of politics is to bring about peace and prosperity to a majority of people while Hezbollah's aim is to serve the interests of its paymasters in Teheran. What a monstrous circus! * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book...Read More |
From Ian: Anti-Police Activist Charged With Unspeakable Act of Political Violence A radical anti-police activist was charged Monday with the attempted murder of Louisville, Ky., mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg. The activist, Quintez Brown, was apprehended shortly after he allegedly entered Greenberg's campaign headquarters and fired multiple shots with a handgun. Brown, 21, pleaded not guilty to attempted murder and four counts of wanton endangerment. No one was injured during the attack, but a bullet reportedly grazed the back of Greenberg's sweater. The mayoral candidate, a Democrat, said the suspect walked into his office where he and four other staffers were meeting Monday morning. "When we greeted him, he pulled out a gun, aimed directly at me, and began shooting," Greenberg told reporters. "The individual closest to the door managed to bravely get the door closed, which we barricaded and the shooter fled the scene." Police said Greenberg, who is Jewish, appeared to have been targeted in the shooting. Authorities did not identify a motive for the crime and said they believe Brown acted alone. The alleged attack occurred two months after Brown announced his candidacy for Louisville Metro Council. Among his stated policy goals were "freedom, reparations," and "full employment." Brown had been a student at the University of Louisville, where he was an MLK scholar studying philosophy and Pan...Read More |
Dani Dayan, chairman of the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, is taking the heat for the removal by the museum, of a large, floor-to-ceiling photo of the well-known meeting between the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin El Husseini and Adolph Hitler. That the photo has disappeared from view is not in doubt. But what does the disappearance of the photo signify? Was its removal from public eye motivated by politics and political correctness, or was it more about museum function and management? More to the point: Was the photo removed in the first place? Several important voices, for example Lyn Julius, Ellie Cohanim, and Daniel Greenfield, have alluded to the removal of the photo as politically motivated. And in fact, the disappearance of the photo does seem political, even shockingly so. For one thing, the Bennett government coalition includes Ra'am, the Arab list. This is one of the larger factions of the coalition, and it is in Bennett's best interests to avoid offending Arab sensibilities. Dani Dayan, meanwhile, is a Bennett appointee. Could Dayan be behind the removal of the photo in order to satisfy some injunction from above? If so, preserving the government would have...Read More |
Weekly column by Vic Rosenthal Some Hard Facts There are such things as hard facts. A hard fact is something that is true, not dependent on point of view, ideology, culture, religious belief, or politics. I know there is a post-modern trend to deny that they exist, but frankly it is insane, and anyone who thinks that way will not survive very long. The laws of physics are hard facts. So are the strategic facts of geography, like the physical characteristics of Eretz Yisrael, which demand that its eastern border encompass the slope of the Jordan Valley, and that the hills of Judea and Samaria and the Golan Heights must be under Israeli control. These are the facts that make the division of the land that is so beloved by peace processors impossible. But there are also social, historical laws. I think that these too can be hard facts. Humans have free will and "great men" (or women) sometimes influence the course of history, but in the long term, what happens is determined by the aggregate behavior of people, creatures in the primate family who are, after all, much more like chimpanzees than angels. So now we come to the conflict between the Jews and the Arabs in Eretz Yisrael. What do the laws that govern human behavior tell us about the future of our land? It should be clear that the situation is unstable. The prevalent ideology amongst the Arabs (the "Palestinian narrative") is that Jewish sovereignty is an abomination. This is both a religious (Islamic) and cultural...Read More |
From Ian: Israel advocacy, from Dreyfus to Amnesty The best way to truly counter anti-Semitism is to look into the darkness and declare: "I see you, and I am not afraid." Yes, this is a daunting task, especially with the recent explosive surge in global anti-Semitic violence. But if we allow those who try to terrify and silence us to succeed, if we fail to stand up for ourselves and the Jewish state, then they will have truly won. But what can be done beyond just shouting J'Accuse? What practical steps can Jews, pro-Israel activists or anyone fighting for truth and decency take? The first and most important step is to call out those who spread lies and fan the flames of hate. Use your voice. Don't assume as fact a story on Instagram. Always research, fact-check and create your own informed opinion. Create allies in this fight. Learn from experts and organizations on the front line. Most importantly, be proud and unapologetic in your Jewish and Zionist identity. We are a generation with countless tools at our disposal; we just need the willpower, knowledge and skills to use them. The more we learn and truly understand, the better we can make the case for Israel. We should never be afraid of the debate or to learn more to make us better advocates. Of course, none of this is to imply that everyone has to unflinchingly agree with every Israeli policy; far from it. That being said, if you call...Read More |
By Daled Amos With the ongoing talk about apartheid, I was reminded of a report that targeted Israel for war crimes. Not the B'tselem report. Not the HRW report. Not even the Amnesty International report. Instead, I was reminded of the 2009 Goldstone Report. Of all the issues and topics that were going back and forth back then, one thing that stood out in my mind was the denial -- the denial from one of the judges on the Goldstone commission. Desmond Travers, a retired Irish Army colonel, was part of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict. Whatever else Travers may have contributed to the group, one thing he seemed to make it his job to do was offer implausible deniability. Yes, implausible deniability In an interview at the time with the Middle East Monitor, Desmond Travers came up with the following response to Hanan Chehata: So far, no substantive critique of the report has been received? Well, one of the easiest ways to rebut a criticism is to deny that it was ever made (this was back in the day, before it was fashionable to rebut criticism by accusing the other person of being a racist). Among the papers and articles that came out rebutting the Goldstone Report on issues of law, fact and bias were those from: o...Read More |
Last year, progressive member of Congress Jamaal Bowman visited Israel. This raised the ire of the Democratic Socialists of America, which slammed him for violating the BDS principles of not recognizing Israel in any way. At the time, the National Political Committee of the DSA said that their highest priority was to ensure that Bowman follows their anti-Israel agenda completely. They considered expelling him from the group, but in the end they decided to keep him. Apparently, there was a quid pro quo involved. Yesterday, Bowman withdrew his support for a bill that supports the Abraham Accords. The DSA took credit for this. Sydney Azari, of the DSA's National Political Committee, tweeted that "This was one of the conditions the @DemSocialists NPC set during our discussion with Bowman." Bowman claims that he made the decision based on what he "learned" during his trip to Israel in November bit the DSA is saying that they insisted on this to allow him to remain a member. The "progressives" bullied a Black man to toe their line if he wants to stay on their good side. This...Read More |
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