Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- 02/19 Links Pt2: Who Finances BDSM Against Israel?; Why Google loves Israel
- PA leader supports kidnapping Israeli soldiers
- Jordan to buy $500m of gas from Israel
- 02/19 Links Pt1: The People Who Always Refuse a State; Iran backs Assad and Al-Qaeda
- Arabs protest photo exhibit of Sephardic Jews in Morocco
- John Judis' "Genesis" - Blaming Jews for antisemitism
- Gaza preacher: "It isn't about borders, but about Israel's existence"
02/19 Links Pt2: Who Finances BDSM Against Israel?; Why Google loves Israel Posted: 19 Feb 2014 03:00 PM PST From Ian: Israelly Cool: Who Finances BDSM Against Israel? Today in the Knesset there is a committee meeting session looking into the financing of the anti-Israel movements. Who pays for the kind of lies and propaganda that lead naive people (for example those in Australia who sell the Cinematic Strings software) to think that boycotting Israelis will somehow help Palestinians and lead to a better world.He appeared on Israeli TV (speaking in English) a few days ago: the introduction is in Hebrew but the main interview is all in English. There's No Profit in Peace I was in the Knesset today, listening to Edwin Black, author of Flanning the Flames.Israel's UN Ambassador Unanimously Nominated to Chair UN Human Rights Committee Election Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, was unanimously nominated to chair a UN Human Rights Committee election on Tuesday, Israel's UN mission said in a statement. 170 countries voted for Prosor, including members of the Arab bloc. Poll: Israel still most favorably viewed Mideast country among Americans A random sample of 1,023 respondents revealed that 72 percent held a "very favorable" view of Israel, a 6-percent jump from a year ago.UN Watch: UN's 9/11 denier accuses Israel of "inhuman acts" and "apartheid" A controversial United Nations human rights investigator is accusing Israel of "inhuman acts," and calling on the body world to support a "legitimacy war" against the Jewish state.UN High Commissioner for Human Rights releases another Israel-bashing report The report alleges that Jihad Aslan and Younis Jahjouh "were shot and killed as they threw stones at the [IDF] soldiers" and that UNRWA employee Ruben Zayed, "was shot and killed on his way to work by the Israeli security forces as they were leaving the [Qalandia refugee] camp." It concludes that "In all of these cases, those killed or injured presented no threat to the lives of the soldiers."Why is US church sending Jews to the trash-heap of history? Presbyterian churches are teaching that their Jewish neighbors are inherently racist and prone to abusing the rights of others.The rise of PENIS cancer: Cases soar by 20% amidst fears that symptoms are being misdiagnosed as STDs The number of men being diagnosed with cancer of the penis has soared by 20 per cent in the last 30 years, according to new figures.NGO Monitor: Evaluating Funding for Political Advocacy NGOs in the Arab-Israeli Conflict: The European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) Our analysis shows: For the years 2007-2010, local projects directed to Israel, local projects to "OPT," and projects that address Israel and "OPT" jointly (Israel/OPT) received €11,472,593 in EIDHR grants –more than any other country.Heads of NGO Monitor Visit EU Parliament, Present Findings At a parliamentary session on Monday, under the auspices of the European Union Delegation for Relations with Israel, the NGO Monitor group launched a new report on EU funding for political advocacy NGOs in the Arab-Israeli conflict.Deutsche Bank Flatly Denies Boycott of Israeli Bank Deutsche Bank, Germany's largest bank, has flatly denied reports that it offered investors a portfolio that excluded Israel's Bank Hapoalim.Music industry comfortably numb to Roger Waters' bigotry The reason other artists don't join Roger Waters in his cultural boycott is simple: He's dead wrong. Israel is the only democratic country in the Middle East — and the only country that recognizes women's rights, gay rights and equal rights for all minorities including Arabs and Christians. While many people in Israel may disagree with the Israeli government, Israelis (including Arab citizens) have the full right to speak out against their government and change it by voting out their elected representatives.Cinematic Strings Back Down On BDS Against Israeli For any who think we can't fight BDS: here's a result. Within hours of the original blog post kicking off a Facebook viral avalanche from our readers, the company behind Cinematic Strings has, at least technically, backed down.SFSU Student Continued Posting Violent Threats Against IDF, Jews Something that AMCHA found particularly troubling was that Hammad revealed his excitement about being made the president of SFSU's General Union of Palestine Students (GUPS), because then, he wrote, he hopes "to radicalize half of our population and bring them back with me as fighters."The BBC, the British Council and BDS: what Simon Cox didn't report However, Radio Alwan is far from being the sole organization with British Council and BBC links which directly or indirectly supports and promotes the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement which aims to delegitimize Israel into extinction.Guardian text & image almost suggest Israeli culpability in Egypt bus bombing As you can see, following the headline and image – which evoke the recent terror attack in the Sinai – we immediately learn that Israeli Mossad agents were arrested by Egyptian authorities. Then, with no transitional text, we learn that "earlier in the [same] day", there was an attack near the Israeli border.Combatting anti-Semitism in Europe Last week, Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs Ministry released a report titled "Anti-Semitism in 2013: Trends and Events."Norwegian comedy skit satirizes 'Jewish clause' The sketch broadcast Sunday on NRK, the Norwegian government-owned radio and television broadcaster, was part of celebrations to mark the constitution's 200th year. The clause banning Jews from entering Norway was part of the constitution enacted in 1814 and was lifted in 1851.Dutch diplomat to be honored Monday for saving Jews A Dutch diplomat who died in a Nazi concentration camp will receive Israel's special honor for non-Jews who helped Holocaust survivors escape the genocide.Once a dump, Sharon park officially opens near Tel Aviv The Ariel Sharon Park near Tel Aviv, named after the late prime minister, was officially inaugurated with a public ceremony on Tuesday morning. The event was attended by several of Ariel Sharon's grandchildren, who planted saplings from the late leader's Sycamore Ranch.'Green and clean' tech Finland looks to Israel for inspiration Finnish Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen is determined to overhaul his economy, and cites Israel's success as a "start-up" nation brimming with high-tech innovation as his model.Why Google loves Israel It is no small coincidence that Google, among others, sees Israel as a powerhouse for attracting investments when it comes to R&D innovations. Beset on two borders with hostile enemy nations, and on two more with divided, hostile populations, Israel has long relied on its brainpower to come up with technological solutions to overcome its massive disadvantages of population size and material resources. In order to succeed in its mission of defending the people and the State of Israel, the IDF itself acts as a national incubator of R&D breakthroughs. So at this point, you should not be surprised to know that SlickLogin's CEO, Or Zelig, served in the IDF, developing advanced military computer security devices. | ||
PA leader supports kidnapping Israeli soldiers Posted: 19 Feb 2014 01:00 PM PST From Palestinian Media Watch: Senior PA official and Deputy-Secretary of Fatah's Central Committee Jibril Rajoub said last month that the Palestinian Authority encourages Hamas to kidnap Israeli soldiers and hold them hostage in order to exchange them for the release of Palestinian prisoners. Jibril Rajoub: "If Hamas wants to kidnap soldiers, let them kidnap soldiers. Let them kidnap. Let them kidnap if they [the Israelis] don't want to release prisoners, but want them as prisoners forever, so [the prisoners] will come out as ghosts and skeletons. The Israelis need to understand. It's clear that kidnapping is the language they understand. On the contrary, we encourage them [Hamas]. When they kidnapped [Gilad] Shalit, we congratulated them. When they concluded the Shalit [exchange] deal, in spite of our having a few reservations about it, we also congratulated them." | ||
Jordan to buy $500m of gas from Israel Posted: 19 Feb 2014 11:00 AM PST From Reuters: The partners in the Tamar natural gas field off Israel's Mediterranean coast have signed a deal to sell at least $500 million of gas over 15 years to two Jordanian companies in the first deal outside of Israel.The JordanZad newspaper says that the gas is coming from "the occupied territories." Jordan has an active "anti-normalization" group so it will be interesting to see what kind of resistance, if any, comes from Jordanian citizens. In the end, as we've seen with BDS, even the biggest anti-Israel idiots aren't willing to inconvenience themselves for a bogus "principle" - although they hypocritically insist that others do so. | ||
02/19 Links Pt1: The People Who Always Refuse a State; Iran backs Assad and Al-Qaeda Posted: 19 Feb 2014 09:00 AM PST From Ian: Palestinian Arabs – The People Who Always Refuse a State Western intervention only makes things worse, and leads the PA to believe that it can maintain a culture of victimhood and pay no price for its maximalist, uncompromising beliefs. Since the 1993 Oslo Accords, the Palestinian Arab culture of incitement, terrorism, and resort to lawfare has only increased, in absolute violation of their commitments to teach and preach peace, dismantle the terrorist infrastructure, confiscate weapons, and arrest terrorists. The PA has not kept those international commitments; so what gives Israel and Western diplomats confidence that any future accords – which will presumably involve Israel relinquishing vital land areas necessary for its security – will be honored? In Arab-Muslim culture, agreements tend to be broken when one side gains the strength to overcome the other, i.e. hudna. In the Middle East, the current status is what peace actually looks like: no paper agreements. At best, a détente, where only force and power prevail and are respected. That is what has enabled Israel to miraculously survive as an oasis of hope, democracy, and freedom in the midst of Arab-Muslim dominated totalitarian states, military dictatorships, and theocracies.Comprehensive Report Debunks Bedouin Land Claims in the Negev The new English-language report by Regavim, which advocates for fair allocation of land in Israel and campaigned successfully against the Begin-Prawer plan, focuses on six key arguments, including whether the Bedouin are indigenous to the northern Negev; whether Bedouin villages constitute historical structures; the claim that only 45 unrecognized Bedouin villages exist; whether Bedouin tribes have been neglected by the State in terms of building rights; whether government budgets are discriminatory against Bedouin tribes; and the percent of Negev lands to which Bedouin tribes lay claim. Aboriginal rights of the Jewish People A full-and-final peace treaty could also draw on Jewish aboriginal and treaty rights to include one or more specific paragraphs ensuring that Jews have free and secure access to certain religious sites, sacred to Judaism for more than two millennia. This might have some impact in Jerusalem and in one or more other places west of the Jordan River.Arab or Canaanite? Take your pick. The 'indigenous Palestinian' idea was most recently expressed by Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat who invoked being 'the proud son of the Canaanites who were there 5,500 years before Joshua bin Nun burned down the town of Jericho'. If the claim were true, the Palestinians would have a historical high ground. But what exactly is an 'indigenous people?'Palestinian autonomy: an idea whose time has come It is time for Israel to stop being blown about by the winds from Washington and Europe, to take its own security into its own hands, and to unilaterally end the phony 'peace process'. There already is a 'Palestine', which can succeed or fail as an autonomous entity, depending on its inhabitants' ability to create a functional government and a viable economy (and they would get a great deal of help in this enterprise).Illuminating Reactions to an Unpopular Proposal This Arab-Israeli stance is equally instructive regarding the canard that Israel is an "apartheid state." After all, if this were true, one would expect them to jump at Yisrael Beiteinu's proposal: It would free them from "apartheid rule" without their even having to leave home, since their towns would simply become Palestinian rather than Israeli.US asked Israel for partial settlement freeze — report The Obama administration asked Israel to impose an unofficial settlement freeze outside of major settlements blocs if a framework agreement is agreed upon, Army Radio reported Wednesday.How To Make Israel Look Bad For Abiding By Its Agreements With Us (satire)By Saeb Erekat The key lies in not actually caring about our citizens. If we cared, we wouldn't be encouraging people to make noise about Israeli farms and businesses that employ Palestinians in the West Bank. We couldn't be bothered to provide actual employment – we're too busy using Western funding to pay pensions to released Palestinians who murdered Israeli civilians.Visiting Syrian Wounded, Netanyahu Says 'Iran is Arming Those Who Are Carrying Out the Slaughter' Speaking at the IDF base, Netanyahu said, "On the day when talks between the major powers and Iran are being opened in Vienna, it is important that the world sees the pictures from this place, which divides the good that is in the world from the bad." Rockets Hit Golan Heights Following Prime Minister's Visit Two rockets fired from war-torn Syria struck the Golan Heights in northern Israel Tuesday, shortly after a secret visit to the area by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, the army said.Israeli Hospital Saves Lives of Two Pregnant Women from Gaza Israel accepts medical patients from Gaza for treatment on a regular basis, often as many as 70 patients per day.Bombs kill 4 near Iranian cultural center in Beirut Two suicide bombers blew up their cars Wednesday trying to hit an Iranian cultural center in a Shiite district in southern Beirut, killing at least four people and wounding more than a hundred, according to Lebanese officials and an al-Qaida linked group that claimed responsibility.Arms Agency: Syria Has Shipped Out Just 11% of its Chemical Arsenal Syria has shipped out 11% of its chemical weapons stockpile — falling far short of the February 5 deadline to have all such arms removed from the country, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons told CNN Wednesday. The slow pace of removal prompted U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to warn last month that all options remain available to force compliance. The OPCW is now in touch with senior Syrian officials to discuss a new schedule going forward.U.S. opposes supply of shoulder-fired missiles to Syria rebels The official, traveling with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Tunisia, was responding to a report in the Wall Street Journal on Friday which said Saudi Arabia had offered to give Syrian rebels Chinese man-portable air defense systems, or MANPADS, and anti-tank guided missiles from Russia.About that kid who fled Syria alone… The image of the boy's encounter with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) aid workers, and news of his subsequent reunion with his family, immediately went viral, prompting coverage in major newspapers worldwide.The Ayatollahs Back Assad and Al-Qaeda Several reports indicated that Assad, in fact, released many Al-Qaeda members from prison, with Iran assisting their network, in order to buttress the argument that the Assad regime was being attacked by Al-Qaeda. Reportedly, the Al-Qaeda-linked groups in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS have even been selling oil to the Assad regime in exchange for money and recruits with the assistance of Tehran.At talks, Iran insists it won't shutter nuclear facilities Iran drew a red line on Tuesday on how far it would go at landmark nuclear talks, saying as the meeting opened that it would not buckle to pressure from the US and five other world powers to scrap any of its nuclear facilities.Experts, Intelligence Analysts: Iran Negotiations, Which Leave Enrichment Intact, "Pushing Saudi Arabia Toward its Own Nuke Program" If Saudi Arabia pursue nuclear enrichment even if there is an Iran deal, then the victory to curb atomic weapons that Obama has tried to achieve will be at least partially undone by his own diplomacy. "They view the developments in Iran very negatively. They have money, they can buy talent, they can buy training," said David Albright, the president of the Institute for Science and International Security and a former weapons inspector. "The Saudis are thinking through how do you create a deterrent through capability."Top Iranian MP: Baha'i are Mossad and CIA spies Ahmad Salek, chairman of Iran's parliamentary cultural commission, on Tuesday accused his country's Baha'i community of spying for Israel and the United States.German Company Denies Selling Death Cranes to Iran The chairman of a German company whose cranes are reportedly being used for public hangings in Iran lashed out at critics and dismissed calls for his company to end its relationship with Tehran on humanitarian grounds.Yad Vashem: World must stop North Korea's 'Nazi-like' crimes Yad Vashem appealed for "immediate action" against North Korea on Tuesday, after a UN report likened the regime's crimes against humanity to those perpetrated by the Nazis. | ||
Arabs protest photo exhibit of Sephardic Jews in Morocco Posted: 19 Feb 2014 07:00 AM PST Last night a photo exhibition opened at the Instituto Cervantes in Tangier, Morocco, teaching the history of Jews in Morocco who were expelled from Spain in 1492, concentrating on those in northern Morocco. Naturally, Arabs protested.
The interesting thing is the reasons they gave for protesting. They can't say "we hate Jews" because the official Arab line is that they have no problem with Jews. So they protested by saying that a Spanish cultural center hosting an exhibit on Spanish Jews in Morocco is a form of - normalization with Israel. The protesters noted that the exhibit was sponsored by a group called Sepharad Israel which is - shudder -Zionist! They also heckled the police who stopped them from shutting down the cultural center by saying that they were allied with the Zionists. Some idiots will, of course, believe them when they say that their motivation is pure anti-Zionism and nothing to do with centuries-old antipathy of Jews in Arab countries. | ||
John Judis' "Genesis" - Blaming Jews for antisemitism Posted: 19 Feb 2014 05:00 AM PST From a book review of John Judis' "Genesis," in the Boston Globe: Judis rebuts the popular idea that Palestinian anti-Semitism stemmed (and stems) from religious or ideological convictions. Not so, he writes. Rather, as the number of Jews in Palestine increased, and as it became common for Jews to refuse to hire Arab labor, among other ostensibly hostile practices, only then did virulent anti-Semitism emerge.Although I have done this before, here are a couple of other instances of how wonderfully Muslims treated Jews in Palestine in the 19th century. From The comparative geographie of Palestine and the Sinaitic Peninsula by Carl Ritter, 1866: From Three Weeks in Palestine and Lebanon, 1846, referring to Jews in Jerusalem: It is so fashionable and chic to blame Muslim antisemitism on Jews. But people who are so ignore the facts. This is not to say that Muslim and Arab antisemitism was as bad as Christian and European antisemitism throughout history. It is also not to say that Muslim antisemitism didn't increase as Jews in Palestine started demanding rights - rights to return to their ancient homeland, rights to buy land, rights of self-determination. All these rights that would be considered laudable for any people except the Jews. Yes, some Jews wanted Jewish labor for their farms, because they felt ideologically that Jews must learn to work the land themselves rather than outsource it. But this didn't eliminate a single job from Arabs, since these were farms that didn't exist beforehand. On the contrary, Palestine's economy grew tremendously with the influx of Zionists, and Arabs immigrated to take advantage of the jobs that were created by Zionists. The Arab and Muslim world at large continued to regard Jews as weak, spineless second class people. It was in reaction to Jews demanding to be treated with respect - something that they had lacked for centuries under Muslim rule - that caused Muslims to increase their hate. The people who eagerly twist this around have an agenda - that Jews are responsible for Jew-hatred. There is a word for that. | ||
Gaza preacher: "It isn't about borders, but about Israel's existence" Posted: 19 Feb 2014 02:30 AM PST |
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