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- 01/31 Links Pt2: SodaStream plans to bring Johansson to Israel; Barghouti’s blood libel
- Tweets and administrivia
- 01/31 Links Pt1: Kerry, the Palestinians and the Vietnam model; Fatah honors 2 suicide terrorists
- Special Achievement Hasby Award for outstanding grassroots activism
- Arab SodaStream workers say they are against BDS
- Israel returning bodies of suicide bombers to its "peace partner" (updated)
01/31 Links Pt2: SodaStream plans to bring Johansson to Israel; Barghouti’s blood libel Posted: 31 Jan 2014 01:00 PM PST From Ian: Why you should be proud Zionists Zionism's astounding success in building a stable democracy makes it a symbol for democracy, not only in the Middle East, but all around the world.Academic extremism threatens democratic values It is the obligation of all academics everywhere to recognize and challenge claims that have no basis in fact or logic. Instead of ignoring historical revisionism or common sense gone awry, they should respond vocally and forcefully. Not only can offensive speech and conduct be constitutionally confronted and condemned, but responsible administrators, faculty and students have a moral imperative to do so.Barghouti's blood libel Indeed, it is favorite trope of the Arabs and their supporters to say that Israel deliberately targets civilians and especially children, although careful research based on mortality data [2002] shows that the exact opposite is true. Scarlett gives a damn Blinded by the BDS crusade, Oxfam sacrificed an ally devoted to helping starving children to a litmus test that it applies to no other nation.Brendan O'Neill: Three cheers for Scarlett Johansson's stand against the ugly, illiberal Boycott Israel movement There is nothing remotely progressive in this campaign to boycott everything Israeli, with its double standards about various nations' behaviour and its shrill rhetoric about everything that comes from Israel being covered in Palestinian blood. This movement is not designed to have any kind of positive impact in the Middle East but rather is about making certain Western activists feel righteous and pure through allowing them to advertise how Israeli-free their lives are. It's illiberal, because it effectively demands the censoring of Israeli academics and performers; it's hypocritical, because it is led by people who are only too happy to use iPhones made in undemocratic China and to vote for the Labour Party, which, er, bombed the hell out of Middle Eastern countries for the best part of 10 years; and it has unfortunate ugly echoes of earlier campaigns to boycott Jewish shops and produce. So three cheers for Ms Johansson for taking a very public stand against this right-on pressure to treat Israel as the most evil nation on Earth.' (h/t Herb Glatter)SodaStream plans to bring Johansson to Israel this year SodaStream plans to bring its global ambassador, Scarlett Johansson, to Israel this year, the company said on Thursday, the same day that the Hollywood star resigned from her prominent eight-year role as Oxfam's representative due to the controversy over her new connection to a firm with a West Bank factory.Scarlett Johansson's Decision to Back SodaStream Over Oxfam Puts Charity's Anti-Israel Activism Into Spotlight In one "win" for the BDS campaign, Herzberg described a meeting with a senior executive of an Israeli pretzel company called Bagel Bagel that was owned by Dutch multinational Unilever and relocated its factory in Ariel's Barcan Industrial Area, over the Green Line, to open another facility in Galil, on the other side.Financial Times Reporter Implies Scarlett Johansson Quit Oxfam for the Money, Then Apologizes The Financial Times Middle East and North Africa Correspondent, the Cairo and Beirut-based Borzou Daragahi, faced social media talkback on Thursday after implying Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson, who quit Oxfam yesterday, did so for financial reasons.Jewish voice for peace gets it wrong. Again. Poor Jewish Voice for Peace is still trying to come to grips with superstar Scarlett Johansson's decision to remain as the celebrity spokesperson for the Israeli home carbonation device, Sodastream. In a marvelous act of fantasy or perhaps simply delusion the team at Jewish Voice for Peace has declared victory over the same incident they bemoaned as a loss just 12 hours earlier.Will ScarJo Pay a Price for Her Principles? It is possible that Oxfam's decision wasn't entirely based on the anti-Israel bias of its London-based leadership. One of the leading corporate donors to Oxfam just happens to be the Coca Cola Company that has given millions to the group. That tie between a company that can be linked to obesity and bad nutrition and a charity that promotes feeding the hungry is seen as a contradiction by some and only explained by the cash that flows from Coke to Oxfam. But the fact that SodaStream is a competitor that is already eating into Coke's market share could account, at least in part, for Oxfam's speed in denouncing Johansson.BDS in Academia, Politics and Industry January was an important month for BDS. In the academic sphere, the American Studies Association boycott resolution was followed by a pseudo-debate at the Modern Language Association. Both of these developments produced uniquely high press coverage and political backlash, suggesting that BDS advocates in academia can no longer rely on stealth to advance their goals.Football Jihad: who's who in the new battle ground (satire) One example of such a group being increasingly targeted are footballers, because an anti-Israel message from them can have instant worldwide impact. Hence, there has been a steadily increasing number of footballers taking part in what I call the 'football jihad' - and they are by no means all Muslims. The non-Muslims are typical of the ignorant youngsters you see at any university meeting or rally protesting against Israel - with their Hamas supporting T-shirts and kaffiyas, repeating unquestioningly the same lies told to them.Obama's Brother, 'Best Man,' Dons Hamas Regalia You can say what you want about not being your brother's keeper, but if you are the President of the United States, your closest living relative is fair game for public comment.No, we're not a normal family, says Obama's Jewish half-brother It's pretty natural to do a double-take when talking to Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo, Jewish half-brother of US President Barack Obama. Even speaking on the phone from China, Ndesandjo's deep tones and Midwestern twang are startlingly similar to those of the president.The psychology of anti-Semitism and the link to anti-Zionism The big "give-away" is the utterly ridiculous lies anti-Semites are willing to believe about the Jewish people.Belgian lawmaker: Zionists bankrolled Holocaust The president of Belgium's parliament condemned the actions of a lawmaker who said Zionists were responsible for the Holocaust and performed the quasi-Nazi quenelle gesture in parliament.Man who sent pig heads to Rome synagogue 'found' A man who allegedly sent pigs' heads to Jewish sites across Rome ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day on Monday has been identified, police said Friday.Anti-Semitic fresco causes uproar in Poland Alicja Kobus, chairwoman of the western city's Jewish community, made the accusation on January 26 in an interview with the Gazeta Wyborcza daily about a fresco which depicts an anti-Semitic blood libel and which adorns Poznan's Sacred Blood of Christ cathedral.Israel's Oramed a step closer in race for first insulin pill Israel's Oramed, which is racing Novo Nordisk of Denmark to develop the world's first insulin pill, moved a step closer to its goal on Thursday by announcing successful results from a small mid-stage test.QualComm founder a fan long before 'Start-Up Nation' Some multinationals only became aware of the Start-Up Nation after reading the book of that title — at which point they rushed in, feet first, to grab a piece of Israel's tech magic for their companies. But others — call them the "old-timers" — knew the secret of Israel's success years before the country's technology prowess was in vogue.Despite Decades of Enmity, Israel Quietly Aids Syrian Civilians About five weeks ago, he recalled, he had been working his land when he learned that his grandchildren had been hurt in a rocket attack. He had heard about the Israeli medical care and, ignoring the political risks, worked to bring his granddaughter here. |
Posted: 31 Jan 2014 11:00 AM PST Sometimes I tweet things that people like, but I don't blog them. Which makes me feel guilty. Yesterday, I saw posted on CUWI Facebook page an old, great cartoon that I cleaned up and tweeted - and it quickly became very popular: My SodaStream poster, which The Forward mentioned was going viral, made it to the UK: My #SodaStream poster makes it to the UK http://t.co/GsBAKOvJ0V pic.twitter.com/iFtj3ayfn3 The Forward said it was inaccurate, and I answer them in the update to that post. Today, I retweeted a 2011 post of mine that is relevant again, as the BDSers keep saying that "Palestinian civil society" overwhelmingly supports BDS. It turns out that "Palestinian civil society" doesn't representvery many Palestinians at all. Yesterday I tweeted this: Scarlett Johansson's #SodaStream commercial already has 5 million YouTube views: http://t.co/Lwewcavzxg BDSers heads explode Well, now it has about 7 million and counting, much more than the previous SodaStream commercial that was censored in the 2012 Super Bowl. Meanwhile, the most popular post of mine for past several weeks has not been a recent one, but my "Apartheid?" poster page. Over 1000 hits yesterday alone! I haven't been publicizing them yet this year. Apparently, a lot of people are preparing for this year's "Apartheid Weeks" on college campuses and they are finding my posters through search engines. It is by far my most popular post ever, with about 50,000 views on this blog alone, and countless others via emails and from people who are taking the posters (often taking off my name!) and posting them to Facebook. Partially as a result of that (plus a couple of very popular articles this month, not to mention the online Hasby Awards) this is the biggest month for EoZ since Operation Pillar of Defense. Shabbat Shalom! |
01/31 Links Pt1: Kerry, the Palestinians and the Vietnam model; Fatah honors 2 suicide terrorists Posted: 31 Jan 2014 09:00 AM PST From Ian: Kerry, the Palestinians and the Vietnam model After Yasser Arafat took over the PLO's leadership in 1969, he went to North Vietnam to study the strategy and tactics of guerrilla warfare waged by Ho Chi Minh. This is also when the PLO started translating the writings of North Vietnam's General Nguyen Giap into Arabic. Arafat was particularly impressed by Ho Chi Minh's success in mobilizing sympathizers in Europe and in the United States. Giap explained to Arafat that in order to succeed, he, too, had to conceal his real goal and should use the right vocabulary: "Stop talking about annihilating Israel and instead turn your terror war into a struggle for human rights," Giap told Arafat. "Then you will have the American people eating out of your hand."Caoline Glick: Trying to scare Israel Kerry is waiting for Netanyahu to agree to his framework. Until he does, Kerry, his allies and agents will escalate their threats and subversion.American Framework 'A Step in the Right Direction' Chairman of the Committee for Jewish Refugees from Arab Lands, MK Shimon Ohayon (Yisrael Beytenu), welcomed one issue addressed in the American framework presented by US envoy Martin Indyk. The framework includes a clause granting compensation for the refugees - something Ohayon and other advocates have been waiting for. 'US framework deal puts 75-80% of settlers under Israeli rule' Martin Indyk, the State Department's lead envoy to the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, told the Jewish leaders on Thursday that under the framework agreement about 75-80 percent of settlers would remain in what would become Israeli sovereign territory through land swaps; he added that it was his impression that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was not averse to allowing settlers who want to remain as citizens of the Palestinian state.Khaled Abu Toameh: PLO official: Kerry's proposals offer 'general and vague' formulas about J'lem's future Tawfik Tirawi, a top Fatah official and former PA security commander, said that Kerry's proposals were completely unacceptable to the Palestinians.PM in 1999: Jews living in Palestinian state is 'absurd' Makor Rishon's Hagai Segal reported on a 1999 interview he did with the prime minister, then in his first term, in which Netanyahu called the idea of Jewish settlers living in a Palestinian state "absurd."Khaled Abu Toameh: Fatah official: Palestinians interested in Iranian role in conflict with Israel The Palestinians have an interest in Tehran playing an increased role in the region, Jibril Rajoub, a senior Fatah official, said on Thursday.Quartet to meet in Munich over stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said she would chair the meeting with Kerry, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Quartet envoy Tony Blair, the former British prime minister.Reuters Headline Falsely Accuses Israel of Threatening Civilians In fact, the article makes clear that Israel did not threaten any Lebanese civilians. Rather, Israel's Air Force chief, Major General Amir Eshel called out Hezbollah for establishing thousands of terrorist bases within residential buildings and warned that the Israeli army would not be deterred from retaliating for attacks launched from within these quarters.BBC Watch: In which BBC News abandons all pretence of fact checking Obviously the BBC has not bothered to carry out any kind of fact checking before electing to repeat and promote unverified hearsay from unidentified passers-by. Over at the Israellycool blog is a photograph of Mubarak taken shortly after the incident and published by the Ma'an news agency in this article. As can clearly be seen, he is fully clothed and the weapon used lies beside him.IDF Blog: Dramatic Increase in Gaza Terror in January 2014 Since the beginning of 2014, over 28 rockets were launched from Gaza at Israel by Gaza terrorists.IAF strikes Gaza after rocket fired at Israel A video uploaded to YouTube claimed to show the Israeli airstrikes hitting the Gaza Strip early Friday morning.Israeli Air Force Commander: 'IAF is Operating Daily Across the Middle East' Speaking at the Ninth International Space Conference in Herzliya on Wednesday, Israeli Air Force Commander Major General Amir Eshel said the IAF is initiating almost daily defensive or offensive actions across the Middle East, Israel's Ma'ariv reported on Thursday.PMW: Fatah honors two suicide terrorists Celebrating the anniversary of terrorist Ali Ja'ara's suicide bombing in 2004, in which he killed 11 and wounded dozens, the Fatah movement posted a text on its official Facebook page today, glorifying the killer as the "quiet hero" who "succeeded in breaking the Zionists' security barriers and breaching their fortresses." Photos of the terrorist and the blown up bus accompany the text.Arab Terrorist 'Wanted to Hurt Jews' A Palestinian Arab terrorist who broke through a barrier of the southern Hevron Hills community of Beit Haggai Thursday afternoon wanted "to hurt Jews."Hezbollah expanding drone use to Syria and Lebanon Lebanese security sources said that the organization had spotted the vehicle, and obtained information that it had entered the BekaaSyria peace talks end first round in deadlock After a week of talks at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, the opposing sides in Syria's civil war were still stuck on the question of how to proceed. Friday's closing session was expected to be largely ceremonial, with government and opposition delegates expected to meet again around Feb. 10.Washington 'deeply concerned' about delay in Syria's removal of chemical arms stockpile In September, Syria agreed to forfeit its massive chemical weapons stockpile to be destroyed at sea under strict time constraints, under threat of military force from Washington.Analysts: Syria Retains 95% of Chemical Arsenal, Can Likely Produce Bio-Weapons Syria retains the vast majority of its chemical arsenal, can likely weaponize biological agents, and has restored the pace of its missile production to pre-war levels, according to a stream of analysis and reporting published on Tuesday and Wednesday. A written statement by James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, disclosed that U.S. intelligence analysts "judge that some elements of Syria's biological warfare programme might have advanced beyond the research and development stage and might be capable of limited agent production." Reporting on Clapper's disclosure, The Telegraph noted that Syria's program is sufficiently advanced that Syrian scientists may be able to create biological weapons even out of existing viruses, including out of strains of small pox.Human Rights Watch: Assad Regime Destroyed Neighborhoods Suspected of Supporting Rebels Over the past two years, the Syrian government has embarked on a systematic campaign to demolish large swaths of urban areas and raze entire neighborhoods in an effort to punish opposition supporters and drive suspected rebels out of strategic areas, according to a new report by Human Rights Watch. The report details the destruction, by explosives and bulldozers, of thousands of residential buildings spread across seven neighborhoods in Damascus and Hama, two of Syria's largest cities.Former German FM Fischer in Tehran: West Give Up Support for Israel? 'Forget it, Never' The interaction was reported at the Iran – Israel Observer blog by Iranian-Israeli Meir Javedanfar, who attended Wednesday's 'Security Challenges of the 21st Century' conference at Tel Aviv's Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), where he heard the story.Iran Accuses Obama of 'Falsifying History' Iran on Thursday dismissed as "unrealistic and unconstructive" comments by President Barack Obama that international sanctions linked to its nuclear program had forced Tehran to the negotiating table, AFP reported.US will seek death penalty for Boston bomber The United States will seek a rare federal death penalty for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the surviving young student accused of the Boston Marathon bombings, Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday. |
Special Achievement Hasby Award for outstanding grassroots activism Posted: 31 Jan 2014 07:00 AM PST This is a Special Achievement Hasby Award, given outside the normal nominations process, since I didn't have a category for this - and I should have. The Special Achievement Hasby Award for grassroots activism goes to.... I've mentioned Sussex Friends of Israel before. They are a group of people who, on their own, decided to counter-protest the haters who were intimidating a shop in Brighton that was selling SodaStream every Saturday. The greatness of SFI isn't that they are counter-protesting. Their brilliance is in how they do it. Every week, they come up with a different gimmick - handing out cookies or cake to passersby. They mercilessly videotape and try to interview the haters, exposing their ignorance and how little they really care about Palestinian Arabs. The contrast between the laughing, happy Zionists and the angry, clueless BDSers shows every passerby who is right. Indeed, it looks like a party every week where the pro-Israel crowd gets together to have a good time - and exposing the haters is just one of the fun activities. They have effectively nullified and turned the tables on the anti-Israel protesters. SFI also went to protest the obscene "wall" at St. James church earlier this month. Moreover, on their Facebook page you can see that they generate a huge number of pro-Israel posters, often with a great sense of humor. As far as I can tell, this is a completely grassroots effort. There is no help from the organized British Jewish or Zionist community, and one gets the impression that the lack of an organized response is what helped create SFI. There have been other examples of Zionists deciding to create their own grassroots organizations - Calgary United With Israel is worth mentioning - but as far as I can tell, no one else has the creativity, energy and effectiveness of Sussex Friends of Israel. Their model should be replicated around the world. This will be the last Hasby for the year; the other categories were simply not compelling enough for me to give out awards. I will create a post to wrap up all the winners on Sunday. |
Arab SodaStream workers say they are against BDS Posted: 31 Jan 2014 05:11 AM PST From the Christian Science Monitor: [T]hose most familiar with the factory – Palestinians who work there – largely side with Ms. Johansson.The writer did find one disgruntled employee, bolstering my thesis of the interview bias employed by Reuters' Noah Browning and Electronic Intifada's "reporter" who found possibly that same disgruntled employee (his statement sounds a lot like what EI's employee said): One of the workers waiting for the SodaStream bus this morning says he hates the fact that he's working in an Israeli settlement, and lies to people when they inquire about his work.The Christian Science Monitor is hardly pro-settlement, and plenty of the article explains the viewpoint of the Israel-haters, which gives this account far more credibility. My update to my previous post about this showed that NPR also found employees at the plant were happy. Which means that JTA, NPR, CSM and The Forward all agree that workers at SodaStream are happy, and the only ones who disagree are Reuters' Noah Browning and EI - both of which have records of, frankly, lying. Again we see the difference between how real journalists work and how dishonest, advocacy "journalists" work. Electronic Intifada and Reuters' Noah Browning should not be trusted as being honest about anything in the Middle East. (h/t Benny) |
Israel returning bodies of suicide bombers to its "peace partner" (updated) Posted: 31 Jan 2014 03:01 AM PST Over the past few days, Israel has been returning the remains of terrorists, including suicide bombers, to their Arab families. Here's how Ma'an reported the latest announcement: Israeli authorities will return next Sunday the remains of a young Palestinian woman held in a "numbered graves" cemetery for twelve years, Palestinian officials said Wednesday. Why is Israel returning the bodies? It appears that an Israeli "human rights" organization took the case to the Supreme Court - and won: Salim Khillah, a spokesman for a committee to retrieve Palestinian remains from Israeli custody, told Ma'an on Jan. 17 that Israeli authorities had decided to return the remains of 36 Palestinians held in Israeli "numbered graves."Reuters also says that this was a Supreme Court decision. However, commenter Yenta Press points out that there has been no such decision. Apparently, the Israeli government just decided to give the bodies back, and it is unclear if they received anything in return. This is not how things are done in the Middle East. Dead people don't have human rights, so presumably HaMoked sued to return the bodies to help eliminate the anguish of the relatives of the terrorists. This way they can get the honor and glory for the terror acts all over again, as is traditional. The human rights of the relatives of the Israelis blown up by terrorists, who have to relive the attacks, don't seem to be on HaMoked's radar. (UPDATE: Blue text.) |
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