Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Dershowitz eviscerates Jeremy Ben Ami, who sputters in response
- 03/28 Links Pt2: Campus brownshirts rising; An Israeli doctor helps his Palestinian neighbors
- The insanity of further prisoner releases (guest post)
- 03/28 Links Pt1: Arabs No Longer Take Obama Seriously; Another outrageous UN appointment
- Work accident!
- Zvi's news roundup
- How PCUSA twists history to justify their hate of Israel
Dershowitz eviscerates Jeremy Ben Ami, who sputters in response Posted: 28 Mar 2014 03:34 PM PDT From Haaretz: J Street's hypocrisy must be exposed Now look at Ben-Ami's "response" where he doesn't respond at all: ...Instead of organizing to meet this existential threat, some on the far right of the American Jewish community are focusing their effort and their fire in a different direction – on members of their own community. In particular, there is a new well-funded and energetic campaign to defame and delegitimize J Street, centered on an hour-long attack-umentary called the "J Street Challenge." Amazing, no? |
03/28 Links Pt2: Campus brownshirts rising; An Israeli doctor helps his Palestinian neighbors Posted: 28 Mar 2014 01:00 PM PDT From Ian: Caroline Glick: Campus brownshirts rising The members of the student government should be applauded for their moral and intellectual courage. Although no democracy can long survive without a citizenry capable of displaying such strength of convictions and basic decency, these characteristics are becoming all too rare on campuses. Indeed it is the rarity of such devotion to truth that makes the council members' behavior so heartening.What La Presse Didn't Tell you About Anti-Israel Activist Max Blumenthal Max Blumenthal is an American provocateur, radical activist and author of a new book whose extremist views appeal primarily to far left and fringe elements. Along with a tendency for being caught inventing facts, Blumenthal asserts Israel must choose between forced exodus and forced assimilation in a greater Arab society. Yet, despite Blumenthal's outrageous views, he was introduced to La Presse readers as a mainstream journalist and respected author, in an interview by Nicholas Berubé. His radical pedigree was an important piece of information that was entirely ignored.European Boycotts of West Bank Products Based on Faulty Premises If the Israeli presence in the West Bank, and the "settlements" from 1967 on, are the root cause of the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, then why does Article 14 of the 1964 PLO Charter call for the destruction of all of Israel? The stateless people in the Middle East you've never heard of Like the other Arab governments, the Kuwaitis are a harsh, unsentimental bunch. Ironically, the Palestinians know this only too well: in 1991, after a U.S.-led coalition liberated oil-rich Kuwait from Iraqi occupation, the entire Palestinian population there was accused of having collaborated with Saddam Hussein. The fact that some did and that many others did not didn't matter. Over a six-month period, around 200,000 Palestinians were booted out of the emirate in a campaign of violence and terror. PLO leader Yasser Arafat, in a rare moment of candor, asserted that Kuwait's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians was "worse than what has been done by Israel to Palestinians in the occupied territories."Is 'Moderate Islam' an Oxymoron? "True" Islam, so the narrative goes, is intrinsically free of anything "bad." It's the nut-jobs who hijack it for their own agenda that are to blame.Munther Isaac Tells Antisemitic Joke at CATC Peacemaking Conference, Gets Laugh Isaac, a Palestinian Christian and CATC conference organizer who is about to receive his Ph.D. from the Oxford Center for Mission Studies, spoke on the night of Thursday, March 13, 2014, the second to last day of the conference. The scripture he was using in his talk was the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37), which tells the story of a man being robbed and left for dead by the side of the road.BBC's Abualouf promotes Hamas "fishermen" PR line In other words, Israeli counter-smuggling measures along the Gaza Strip coast are within the terms of an agreement signed with the internationally recognised representative of the Palestinian people – the Palestinian Authority.Guardian Deletes Letter Accusing IDF of Attacking a Palestinian Wedding Party We were recently alerted to the following entry in a March 25th edition of the Guardian's Corrections and Clarifications:Peter Beaumont continues Guardian tradition of callously ignoring Israeli terror victims As CAMERA reported, Barghouti is also widely considered to have been one of the main leaders in the Palestinian campaign of violence during the 2nd Intifada and helped found and lead the Fatah-based militias (the Tanzim and the Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades) which carried out numerous deadly suicide attacks.Name meaning 'Kills Jews' raises ire There is a town in Spain called Castrillo Matajudios, and in Colombia "Matajudios" is a common surname.'German recluse Gurlitt to return Nazi-looted art' Germany has faced criticism from around the world for failing to publish immediately the full list of artworks, for keeping silent for nearly two years about the trove and for potentially having had no legal right to seize the pieces.Internet tycoon under fire for Hitler-signed 'Mein Kampf' A German-born Internet tycoon who is fighting extradition from New Zealand to the United States for racketeering is under fire for admitting he owns a rare signed copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf.Denmark marks 200th anniversary of royal proclamation granting Jews equal rights Last year, Denmark and Israel commemorated the 70th anniversary of the rescue of Denmark's Jews in October 1943, when Danes helped 7,000 Jews in their Nazi-occupied country escape to Sweden and thereby avoid deportation to concentration camps.US' Overseas Private Investment Corporation approves $250 M loan for Ashalim CSP plant in Israel The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), a U.S. Government's development finance institution, has approved a $250 million loan for the Ashalim 2 Concentrated Solar Power plant being built in Israel.Blue-and-White Water Revolution On Its Way to Several U.S. States The Times of Israel reports that in addition to helping California address its water shortage – Israel Desalination Enterprises is building the largest desalination plant in the Western Hemisphere in San Diego – Israeli technology is helping a number of other states and localities meet their water requirementsPing Identity snaps up mobile security start-up Accells Israeli mobile security start-up Accells Technologies was acquired this week by US cloud security firm Ping Identity – itself on Forbes' 2013 list of Most Promising Companies. Terms of the deal were not announced. Described by Ping as "a pioneer in context-based mobile authentication," Accells will continue developing in its office in Petah Tikvah, continuing to develop its mobile authentication system.Chief Scientist: Israeli nanotech set to make commercial leap Nanotechnology, in Israel and around the world, could be called a "verge" technology — as in, "it's on the verge of breaking out into many industries, and revolutionizing them," according to Israel's Chief Scientist, Avi Hasson. Speaking exclusively to The Times of Israel on the sidelines of the NanoIsrael 2014 conference in Tel Aviv, Hasson said that after almost a decade of painstaking research, "we in Israel are ready for the next level – the widespread commercialization of nanotechnology.India-Israel Agriculture Cooperation: The quiet revolution Away from the glare of media attention, away from the limelight of jet-set diplomacy – a revolution is taking place. It offers no allure, no spectacular footage, but a revolution nevertheless.Hen Mazzig: The power of Hope Hen Mazzig, StandWithUs Northwest's Israeli representative, is an energetic, engaging, tremendous representative of Israel's next generation. Hen is a former lieutenant in a unit called COGAT, and worked as an intermediary between the the IDF and the Palestinian Authority (the PA) the UN, and the many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that work in the West Bank. Hen's unit was responsible for overseeing the construction of medical facilities, schools, environmental projects, roads, and water-related infrastructure in the Palestinians, and part of the Palestinian Authority for security coordination with the Palestinian Security Forces.Israel Aerospace Industries Order Book at $10 Billion Israel's primary aerospace and aviation manufacturer, Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd., on Thursday said its order book stood at $10 billion, a record, with $3 billion expected to be completed in 2014, and 85% of the new business from exports, according to Israel's Globes business daily.Full Itinerary for Pope Francis Trip to Israel Released Contrary to reports, the ongoing Foreign Ministry strike may end in the coming weeks, and, even if it were to continue, the work stoppage would not impact the Papal visit, sources said. Other measures have been taken by various arms of the Israeli government and relevant non-profits to enable the trip to proceed, the sources said. They added that to meet the Pope's expectations for the trip, a meeting with Israeli President Shimon Peres, a personal friend, was a must-have, meaning that the trip would have to move forward before Peres retires this year.A settlement doctor reaches out to his Palestinian neighbor "Everyone in Wadi Nis knows me," he said, navigating his way through the village's bumpy alleyways. "There's almost not a family here I haven't treated; many children whose lives I've saved. From day one I saw it as an important value to help the Palestinians in the towns around us."Israel Daily Picture: "Austrian" or "Australian," What's the Difference? Plenty If You Were a Soldier Fighting in Palestine in WWI World War I was not only waged in Europe, but across the Middle East as well. The armies of Turkey, Germany and Austria fought the British Empire's armies from Britain, Australia, New Zealand and India. The Austrian soldiers in the picture above marched into Jerusalem in 1916. |
The insanity of further prisoner releases (guest post) Posted: 28 Mar 2014 11:00 AM PDT From Elinu Stone: I have seen reports that the government decided not to go through with release of prisoners. That seems excellent news. Of course, the Palestinians are painting this as: 1) a failure on our part to abide by our commitments. 2) a slap by us to America. (This seems a particularly ridiculous time to have our foreign ministry on strike…) Israel's commitments to sacrifice are not made in a vacuum – that there were specific conditions made for this commitment and the Palestinians broke their promises first. They negotiated in bad faith and they are the ones slapping the Americans. We tired to death of being played for suckers in a desperate hope that our concessions will bring peace or even the mere opportunity to talk about peace. The continued and incessant incitement which was part and parcel of the first three releases show the true intent of the Palestinians. the routine and insistent praise heaped by the "moderate" PA leadership upon murderous thugs – who are touted as heroes and role models by PA state organs and media – and whose acts of murder and mayhem against innocent civilians are praised as "resistance" – is nothing short of abominable. It is utterly wrong, heinous and despicable. Furthermore, we will not be a party to the ruination of yet another generation of Palestinian society. The continued glorification of convicted murderers – precisely for their murderous deeds in particular-- can never end well and bodes disaster as much for Palestinians as for Jews and Israel. In regard to Abbas' threat to pursue international recognition via UN bodies it is most significant that Abbas chose last week to deny Jews' right to pray at the Kotel. Out of every state in the Middle East, only in Israel is there reliable institutionalized protection of all religions' holy places. Indeed it is sui generis that Jews have restricted their own rights to pray at their own holiest sites in order to avoid inflaming others' sensibilities – I would submit that this behavior is as ineffective as it is morally obtuse. I find it incredible that I, as Jew, cannot even visit my forefather Isaac's tomb, because the Palestinians who have no connection to Isaac have usurped that tomb in particular. While Abraham - who is holy to Islam- is buried in the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, all the others buried there are connected to the Jewish – rather than Islamic - narrative of the Land. Yishmael (Ishmael) is not buried in the Cave of the Patriarchs. And yet – we have a time sharing arrangement between Jews and Moslems, there. That is not enough for the Arabs – who are now railing against even the possibility of such an arrangement on the Temple Mount. Territorial exchanges, the release of convicted murderers and unilateral building freezes will neither resolve this issue nor move the Arab/Palestinian position on it one millimeter. There is no freedom of religion in Arab countries – they simply do not understand the concept. They also have not a scintilla of respect for real democracy. In this context, the fact that Abbas went to the Arab League to have it rubber stamp the absolute refusal to recognize Israel as the Jewish state - (not a new idea, as it was the basis for UN resolution 181 in 1947 – which the Arabs all rejected) – indicates that the Arab/Israeli conflict still continues. There is no Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The Palestinians are merely proxies for the continuation of the Arab/Israeli conflict under a new conceptual framework. After 1967 the Arabs understood that it would be nearly impossible to beat Israel by sheer force of arms. The 22 member states of the Arab League also realized that, in a world where being the perceived underdog provides immense soft power – and that public opinion can be mustered to cause interference with the progress of armed conflicts, they could not hope to win public sympathy if they were perceived as monolith ganging up on Israel – 22 against 1. Therefore, they carefully cultivated the image of an asymmetrical conflict – not one that pitted 22 oil- rich and largely despotic Arab states against Israel – but rather one where the poor, stateless "democratic" Palestinians are the opponent of the Goliath - Israel. The Saudis even put forward a 'comprehensive' peace plan, that could never be accepted by all parties. The Arabs don't care about the Palestinians one whit –except insofar as their status can be used as a weapon against Israel. (A quick look at what is happening in Palestinian camps in Syria makes that point with sinus-clearing certainty.) As the Palestinians move for statehood in the UN bodies we should emphasize strongly that they are talking about a 23rd Arab state, that will be Islamic and forever opposed to any religious freedom for Jews – and anyone else. The PLO charter still calls for the destruction of Israel and remains subject to an approval process that can never result in its approval. Abbas has pledged never, ever to accept a Jewish state – and to put any concessions at all through an "approval process" involving every Palestinian in the world. Clearly, Abbas has no intention of moving toward peace and is leading everyone who believes otherwise by the nose. Our refusal to release convicted terrorists at this juncture sends an important message that we will no longer make unilateral concessions that the Palestinians can simply pocket and then ask for more. The ratcheting strategy they have used so far must be called for what it is – and stymied. There appears no good will on the Palestinian side and none has ever been cultivated by Abbas or the other Arab states. They should be called on this, in public. Unless there is mutuality there will be never be any hope for a negotiated peace here. UN bodies should understand that granting legitimacy to yet another rejectionist Arab state will do nothing but exacerbate problems here and world-wide. Abbas should be called to account. Finally, if President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry still choose to coddle Abu Mazen in the mistaken hope of salvaging the current process, we should continue to speak the truth, firmly and clearly. I do not believe that we will be isolated if we articulate our position with resolve. We should look to Netanyahu's 2011 address of a joint session of Congress where he ably reiterated all the main points of contention in this conflict - and did a particularly good job of setting out our right to be recognized as a Jewish state, specifically. Of the scores of standing ovations Netanyahu received during his address, a particularly strong one - some 18 seconds - is evident when he noted specifically that the failure of the peace process was squarely due to the refusal of the Arabs - and Palestinians in particular - to recognize Israel as a Jewish State. What I [EoZ] am afraid of is that Israel will reject the prisoner release, MKs will strut about how they stopped it, and then the government will buckle under to pressure from the US. So they will lose the advantages of not releasing them, look like their resolve is paper-thin and also lose the (relatively slight) goodwill advantage of releasing them. I would be very surprised if this is not what happens. |
03/28 Links Pt1: Arabs No Longer Take Obama Seriously; Another outrageous UN appointment Posted: 28 Mar 2014 09:00 AM PDT From Ian: Sarah Honig: Some are more equal Quite clearly, the US president and secretary of state don't subscribe to George Orwell's ever-relevant observation that "If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."Khaled Abu Toameh: Arabs No Longer Take Obama Administration Seriously There is a feeling among many Arabs and Palestinians that the Obama Administration has no clue as to what it wants from the Arab world. They point out that the Obama Administration has failed in its policies toward several Arab countries, especially Egypt, Libya and Syria.Hillel Neuer: Another outrageous UN appointment Bowing to new pressure from the powerful Arab Group in the race to replace controversial official Richard Falk, the president of the U.N. Human Rights Council has decided to ignore the vetting committee's official choice, and instead appoint Christine Chinkin — co-author of the Goldstone Report, and a law professor at the London School of Economics – as the UN's next special rapporteur on "Israel's violations of the bases and principles of international law." UN blasts Israel, Hillel Neuer calls out hypocrisy of Russia, Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey Meet the New Special Rapporteur, Same as the Old Special Rapporteur Falk was always going to be a tough act to follow. This is the man who has accused the Jewish state of "slouching toward nothing less than a Palestinian Holocaust." Yet, the monitoring group UN Watch has complied a rogues gallery of some of the other candidates. Many had their money on Falk's friend and close associate Phyllis Bennis who assisted Falk in compiling a number of his reports, some of which were so pro-Hamas that the Palestinian Authority actually blocked Falk from presenting one of them.UN body panned for unprecedented anti-Israel resolution The Anti-Defamation League said Wednesday that a resolution expected to be passed by the United Nations Human Rights Council later this week goes beyond the international community's ordinary criticism of the settlements, is akin to a call for boycotts against Israel, and jeopardizes the current peace talks.Peace Now Activists Confused By UN Resolutions Not Mentioning Israel (satire) Israeli organizations opposed to Israel's settlements and policies toward the Palestinians expressed puzzlement today after the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly condemned North Korea and Russia, respectively, without singling out Israel for opprobrium. The organizations said they remain at a loss to explain why anyone would want to focus on the faults of countries other than Israel.JPost Editorial: Prisoners for peace? Abbas's Kuwait performance was another example of how depressingly little goodwill there is on the side of the Palestinians. Recognition is an issue on which the Palestinians could have shown flexibility.Israel delays prisoner release due for Saturday night Israel will not release a fourth batch of 26 Palestinian security prisoners Saturday night as stipulated under the framework deal that led to the renewal of negotiations last July.Outgoing security adviser: 'Palestinians haven't budged' Amidror highlighted the importance of Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. Such recognition, he said, is not important for Israel — which will continue defining itself as it wishes — but for Palestinian society, to "close the issue of 1948," or the very existence of Israel.PA Minister: There Will be 'Protests' if Terrorists Not Released Qaraqe said that he holds Israel responsible for the consequences of not releasing the terrorists on time, warning of the "anger in the Palestinian street."BBC already setting the scene for ME talks collapse The BBC fails to inform readers that the prisoner releases were from the very beginning tied to the talks' progress – of which there has been little to date – as explained by the Israeli prime minister to his electorate last July.Canada: Talks should consider Jewish refugees from Arab states The Canadian government reiterated its position that the fate of Jewish refugees from Arab countries should be considered in any final peace deal with the Palestinians, but hinted that the current negotiations should be allowed to proceed without the issue complicating them.The new "treasure map" to Bedouin landholdings In the fall of 2013 the organization Rabbis for Human Rights boasted that it found new evidence about Bedouin land rights in the Negev. On November 24th, they published their report "primary Zionist document reveals Bedouin ownership." They were so sure of themselves they even posted the 1920 report on the net. Pro-Bedouin researchers Ahmed Amara, Oren Yiftachel and Sandy Kedar then published an op-ed in Haaretz, mentioning this document and claiming that the Negev "never belonged to the state" and "Bedouin claims stand on firm historical and legal problems." Unfortunately the newly revealed document doesn't show anything of the sort.Haifa's new subterranean hospital runs major drill When the missiles were falling on Haifa during the 2006 Second Lebanon War with Hezbollah, Israelis scurried down to bomb shelters. But not everyone was able to make it down to safety; the elderly, the infirm, and especially those hospitalized in northern Israel had no choice but to hunker down and pray that Hezbollah's missiles missed them.Israel Allows 500 Truckloads of Building Material to Enter Gaza for Turkish Hospital Israel's Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon on Thursday accepted the recommendation of Major General Yoav Mordechay, Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), to approve the entry of construction materials, electrical equipment, telecoms and plumbing materials to assist and support the construction of a Turkish hospital in Gaza.Hamas in Gaza Takes War Against Israel Underground, Literally With that in mind, Hamas has taken great pains to keep the underground channels secret from the prying eyes and ears of Israeli intelligence, always substantial in Gaza. In October, after Israeli troops discovered a mile-long tunnel, Haniyeh said "thousands of heroes have been working in silence, below ground, to prepare for the coming battles in Palestine." But an Israeli official says that in the interests of operational security in fact only about 100 fighters are involved, carefully vetted from Hamas' military wing. Precautions around the digging itself sound like scenes familiar to prison escape movies: The work is slow, in order to prevent detection by Israeli surveillance. In any given moment only between five to seven people work underground, says the Israeli official. The waste and dirt are evacuated in sacks and boxes in order not to raise suspicion.Egyptian citizenship was granted by Morsi to 13,000 Hamas members Egypt has accused the Hamas regime of harboring Brotherhood leaders in the Gaza Strip. On March 1, Brotherhood deputy guide Mahmoud Ezzat was said to have been killed in a shootout in a hotel near Gaza City.Syrian Violence Spills Into Turkey, Lebanon As Hezbollah Tries to Boost Image Violence generated by the Syrian conflict spilled across both the Turkish and Lebanese borders on Monday and into Tuesday, deepening worries not just that chaos will splash beyond Syria but also that other actors may be drawn into the fighting.UN: Syria refugee crisis poses major threat to Lebanese stability An influx of almost 1 million refugees from Syria into neighboring Lebanon poses a serious threat to the already fragile country, but donor nations may not grasp the potential impact of further destabilization, a UN official said on Thursday.Erdogan, Israel and the upcoming Turkish municipal elections Erdogan has been in power since 2003, and has a track record on Israel, and it is a sorry track record that has essentially destroyed the political and security elements – though not the business components – of a once thriving relationship.Turkey calls Syria security leak 'villainous,' blocks YouTube Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday denounced as "villainous" the leaking of a recording of top security officials discussing possible military action in Syria to the video-sharing site YouTube. |
Posted: 28 Mar 2014 07:30 AM PDT A 20-year old Hamas member was accidentally killed by a gunshot, according to the Al Qassam Brigades of Hamas. The English announcement says: Ezzedeen Al Qassam Brigades (E.Q.B) the military wing of the Islamic resistance movement Hamas, mourned on Friday, March 29th, 2014, the death of the Qassam member Hamza Ayman Abu Eid (20), from Al Qarara city – South of Gaza Strip. According to reports, he shot himself in the head. It is remarkable that for all the "ethnic cleansing" Israel is supposedly engaged in, terrorists in Gaza manage to kill more of each other and their fellow citizens than the IDF does. By my count, about 12 people - mostly terrorists - have been killed in Gaza so far this year from "work accidents" and rockets falling short. |
Posted: 28 Mar 2014 05:30 AM PDT From Zvi: Ariel University, located in Samaria and "boycotted" according to EU guidelines for being over the 1949 Armistice line, has started a new initiative: a prayer room for Muslim Arab students.Roughly 600 Arab students are enrolled at the Samaria-based university, which has sustained that number since at least 2011. The Arab students make up roughly a fifth of the student body. Nevertheless, MK Ahmed Tibi (Raam-Taal) refused interviews with students of the university's communications department last November, calling them a "settler station."An Arab student who led the initiative stated "we obligated ourselves not to hold any political activity in the prayer room. We really don't intend to hold political activities or incitement of any kind. ...If we wanted to incite, we would have done that a long time ago."Ariel University's chancellor in 2012 emphasized only students loyal to Israel were accepted, noting that every student, Jew or Arab, is required to take a course in Judaism, Zionism or Israel each semester."If the university opposed the process, it would have harmed the principle of equality, and we could have even taken it to the Supreme Court," noted an Arab student. "We were glad that our request was received immediately and we were told that the process is underway." #BDSFail Today's BDSFail's come from China, Intel, Windsor (update) and Georgia. The Tourism Ministry forecasts that the number of Chinese visitors will surge 60% this year to 40,000 as Israel tries to take a bigger bite into the more than $100 billion that Chinese tourists spend annually. OrCam's [smartglasses] product helps blind and visually-impaired customers by using audio feedback to relay visual information.OrCam's system uses a small wearable computer that is clipped onto a pair of glasses. With the help of a five-megapixel camera, the computer uses audio feedback to relay visual information that the user can't see. Priced at $2,500, the device can read text, and with the help of the user it can be taught to recognize faces and objects. The issue was scheduled for discussion at a UWSA council meeting Thursday night.Prior to the meeting, UWSA president Rob Crawford said: "In my opinion, we cannot ratify (the referendum) because it was not legitimate." Meanwhile, true to form, the BDS crowd are making inflammatory statements claiming that pro-Israel national politicians are responsible for this #BDSFail. Most of the comments beneath the article are severely critical of the BDS crowd. "I think this program should be studied by police departments from around the world," [Robert R. Friedman, director of the Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange and professor emeritus of criminal justice at Georgia State University] said. "Virtually every department I have brought to Israel has adopted a number of elements in Israel's model with great success." Honestly, I think that the point of ITAR-TASS's publishing this story was to piss off Obama and the EU. Amid reports that Turkey and Israel may be on the verge ofreconciling ties, Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon approved plans by Turkey to construct a hospital in the Gaza Strip, authorities announced on Thursday. On Friday, two local Arabs were captured by the IDF after they breached the Gaza security fence. The two were heading towards Israel for intents that remain unclear. Here's a suggestion for the Palestinians. Stop killing your girls. When this trend became apparent last year, the Palestinian Minister of Women's Affairs, Rabiha Diab, blamed….Israel: "The Israeli occupation is the one practising the utmost violence … it's the main thing keeping us from advancing."I would argue that the main thing keeping them from advancing is their refusal to take responsibility for anything, and to blame Israel reflexively no matter what. (Thanks, Zvi, but that was written by me! - EoZ) Quirky The interviewer gets to Israel in the last 3rd of the interview. "It's an amazing country. Every time I come there, things are changing. It's an incredible place,"...And of course the music is always there… . Oh, and, ummmm, at 16:20 or so, he plays Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on a kitchen blender… . |
How PCUSA twists history to justify their hate of Israel Posted: 28 Mar 2014 02:00 AM PDT I finally got a copy of "Zionism Unsettled," the Presbyterian Church USA's 80-page "study guide" to teach Presbyterians how awful Israel is that was in the news a month ago. Others have done a good job showing how bad it is - and it is very bad. For example:
I thought it would be helpful to reproduce the PCUSA's timeline of the region's history to show how easy it is to lie with facts and factoids - when you get to select which ones to use. Like all anti-Israel histories of the conflict, they start with the 19th century. Jewish people living in the Land of Israel from Biblical times aren't good to mention because that undercuts the fundamental argument that the land is Arab land that Jews came and took away. And the "First Aliya" was hardly the first wave of Jews to return to Israel. They came throughout the centuries, perhaps not in waves but there was always a desire in Jewish culture to return. Major rabbis made "aliya" from Babylonia to the Land of Israel in the 2nd-5th centuries CE. They never stopped coming. Also not mentioned is that the large majority of Palestinian Arabs in this timeframe did not want an independent state but they wanted to be part of Syria, just to forestall the possibility of a Jewish state. Then, as now, the point was not to establish a state but to end one. Notice anything missing? They don't want to mention the deadly anti-Jewish attacks in 1920, 1921 and of course the pogroms in 1929 where many Jews lost their lives and many more lost their homes. Yes, Jews were driven out of their homes by Arabs (in Jaffa, Hebron, parts of Jerusalem and elsewhere) long before the "nakba." Yet only one set of people have rights according to PCUSA. The 1936-9 revolt was not only against Jewish immigration - it was against Jews altogether. It was a violent uprising and hundreds were killed. Not worth mentioning, of course. Here the writers are engaging in sophisticated deception. Zionism of course predates the Holocaust and by the eve of World War II there was already a functioning Jewish government in Palestine in readiness for statehood. No such parallel government existed on the Arab side. But PCUSA wants to frame Israel's founding completely as a result of the Holocaust, with the implication that the Arabs did nothing to deserve suffering at the hands of the Holocaust victims. Of course, the Holocaust contributed to the urgency of establishing a haven for Jews (as well as Western reticence at accepting hundreds of thousands of refugees) but the timeline minimizes Zionism's pre-war accomplishments. The last item is a lie. There were certainly not 250,000 Arabs displaced by any Jews by mid-December, 1947. In fact, before the partition vote Jews were forced out of their homes in Jaffa in August 1947 - once again, the first victims were Jews. Arabs shot at the Jews from minarets of mosques. Tens of thousands of Arabs did flee at the first attacks of Arabs against Jews in the hours after the partition vote. They remembered 1936-39 and those who had the means decided to flee to Lebanon and elsewhere to sit out the fighting. It was completely voluntary. Why put "war of liberation" in scare quotes? Well, if you don't believe that Jews have a right to their historic land, then it isn't liberation, is it? Plan Dalet is not described here, but it is certainly being misrepresented as a plan to ethnically cleanse Arabs. This is a lie. Deir Yassin is mentioned - but not the Hadassah hospital convoy massacre a few days later which had a similar number of victims. How's that for bias? Why is the UN adopting the UDHR mentioned here? Obviously because PCUSA claims that Jews violated it - and not Arabs. Wars just somehow break out. Nothing about incessant fedayeen attacks on Israel in the 1950s and 1960s. Nothing about Arab threats to annihilate Israel and throw the Jews into the sea. Nothing about Yasir Arafat's first terror attack in 1965, before "occupation." Nothing about how the original PLO charter specifically excluded the West Bank and Gaza from its goals. Nothing about Israel warning Jordan to stay out of the war, but Jordan attacking anyway - and losing the West Bank. No, we cannot have Jews feeling real fear, can we? In the text of the booklet, PCUSA says "Sadat had taken the initiative by his historic trip to Jerusalem in November 1977. Begin resisted responding to Sadat's peace initiative until public pressure forced his hand." This is a flat-out lie. Israel responded to Sadat's speech in Cairo within hours with an invitation to Jerusalem. Begin had made numerous contacts with his Arab neighbors to negotiate peace between entering office and Sadat's trip to Jerusalem. Who massacred the Arabs in Sabra/Shatila? PCUSA implies it is Israel, because they haven't said a word about Lebanese Christians, so who else could it be? The 1994 entry shows how one can write a completely factual statement and still lie. The first Arab suicide attack in Israel was in 1989 and it killed 16 people- but it wasn't a bomb. There were two other suicide attacks against Israelis in 1993 - but they were in Judea and Samaria. PCUSA mentions the Hebron massacre first to imply that Palestinian Arab terror was in reaction to it. That is clearly not true. But they only publish the facts that make their anti-Israel case. There were dozens of terror attacks during the 1990s. Over 150 Israelis were killed in suicide bombings. Not worth mentioning. But PCUSA wants to imply that the second intifada was the result of Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount - in reality is was an excuse, not a cause. Israel's peace offers in 2000 and 2001 (and 2007) that were rejected by the Palestinian Arabs are not mentioned. The unacceptable Arab League proposal which could have destroyed the Jewish state demographically is highlighted, so Israel alone appears rejectionist. Notice that Hamas is not mentioned here as a terrorist or even an Islamist group. Hamas rejected the roadmap outright, but that is not worth mentioning either. Ah, so Hamas has some militants -but they only attack Fatah militants. They never do anything bad to their oppressor Jews. Not a single mention of thousands of Hamas rockets being shot at Israeli civilians. Not a mention of who started the war in Gaza (by calling it a war on Gaza PCUSA is purposefully ignoring the Gaza rockets during the war.) This is only the tip of the iceberg, but the pattern is clear - PCUSA will not write up any history that makes Israeli Jews look like anything but a bloodthirsty aggressors hell bent on dominating and controlling poor, innocent Arabs. (It will not mention that some IDF soldiers, politicians and diplomats are Arab and Druze, because they want to imply that Jewish exceptionalism - a major theme of the booklet - is responsible for all ills.) If anything contradicts that narrative it must not be mentioned. People who are not familiar with the real history of the region see a timeline and they assume that it must be an accurate portrayal of history. Yet the lies and omissions are all in the same direction - to demonize Israel and to whitewash Arab threats and terror, which are virtually nonexistent in the 80 pages of the booklet. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how Israel-haters lie with cherry-picked facts. (h/t Ari) |
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