Kuwaiti newspaper says the Holocaust was a mythnoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 20 Feb 05:45 AM Abdul Rahman Al-Issa writes in Kuwaiti news site Al-An |  |
Abdul Rahman Al-Issa writes in Kuwaiti news site Al-Anbaa that the Holocaust was a myth, and suggests that more Muslims died in World War II than Jews. The article starts off by saying that Israel made up the Holocaust story to gain sympathy and for financial and political blackmail, as well as "to cover up Israel's crimes against our brothers in Palestine. " Yet, he writes, "the silence of the cultural and political elites in Europe and America for this cheap blackmail is something surprising. Especially since the facts are as clear as the sun. Or is it the strength and influence of AIPAC in America?" Yes, the evil Jews who control the world made up the entire story. Al-Issa claims that most Jews managed to escape Europe before the war, and some even started their own companies in the US and Canada. The Jews that remained were interned in concentration camps along with other political dissidents. I mean, what more evidence do you need? He goes on to say that "historians" say only 200-300,000 Jews were killed, and wonders whether more Muslims died - either as soldiers in the British army, or in North Africa. And then he moved from Holocaust denial and Holocaust trivialization into Holocaust inversion, saying that the "real" Holocaust is what Palestinians have suffered under Jews. As always, the most disgusting kinds of Jew-hatred are not only...Read More |
From Ian: How Amnesty's anti-Israel apartheid report backfired Major editorial boards – The Wall Street Journal and New York Post – have also derided Amnesty's report, reducing it to a libel and "smear." These responses are compounded by the reality that no country has yet to openly embrace Amnesty's report, which only suggest Amnesty's flailing credibility and influence. This high-profile controversy has further exposed Amnesty to attention under which it has allegedly resorted to incompetent and racist decision-making. Amnesty knows it can only advance its apartheid lie by falsely presenting Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza as one political unit, regardless of peace treaties willingly signed by both Israeli and Palestinian leaders. The reality is that 20 percent of Israel's population are Arabs, who enjoy equality under the law, affirmative action programs, and positions in Israel's parliament and Supreme Court. An Arab Israeli judge, and later to be Supreme Court justice, even once sentenced an Israeli president (a Jew) to prison. Israel is the furthest thing from an apartheid state; and while Amnesty blames Israel for Palestinian misfortune, nearly all Palestinians remain under the governance of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, or Hamas in Gaza. So when activist Yoseph Haddad, an Arab citizen of Israel, was invited to debate an Amnesty panelist, Amnesty allegedly refused to participate, asking for a...Read More |
Hebron is the second holiest city to Jews. It has had a continuous Jewish presence from ancient times through today, with the exception of only 19 years when Jordan controlled the city. Jews there have been subjected to shootings, sniper attacks, boycotts and massacres, including the 1929 pogrom that murdered over sixty Jewish men, women and children in the most horrific ways. During the second intifada, Jews in Hebron were murdered by snipers, including ten month old Shalhevet Pas who was deliberately targeted in her baby stroller in 2001. Now a Palestinian group together with hate site Mondoweiss are pushing the agenda of physically cleansing Jews from the city - fulfilling their Nazi desire to make areas "Judenrein." We, as members of civil society in Hebron, call on our international partners to take action and join in the campaign Dismantle the Ghetto, evacuate the settlers out of Hebron. Dismantle the ghetto? You mean, like, dismantling the Warsaw Ghetto? What happened to those Jews again? The antisemitism is not even hidden here. The "open letter" not once refers to the Jewish connection to the city. It refers to the Tomb of the Patriarchs exclusively with the term created by Muslim usurpers, the "Ibrahimi Mosque." It doesn't mention that nearly all of Hebron is already Judenfrei. Ethnic cleansing...Read More |
From Ian: Danny Danon: Amnesty International should be ashamed To apply the term "apartheid" to Israel in 2022, or ever, is literally to distort reality to fit a false narrative and stigmatize the Jewish state for a crime that it is not committing and has never committed throughout its history. One doesn't even need to rely on third-party sources to discover this. All those who wish to come to Israel and see the reality for themselves can do so. Or perhaps they could listen to the truth from Bassam Eid, who said in response to the Amnesty International report: "As a Palestinian peace activist and founder of the Jerusalem-based Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group, I am here to set the record straight. The international community is yet again lying about Israel. While it is not a perfect country, Israel is definitely not an apartheid state." At the same time as Amnesty International falsely accuses Israel of crimes of which it is innocent, its report also entirely fails to mention that the situation of the residents of Gaza is entirely different from that of Israel's Arab citizens because the Gazan population is living under terrorist rule. The same applies to the Arabs who live under the rule of the Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria. The situations of both are dire – due to their own leadership, not because of Israel. It is their leaders who subject them to poverty, unemployment...Read More |
Palestinian media breathlessly reported this morning: This morning, a settler performed a provocative Talmudic ritual at the Qattanin Gate, one of the gates of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. According to the official Wafa agency, a settler performed Talmudic rituals at Bab al-Qattanin, guarded by the occupation police, who prevented young men from passing through the gate to pray in Al-Aqsa Mosque. Unfortunately, we are not privy to the exact nature of the Talmudic ritual that so scandalized the Arabs. Did he perform a brit milah? Did he have a sheva brachot? Did he put on Tefillin? Did he build a sukkah? Or maybe he made a blessing before drinking a Coke? Or perhaps he greeted one of the guards with a "Shalom Aleichem"? We need to get to the bottom of this. The Israeli media is not doing their job. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!...Read More |
From Ian: David Singer: End the jaw-jaw – redraw the Israel-Jordan border The UN Security Council needs to urgently activate the following Plan B: Call on Israel and the PLO to negotiate on the basis of Trump's Plan – and in default of their agreeing to do so Call on Israel and Jordan to redraw their current agreed international boundary - designated in the 1994 Jordan-Israel peace Treaty - by dividing sovereignty in Judea and Samaria ('West Bank') and Gaza between their two States - based on Trump's Plan About 70% of these territories will in either scenario be returned to Arab sovereignty after an absence of 55 years. No Arab or Jew will have to leave his current home. The UN is charged under Article 1 of its own Charter: "To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace" Time for the UN to end the jaw-jaw and facilitate redrawing the Israel-Jordan border using Trump's Plan. Melanie Phillips: The lethal miscalculations over Vladimir PutinOthers in the West have fallen into the same trap of believing that a deal with Putin was in their own country's interests. Thus Germany agreed to Nord Stream, the gas pipeline across the Baltic Sea, which was in turn green-lighted by U.S. President Joe Biden—until Russian aggression revealed even to Biden that...Read More |
Fatah has rejected Australia's designation of Hamas as a terrorist organization. In a statement released today, Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement expressed its rejection of designating Hamas as a terrorist faction from anyone in the world. Osama al-Qawasmi, spokesperson for the Fatah Revolutionary Council, said that the Palestinian people, with all their components and factions, are struggling for freedom, justice and national independence. Of course, Fatah hates Hamas. It has been engaging in a battle against Hamas. In recent years, it has cut off electricity from Gaza, it has stopped giving permits to patients who wanted to leave Gaza for medical reasons, and it has cut off funding to Gaza. A few years ago, Fatah head and PA president Mahmoud Abbas called Hamas a terrorist organization himself. But when it comes down to it, Fatah considers Hamas an ally, and Hamas terrorism is a critical component of the Palestinian strategy. It is a "good cop, bad cop" dynamic, where the West happily talks to Fatah as the non-violent side (despite its continued support for its own terrorist wing, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades). Hamas terror attacks sometimes get condemned by Fatah and the PA to maintain the facade but, as this announcement proves, they are on the same side. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today...Read More |
Yesterday, antisemitic flyers were distributed in Fort Myers, FL, part of a wave of such flyers placed in plastic bags around the United States. Other incidents in recent days occurred in Helotes TX, Austin TX, Atascocita TX, Huntington Beach CA, Vancouver WA, Eugene OR, and Sarasota FL. It is an inexpensive way for far-Right antisemites to get publicity with no risk. In most communities, distributing hate speech is not a crime, and...Read More |
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