Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Yeshiva U hosting J-Street's Ben Ami for a panel discussion
- 03/05 Links Pt2: Chloe Valdary at AIPAC 2014; The Royal Tour of Israel with PM Netanyahu
- Egyptians feel threatened by history book about Egyptian Jews
- Israel's diplomats go on strike (update)
- Hezbollah built an airport?
- 03/05 Links Pt1: PA Calls Murderer of Children "a brave heroic fighter"; Obama’s Settlements Lie
- "Protocols" still a popular topic in Arabic media
- Another Iranian arms ship intercepted
- Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain recall ambassadors to Qatar
Yeshiva U hosting J-Street's Ben Ami for a panel discussion Posted: 05 Mar 2014 06:00 PM PST A YU/Stern College event next week: Jeremy Ben Ami, of course, believes that Israeli democracy is worthless when he doesn't agree with who they elected. Therefore, he created an organization whose main purpose is to pressure the US into forcing Israel to do what he believes is right, not what the people whose lives are on the line believe. Let's take a trip down memory lane with J-Street. In March 2011, one of J-Street's co-founders mused that perhaps Israel wasn't such a good idea after all if the Arabs keep rejecting it. That same month Ben Ami whined that Netanyahu refused to meet him. Well, he refused to meet me last time I was in Israel (I was hoping for an interview), but I'm not crying about it. J-Street, which calls itself "pro-Israel," does nothing to counter campus "Israel Apartheid Week." Instead, they make wishy washy statements like they "share the concerns ... about the continuation of the occupation," it does not believe that "characterizing Israel as an apartheid state is either accurate or productive towards a solution." They have no stated opposition to the demonization of the state they pretend they support. In 2012, after Israel killed 16 Gaza terrorists, J-Street issued a statement of concern which called them "civilians." Why check facts when you can slam Israel? Also in 2012,a J-Street representative admitted on video that they attract more non-Jews than Jews, but they want to change the Jewish community's opinion of Israel. In public, they claim to represent the Jewish community. J-Street says it doesn't support BDS, but it happily invites BDS supporters to speak at its annual conferences. Last year a J-Street sponsored tour of the territories stopped to pay homage to at Yasir Arafat's gravesite. Yeshiva University's Zionist clubs should not be giving Ben-Ami any credibility, even when his poison is "balanced" by Ayalon and HaKohen. There are plenty of liberal, Zionist Jews who fervently want a two-state solution, who would be quite appropriate for a panel discussion like this. Ben Ami is not one of them. |
03/05 Links Pt2: Chloe Valdary at AIPAC 2014; The Royal Tour of Israel with PM Netanyahu Posted: 05 Mar 2014 03:40 PM PST From Ian: The agony of moral defeat The acting out and vitriolic language against Israel that so often defines campus anti-Israelism may make the activists feel good about themselves for striving for social justice, but, as journalist Khaled Abu Toameh has contended, these are hollow efforts, that "[i]nstead of investing money and efforts in organizing Israel Apartheid Week, for example, the self-described 'pro-Palestinians' could dispatch a delegation of teachers to Palestinian villages and refugee camps to teach young Palestinians English. Or they could send another delegation to the Gaza Strip to monitor human rights violations by the Hamas authorities and help Palestinian women confront Muslim fundamentalists who are trying to limit their role to cooking, raising children and looking after the needs of their husbands." What was Abu Toameh's conclusion about this misdirected effort to support the Palestinian cause? "What is happening on the U.S. campuses," he wrote, "is not about supporting the Palestinians as much as it is about promoting hatred for the Jewish state. It is not really about ending the 'occupation' as much as it is about ending the existence of Israel . . ," and "we should not be surprised if the next generation of jihadists comes not from the Gaza Strip or the mountains and mosques of Pakistan and Afghanistan, but from university campuses across the U.S."Defender of Israel Responds to Racist Attack Today's FrontPage Interview guest is Chloe Simone Valdary, a junior and international studies major at the University of New Orleans (UNO). In her short time on campus, Ms. Valdary has distinguished herself as a passionate defender of Israel and Zionism, creating the organization Allies of Israel, one of the lone pro-Israel groups at her university. Ms. Valdary is also the assistant director of special programs for the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel (ISBI) and blogs for Arutz Sheva and the Times of Israel. In addition to being featured by the Jewish Press, BET.com, Breitbart.com, the Jerusalem Post, among others, Algemeiner named Ms. Valdary one of the top 100 people positively affecting Jewish and Israeli life. Recently, Ms. Valdary's advocacy has elicited the ire of anti-Israel activists, one of whom resorted to racist attacks against her.At AIPAC, Student Activists Make Themselves Heard The conference was an unequivocal display of support for the alliance between the United States and the State of Israel, and the list of speakers was typically impressive. Party leaders were joined by senior Senators John McCain and Robert Menendez and Secretary of State John Kerry - all of whom stressed the mutual benefits and shared moral values which underline the continued alliance between the two countries. From the Israeli side the list of dignitaries was no less impressive: from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to opposition leader Isaac Herzog, as well as a number of other Knesset Members including Economics Minister Naftali Bennett.Pro-Israel Activist Chloe Valdary @ AIPAC PC 2014 Netanyahu Praises Scarlett Johansson in AIPAC Speech Johansson stepped down as a global ambassador for the human rights group Oxfam International, which had criticized her for serving as pitch woman for SodaStream.Isi Leibler: The insanity of providing platforms for our enemies Anti-Zionist charades from the far-left-wing American Jewish community are now a daily occurrence. We witness the manipulations of the reprehensible BDS movement, J Street's efforts to encourage the US administration to pressure Israel, and the frequent hosting by universities of radical anti-Israel speakers. As disturbing as these developments have been, we have tended to discount them as the workings of the radical Left.Noam Chomsky in the Crimea Go to London or of any other Western capital and here is what you will not see. You will not see mass demonstrations against the Russian invasion of the Ukraine swaying down the same streets in which the liberal-left marched against the invasion of Iraq. You will not hear prominent left-wing voices emphasizing that Putin is attempting more than an invasion; that the Russian Federation – and what a benign word 'federation' is for a revived Tsarist autocracy – is the last of the European empires, and is seeking to expand its borders, as empires always do.Presbyterian Church's guide is dead wrong about Iranian Jewry On a monthly basis I come across dozens of articles from Western news media and even from the Iranian regime's state-run news outlets claiming that Jews live in supposed peace and total freedom in Iran — or that Jews even enjoy something close to a "paradise" in Iran. While most of these outrageous claims about the supposed "lovely" lives of Jews in Iran are laughable, often times as an Iranian Jewish journalist I feel compelled to set the record straight when a more reputable publication or organization makes blatantly false statements about Iranian Jewry. Such was the case when I was given a January 2014 copy of the Presbyterian Church (USA)'s recent publication of their booklet "Zionism Unsettled, a Congregational Study Guide". This booklet not only makes unsupported and completely inaccurate statements about the lives of Jews in Iran today, but it distorts the history of Iran's Jews just to advance their own anti-Israel agenda.South Africa Minister Compares Israelis to Nazis in Written Statement Distributed by UN Human Rights Council The UN Human Rights Council - the UN's top "human rights" body - continues to provide a platform for the dissemination of antisemitism during its current session in Geneva, Switzerland. On day two, March 4, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of South Africa, spoke to the Council and distributed a written statement now posted on the Council's web-site. In it she analogizes Israeli actions to that of the Nazis:BDS Movement Will Fail, Netanyahu Says at AIPAC BDS is "bad for peace" because it hardens the Palestinian position and "makes mutual compromise less likely," said the prime minister. He noted that Israel is the only Middle East country that protects Christian worship, gay rights, and freedom of the press.BDS Fail – Jake Lynch Dan Avnon this week took up a Sir Zelman Cowen scholarship at Sydney University's Institute for Democracy and Human Rights, after Professor Lynch, who heads the university's Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, turned him down. The move sparked an explosive academic stoush and an international court battle.Court upholds conviction of Irvine protesters During the speech, the protesters interrupted Oren repeatedly, calling him a "mass murderer" and a "war criminal." The heckling caused him to pause his speech amid calls for order, and he curtailed his hourlong speech to 12 minutes.Palestinian students launch protest at California Hillel The Israeli Soldiers' Stories program, organized in conjunction with StandWithUs and the Multicultural Council, hosted soldiers Matan and Tamir on Thursday afternoon to a crowd of nearly 100, according to the Poly Post, which did not use last names out of fears for participants' safety.What the Guardian won't report: West Bank settlement building has DECLINED under Bibi Ha'aretz was one of the sites reporting the 'dramatic' increase in housing construction, and they used the following graph which illustrates housing starts in the West Bank each year, beginning in 2001.Anti-Israel activist David Zirin sports a new blood libel Anti-Israel activist David Zirin is leading the vanguard to deprive Israelis of their human rights by asking international bodies to discriminate against Israelis based on their national origin. He is hardly an impartial party.The FA must show that Anelka ruling is no empty gesture After much foot-dragging, the English Football Association (FA) last week finally acted over Nicolas Anelka's infamous "quenelle" gesture. Sadly, its ruling was somewhat confusing, concluding that the gesture is anti-Semitic, but that Anelka did not intend to express or promote anti-Semitism. And yet, as Anelka admitted, his quenelle was a message of support and solidarity for his friend Dieudonne M'bala M'bala, a man convicted of anti-Semitic hate speech on seven occasions, infamous in Anelka's native France precisely for his bigotry.Belgian athlete suspended for anti-Semitic quenelle move The European governing body of soccer, UEFA, announced the punishment on Tuesday against Omar Rahou, who made the gesture several times at a European Championship match of futsal, a variant of soccer, in January while celebrating scoring a goal for his team, Chatelineau, against Romania in Antwerp, the website of the Dutch Algemeen Dagblad daily reported.Wiesenthal Center Calls on Moroccan Culture Minister to End Anti-Jewish 'Hatemongering' at Casablanca Book Fair Jewish human rights group the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) once again called on Moroccan Culture Minister Mohammed Amine Sbihi to end the proliferation of anti-Semitic literature at the Casablanca Book Fair, following his previous failed commitment to do away with the hate books.Polish police arrest vandal of Jewish tombstones The suspect, who was not named, was arrested last week at the Jewish cemetery of Andrychow, 30 miles southwest of Krakow, the news site Wadowice24.pl reported Tuesday.Israeli drones to patrol Brazilian skies during World Cup Brazil's Air Force has purchased two new $12 million drones from Israel, to patrol the skies during the FIFA World Cup. The football extravaganza begins in just over three months.'IDF Spokesman in Spanish,' With Help From Fuente Latina, Seeks to Reach 500 Million Spanish Speakers (INTERVIEW) On the sidelines of the 2014 AIPAC Policy Conference, IDF Captain Roni Kaplan, a Uruguayan-Israeli with Russian and Polish roots, told The Algemeiner in an interview that, with the help of Fuente Latina, the world's leading Spanish-language programs have allowed him to bring the IDF's point of view to new audiences.Alzheimer drug pioneer to get Israel Prize Rivastigmine — commercially known as Exelon — is one of the most important drugs to have emerged from Israeli medical research labs in recent years. It's so significant, in fact, that its chief developer, Prof. Marta Weinstock-Rosin, is to be awarded the Israel Prize for Medicine this year for her work.Post-Oscars, PM unveils tourism TV show in Hollywood After meeting with US President Barack Obama, addressing American officials and speaking at this week's annual AIPAC policy conference, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday made his way from Washington to California to unveil a TV tourism program that, once aired, is expected to bring hundreds of thousands more tourists to Israel.Your First Look at ISRAEL: THE ROYAL TOUR |
Egyptians feel threatened by history book about Egyptian Jews Posted: 05 Mar 2014 02:00 PM PST Haaretz reports: Fortuna Cassuto, a beautiful young woman from Alexandria, Egypt, worked as the house model at a prestigious fashion house. The plant made clothes for Queen Farida, the wife of King Farouk, as well as luxury lines for Egypt's well to do.The book sounds very interesting. This book is mentioned in Egypt's Korabia website, but it assumes a dangerous motive for the book's release. Here is how they describe this book: Israel continues its attempts to steal Egyptian history through stories published about Jewish achievements that have occurred in Egypt and considered as part of the history, surprisingly . The funny part was that last year an Egyptian filmmaker made a documentary about the Jews of Egypt that, by all accounts, was well received by most Egyptians (after it was first banned and then allowed.) |
Israel's diplomats go on strike (update) Posted: 05 Mar 2014 12:15 PM PST From the Israel Consulate of Philadelphia page: Due to the work dispute of the Diplomats of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Israel there will be no consular services until further notice except life threatening situations and burials in Israel. Phone calls will not be answered.Some of the consulate and embassy pages say nothing, some are more terse than this. The best explanation I've seen comes from the embassy in Madrid: Due to the refusal of the Ministry of Finance of Israel to resolve the labor dispute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israeli diplomats have renewed their labor measures pressure.I have not seen this in any news site yet as of this writing. If I recall correctly, one of the previous strikes by MFA workers occurred during the push by the PLO to have an Arab Palestinian state recognized by many South American countries, and there was effectively no opposition by Israel because of their job action. IMHO, Israeli diplomats are as important - or more so - than soldiers, and the idea of them going on a general strike is completely unacceptable although slowing down some personal consular services might be OK. The idea that no one is available to present Israel's case in every foreign country if needed is crazy. (h/t Irene) UPDATE: TOI did have the story: Workers at the Foreign Ministry initiated a harsh new round of labor sanctions Tuesday, potentially jeopardizing visits of foreign dignitaries and planned trips abroad by Israeli officials.The strike, which has also temporarily suspended all consular services to Israelis abroad, came after months-long talks with the Finance Ministry broke down earlier in the week.Oy. (h/t Gabriel) |
Posted: 05 Mar 2014 11:00 AM PST Ya Libnan reports: Hezbollah built an airport between the areas of Iaat and Wardin outside Lebanon's Baalbek in addition to warehouses and secret tunnels, a report in Al-Mustaqbal newspaper said Monday. ![]() It would be hard to hide an airport, and it is hard to know how reliable these "security sources" are. |
03/05 Links Pt1: PA Calls Murderer of Children "a brave heroic fighter"; Obama’s Settlements Lie Posted: 05 Mar 2014 09:00 AM PST From Ian: Without getting personal, Netanyahu hits back at Obama Publicly savaged by President Barack Obama for his settlement policies on Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday opted for a firmly non-personal response in a warmly received address to the AIPAC conference here. He argued extensively for several positions directly at odds with those held by the president, but did so without the direct targeting that Obama had employed in his incendiary Bloomberg conversation published two days earlier.No standing O for Obama Citing two anonymous high-ranking sources in DC, one Israeli, and one American, the paper maintains that the US State Department is furious with President Barack Obama for his interview with Jeffrey Goldberg on Sunday — a move they say was deliberately done behind Secretary of State John Kerry's back and threatens to derail peace talks.Obama's Settlement Construction Lie According to Obama, "we have seen more aggressive settlement construction over the last couple years than we've seen in a very long time." But in reality, as a simple glance at the annual data published by Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics reveals, there has been less settlement construction during Benjamin Netanyahu's five years as Israeli premier (2009-13) than under any of his recent predecessors. Netanyahu to Abbas: No excuses, recognize Jewish state now Delivering the confab's keynote address, Netanyahu called on Abbas to quit making excuses over the key Israeli demand. During the speech, he also rejected the idea of international peacekeepers in the Jordan Valley, and made a case for upping pressure on Iran, saying any Iranian nuclear capability would be a threat to the whole world.Netanyahu 'wasting time,' PA says of AIPAC speech Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesman for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, told the official Palestinian Wafa news agency Tuesday that Netanyahu was "wasting time" by demanding that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state.The Independent Headline That Sums Up the Bias So, according to The Independent, simply recognizing the legitimacy of Israel as a Jewish state is "impossible" for Mahmoud Abbas. And what's more, according to The Independent, Netanyahu is clearly the spoiler in the talks for making the demand.A struggle over Arab Israeli terrorists, as final release looms Cpl. Avraham Bromberg was heading back from his army base in the Golan Heights to his home in Zichron Yaakov on November 26, 1980, when a number of men jumped him. Bromberg struggled with his attackers, but was overpowered and shot in the head, his weapon stolen. He was found on the roadside and died in hospital two days later.Sheikh Raed Salah gets 8 months for incitement Sheikh Raed Salah, leader of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel, was sentenced Wednesday to eight months in prison with another eight months as a suspended sentence for incitement to violence, over a 2007 sermon in which he called for violent measures in support of the Palestinian cause.Arch Hamas terrorist wanted since 1998 nabbed by elite IDF unit Soldiers from the elite undercover Duvdevan unit, together with the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency), arrested Ayoub al-Kawasma in Hebron, security sources said. There were no exchanges of fire or other violence during the arrest operation.Bnei Brak Stabber Previously Attempted Bombing The terrorist has been identified as Fahdi Alrouda, 28, of the town of Bir Zeit, outside Ramallah.IDF shoots 2 terrorists planting bomb on Syrian border IDF forces spotted two terrorists trying to plant explosives on the Israel-Syria border in the northern Golan Heights early Wednesday morning, according to the IDF Spokesperson's office.Hezbollah Blamed for Deadly Bombing in Bahrain According to NOW Lebanon, the Deputy-Chairman of Dubai Police and Public Security Dahi Khalfan Tamim, said that a Hezbollah-trained operative perpetrated the blast on Monday that killed three police officers outside Bahrain's Manama.Abbas representative calls murderer of mother and children "a brave, heroic fighter" The Palestinian Authority recently held a military funeral for terrorist killer Sarhan Sarhan, who murdered a mother and her two children and two other Israelis in Kibbutz Metzer in 2003. Israel recently transferred his remains to the PA.PA TV broadcasts funeral of "noble" terrorist who killed 8 Analysis: Hamas not afraid of Egypt ban As a result, many Egyptians are today convinced that Hamas is directly responsible for terrorist attacks against their soldiers and civilians.Teaching That Jews Have Rights Would Violate Palestinian Rights (satire) In the end, however, we decided to accommodate Hamas's protests, because ultimately, it's not so much about teaching Palestinians about universal human rights as it is about teaching them that their rights trump anyone else's. After all, that's why they get their own UN agency. Civil society and competence in self-administration are for other cultures, not for the Palestinians. A healthy sense of victimhood is crucial for the Palestinian cultural and historical narrative, and denying that would strike at the very heart of Palestinian culture.Will Syria's Chemical Weapons Arsenal Be Eliminated? Efforts to dismantle Syria's chemical weapons capability are running months behind schedule because the Syrian president is playing games with international inspectors. Moreover, it is far from clear that the 1,300 tons of chemical warfare agents and precursor chemicals declared by Assad when he signed the Chemical Weapons Convention represent the full amount he possesses. Furthermore, even if Assad abides by the commitment to completely jettison his chemical weapons, Syria's equally dangerous biological weapon stocks will remain.Chemical weapons used in Syria appear to come from army stockpile, UN says Chemical weapons used in two incidents in Syria last year appear to come from the stockpiles of the Syrian military, United Nations human rights investigators said on Wednesday in a report that went beyond previous findings.An Inside Perspective on the IDF Field Hospital at the Syrian Border As we gazed at the gray line marking the border with Syria, Sasha told us about her first patient, an elderly man with abdominal gunshot wounds that would have been fatal had he not sought treatment from the Israelis. Though the field hospital is outfitted with surgical, orthopedic, and anesthesia units, after initial treatment he still needed to be transported to the intensive care unit in a hospital in Safed.Iranian general: Obama's threats are 'the joke of the year' President Barack Obama is a "low-IQ US president," whose threat to launch a military offensive should nuclear talks fail is an oft-cited punchline in the Islamic Republic, particularly among children, an Iranian general said on Tuesday.Iranian Military Receives New Ballistic Missiles, Official Threatens the US Minister admits Iran cannot block Facebook forever Iran will not be able to keep up forever its ban on legal access to Internet hubs such as Facebook, which has four million Iranian users, Culture Minister Ali Janati said Sunday.Farzaneh Moradi, A 26 Year Old Woman, Was Hanged for Murdering Husband She Was Forced to Marry at 15 "Farzaneh (Razieh) Moradi (26) was hanged in the prison of Isfahan this morning- She was convicted of murdering her husband, to whom she had been married to at the age of 15. Farzaneh's daughter is 10 year old and has not seen her mother since she was arrested six years ago...Farzaneh Moradi, was convicted of murdering her husband six years ago. At the beginning she confessed to the murder but later she said that it was another man identified as Saeed who had committed the murder. However, the court didn't accept the new explanation and sentenced her to death (qisas, retribution in kind). According to the Iranian law, the only way to save her life was if the family of the offended pardoned her." |
"Protocols" still a popular topic in Arabic media Posted: 05 Mar 2014 07:00 AM PST After I posted my earlier story from an Egyptian newspaper claiming that anyone who ridicules the supposed AIDS cure devised by the Egyptian Army is actually following Protocol 6 of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, I decided to see if any other Arab media has been pushing that classic antisemitic meme in the past few weeks. Was there even a question? Ma'an Arabic last month published a lengthy op-ed that went through the entire fake history of the Protocols, except, of course, the author was serious. An Iraqi paper reported a bizarre story (really, rumor) that a convoy of 60 trucks from Jordan meant to supply al Qaeda terrorists in Syria mysteriously disappeared. However, it mentions that they were supporting the Jewish plot to expand Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates, as the Protocols says. A Syrian government news site also went through the history of the Protocols and also accused Syrian rebels of adhering to the text. Palestinian Arab Quds Press also has a lengthy description of the Protocols and the Israeli government is following them to a T. During the same timeframe, there was not one article disputing the truth of the famous forgery. |
Another Iranian arms ship intercepted Posted: 05 Mar 2014 04:47 AM PST Haaretz reports: Israeli naval forces on Wednesday intercepted an Iranian arms vessel carrying medium-range missiles in the Red Sea, about 930 miles from the Israeli coast. The shipment was headed for the Gaza Strip via Sudan.Times of Israel says the rockets have a range of 200 km, not 100. IDF video of the background: IDF video (via Haaretz) of the weapons on the ship: Iran has not been too friendly towards Hamas in the past year, so it seems likely that this shipment was not meant for Hamas - but for Islamic Jihad. Hamas is regularly criticized for being too peaceful, as both Fatah and more extreme terror groups like to point out that the "Islamic Resistance Movement" isn't doing very much resisting. (None of them pretend that the word "resistance "means anything other than violence.) An Islamic Jihad rocket towards Ben Gurion Airport or Haifa would be a better recruiting tool than a hundred of their cheesy videos. There are still some tunnels from Egypt to Gaza that Egypt hasn't found, and Arabic media mentions rumors of terrorists paying Egyptian fishermen to transfer weapons to Gaza boats. |
Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain recall ambassadors to Qatar Posted: 05 Mar 2014 02:13 AM PST From Al Arabiya: In a shock move, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates on Wednesday recalled their envoys to Qatar.Qatar is not only a major benefactor for the Muslim Brotherhood, but it supports Hamas as well. Another victim of Arab antipathy towards Qatar has been Al Jazeera. Egypt arrested three Al Jazeera employees last December, accusing them of "spreading false news and belonging to a terrorist group." Egypt and the Gulf countries are treating Muslim Brotherhood style Islamism as an existential threat. This is the biggest story in the Middle East since the "Arab Spring," in fact it is a direct result of that. When the semblance of unity is patched up again, this will all be blamed on Israel. After all, we learned only a few days ago that a UN report says that internal Arab divisions are primarily because of foreign interference, and the worst perpetrator of that interference is Israel, which has been thwarting Arab unity since before 1948. The only thing Arabs can unify around is, after all, how Israel is to blame for all their problems - including having no unity. |
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