Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- 02/07 Links Pt2: Israel is...By Natalie Portman; The PA’s Self-Inflicted Financial Wounds
- Work accident!
- Getting harder to tell the difference between Arab and European antisemites
- 02/07 Links Pt1: The Eve of the Fourth Palestinian “No”; Abbas the “moderate”
- Father of three "martyrs" dies in Gaza
- Huge Yiddish cultural mural defaced in LA (updated x2)
- Fatah insists it never abandoned terror
02/07 Links Pt2: Israel is...By Natalie Portman; The PA’s Self-Inflicted Financial Wounds Posted: 07 Feb 2014 02:00 PM PST From Ian: Chloe Valdary: Race & politics: From the classroom to the UN The professor's lesson plans include scholarly documents written by academics who purport to show that every form of inequality is unjust and proof positive of the racial hierarchy plaguing society today. Historical figures like Che Guevara and Lenin are praised; their crimes against humanity obfuscated because they allegedly represent the great fight against "the system"–which is always dominated by the white colonialist capitalist. Terrorists who lob bombs at buses full of children are depicted as freedom fighters who simply wanted to get a break from the white /capitalist man. And that tired line that nonwhites can never be called racists since they are perpetual victims of the system persists in the professor's textbooks and syllabi.Richard Millett: A day of anti-Israel hatred and Holocaust minimization in Parliament This is how Britain's Parliament is sometimes so abused. While innocent Syrians are being murdered and left permanently disabled by barrel bombs dropped out of the sky by Assad's forces certain MPs are offensive about Israel, Israelis and the Holocaust instead.Israel committing Holocaust in UK Parliament There was a debate in the British Parliament on Wednesday during which Members of Parliament (MPs) took turns to attack Israel. There was a literal barrage of filth heaped upon the Jewish state by MPs from Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrats. It must be said that the chair of Conservative Friends of Israel, James Clappison MP was trying to make Israel's case, though no one was interested in listening. Attack on a California Transformer Could Have Been Dress Rehearsal for Terror Attack on Power Grid An attack on California electrical transformers in April is believed by some to be a practice round for a terrorist attack on the U.S. power grid.Scarlett Johansson, War Criminal? No matter what one thinks about the legality or wisdom of these settlements, they are a political reality. Without finding a workable solution for them there will be no sustainable peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinians. And EU diplomats know perfectly well that the only workable solution will be for Israel to keep certain settlement blocks and Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem in exchange for territory on the Israeli side. The official EU position actually accepts such mutually agreed land swaps.CEO: SodaStream Promotes Biblical Peace The PA's Self-Inflicted Financial Wounds "In short, with its own two hands, the PA has driven lucrative businesses out of the West Bank–businesses that would have provided it with much-needed jobs and tax revenue. As Khaled said bitterly, any talk about bolstering the Palestinian economy under such circumstances is "nonsense."House Bill Would Cut Funding to Backers of Israeli Boycotts The "Protect Academic Freedom Act," jointly filed by House Chief Deputy Whip Peter Roskam (R., Ill.) and Rep. Dan Lipinski (D., Ill.) could serve as a deterrent to other groups considering Israeli boycotts.Julie Bishop's stance on the legality of Israeli settlements might be right Julie Bishop had some sensible things to say in Jerusalem, as she broke ranks from a cosy, normally unexamined international consensus: the idea that, by permitting Jewish residence in the West Bank, Israel is violating international law."The Core Agenda of the BDS Movement is anti-Semitic": Aussie Jewish Leftist Philip Mendes nails it Australian academic Philip Mendes, an associate professor at Monash University in Melbourne, is decidedly not a man of the Right. But he does not share the often treacherous attitude of some Jewish Leftists towards Israel. He is, indeed, an expert on the Jewish Left in Australia, having published widely on that topic. Sometimes he has to suffer the slings and arrows of critics on both the Left and the Right of the Jewish community. Nevertheless, he will not be intimidated and is always true to himself.Returning Fire: Dutch Jews Boycott Anti-Israel Firm The Dutch pension asset manager PGGM, one of the largest in the country, announced in early January that it was divesting from five Israeli banks because they finance "Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories." The firm manages about 153 billion euros ($208 billion dollars) in funds.Friedman's Immoral Intifada Friedman is right about one thing. The BDS movement must be seen in the same historic context as the previous intifadas and, indeed, all the other Arab wars waged against Israel since its birth in 1948. The purpose of BDS is not to shame Israelis into giving up a bit more land than they've already offered the Palestinians, who refused three offers of an independent state including almost all of the West Bank, Gaza, and a share of Jerusalem in 2000, 2001, and 2008. Like mainstream Palestinian nationalism, BDS seeks Israel's total destruction.Woodside to Invest Up to $2.6 Billion in Israeli Gas Venture Woodside Petroleum Ltd. (WPL), Australia's second-largest oil producer, plans to buy a quarter of Israel's biggest natural gas field for as much as $2.6 billion under a revised agreement as demand rises in the Middle East.Israel reduces its carbon footprint with wind, solar and natural gas The first prime minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, once had a vision to "make the desert bloom."Israel to Export Flexible Endoscope for Treatment of Acid Reflux Israeli medical device-maker Medigus will begin selling its flexible endoscope for the treatment of acid reflux this year. The medical product is expected to garner several million dollars in revenue in 2014 alone.Lexifone seeks to make foreign languages less foreign Lexifone deploys its technology in the form of an app which is either offered directly by a phone company for customers, or directly from Lexifone, via a local access number. Users dial into a foreign calling code and start speaking, with the listener having the option of hearing the speaker talk in their native language, or hearing the caller directly. The translation is done automatically by computer, with the system interpreting what the caller is saying and delivering it to the listener in a form "they will understand and comprehend," said Ike Sagie, CEO of Lexifone.Israeli start-up claims it may be able to stop all viruses An Israeli start-up claims it may be able to put an end to the viruses, malware, and trojan horses that cost the world economy hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Not only does Cyactive say it can stop viruses that are already "in the wild," currently causing damage, but according to CEO & Co-Founder, Liran Tancman, it can beat them most of them even before they are invented.Why it's Cheaper to be Healthy in Israel A study carried out by the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture found that the cost of fruits and vegetables in Israel are lower – sometimes even significantly lower – when compared to prices of fruits and vegetables in the United States and Western European countries including France, Germany, and the U.K.What Israel Means To Natalie Portman…A Touching Description Of Her Homeland Where I was born. Where I ate my first Popsicle and used a proper toilet for the first time. Where some of my 18-year-old friends spend their nights in bunkers sleeping with their helmets on. Where security guards are the only jobs in surplus. Where deserts bloom and pioneer stories are sentimentalized. Where a thorny, sweet cactus is the symbol of the ideal Israeli. Where immigrating to Israel is called "ascending" and emigrating from Israel is called "descending." Where my grandparents were not born, but where they were saved. |
Posted: 07 Feb 2014 12:30 PM PST On Tuesday, I noted that during a two week period in January, some 37% of rockets from Gaza aimed at Israel fell short or exploded on the launch pad. Over the years a number of Gazans have been killed and injured from these projectiles. Now, there is a new addition to the list of Gazans killed by their own projectiles, and it is a worthy one. A mortar exploded, apparently while being launched, on Friday night east of the Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza, killing one terrorist named Ibrahim Mohammed Saidi and injuring two others. Shabbat shalom! |
Getting harder to tell the difference between Arab and European antisemites Posted: 07 Feb 2014 11:00 AM PST From TheJC: It has emerged that far-right Belgian politician Laurent Louis gave three Nazi-style salutes in parliament. At the same time, an Amman-based Iraqi "independent news" outlet named Mustaqila has an extensive article denying the Holocaust. That article notes that the word "Holocaust" comes from the Greek word "holokauston" meaning "completely burnt offering." This, the author says, proves how historically predatory Jews have been - because they stole the word from the Greeks. The article goes on to say that Hitler was the first Western leader to call for a homeland for the Jews in Palestine (note that this was some 15 years after the Balfour Declaration) and that Jews colluded with him to kill the old Jews but allow the young ones to go to Israel. The Jews, we are told, are smart and managed to deceive the world about their genocide. But there were no gas chambers, according to this article. Not that the Jews don't deserve it - in the Talmud it says that the world is divided into two groups, Jews and the "goyim" who are slaves. Human rights groups will defend Lauent Louis' right to free speech, and they will ignore Arab antisemitism. Because that's how they roll. |
02/07 Links Pt1: The Eve of the Fourth Palestinian “No”; Abbas the “moderate” Posted: 07 Feb 2014 09:00 AM PST From Ian: Sarah Honig: We feel the earth move… Besides, the aforementioned hostility was exposed during Obama's first term. Israelis have every reason to be ultra-leery of second-term Obama, well after he had waged his last campaign and has become invulnerable to voter backlash.Caroline Glick: Iran's bomb in the basement Our leaders continue to hope that a proper mix of concessions to the PLO will convince Obama to stand by his empty pledge to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power.Khaled Abu Toameh: Fatah and the "Armed Struggle" against Israel While in English Abbas was voicing his opposition to an armed struggle, in Arabic Palestinian officials were issuing statements in support of "armed resistance" against Israel. On the Eve of the Fourth Palestinian "No" Rather than twisting Netanyahu's arm to do what it his country has already tried to accomplish in the past—trade land for the non-credible promise of peace—Israel's critics should be thinking about how they will react to the fourth Palestinian "no." Unfortunately, the odds are that most will barely notice it when it happens and will simply continue blaming Israel. Indeed, that's exactly what the Palestinians—who know that's what happened the first three times they rejected Israeli offers of peace—are counting on. (h/t Norman F)The threatening stage has begun From the onset of the latest round of talks, the goal became the talks themselves and not an agreement that would be reached as a result of them. Washington was excited to brag about the fact that the Israeli and Palestinians had agreed to get back to the negotiating table. They prepped negotiators Tzipi Livni and Saeb Erekat for photo-ops and sent out excited news releases around the globe. Kerry would really like to be able to boast about his success in reaching a signed agreement, and not just for getting them to the table.70% of Israelis don't trust US on security, says poll When the pollsters asked respondents whether they trusted the US under President Barack Obama to maintain Israel's interests in a deal, 23% said definitely no, 25% said no, 22% said not completely, 17% said yes, 8% said definitely yes and 5% had no opinion.The Administration's Tangled Web on Jerusalem Firstly, it's far from true that the State Department opposes unilateral moves by both sides. When it comes to claims in Jerusalem, they only condemn one side, the Jewish side. The municipality issues housing permits in east Jerusalem all the time, for both Jewish and Arab neighborhoods. Yet, it is only the permits for the Jewish neighborhoods that provoke any kind of reaction from the Obama administration. Furthermore, illegal Arab building is rife throughout many parts of Jerusalem. As in any municipality, the law must be upheld and construction without planning permission cannot go on unabated. Yet, in the past when the law has been enforced and illegal structures have been demolished, the State Department has protested Israel's right to uphold the law. In this way the same State Department that claims to oppose unilateral actions by both sides has actively supported unilateral building by the Arab side, while opposing building homes for Jews–in Jerusalem. (h/t Norman F)PA TV - Tzipi Livni murdered nuclear scientist Palestinian spokespeople have been presenting Israeli MP Tzipi Livni's statements that Abbas will have to pay the price for the peace talks' failure if he doesn't moderate his positions, as actual, personal threats to Abbas Bill to grant Christian Arabs independent status raises ire "The legislation would give separate representation and separate consideration to the Christian population, that will separate them from Muslim Arabs," Levin told Maariv a few months ago. "It's a historic and important step that could balance the State of Israel and connect us to the Christians, and I am careful not to refer to them as Arabs, because they are not Arabs."IDF Blog: Terror in 2014: The Nonstop Threats to Israel 2014 has barely begun, but terrorists haven't wasted a moment in attacking Israel. In January alone, terrorists from Gaza fired rockets at Israel 28 times, a dramatic increase from previous months.The fabricated Palestinian history Perhaps an examination of the colors of the Palestinian national flag will tell the real story. Bartal notes that "the flag is missing its own uniqueness."Abbas the "moderate" Abbas was present and seated in the front row during a sermon given by PA Religious Endowments Minister, Mahmoud al-Habbash. Habbash compared the current negotiations with Israel to a medieval pact signed between Muhammad and his rivals, the Quraysh, which Muhammad subsequently violated once achieving military parity. Abbas offered no rebuke or condemnation of his minister. On the contrary, the views expressed by Habbash are consistent with those of his boss.After Abbas: It's battle stations for the men who would be president Officially, leaders in the PA and Fatah don't talk about it. It's almost taboo. But Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who is also chairman of both the PLO and Fatah, has no clearly mandated successor for any of these positions.Czech Police: Weapons in PA Embassy Were Decades Old Czech police said on Thursday that the weapons and explosives discovered at the Palestinian Authority's Embassy in Prague, where a possibly booby-trapped safe killed the ambassador, were decades old.Palestinian UNRWA workers end two-month strike The settlement, brokered by Interim Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, will compensate workers for strike days, according to PA official news organ Wafa.Gaza man sentenced to death for collaboration with Israel A Gaza military court on Thursday morning sentenced a man convicted of collaborating with Israel to death and another to life in prison on the same charge.Rouhani accuses foes of seeking to spread 'Iranaphobia' Iran does not pose a threat to the world despite attempts by the Islamic Republic's enemies to conjure a worldwide conspiracy of "Iranaphobia," Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has claimed.Iranian Foreign Ministry Swats Down Suggestions Tehran Would Recognize Israel Under Peace Deal Iran's foreign ministry this week "categorically denied" widely-broadcast reports which had Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif hinting to German TV that Tehran might be willing to recognize Israel should the Jewish state secure a peace agreement with Palestinians. A foreign ministry official declared instead that Zarif had been misquoted and the top Iranian diplomatic "completely rejected the remarks attributed to him."Report: Iran's Rouhani Donates $400,000 to Tehran Jewish Hospital Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has reportedly donated $400,000 to Tehran's Jewish hospital, according to Thomas Erdbrink, The New York Times's correspondent in Tehran.Saudi Arabia Overtakes UK as 4th Largest Military Spender Military Balance 2014, produced by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) think-tank, has revealed that in 2013, the United Kingdom slipped into fifth place in the world rankings behind the United States, China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia.Death of Saudi female student stirs uproar Thousands of Saudis vented their anger online over a report Thursday that staff at a Riyadh university had barred male paramedics from entering a women's-only campus to assist a student who had suffered a heart attack and later died. |
Father of three "martyrs" dies in Gaza Posted: 07 Feb 2014 07:00 AM PST Islamic Jihad offers condolences to whatever family is remaining of Deeb Osman Alersaana of northern Gaza. Alersaana, 72, died of a heart attack after evening prayers last night. He was celebrated by the terrorist organization because three of his sons - Ayman, Mohammed and Osman - have all been "martyred." At least he was old enough to see his children die, which is a positive thing in the Palestinian Arab culture of death. Here he is, showing the overabundance of love and kindness that he was known for and that he successfully taught his children. |
Huge Yiddish cultural mural defaced in LA (updated x2) Posted: 07 Feb 2014 05:00 AM PST This is a 60 foot wide mural in Los Angeles put up in 1998 for the Arbeter Ring/Workmen's Circle Southern California campus, a secular (and socialist) Jewish organization. Recently, it was defaced: From The Jewish Journal: A mural on the south side of the Arbeter Ring/Workmen's Circle Southern California campus at 1525 S. Robertson Blvd was defaced with graffiti that reads "Free Palestine!!!!"The Arbeter Ring/Workmen's Circle has traditionally been a socialist movement, anti-religious but very committed to Jewish/Yiddish culture and what it calls "social justice." It would not be called a Zionist organization. In its statement, it said: "It is ironic that the slogan defaced the mural of an organization whose observance of kol nidre, a major Jewish holiday, includes an Arabic American singer leading the hymn, 'Peace, Shalom, Salaam,' and that includes the aspirations of the Palestinian people in our other secular Jewish observances," the statement continues. This graffiti shows that to many supposedly "pro-Palestinian" activists, their target isn't Israel but Jews. It isn't "thoughtlessness" - it is hate. It is a shame that an organization that says it pursues justice cannot recognize a hate crime and instead ascribes it to "cultural illiteracy." Even worse is its painful naivete thinking that more cowtowing can remove hate. (h/t Doris, Bob K.) UPDATE: New graffiti artists changed "Free" to another four letter word: The Workmen's Circle response was that "this new defacement proves 'that there are idiots on both sides.'" I think there are idiots on three sides here. (h/t Rebbe Yell) |
Fatah insists it never abandoned terror Posted: 07 Feb 2014 02:30 AM PST I've mentioned a number of times that the Fatah platform that is in force today supports the continued use of terror. I even found an English version: Struggle emanates from the right of the Palestinian people to resist the occupation, to struggle against settlement, expulsion, displacement and racial discrimination; a right guaranteed by international law. Our revolutionary struggle was launched by armed struggle against the military usurpation of our land , but it was never confined to it . Its tools and methods were diverse and included peaceful resistance as was practiced by the first Intifada ; demonstrations, sit-ins, civil disobedience, confronting settler gangs, political, media, legal, and diplomatic struggle including negotiations with the occupation authority. Consequently, the Palestinian people's right to practice armed resistance against the military occupation of their land remains a constant right confirmed by international law and international legality. However, the selection of struggle methods, in time and space depends on the capabilities of our people and our Movement. (Disingenuously, it claims that "Fatah always rejected targeting civilians anywhere" which is so laughably ridiculous that one can only say that they regard no Israeli Jews as being civilians.) Even more interesting is that while the platform insists that killing Jews in Israel is a legal right, they mention in their strategy that they want to have closer ties with Israel's "peace camp." Amazingly, no one in the "peace camp" has anything bad to say about their being manipulated by a party that justifies murdering them. Just in case you don't believe the actual text written and disseminated by Fatah, here's new video from MEMRI reiterating their position: During a recent visit to Iran, Fatah central committee member Jibril Rajoub said: "The resistance is still a strategic option, and armed resistance is on the table." He said that he wanted all components of Palestinian society "to maintain the state of conflict between Palestine and the occupation." The interview was broadcast by the Iranian Al-Alam TV network on February 3, 2014.So bus bombings in most of Jerusalem are OK. And, sometime in the future, they might be OK for Tel Aviv as well, but just not quite now. Now, who is the leader of Fatah again? Oh, yeah - Mahmoud Abbas. This is his organization, and he has never contradicted these words. |
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