Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Purim music video: "The Haman Remembrance"
- 03/13 Links Pt2: UNRWA Only Blames Israel; PM Cameron- 1/6 of NHS Medicines are Israeli
- The surprisingly pro-Israel Saudi media
- Hamas starts to blame Egypt for dead babies (UPDATE)
- 03/13 Links Pt1: The Palestinians' Real Enemies; Gaza Missiles are Palestinian State in Practice
- Invasion of the Zionist persimmons
- Video of Arafat accepting Israel as a Jewish state
- Terror rocket update: Iran's fingerprints, Hamas' ambivalence, Fatah's support, video of rockets shot from populated areas
Purim music video: "The Haman Remembrance" Posted: 13 Mar 2014 05:30 PM PDT |
03/13 Links Pt2: UNRWA Only Blames Israel; PM Cameron- 1/6 of NHS Medicines are Israeli Posted: 13 Mar 2014 03:00 PM PDT From Ian: Raheem Kassam: Cameron Talks a Good Talk on Israel, But do his Promises Stack Up? While Cameron said Britain opposes boycotts of Israel, a number of UK universities still target the Jewish State, and Britain has not once spoken out against the United Nations' bias against Israel.Cameron's Knesset Speech: Closer to Australia and Canada than Obama Whereas Obama has threatened Israel that it will become more internationally isolated, Cameron asserted, "No more excuses for the 32 countries who refuse to recognize Israel," and described as "outrageous" and "ridiculous" the lectures Israel receives at the UN. And Cameron also broke with Obama doctrine, and no doubt the thinking of his own diplomatic service, by refuting the notion that Israel and the absence of an agreement with the Palestinians is causing the problems in the region. Rather, Cameron spoke at considerable length about the "poison" of Islamism. A peace agreement would not stop Iran, noted Cameron, and he stressed that he was not "starry-eyed about the new regime" and shared Israel's "skepticism" on that front.Cameron wants to do business with Israel. No one cares what the 'boycott Israel' fanatics think I doubt if David Cameron had time to scroll through Twitter before he left for Israel this morning. But if he had been on the lookout for Israel-related tweets, he couldn't have failed to notice the hashtag #BDS.BDSers: here's your chance for martyrdom Speaking today to the Knesset in Jerusalem, Prime Minister Cameron denounced the anti-Israel BDS movement and noted: In Knesset, Cameron pans 'abhorrent' attacks on Israel British Prime Minister David Cameron, in an address to the Knesset Wednesday afternoon, stressed his country's backing for Israeli efforts to achieve peace and security, and promised his support in combating international attempts to boycott and sanction the Jewish state.NGO Monitor: UK Funds Attempt to Sabotage Israel's Judicial System: Norwegian Refugee Council's $20 Million project initiates 677 cases Jerusalem - Coinciding with UK Prime Minister David Cameron's visit to Israel this week, NGO Monitor is releasing its new report on how the UK, with the EU and other governments, is funding a major anti-Israel lawfare project of an NGO (non-governmental organization) known as the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), whose activities seek to sabotage the integrity of legal processes in Israel.It's a Miracle, Says IDF General: Middle Eastern Hatred Towards Israel is Declining Israel Defense Forces Maj. Gen. (Res.) Amos Gilad said this week that a major geopolitical realignment is taking place in the Middle East, with countries that have traditionally displayed the greatest hostility towards Israel moderating their hard-line stance, Israel's Channel 2 reported.Only Israel to Blame In UNRWA's Eyes UNRWA's deputy commissioner-general Margot Ellis writes on The Guardian's Comment is Free how the greater media focus on Syria has impacted UNRWA's fundraising ability for emergency projects for Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank:Alan Dershowitz: Some hard questions about the Western European double standard against IsraelAid money follows the cameras. Cameras follow conflict. Syria is no exception. …Ellis is effectively acknowledging the symbiotic relationship between non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and aid agencies and the media. If UNRWA can only raise money on the back of media coverage of the conflict, is it any wonder that NGOs make so much effort to supply the media with one-sided reports bashing Israel? Why are so many of the grandchildren of Nazis and Nazi collaborators who brought us the Holocaust once again declaring war on the Jews?EU Report Demonizes Israel as Threatening Regional Security More to the point, the report's underlying claim about the blockade of such essential items is simply untrue. Not only have the restrictions on goods allowed into Gaza been greatly relaxed in recent years, there was never any blockade on such humanitarian items as medical supplies in the first place. Even during the intensity of the fighting of the 2009 war in Gaza, Israel held daily ceasefires for bringing such supplies into Gaza.Pink Floyd Co-Founder Roger Waters: I Can't Be an Anti-Semite, My Father Fought Nazis In a strongly-worded open letter published Tuesday by The Telegraph, Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters once again denied being an anti-Semite, this time invoking his Nazi-fighting father.Artists Rock and Roll for Israel Last year it was R&B singer Alicia Keys. This summer, The Rolling Stones, Neil Young, and rock band the Pixies all plan to perform in Israel.Palestinians fire 90 rockets from Gaza in one hour into Israel during Cameron's visit ... not considered newsworthy in the UK And so it starts again. Between 55 and 90 rockets were fired by Islamic Jihad against Israeli towns. But even though this was shortly after David Cameron addressed the Knesset today** the story of this barrage is apparently not important enough to be reported on any of the 24-hours news channels in the UK. That will, of course, change as soon as Israel responds*** and we will get the usual condemnation of IsraelBBC News amplifies Palestinian Islamic Jihad's PR line on attacks against Israeli civilians The report opens with more use of the euphemistic term "militants" to describe terrorists deliberately targeting civilians with military-grade weapons and – perhaps through force of habit – it is liberally peppered with the standard BBC caveat "Israel says", despite the fact that the Palestinian Islamic Jihad was both quick and eager to take responsibility for the missile fire. Fatah's Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade also put out statements, including one claiming four missile attacks on Sderot.Iran weapons ship causes greater stir in Arab world than West It was actually the Arab media that elaborated on the display of weaponry. Al-Jazeera placed the event on its front page, under the headline "Israel attacks the hypocrisy surrounding the weapon seizure". It also quoted Netanyahu's speech and provided a detailed list of the weapons on the ship.Walk-in tunnels to boost vegetable produce in Gujarat Having tasted success with poly houses and net houses, the Gujarat government is now going ahead with promoting protected vegetable cultivation through walk-in tunnels.Masters of the child animation universe What's bouncy, candy-colored, and has over 1 billion views on YouTube? An Israeli-made animation series for kids, that's what.Auschwitz metal stamps used by Nazis for tattooing discovered in Poland Metal stamps with embedded needles that the SS once used to tattoo inmates at the notorious Nazi death camp at Auschwitz have been discovered in Poland.New Anne Frank theater to open in Amsterdam A new theater dedicated to the story of Anne Frank is slated to open in the Dutch capital ahead of the 70th anniversary of the teenage diarist's deportation and death.US Holocaust Museum gets $10 million for Shoah studies The museum's Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies will be renamed the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies and will concentrate on Holocaust studies throughout the world. The center sponsors new Holocaust scholarships, training new scholars in the discipline.Fighting for the Right to Serve: Israeli Christians Brave Arab Opposition to Enlist It's not a good time to be a Christian in the Middle East: a church was recently defaced in Gaza, Syrian Christians are fighting a war of survival against Jihadi groups, the Egyptian Coptic community is at an historic low point, and Nigerian Jihadists have killed over 200 in a vicious series of attacks – including schoolchildren murdered in their beds. |
The surprisingly pro-Israel Saudi media Posted: 13 Mar 2014 01:00 PM PDT From Mida: It's a known fact that there is no free Arab press – only official or semi-official government newspapers. Of these, the London-based and Saudi-owned al-Sharq al-Awsat is known as a paper expressing the Saudi royal house's political line. There's been an interesting trend in the past few weeks in the pages of this important Arab daily: a series of articles with surprising attitudes towards Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict. The articles discuss various aspects of the conflict, but they share a common approach. Even if the articles were not come directly by the Saudi royal house, they were nevertheless published with their consent and do not contradict their political attitude.Read the whole thing. |
Hamas starts to blame Egypt for dead babies (UPDATE) Posted: 13 Mar 2014 11:00 AM PDT ![]() This is, according to the article, the second death during the current closure. Rafah was open for two days this week for pilgrims but possibly not for patients. There is an interesting dynamic going on. Most so-called "pro-Palestinian" groups, and NGOs, downplay Egypt's closure of Gaza and emphasize Israel's "blockade" on travel and goods. Of course, Hamas and the other terror groups would lend their support for the cause of inciting against Israel. Now, Hamas - stung by Egypt's treatment of the terror group - has made a decision to treat Egypt the same way it treats Israel, as an antagonist. It is trying to use the same tactics Palestinian Arabs traditionally used against Israel. The result is that Israel's perceived evil is becoming diluted, as the fact that Arabs treat Palestinians worse that Israel does becomes more common knowledge. The people caught in the middle are the so called "pro-Palestinian" activists, who reluctant to blame Lebanon and Egypt and Jordan for how badly those countries treat PalArabs. They want to keep Israel as the only bogeyman who is responsible for the deaths of cute innocent babies, because if the truth comes out, the entire house of cards falls - people will start to place the proper blame on Arab leaders as well as Palestinian Arab leaders who have used millions of people as pawns for 65 years. No child has died waiting to get a permit to cross into Israel, as far as I know, even when Hamas was shooting rockets Two deaths of children in only a few weeks because of Egypt is the sort of story that would hurt the Israel haters' cause. Which is one reason why even the Arab media will not be publishing these sorts of stories in English anytime soon. The cracks in the anti-Israel narrative - which always depended on never, ever placing things in context or comparison with any other country - are starting to show, even among the most die-hard Israel haters. UPDATE: There is actually video of the baby while he is dying, and a professionally made video of the family mourning him. The episode was planned ahead of time. Not that the baby wasn't dying anyway, but someone in Gaza saw an opportunity to make news with the dying baby and his family as props. |
03/13 Links Pt1: The Palestinians' Real Enemies; Gaza Missiles are Palestinian State in Practice Posted: 13 Mar 2014 09:00 AM PDT From Ian: Efraim Karsh: The Palestinians' Real Enemies Had Israel lost the war, its territory would have been divided among the invading Arab forces. The name Palestine would have vanished into the dustbin of history. By surviving the pan-Arab assault, Israel has paradoxically saved the Palestinian national movement from complete oblivion.CAMERA: Where's the Coverage? "Jews Have Not Taken Anything by Force" In 1936, a national leader wrote a letter. This is an excerpt:The Palestinian narrative: The missing link in the 'peace process'…The situation of the Jews in Palestine being the strongest and most concrete proof of the importance of the religious problem among the Muslim Arabs toward anyone who does not belong to Islam. Those good Jews, who have brought to the Muslim Arabs civilization and peace, and have spread wealth and prosperity to the land of Palestine, have not hurt anyone and have not taken anything by force, and nevertheless the Muslims have declared holy war against them and have not hesitated to slaughter their children and their women despite the fact that England is in Palestine and France is in Syria. Therefore a black future awaits the Jews and the other minorities if the Mandate is cancelled and Muslim Syria is unified with Muslim Palestine. This union is the ultimate goal of the Muslim Arabs…Who wrote this? It is essential to understand how Palestinian Arabs think and what they believe. The Palestinian Arab national identity is almost exclusively defined by negating the Israeli narrative, including Israel's legitimate right to exist as a Jewish state, with precious few positive Palestinian nationalistic qualities. Jeffrey Goldberg, Jackson Diehl and Obama's Targeting of Israel Abbas has said that he would never recognize Israel as a Jewish state, a recognition that Obama has himself acknowledged is necessary for any meaningful peace. Abbas has said he will not give up the so-called "right of return" of Palestinian refugees and their descendants to Israel, a formula for the dissolution of the Jewish state. He has denied any Jewish connection to the land and insisted the Jews are mere colonial interlopers whose state is illegitimate. He has praised murderers of Israeli civilians as heroes who should be emulated and has overseen the naming of schools, sports teams, and other public entities in their honor. He has presided over an education system that teaches all of "Palestine" – meaning the West Bank, Gaza and Israel – properly belongs to the Palestinians and that Palestinian children must dedicate themselves to liberating it from the Jews and eradicating the Jewish state.What lies behind PA refusal to recognize Jewish state? Peter Beinart, one of Israel's most hateful critics in the radical Jewish Left in the US, admitted recently that "every Palestinian I know considers political Zionism itself a racist ideology built upon ethnic cleansing. In that sense, when Jewish hawks say Palestinians oppose not only Israeli control over Hebron, but Israeli control over Tel Aviv, they're absolutely right."Knesset passes first Basic Law in 22 years: Referendum on land concessions The referendum law, which passed in the previous Knesset and is now a Basic Law, requires a referendum on any treaty that entails giving up land to which Israeli law applies, including the Golan Heights and east Jerusalem but not the West Bank.'If talks not extended, there may not be another prisoner release' "If [Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas] does not agree to extend negotiations with Israel for an additional year, it's possible that the fourth round of prisoner releases will not be carried out," Science and Technology Minister Yaakov Peri (Yesh Atid) told Israel Hayom, in a special interview to be published in full on Friday.Gaza Missiles: Palestinian State in Practice Even more to the point, the theoretical arguments about a Palestinian state tend to ignore the fact that one currently exists in all but name in Gaza. There, a Hamas government continues its tyrannical Islamist rule over more than a million people with no interference from Israel other than the imposition of a loose blockade on the strip (food, medicine, and other essential items enter it daily from Israel). But as today's barrage of missile fire aimed at southern Israel from Gaza shows, this Palestinian state presents a clear and present danger to both the Jewish state and regional stability. While no casualties resulted from the 50 rockets fired from Gaza, the incident not only terrorized southern Israel. It also demonstrated the inherent danger that an irredentist Palestinian state where armed terrorists are free to plan mayhem poses to Israel's security. While peace activists claim all problems will be solved by Israeli territorial withdrawals, the example of Gaza, where every single settlement, soldier, and individual Jew was pulled out in 2005, continues to operate as a powerful argument against repeating the experiment in the West Bank as much of the world insists Israel must do.Southern Israel Residents Describe Trauma and Fear of Day Under Rocket Fire Residents of southern Israel described their trauma and fear on Wednesday when at least 60 rockets were fired into their neighborhoods from the Gaza Strip, Israel's Walla reported.Islamic Jihad tries to drag Hamas, and Israel, into escalation For Islamic Jihad, the rockets fired Wednesday were an excellent means to embarrass Hamas, in order to prove that it sets the agenda in Gaza, while Hamas has neglected jihad and resistance in favor of power.Islamic Jihad in Hebrew - 'Get out of our country' In a Youtube video posted on Wednesday night after a barrage of more than 40 rockets from Gaza fell in Israel, a member of the Islamic Jihad threatened the IDF against invading Gaza.Islamic Jihad announces ceasefire with Israel The Islamic Jihad movement said on Thursday that a truce had gone into effect to halt a spiraling confrontation with Israel. "An Egyptian-brokered truce went into effect at 2:00 pm," Islamic Jihad spokesman Daud Shihab told AFP.In Gaza, a host of bad options for Israel There is no martial solution to the situation in Gaza. The army could, albeit with a small but painful price in blood, effectively topple the Hamas government in a matter of hours and seize control of the Gaza Strip in a matter of days. But then what? As Maj. Gen. (res) Avi Mizrachi said on Army Radio on Thursday morning, "Who would we give the keys to?" Who would rule? And does anarchy serve Israel's interests more than aPM to Cameron: Israel waiting to hear Abbas condemnation of rocket fire Netanyahu, who was visiting the pharmaceutical giant Teva's headquarters in Jerusalem with his British counterpart, said that at a time when Teva's plant in Ashdod was manufacturing medicine that is transferred to the Gaza Strip, "they are firing rockets from there on innocent Israelis."Abbas Blames Israel for Gaza Escalation Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday blamed Israel for the latest escalation in Gaza.Cameron: Rocket attacks 'barbaric' Cameron noted that this most recent spate of rocket fire was an important reminder of the security threats confronting Israel. Declaring his complete condemnation of the attacks, Cameron added that they were completely indiscriminate, "which demonstrates how barbaric they are."US Condemns 'Reprehensible' Rocket Attacks "The United States condemns in the strongest terms today's rocket attacks into Israel by terrorists from the Gaza Strip," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a statement. "It is reprehensible that dozens of rockets have been fired today alone. There is no justification for such attacks."Video Shows How Terrorists Fired From Civilian Areas The footage, which was posted on a Hamas-linked Facebook page, shows the challenges often faced by the Israeli military in responding to such attacks whilst avoiding civilian casualties.Palestinians Upset IDF Gaza Action Caused No Civilian Casualties (satire) Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders made similar statements. "We are not interested in escalation if we will be unable to showcase our injured and decry the Zionist monster's immoral behavior," said Hamas spokesman Ziad Abu Ramzi.Rockets Evidently Desperate To Escape Gaza Strip (satire) An unknown number of rockets have failed to launch properly; analysts put the figure at anywhere from 30 to 80 percent. Those that fail are condemned to remain within the confines of the Gaza Strip in perpetuity, but the attempt to leave by air is the only available avenue out.Israel slams Ashton's silence over Iranian arms smuggling Although Netanyahu did not mention her name in Eilat, from earlier statements it has become clear that his criticism was meant for EU commissioner Catherine Ashton who was in Iran on the same day Netanyahu made his statements. Ashton who is always the first to criticize Israel over building in settlements and Jerusalem, kept mum on the latest Iranian attempt to smuggle weapons to Gaza.IRGC Deputy Commander: We Are Ready for to Annihilate Israel in the Future Jordanian parliament threatens to topple government if it doesn't expel Israeli ambassador The Jordanian House of Representatives has issued an ultimatum: comply with demands to punish Israel over the killing of Raed Za'eiter at the Allenby Bridge by Tuesday or else it will vote to topple the government.PMW: Song on PA TV: "With the rifle we will impose our new life" PA TV celebration of released murderer's wedding VIDEO PA minister sings song: "Palestine" includes Haifa, Safed, Tiberias, and other Israeli cities VIDEO UN experts say Libyan arms fueling conflicts Since civil war ousted longtime dictator Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, the experts said "Libya has become a primary source of illicit weapons." |
Invasion of the Zionist persimmons Posted: 13 Mar 2014 07:00 AM PDT From Saudi Gazette: The Qurayyat Municipality is on alert after its team confiscated from the local fruit market 140 kg of kakis (the Japanese persimmons) that had Israeli stickers, a section of the Arabic press reported on Tuesday.The sticker indeed says "Product of Israel." It is true that Israel exports persimmons - usually under the Sharon name, which is what one would expect to see on a sticker. And not in Arabic. In all probability, this is a prank. Everyone knows that any Israeli product that supposedly makes it to a Gulf country causes headlines, so any mischievous Saudi teenager with an inkjet printer can print these off and stick them on random fruit. Alternatively, this could be a deliberate attempt by another fruit store to close down a competitor. Either way, seeing Saudis freak out over supposed Israeli fruit is almost as much fun as watching Electronic Intifada writers freak out over a cargo service that may or may not handle settlement produce. It is like five year olds running away at the thought of getting cooties. (h/t Ibn Boutros, plus correction in translation) |
Video of Arafat accepting Israel as a Jewish state Posted: 13 Mar 2014 05:00 AM PDT Last month I mentioned Haaretz had an interview of Arafat where he accepted Israel as a Jewish state. It turns out that Arafat said it on video as well. In English. ) Unfortunately I don't know when or where this was taken, but combined with the Haaretz report, it is undeniable. So who will be the one to ask Abbas about this? (h/t IPT via MargieinTelAviv) |
Posted: 13 Mar 2014 02:02 AM PDT Where is Islamic Jihad's leader while his group is shooting scores of rockets to Israel? Iran. Ramadan Shallah was already in Iran discussing ways to strengthen Islamic Jihad's ties with the regime. Interestingly, there were reports before this escalation that Hamas leader Khaled Meshal was snubbed in his attempt to meet Iranian leaders while Shallah was already there and being feted. (The article was in the anti-Hamas Palestine Press Agency, and I cannot find it today.) From all indications, IDF responses to the rocket attacks have been aimed exclusively at Islamic Jihad, not at Hamas targets. Even so, Hamas leaders have abandoned their headquarters. But what is remarkable is Hamas' ambivalent response to the Israeli attacks.In Palestine Times, one of their media outlets, they do a "survey" of Gazans' reactions to the Islamic Jihad rocket barrage, and they find that some people think that a military response at this time is unwise! Moreover, at the Qassam Brigades website, a Hamas MP is quoted as saying that a "limited resistance does not mean weakness." In the past, Hamas and Islamic Jihad worked hard to paper over their differences and when one decided to shoot rockets at Israel the other would join in. This is the first time I have seen such a large split between the two, although no one has started insulting the other one yet. It is also the first time I have ever seen Hamas publicly speaking against "resistance" while Israel is targeting sites in Gaza. It is clear that Iran is fomenting this split, trying to increase Islamic Jihad's importance in Gaza at the expense of Hamas. It also proves that even those (like the EU) who pretend that Hamas will ever unite with Fatah don't have a plan for how to handle other terror groups in Gaza dedicated to destroying Israel, especially state-backed terror groups like Islamic Jihad. Three other groups have decided to join with Islamic Jihad, including Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah. The Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades announced that they shot 8 rockets towards Israel, and they were joined by the National Resistance Brigades of the DFLP and the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades. Fatah's joining shows yet again that Fatah is not the "moderate" party that Westerners pretend it is. For years, Abbas has refused to dismantle that group, and yet clueless Wetsern diplomats still consider Abbas a moderate. Finally, all those people who pretend to care about "international law" when discussing Israel never seem to want to apply that standard to Israel's sworn enemies. Which shows that they never cared about international law to begin with. |
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