Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- The lies about the "Palestinian footballers"
- A 2-year old dies from a Gaza rocket explosion
- Gershon Rosenzweig's "Tractate Amerika"
- 03/16 Links: Johansson hails SodaStream as a ‘model’; Eight Crucial Questions for Abbas
- Kerry frustrated at peace framework between Jews and Amalekites in Persian Empire
- The Na-Nachs (video)
- Islamic Jihad celebrating its "victory," Hamas scrambling to appear tough
- List of most popular and notable EoZ videos
The lies about the "Palestinian footballers" Posted: 16 Mar 2014 05:35 PM PDT Bob Knot in the comments has a tour de force of investigative journalism that destroys the recent libel claiming that Israeli troops fired on the feet of "Palestinian football players" and exposes the people using that incident to disqualify Israel from FIFA as liars. Here I reproduce the comment as a single post. I found the news about the two young "Palestinian" footballers that were shot by Israeli border police and the growing demands to ban Israel from International competitions upsetting. I know that Zionists "control the world" and all that; there is nothing really to fear, but still, I had to dig up information on the incident. It would seem that the anti-Zionist Jew-hating camp never miss an opportunity to demonize and smear Israel . Dusty of Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers wrote about this new libel here and so did Edgar of Confronting anti-Semitism and Israel hatred on his blog here . Unfortunately, it is not enough. A quick note first and then on with the findings; there was one detail that both Dusty and Edgar were incorrect about in otherwise excellent articles: the two "Palestinian" boys were first treated for their injuries in Hadassah Hospital and were released after four days. Their families checked them then in into a medical facility in Ramallah to be later transferred to King Hussein Medical Center in Amman. Conflicting reports The Arabic media first reported on this shooting incident two days after it took place and only after a lawyer for the "Palestinian Ministry of Detainees" got involved. Now, as is often the case in the "Palestinian" world of distortions and lies, there are several conflicting reports on this incident , all disregarding the Israeli Border Police statement . Notice how Ma'an published two different versions: "Adam Abd al-Rouf Jamous, 17, and Jawhar Nasser al-Din Halbieh, 19, were mauled by police dogs after Israeli forces opened fire on them without warning near al-Zayyem checkpoint near Abu Dis east of Jerusalem on January 30, Barghouth said. And then… "Jawhar Nasser Jawhar, 19, and Adam Abd al-Raouf Halabiya, 17, were shot by Israeli soldiers as they were walking home from a training session in the Faisal al-Husseini Stadium in al-Ram in the central West Bank on Jan. 31." (Ma'an News Agency, Published Friday 14/02/2014 (updated) 16/02/2014 11:54, emphasis added) Questions Did the incident take place on the 30th or on the 31st of January? Were the two visiting a friend's home as initially reported or were they returning home from training? Does the Abu Dis Youth Club train in Al-Ram? Was there actually a training session in the Faisal Al-Husseini International Stadium on the 3oth? What about the cigarettes story, why was it changed? Why did Ma'an publish a different version ten days after the first one? Just look at this map , it is practically unlikely that they traveled from Al-Ram to Abu Dis at night. The many open questions and holes in the news reports should cast serious doubts about the validity of the "Palestinian" version. Any serious journalist would have looked into the circumstances that led to the boys' injuries, verify the information, and only then publish the story. That is apparently not the way people that are out to demonize Israel work. Let's face it; facts are irrelevant, a little research and integrity are not required when the ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel. Love of the game The Nation, Mondoweiss, and others based their libel and calls for FIFA to kick out Israel on the latest Ma'an article because racism and violence have no place in football. Thumbs up for that, Israelis believe the same; let's find out more about these two young, innocent, "footballers", their club, and what does their "training" entail? Joher is very proud of his training kit, he happily shared a photo of the 2013 edition with the fans. Posing for the fans with the away kit is part of the job : The DFLP team members like to hang out with their own kind : Actually, team bonding is a favorite activity. Here is Joher during a DFLP march: Joher's love or the club knows no limits: "Resistance is the only way for national unity, and to liberate the homeland" Joher is a motivator, here is what he had to say at a December 1, 2013 team talk: "The revolution continues, and the uprising coming to bring freedomand liberty and life" (Translated by Bing) Working on a new throw-in technique? Joher posted a photo that was taken during an open training session Adam Johar is a member of the same squad. The national resistance brigades, the armed wing of the Democratic Front in Abu Dis Red Fort posted a message of encouragement to both comrades . Adam is ambitious, he invested in a special skill development training course . Here is Adam in a one-on-one session with the coach . What are the odds that the two were shot at while participating in a riot that included throwing firebombs at the Israeli border police? Wait. Before you place your bets, I will share another piece of information about Joher's police before ... Remember the border police statement? "During operational activity, a group of individuals (emphasis added) What say you, little terrorists or innocent footballers? Injuries Ten bullets were put into Jawhar's feet. Adam took one bullet in each foot.(Dave Zirin on March 3, 2014) They shot them repeatedly in the feet(Annie Robbins on March 5, 2014) Complete lies. There are many photos and videos online documenting their injuries in detail but not a single one of those show a foot injury; study their feet to your heart's content: Beat them and broke their knees(Annie Robbins on March 5, 2014) February 16, 2014 (that is nearly 3 weeks before the Mondo libel was published): "Thankfully the results of MRI fully, no fractures in the knee and wait for tomorrow's doctors to take out the bullet" (Bing Translated) doctors said it may take six months to evaluate if Jawhar or Halabiya will ever be able to walk again(Copy and Paste Editor at Large Annie Robbins on March 5, 2014) Oh, STFU already. Research your topic a little instead of relying on an anti-Semitic propaganda Websites like Ma'an, Qods, and etc. February 21, 2014 near El-Rabahiye, Jordan February 24, 2014 February 25, 2014 "Palestinian" propaganda The two boys have become tools in the "Palestinian" propaganda machine; from the moment of their release from Hadassah Hospital: - visits by many high ranking "Palestinian" officials - conducted numerous interviews with the media - posted many articles, photos and videos to Social Media sites February 5, 2014: The Minister of Prisoners' Affairs, Issa Qaraqe and the Minister of Health, Dr. Jawad Awad (http://www.alarab24.com/palest... February 9, 2014: Maj. Gen. Jibril Rajoub, head of the Palestinian Federation of Football (http://www.alarab24.com/sport/... February 11, 2014: A delegation from the Ministry of Education (http://www.alarab24.com/palest... February 13, 2014: Prince Ali bin Al Hussein and Major General Jibril Rajoub (http://www.alarab24.com/sport/... andhttps://www.facebook.com/Jibri... There were other high profile visits during their stay in Amman; it is all documented in this Facebook group @https://www.facebook.com/group... Peace partner Jibril Rajoub (the Palestinian Football Association) said he will seek the expulsion of Israel from FIFA at the next FIFA Congress in June. Previous gems from Jibril Rajoub include statements like "I swear that if we had a nuke, we'd have used it this very morning," (http://www.israelnationalnews...., that "the resistance will continue" (http://www.israelnationalnews...., and that kidnappings are "the only language that Israel understands," (http://www.timesofisrael.com/f.... Other Israel haters have tried to use this case as evidence of Israel's evil, particularly Max Blumenthal in his recent debate with Richard Landes. As the photos above prove, they are all lying. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A 2-year old dies from a Gaza rocket explosion Posted: 16 Mar 2014 02:00 PM PDT Last week I mentioned a "work accident" that killed 4 Hamas terrorists in Beit Hanoun, and injured several others, in a family house. (Some sources say three were killed.) Today, a 2-year old child who was injured in the explosion died. he was named Mohammed al-Hamadin, the same name as one of the Hamas members who was killed, and the house was owned by that family. According to that article, the terrorists were working on building rockets in their house when it blew up on them. A 62-year old woman also died last Friday from a separate blast with unknown origins in Beit Hanoun the day before. PCHR used to keep track of the people killed in "work accidents," "internal explosions" and the like. They hardly do that any more. They did not report about either of these. The Al Mezan Center for Human Rights likewise has ignored deaths of Arabs because of Palestinian Arab terror groups. Which is funny for organizations that pretend to care about "human rights." Apparently, even they believe that only Arabs killed by Israelis deserve "human rights;" those killed by Arabs are just irritating distractions from the important news. (h/t Yenta) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gershon Rosenzweig's "Tractate Amerika" Posted: 16 Mar 2014 12:00 PM PDT If you take your Jewish humor seriously, this year is the 100th anniversary of the death of Gershon Rosenzweig - an almost forgotten yet brilliant satirist whose crowning work was a parody of the Talmud called Masekhet Amerika (Tractate America), of the Yankai Talmud, published in 1891. Rosenzweig uses his "Talmud" to make a biting commentary on the hard times that Jewish immigrants had to make ends meet. He discusses all aspects of American labor issues at the time, including strikes, "scabs" and mistreatment of workers. (His mention of "scabs" in the context of labor actually refers to a Talmudic page where it talks about real scabs.) In this first page he describes America as a place where thieves, murderers and other criminals can go to start with a clean slate, saying that the word "America" is derived from "memarekes" (cleansing), it cleanses the sins of the people who immigrate there. ![]() If you are interested in some exhaustingly scholarly analysis of Rosenzweig's brilliance, check out these two recent papers by Ephraim Nissan, here and here. Unfortunately they are so scholarly as to drain most of the humor from his work, but Purim is still a good time to recall Gershon Rosensweig. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
03/16 Links: Johansson hails SodaStream as a ‘model’; Eight Crucial Questions for Abbas Posted: 16 Mar 2014 10:00 AM PDT From Ian: Johansson hails SodaStream as a 'model,' slams politicized Oxfam Johansson was vigorous in her response, however. "I stand behind that decision. I was aware of that particular factory before I signed it."Eight Crucial Questions for Abbas (and One for President Obama) There seems to be a double-standard when it comes to how Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Palestinian Authority's erstwhile President, Mahmoud Abbas -- now in the tenth year of his four-year term -- are treated by the Obama White House, as well as by many journalists. While Netanyahu is humiliated, insulted, threatened, and told that he must make "painful concessions" for peace, such as releasing more than 100 terrorists merely to get the Palestinians to come to a negotiating table, Abbas – a facilitator and supporter of these terrorists – is treated with kid gloves, and with Obama virtually begging him to visit.Eugene Kontorovich; "Israel's Borders in International Law" Ya'alon: Abbas is not a partner for peace Speaking to Channel 2, the Likud minister said bitterly that the Palestinian leader was "a partner for taking, but not a partner for giving. He's not a partner for a final agreement, at the end of which there is recognition of Israel's rights as the nation state of the Jewish people, an end of the conflict and an end to all demands. He [Abbas] says this openly," said Ya'alon.Abbas Defiant Ahead of Meeting with Obama Abbas's spokesman, Nabil Abu Rudeineh, said that Abbas plans to speak with Obama on all issues related to the realization of a two-state solution and the establishment of a just and balanced peace that will result in the establishment of an independent Palestinian state whose capital is Jerusalem.Plenty of room at the inn How many times have you heard that early Zionists came to a land already populated, and found the inhabitants 'invisible' in their European arrogance? "A land without a people for a people without a land," they supposedly said, and then proceeded to kick out the people that they hadn't noticed, in order to get their land.Dramatic new announcements by Obama (satire) In celebration of the Jewish festival of Purim President Obama has announced an extension of his policy of rapprochement. In a speech to the Annual Conference of the JfJfEwwtKU organisation (Jews for Justice for Everybody who wants to Kill Us) he said:The failed ethics of the 'ethical boycott' against Israel"Everybody knows that my policy of reaching out to genocidal antisemites, which was so successful with President Assad of Syria and which will also succeed with Iran, is the right thing to do. I therefore now plan to extend this policy beyond just Middle Eastern despots and clerical fascists. Examining the validity of the argument, we first find that there has never been a binding court order to rule that the settlements are illegal. This means that Danske Bank's claim is based on an arbitrary interpretation of the legal situation surrounding the settlements, and not on a legal ruling per se. It is a subjective decision for the Danish bank to join the boycotts rather than a conclusion based on legally binding orders. Of course, every company has the right to cut off business with whomever it wants, but let's be clear about what kind of "legal grounds," or lack thereof, Danske Bank is referring to.#Hashtag – #BDSIsTheNewAntiSemitism After seeing the slanderous lies that they tweet about Israel I decided I'd have some fun and take their tweets and change the wording so that it described them instead of Israeli's.Israel upgrades Apache helicopters after U.S. blocked their modernization The sources said the Air Force was equipping the Apaches with two new electronic warfare systems developed in the Jewish state.Human Rights Watch Hires Michael Bay To Portray Palestinians As Innocent, IDF As Brutal (satire) Human rights activists have also weighed in, praising both Human Rights Watch and Michael Bay for what they hope will provide creative synergy in a field plagued by amateurish demonizing of Israel. "Repurposing a photo of a child killed in the Syrian civil war and recaptioning it as one killed by Israel is about the best we've seen so far from activists in the field," said Amnesty International spokesman Joseph Goebbels. "It's about time we had some actual Hollywood-level direction on the scene to give the results some real punch, instead of just relying on, say, the BBC, to do the work of editing out Palestinian provocations. Don't get me wrong – the BBC is very good, but it's not Michael Bay."Fuel enters Gaza as Kerem Shalom crossing re-opened Deliveries of fuel to the Gaza Strip resumed on Sunday morning as Israeli authorities allowed the Kerem Shalom (Kerem Abu Salem) crossing to re-open, Palestinian crossing officials said.Iran: 'Palestinian Resistance's' missile power now 1,000 times stronger Iran's defense minister on Saturday commended Palestinian organizations in the Gaza Strip for firing dozens of rockets into southern Israel last week, stating that "the operational power of the Resistance against the Zionist regime is a thousand times more than what it was before."Egyptian militants outwit army in Sinai battlefield Egypt's army says it is crushing Islamist militants in the Sinai Peninsula, but in the region's villages and towns a victory for the state feels a long way off.Egypt Promises 'Decisive Action' After Gunmen Kill 6 Soldiers Egypt has declared "decisive action" against Islamists on Sunday, 24 hours after six soldiers were killed by unidentified gunmen at a checkpoint in a Cairo suburb, according to Al-Jazeera. Two bombs were also left at the checkpoint and defused by explosives experts,Israeli doctor treating Syrians says snipers deliberately shoot children in the spine Doctor makes claim after UN report shows child casualty rates in Syria are the highest recorded in any recent conflict in the regionIsraeli hospital cares for Syrian Children The hospital clown had seen and heard enough. After making the rounds of children's wards for months in Western Galilee Medical Center in northern Israel, he had met many injured and sick children — some with terminal diseases, others with severe, life-threatening injuries. His job was to bring out a smile. But after he met one 9-year-old Syrian boy, the clown briefly considered hanging up his hat for the last time.Will Ukraine's real anti-Semite please stand up? Synagogue vandalism, Molotov cocktails, attacks on Jews. To hear the list of recent anti-Semitic reports out of Ukraine, one might be forgiven for thinking the country is a hotbed of Jew hatred.Quebec premier defends candidate over kashrut remarks She called for kosher slaughter to be banned, and for the government to provide rules to "secularize" food and no longer "promote religious accommodation" in food.Jordanian boy has successful kidney transplant in Israel While the Jordanian street has expressed a great deal of animosity toward Israel recently, there are also stories that occasionally inspire optimism.Ghana, Israel explore agric partnership Although Ghana's agric sector has not been doing well for a while now, relinquishing its position as the largest contributor to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Mr Shamir said Israel has invested so much into research and if Ghana can do same coupled with its available natural resources, the sector can record tremendous growth.Guitar legend and 'goodwill ambassador to Israel' heading back to Tel Aviv Vai said he wouldn't be surprised is some of the Israeli amateurs he invited onstage over four years ago in Tel Aviv ended up participating in the camp. But it wasn't only the musicianship that impressed him – he was serious when he mentioned being a goodwill ambassador for Israel. Before arriving in 2010, he researched the country after many conversations with the promoter of the master class, but it still didn't prepare him for the normality of Tel Aviv.Iran intel: 'No $^#ing clue what's up with Israel today' (satire) Iran's vaunted intelligence services were thrown into a panic Sunday when they witnessed widespread behavior in Israel they simply couldn't account for.UN Condemns All Jews For Mordechai Not Bowing To Haman (satire) The United nations Security Council issued a condemnation of the Jewish people today, following Mordechai's refusal to prostrate himself before Haman, another of the King Ahashverosh's ministers. The resolution called the refusal "a deplorable act of intolerance," and called on the Jews to withdraw at once from living in the Persian empire.Happy Purim from the IDF! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kerry frustrated at peace framework between Jews and Amalekites in Persian Empire Posted: 16 Mar 2014 08:00 AM PDT Achashtranim News Sevice (ANS) SHUSHAN - Secretary of State John Kerry is preparing to return to the Persian Empire to defuse the escalating tensions between the Jews and the Amalekites in that Middle Eastern kingdom. Secretary Kerry thought that he had a framework agreement hammered out between the two parties, including that Jews should be allowed to live "freely and peacefully in the Empire." But Parshandata, spokesman for the Amalekites, refused this condition, saying "International law is on our side." "The King specifically passed a decree saying, and I quote, 'to cause to perish, all Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar, and to take the spoil of them for a prey.' The UN and international laws upholds the right of kingdoms to make up their own decrees and to enforce them, This is a local Persian issue and there is no reason for Secretary Kerry to get involved." Mordechai, a Jewish activist from Shushan, disagrees. "The Amalekites and Agagites are suggesting no less than genocide against an entire people," he said, as he led a small protest outside the King's gates wearing sackcloth and ashes in a media stunt.. Parshandata vehemently denies Mordechai's statement. "There is no such thing as a Jewish people. The idea of Jewish peoplehood is incompatible with the facts of history. They are nothing but criminals, and they have no right to live freely and peacefully." Mordechai, the Jewish leader, continues to insist this language be included. Aridata, an Agagite leader and head of the "Brutally Decapitate Semites" (BDS) movement, charged that the Jews were poised to take over the entire kingdom and must be utterly destroyed. While sharpening his sword, he stated, "They already illegally occupy the capital, and many other cities and villages have gathering places where they get together and scheme to dominate everyone else. I hear rumors that there is a Monica Lewinsky situation going on in the King's palace itself, and that the king is being held hostage by a Jewish woman who is blackmailing him!" Secretary Kerry, not wanting to upset either of the parties in this delicate time for negotiations, and showing frustration that his plan could unravel without an agreement, backtracked on the "live freely and peacefully" condition. He told Congress this week that insisting on the "freely and peacefully" language would be a "mistake for some people to be, you know, raising it again and again as the critical decider." However, in a move that may upset the Amalekites, Kerry insisted that the United States does not want to see the Jews "perish" on the 13th of Adar. "We would strongly protest any mass murder, if it comes to that," Kerry said. Amnesty International refused to take any sides in the matter. Deborah Hyams, Amnesty researcher on Middle East issues, said, "We are of course against genocide, but the Amalekites have a point when they say that Jews are not a people and killing them all would not constitute 'genocide'. Also, the language of the decree does not sanction mass murder explicitly, but only 'to cause to perish,' which may mean to allow Jews to have the human rights to kill themselves if they so choose. "We have more important issues to deal with, such as the illegal building of Jewish homes in Judea by the minority who remain there illegally after their alleged Temple was destroyed." (expanded from an idea by Soccer Dad with his permission) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 16 Mar 2014 06:00 AM PDT From NPR: Natan Gabbay takes a gulp of clear liquor and warms up on his shofar, the ram's horn trumpet that is sacred in Judaism. He's a member of a whimsical Orthodox sect known as Na Nach. Tonight, about a dozen Na Nachs have been hired as an entertainment act for a fancy wedding outside Tel Aviv. It's a surprise — the guests have no idea what's in store for them. (h/t Zvi) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Islamic Jihad celebrating its "victory," Hamas scrambling to appear tough Posted: 16 Mar 2014 04:00 AM PDT Last week's escalation with Islamic Jihad saying it shot 130 rockets at Israel (about 60 seem to have landed) continue to have reverberations, as the terror group continues to use it to buttress its image in Gaza. An article in its newspaper Palestine Today interviews the closest thing Palestinian Arabs have to royalty - the families of "martyrs." Those families, especially the mothers, are said to have been ecstatic at the volley of rockets. The mother of the martyr Abu Muammar confirmed for Palestine Today that from the first moment of the death of her son, Abdel Shafi decided to sit alone, especially since her husband died a short while ago, and she said: "I sat in the room and only looked at the picture of Abdel-Shafi and to the image of his father... and feeling very sad at their passing. "The brother of another "martyr" was quoted as saying "We are very proud of the heroes of the resistance in Gaza which helps our heads to be raised high and heals our hearts, assured that the operation of "breaking the silence" will put an end to the Zionist enemy and confirming that our people are not afraid and alone, but the Zionists are shivering in horror of missiles of the Al-Quds Brigades." This micro-war will help Islamic Jihad recruit hundreds of new potential "martyrs." Meanwhile, Hamas is trying to remain relevant to the bloodthirsty demographic of Gaza by trying to bask in reflected glory: Head of the political bureau of Hamas movement Khaled Mishaal said that the Gaza Strip was always targeted but will always adhere to the option of resistance.Islamic Jihad has now eclipsed Hamas as the ideological leader of Gaza. Which is reason #9345 that peace is impossible. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of most popular and notable EoZ videos Posted: 16 Mar 2014 12:00 AM PDT Here are all the videos I have made that have over 10,000 views that I am aware of, in order of most popular: A large percentage received lots of hits because they were topical; I would grab a video from a news source and upload it to YouTube so everyone could see it. Some of my original pieces did quite well, though. Here are some of my more notable videos that did not reach the 10,000 hit mark yet - but should. (I had to guess on the numbers for some old videos that had been lost when my original YouTube account went away.)
The humorous ones might be fun to watch on Purim, but the humor is often very dark. Altogether, I've created and uploaded over 160 videos. |
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