Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Oh, Egypt shoots at Gaza fishing boats too. Now why haven't we heard that?
- 03/20 Links Pt2: Boston Jewish Leader Appalled By Arafat Visit; SJP’s underhanded tactics at Loyola U
- Argentina has a very "Zionist" basketball team
- Fatah and PA TV again say they want to destroy Israel
- 03/20 Links Pt1: Talk is cheap, releasing convicted terrorists just to talk is not; Obama and the Fatwa
- Al Arabiya and Maan again show they have no journalistic integrity
- Abbas says outrageous things to Obama, media let it slide
- "Relationship between PLO and Egypt at all-time low"
Oh, Egypt shoots at Gaza fishing boats too. Now why haven't we heard that? Posted: 20 Mar 2014 06:51 PM PDT There have been many reports about how Israel terrorizes Gaza fishermen, enforcing the 6-nautical mile limit off the coast by shooting warning shots towards them. But in the most recent weekly UN OCHA report, we see that Egypt shoots at them as well: [O]n two occasions, Egyptian naval forces opened warning shots towards Palestinian fishing boats approaching the Egyptian border; no injuries or damages were reported.Is this the first time this happened? Not at all. From February 22: An Egyptian naval ship fired warning shots at a Palestinian fishing boat early Saturday, officials said. No injuries were reported. Last August: Egyptian naval police shot and wounded two Palestinian fishermen and detained five off the Gaza Strip on Friday, medics said, an incident that hinted at increased tension between Gaza's Islamist Hamas rulers and Cairo.These were reported, but no NGO seems to have bothered writing up reports about this. What a mystery. |
Posted: 20 Mar 2014 03:00 PM PDT From Ian: Boston Jewish Leader "Appalled and Offended" By Arafat Visit The director of Aish Campus Boston, Rabbi Chananel Weiner, was sickened to hear that Boston donors helped support a trip to Yasser Arafat's grave: "I am appalled and offended by the visit to Arafat's grave funded by Boston's Jewish community for the Harvard Trek to Israel.Hillel on Harvard Student Arafat Grave Visit: No Big Deal David Eden, Chief Administrative Officer at Hillel International, provided a statement in defense of the Harvard College Israel Trek 2014. The trip made a stop at Yasser Arafat's grave and posed for a picture. His statement is quoted in full: "A photograph of Harvard Israel Trek participants at the tomb of Yasser Arafat in Ramallah is causing understandable concern. That image is not what this trip is about. This morning the Trek was up north on the Syrian border touring an elite Israeli defense post and receiving an update from a senior IDF general on the current security situation there. So much of the trip is in that vein."Some student Israel-hate from France. Friday 14 march, the president of Paris VIII University threw out 10 Israeli students, who had actually been invited to a debate. In Saint-Denis the pressure from radical, ideologically anti-israeli students is so strong that the "president" found nothing better than to publicly humiliate these young Israelis to calm the anger of these students. The video below appears to be a group of anti-Israel students who, on top of having public demonstrations where the make their hatred of all things Israeli as public as possible, also demand that no one take their picture or video the demonstration.(h/t Yenta Press) More reports about the same incident: Hebrew: Israeli students bullied out of Paris8 university French: University of Paris 8 Saint Denis removes the Hebrew day license for the event "APARTHEID ISRAEL!" Israel Divestment Passed by Students at Chicago's Loyola University, Tabled in Arizona and Michigan Student governments at Arizona State University and the University of Michigan, meanwhile, tabled Israel divestment resolutions indefinitely on Tuesday, according to the pro-Israel education group StandWithUs.Stand With Us: SJP's underhanded tactics at Loyola U How was SJP able to accomplish such a feat? Well, SJP has shifted its tactics away from the street theater of Israel Apartheid Week that made them look too radical to many on campus, and instead has been steadily infiltrating campus institutions like student newspapers and student government. At Loyola there are at least 5 members of the SJP, including the group's president, who are student senators.Northeastern U rally cry: "Long Live The Intifada" A rally in support of Northeastern SJP was held on March 18.Fighting BDS – Countering BDS Bullying Every time an artist or culture figure of any sort announces plans to perform or even visit Israel, the BDS launches a campaign to bully the artist to cancel the appearance and denounce Israel.Toulouse Jewish leader urges young Jews to leave On the two-year anniversary of the murder of four Jews in Toulouse, the president of the local Jewish community encouraged young Jews to leave France.In France, Killing Jews is Becoming a Reality Again! It was August 9, 1982, in the Pletzl (Paris Jewish quarters). I remember when the French media announced that the Jewish Deli Jo Goldenberg had been attacked by terrorists. I was in my early twenties. Two men entered the restaurant, threw a grenade and then indiscriminately emptied their machine guns onto the patrons. Six people died and 22 were wounded in what was soon to be recognized as the worst Jewish death toll in France since World War Two. It had been less than 40 years since the six million had perished in the camps and much of the civilized world was regaining faith in the goodness of mankind. In the fresh aftermath of the Holocaust, Jewish hatred was still a non-subject. Anti-Semitism was the stigma attached to the Nazis and since they were no more, logically anti-Semitism should have ceased.School children in Boston area play 'jail the Jew' A suburban Boston school district is working with community groups to combat a series of anti-Semitic incidents at elementary and high schools.Hungary's Jews Mark 70th Anniversary of Nazi Invasion Several thousand Hungarian Jews on Wednesday marked the 70th anniversary of Nazi Germany's invasion of Hungary with a memorial service outside the Grand Synagogue in Budapest, AFP reported.Argentina marks 22nd anniversary of Israeli embassy bombing The March 17, 1992 attack killed 29 and injured nearly 300. The commemoration was held Tuesday due to Purim celebrations on the actual anniversary date of the bombing.Spielberg's Shoah Foundation turns 20 After "Schindler's List," Spielberg turned his lens on real survivors of the World War II Jewish genocide through his foundation, which has since filmed nearly 52,000 testimonies from Holocaust survivors around the world. As the organization turns 20, it has expanded its mission to include interviews with survivors of other genocides, including those in Armenia, Cambodia and Rwanda.Dutch parliament votes for motion that encourages trade with Israeli companies Van der Staay submitted the motion after several Dutch companies terminated their cooperation with their Israeli counterparts. Another reason for the motion was the attitude of the Dutch Foreign Ministry that was accused of double speak. The Ministry was consulted by the companies who pulled out of Israel and reportedly influenced the decision to terminate cooperation with Israeli companies.Tanzania, Israel to enter agro-development pact Tanzania and Israel are to enter into an agricultural development pact in which the latter is expected to gain immensely from Israel's irrigation know how having transformed its desert setting into an agricultural haven.An Israeli startup bootcamp, bil Arabiya (in Arabic) Could the next ICQ, Amdocs or Waze be built by an Arab-Israeli? This is what Fadi Swidan is hoping.Advanced Technologies Park: An ecosystem of tech innovation in southern Israel For the Advanced Technologies Park (ATP) at Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the Negev, located in the Israeli city of Beer-Sheva, the ultimate vision is as high as the desert sun.Israelly Cool: Blair Underwood's "Incredible" Trip To Israel Actor Blair Underwood – who 80s children like me will remember from L.A Law, but has acted prolifically ever since – is currently in Israel as part of America's Voices in Israel, whom I have blogged about extensively before.Graffiti artists bring 'youthful color' to Knesset Six artists painted graffiti outside the Knesset Wednesday as part of a delegation expressing support for Israel. |
Argentina has a very "Zionist" basketball team Posted: 20 Mar 2014 01:15 PM PDT Currently in fourth place in the Argentina National Basketball League A are: The Parana Zionists! So far I haven't been able to figure out how they got that name. But to make it funnier, their mascot is an...ape. Just goes to show you the truth of the Koran! (h/.t Ezequiel) |
Fatah and PA TV again say they want to destroy Israel Posted: 20 Mar 2014 11:00 AM PDT One of the many questions that no Western politician or reporter ever bothers to ask Mahmoud Abbas is whether he controls the party, Fatah, that he leads, and the official TV station that the PA runs. Because if he doesn't, then that means that he cannot even lead his own party, let alone a nation. If he does, then that means that he supports destroying Israel. ![]() Official PA TV broadcast a cartoon last month that showed a math teacher pointing to a map of "Palestine" as an example of "a number that is indivisible." The map included both PA areas and all of Israel.Just some more inconvenient truths that must be hushed up by the Western media and politicians. It's all psychology. People are emotionally invested in the idea that peace is possible. It has been a centerpiece of US foreign policy for decades. Countless books and articles have been written to try to find a solution. But the underlying assumption - that both parties really want peace - is not true. There is virtually no peace camp on the Palestinian Arab side, as we saw yesterday from someone who passionately is looking for one. Yet people who are emotionally invested in peace simply refuse to accept that the other side is not like them. To the Palestinian Arabs, the word "peace" means something completely contradictory to its meaning in English. "Peace" is a weapon, a keyword that melts Western hearts from which they can achieve political and military goals without effort. Have you ever once heard Abbas or Erekat or Ashrawi talk about how they want to see relations with Israel look like the day after an agreement is signed? Have any of them waxed poetic about Jews and Arabs working together on education, medicine, construction, investments, about Jews and Muslims being able to freely visit holy sites in the other country, about joint economic and business ventures? They never do. "Peace" does not mean peace, it means "get as much land as we can now and use it to gain more land later until Israel is gone." Day One of the "peace agreement" will not usher in anything remotely resembling real peace. It will begin the next phase of a long war. We know this. We've proven it hundreds of times, using the very words of PLO and Fatah officials, of their official media and social networking sites. Not random people in the street, not stupid people on Twitter - we are talking official, well-thought out stated positions that are said explicitly in Arabic by Palestinian Arab leaders, officials and PA-paid pundits. And surveys prove that the poisonous bile being told to the people have made them even more radical compared to their Arab neighbors. Unfortunately, empirical proof is not enough to convince people who are emotionally tied to a lie. Hell, even a violent uprising involving suicide bombings that was planned and directed by the PLO leader wasn't enough to convince Westerners that Palestinian Arabs aren't interested in real peace. Even their dancing and celebrating on 9/11 and their making Bin Laden into a hero didn't convince Westerners of their real intentions. It is impossible to convince someone of something when they don't want to know the truth. Especially when they don't have to pay the price for being wrong. |
Posted: 20 Mar 2014 09:00 AM PDT From Ian: Melanie Phillips: The Failure of the Mideast 'Peace Process' In Israel, there is bewilderment that it alone is being held responsible for the absence of peace.Clifford May: Middle East future shock The Palestinians have evolved into a two quasi-state non-solution. One state is in the West Bank, where Mahmoud Abbas' Palestinian Authority maintains control, only thanks to Israeli assistance — a fact not discussed in polite diplomatic company.Abbas asks Obama's help to free jailed Palestinian leader Barghouti Any move to free such a high-profile figure as Barghouti would probably ignite a political fire storm in Israel. By the same token, it would shore up Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's standing at home and help give him domestic cover to carry on the as-yet unproductive talks with Israel. AP Questions Barghouti's Terror Conviction Israel prides itself on the strength of its judicial system and the rule of law, which is certainly comparable to those of other Western democracies such as the U.S. or UK.Talk is cheap, releasing convicted terrorists just to talk is not Apparently, Abbas is convinced that the administration is so desperate not to have the talks collapse that it will pressure Israel to release Barghouti. The article adds that there are two other prisoners whom Abbas wants released as a reward for his negotiating, Ahmad Saadat and Fuad Shobaki.PA Minister Lambastes Arabs for Spurring Palestinians to Wage War against Israel The Fake Palestinian Generational Divide Younger Palestinians have no such compunctions about pretending to want to live in peace alongside Israel. What they want is to extinguish Jewish sovereignty in any part of the country. This has nothing to do with a desire for equal rights or democracy, which, despite the assertions of his son, the elder Abbas (currently serving in the ninth year of the four-year presidential term to which he was elected) denies his people, as do his Hamas rivals in Gaza.Stats Debunk Demographic Threat to Israel When it comes to the West Bank the matter is slightly more complicated. The Haaretz-J Street-Beinart mantra, that has now been adopted by Obama too, is that Israel cannot maintain a presence in the West Bank and remain both a Jewish and democratic state. This is also misleading. The democracy argument is particularly flimsy because the Palestinians are supposed to be able to vote in their own elections. The fact that the Palestinian Authority never holds any is beside the point.Ya'alon apologizes for remarks disparaging the US, again Two days after sparking a dispute between Israel and the US by disparaging Washington, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon walked back his statement in a phone call with his American counterpart late Wednesday night.For Abbas, peace is treason In other words, Abbas was telling Obama that he might agree to a framework for the extension of talks if his war-like demands continue to be met. Or maybe not.Palestinian Authority Threatens to Resume UN Campaign A lead negotiator for the Palestinian Authority in the ongoing U.S.-brokered peace talks with Israel on Tuesday threatened to resume a unilateral push for international legitimacy at the United Nations if the fourth and final agreed upon round of prisoners are not released, Egypt's Al Ahram daily reported, citing the Associated Press.The State Department's Campaign Against the 'Jewish State' Idea—in 1954 Secretary of State John Kerry's remark last week that it is a "mistake" to insist that the Palestinian Authority recognize Israel as a Jewish state brings to mind a little-known episode in the early 1950s, when the Eisenhower administration briefly embraced the notion that Israel should stop identifying itself as a Jewish state.Crimea 'No Better Than Palestine' Says Russian Minister The Crimean economy is "no better than Palestine", Russian Regional Development Minister Igor Slyunyayev has claimed.The IDF: Still the Most Moral Army in the world When a terrorist grabs a child and holds him to the chest as a shield, the Israeli sniper is not to fire. The writhing, frightened child he holds has value.He selects a child because he knows the IDF's code of ethics better than most of the world does. He knows we won't be shot. He's right.As border heats up, reservists train for Syria scenarios As the Syria-Israel border heated up in the wake of Tuesday's attack on an IDF patrol and Israeli retaliatory strikes on regime army positions, IDF reservists trained this week for scenarios they might face in a hypothetical operation in Syria.Israel said to be budgeting billions for Iran strike Israel is still preparing for a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, including a specific military budget running to NIS 10 billion ($2.89 billion), despite the developments in talks between world powers and Tehran.Israel can operate in Iran if it needs to, IDF chief says Israel's security forces have the capability to carry out military operations in virtually every part of the globe, including Iran, IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz said Wednesday, adding that Israel had already conducted dozens of covert operations in foreign and enemy countries.Arab rioters hurl stones at MK Feiglin on Temple Mount Hundreds of Arab youths gathered on the Temple Mount Thursday morning to protest Likud MK Moshe Feiglin's visit to the contested holy site.PMW: Fatah celebrates anniversary of killing of 37 Israeli civilians In keeping with their annual tradition, Fatah and the PA celebrated the anniversary of the most lethal terror attack against Israel.Abbas' advisor praises murderer of 37 civilians The Syrian inferno If Syria teaches us anything, it is that territory still counts and counts big, contrary to trendy wishful-thinking.Disarmament team: Nearly half of Syrian chemicals removed The joint mission of the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said in a statement late on Wednesday that 45.6 percent of the chemicals had been removed from Syria's Latakia port for destruction outside the country.How Has Bashar al-Assad Held On For So Long? Zisser stressed that Assad has managed to stay in power so long precisely because he was not deposed immediately, noting the complexity of divisions among the Syrian population and staunch support of Assad among certain parts of the Syrian population despite the chaos, all of which prevented a timely ouster.Syria creates 'space agency' despite war State news agency SANA said the cabinet had approved a project to create the so-called Syrian Space Agency, "with the goal of using space technology for exploration and observing the earth."Russia suggests it may respond to US Crimea sanctions in Iran nuclear talks Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has called the sanctions "unacceptable." But some of the Russians included on the list of individuals have scoffed at the measures which would freeze their assets in the United States.Opinion: Obama, the Bomb and the Fatwa When lobbying to prevent further sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program, US President Barack Obama often refers to a fatwa, an Islamic religious opinion. According to Obama, the fatwa supposedly issued by "Supreme Guide" Ali Khamenei, confirms Tehran's claims that its nuclear program is entirely peaceful. Obama does not quote the text of the mysterious fatwa, nor does he tell us where and when he saw it.In Nuclear Talks, Iran Spars With World Powers Over Future of Arak Reactor The U.S. wants Iran to address concerns over the nuclear reactor in Arak, which according to the International Atomic Energy Agency could produce plutonium for nuclear bombs.Iranian Official: Ashton an Old Lady, Ban Ki-moon a Puppet; Westerners Are Animals |
Al Arabiya and Maan again show they have no journalistic integrity Posted: 20 Mar 2014 07:00 AM PDT From Al Arabiya: Several ancient archeological sites were "destroyed" after the Israeli Antiquities Authority conducted controversial digs in the Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan in East Jerusalem, a Palestinian news agency reported Wednesday. ![]() What evidence does the Al Aqsa Foundation have? None. Their website shows some photos of the area taken from a distance. No photos of graves, no quoting of experts who have seen this supposed "destruction," no evidence of the artifacts supposedly destroyed - nada. In the past, this same foundation has stated flatly that every single piece of archaeological evidence of Jews in the area in Biblical times is fake. They've claimed that potholes and small landslides from heavy rains are really the result of Israeli digs - and brought those charges to the UN. For years they have charged that Israel plans to destroy the Al Aqsa mosque, often giving dates that have come and gone. Not one Arab media outlet has ever, to my knowledge, pointed out that the Al Aqsa Foundation is simply an Islamist organization, associated with infamous Sheikh Raed Salah, that makes things up and issues press releases daily about supposed Israeli crimes. Quoting an organization with a long track record of provable lies, without mentioning that fact, is not journalism. It is incitement, and it is deliberate. |
Abbas says outrageous things to Obama, media let it slide Posted: 20 Mar 2014 05:03 AM PDT Whenever Bibi Netanyahu visits the White House, every word and gesture and demeanor is micro-analyzed to find indications of friction or combativeness or discomfort. Yet three days ago Mahmoud Abbas visited President Obama and said some outrageous things that were roundly ignored by the media. I would also like to affirm what you have said, that we are working for a solution that is based on international legitimacy and also the borders -- the 1967 borders so that the Palestinians can have their own independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital and so that we can find a fair and lasting solution to the refugee problem.Obama said none of what Abbas claimed he said. This is an old Abbas trick - to twist any conciliatory words said with respect to his pseudo-nation into what he wants to have been said. But since the original words were meant to be friendly, it would be undiplomatic to complain about how he is lying. So the national leaders let it slide and Abbas can give the impression that everyone agrees with his side. We don't have any time to waste. Time is not on our side, especially given the very difficult situation that the Middle East is experiencing and the entire region is facing. We hope that we would be able to seize this opportunity to achieve a lasting peace.Abbas has never acted like a person for whom time is running out. Quite the contrary. Abbas has been stonewalling against negotiations for years. He has said that he has plenty of time to wait for the international community to pressure Israel. Here his lie is meant to do the same - to pretend that he feels a sense of urgency when his intent is to make the West panic and pressure Israel more. Since 1988 and into 1993, we have been extending our hands to our Israeli neighbors so that we can reach a fair and lasting peace to this problem. Since 1988, we have recognized international legitimacy resolutions and this was a very courageous step on the part of the Palestinian leadership. And in 1993, we recognized the state of Israel.Int 1993, at the same moment that the PLO sid it recognized Israel, it also stated that they have given up on armed conflict and will exclusively use negotiations to deal with Israel. That was shown to be a lie during the deadly intifada. In other words, their words are meaningless, and provably so. Mr. President, we have an agreement with Israel, that was brokered by Mr. Kerry concerning the release of the fourth batch of prisoners and we are hopeful that the fourth batch will be released by the 29th of March because this will give a very solid impression about the seriousness of these efforts to achieve peace.This may be the most offensive thing of all. Israel released over 75 convicted terrorists, the majority of whom have been involved in murders of civilians. This was because of pressure from the US in order to even bring Abbas, kicking and screaming, to the table. Abbas, meanwhile, treated these murderers as heroes and gave them well-paying jobs simply because they killed Jews. And now Abbas is lecturing Israel that it is not serious about peace unless it releases more murderers to be honored by Abbas? These statements are disgusting. They would be considered scandalous had any other world leader tried to say them to the President's face. But Abbas - the Holocaust denying, terror cheerleading, corrupt dictator - is regarded as being above public criticism by the US and the mainstream media. And if he can get away with these appalling and untruthful statements in the White House, then what incentive does he have for keeping any of his promises to Israel? |
"Relationship between PLO and Egypt at all-time low" Posted: 20 Mar 2014 02:43 AM PDT Egypt's antipathy towards Palestinian Arab leaders is not limited to Hamas. A senior PLO official who is close to Abbas admitted to Al Jazeera that relations between Egypt and the PLO are at an all time low. The latest issue that upset the PLO was a nearly three hour interview on Egypt's DreamTV with Mohammed Dahlan, where he hurled accusations at the PA leadership. Dahlan accused Abbas and other Fatah leaders of treason, murder and corruption. The PA embassy in Egypt attempted to give a response on the same TV show, and it was denied. Abbas plans to visit Cairo to patch things up. He announced that he received numerous phone calls of support from Egypt after the Dahlan interview, which means that he is quite nervous. |
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