Iran isn't very subtle about its antisemitism by naming its missile "Khaybar-buster" (Unknown), 16 Feb 05:45 AM From the Washingt |  |
From the Washington Institute for Near East Policy: On February 9, just as the nuclear talks in Vienna reached a critical stage, Iran unveiled its "Khaybar Sheikan" (Khaybar Buster) missile, which has a purported range of 1,450 kilometers. This significant development demonstrates, more than anything, the increasing size and range of Iran's slant-firing solid-motor missiles. The Khaybar reference, meanwhile, points to a seventh-century battle between Muhammad's army and Jewish communities near Medina whose members refused to convert to Islam and were defeated after their hardened fortresses were overrun.This isn't exactly subtle. The primary target for such a missile is Israel and they name it after a battle where Muslims massacred Jews. Anti-Israel protests are often punctuated with chants of "Khaybar, Khaybar ya Yahud, Jaish Muhammad, sa yahud," which means, "Khaybar, Khaybar oh Jews, the army of Muhammad is returning." No one can miss the symbolism. Yet no one is calling Iran out for its obvious antisemitism in naming the missile as a weapon built specifically to attack Jews. The supposed experts on antisemitism from the Left have been silent about their Iranian allies naming a weapon to evoke killing Jews. It isn't even like this is the first missile named after Khaybar. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah introduced the...Read More |
From Ian: Why We Lied to Ourselves About Whoopi Goldberg and Antisemitism For me, the motives were somewhat personal. When I was growing up the whole family loved Goldberg's performance as the wise and ageless bartender Guinan on "Star Trek: The Next Generation." I've always looked at Goldberg with great affection, and would prefer to continue doing so; I imagine a great many feel the same, for our own reasons. I loved Goldberg on "TNG," and I didn't want her to be an antisemite. So, I decided she wasn't. I accepted comfortable bromides about ignorance and education, and reflexively absolved her of all responsibility. The problem is that no one can look into anyone else's soul. With very few exceptions, it is all but impossible to say a person is "an antisemite" in the essence of their being. We can only know what they say and do. As James Baldwin said: This is the evidence. What Goldberg said and did was, without question, monstrous. And as Barlow put it, "What evidence is there that Goldberg is a friend of the Jews? I don't yet see it." Neither do I. The latest evidence we have indicates that she is, at best, not particularly fond of us, and we should have treated her accordingly. We were wrong to do otherwise. Moreover, our rush to the "education solution" indicates a deeper problem: We want to believe that antisemites, despite all evidence, can be fixed...Read More |
UN Watch wrote a letter to the head of the UN Human Rights Council and attached a 30 page report proving that Navi Pillay, who was appointed to lead an inquiry on Israeli actions, is biased against Israel. The facts aren't even in question. Of course she is biased. Here is the table of contents of the report: STATEMENT OF FACTS A. Commission of Inquiry Was Created to Target Israel. B. Pillay Declared Israel Guilty for 2021 Hostilities That She is Investigating C. Pillay Repeatedly Accused Israel of "Apartheid" D. Pillay Described Israel's Actions as "Inhuman" E. Pillay Defended Antisemitic Durban Process F. Pillay Defended Agenda Item Targeting Israel G. Pillay Pre-Judged Israel Guilty in Prior Gaza Conflicts Pillay Prejudged Israel Guilty in 2009 Hamas-Israel Conflict Pillay Prejudged Israel Guilty Within Hours of 2010 Flotilla Incident Pillay Prejudged Israel Guilty in 2014 Hamas-Israel War The head of the Human Rights Council responded with one of the more ridiculous statements the UN has ever put out: The President of the Human Rights Council places the utmost importance on examining the independence and impartiality...Read More |
A Hamas Valentine (Unknown), 15 Feb 02:00 PM I admit that I don't quite know what this means - it seems to say "Jenin" جنين within the heart, but I cannot find any major stories that happened in Jenin recently - but it was the caricature in Hamas' Felesteen on Valentine's Day. Which means, even love is an occasion for killing according to Hamas. (h/t Ibn Boutros) * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!...Read More |
From Ian: Bahrain chooses alignment with Israel over submission to Iran Since the announcement of the Abraham Accords in August 2020, ties between Bahrain and Israel have grown steadily, reaching a milestone last week when an Israeli military aircraft, carrying Defense Minister Benny Gantz, touched down in Manama. It was the first Israeli military plane to fly over Saudi Arabia and land in a Gulf country. Bahrain has long suffered from Iranian bullying. In 2007, Hussain Shariaatmadari, an aide to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, wrote that Bahrain was once a Persian province that Western powers unlawfully separated from Iran. In 2017, the state-owned daily Iran reiterated this claim, asserting that until 1956 Bahrain had been Iranian, with a 70% Persian-speaking Shiite population. In other words, Bahrain belongs to Iran, and its independence is not acceptable. Neither history nor demographics supports Tehran's claims. Today, the majority of Iranians who live on the east bank of the Persian Gulf, under Iranian sovereignty, are ethnic Arab citizens of Iran who suffer under immense discrimination and a policy of Persianization. An island nation that could just about fit inside the Washington Beltway, Bahrain needs allies. Now it has found in military cooperation with Israel a good way to deter Tehran. Close ties to the Jewish state were once unthinkable...Read More |
I've been going through Y. Harkabi's 1972 book, "Arab Attitudes to Israel," and this is something else: The Jordanian English language daily, Jerusalem Times, published the following "Open Letter to Eichmann" on April 24, 1961: Dear Eichmann,
1 address you in your glass cell to extend a word of sympathy in your present plight. German genius that has invented Sputniks and missiles and all sorts of things has failed to inspire you to avert the disaster that has befallen you. What a pity Eichmann that you allowed those swine to arrest you and stage their drama. But don't worry Eichmann it will in the end fall on their heads. Listen Eichmann you are accused of decimating six million of this breed. Whether this is correct or not it is not our object to debate this issue but what we like to say is this if you actually managed to liquidate six million of them and if the remaining six million have been instrumental in inflicting so much havoc and suffering on the Arabs and disgorging them from their homes we wonder what would have been the result if the decimated six million would have been allowed to survive. It is likely that a similar drama would have been staged in another part of the Arab countries. So that by liquidating six millions you have minimized the extent of the calamity and conferred a real blessing on humanity you can imagine dear Eichmann the feelings of the million or so of Arab refugees at this drama. .The object of this trial is simply to attract more tourists...Read More |
The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Labor Force Survey for the fourth quarter of 2021 has been released. There are now 153,000 Palestinian workers employed in Israel or in the settlements, which I believe is the highest since Oslo. It is an increase of 8,000 workers over the 3rd quarter of 2021. Here is the trend in fourth quarter Palestinian employees in Israel and settlements since 2012: The number of employed persons in Israeli settlements increased from about 21,600 thousand in the 3rd quarter 2021 to about 22,400 thousand employed person in the 4th quarter 2021. This is not close to the highest number working in settlements - that number reached 28,000 in 2018. While most Palestinians working for Israelis work in construction, all of the increases between the third and fourth quarters were in other sectors: manufacturing, commerce and hospitality. The average daily wage for Arab employees in Israel and settlements was about 269 NIS, about 1% higher than the third quarter and 3% higher than in 2020. To give an idea of how dependent each economy is on the other, about 3.7% of all workers in Israel live in the Palestinian territories while about 15% of all Palestinian workers (West Bank and Gaza combined) work for Israelis. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book...Read More |
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