Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- How the PLO politicizes water as a weapon against Israel
- 02/12 Links Pt2: A special thank you from Scarlett Johansson; Israel a Sanctuary for Migrating Birds
- 95% of world's nations refuse to congratulate Iran on anniversary
- Freedom, Turkish-style
- 02/12 Links Pt1: Why does the EU fund anti-peace NGOs?; 200 Attacks on Rachel's Tomb in 2013
- The truth behind the "State of Palestine"/Gaza patient story
- Mondoweiss really is hilarious sometimes
- Review: New Gaza Salafi group makes boring video threatening Israel
- Palestinian minister denies saying he would allow Jews to pray on the Temple Mount
How the PLO politicizes water as a weapon against Israel Posted: 12 Feb 2014 08:30 PM PST Deutche Welle reports: European Parliament President Martin Schulz came under fire Wednesday after making remarks in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, about the water usage of Palestinians and Israelis in the occupied West Bank. This reminded me of an incident from 2011. Ma'an reported at the time: The head of the Palestinian Water Authority has condemned Israel's destruction of three water wells near Nablus, calling on the international community to intervene.Israel destroying wells! What more do you need to know? Here's a 2012 letter from the head of infrastructure for COGAT at the time, explaining the truth. Of course, it didn't get the same coverage as the initial accusations: A few days ago Dr Attili sent out a letter denouncing the Israeli destruction of a number of illegal wells located in Beit Hassan, using this as an explanation for his choice to withdraw from the desalination training program. A dissertation by Lauro Burkart contains this and many other memos that show how much effort Israel put into helping Palestinian Arabs obtain water. Many permits for wells were ignored by the Palestinian Water Authority, for example. Burkart proves convincingly that the Palestinian side would consistently use the water issue to obtain political advantage at the expense of its people. Assuming that water negotiations can be de-politicized, cooperation could improve the situation on the ground. A first area for cooperation is the treatment and reuse of wastewater. Out of the 52 mcm/y of wastewater generated by the Palestinian population, 17 mcm/y is flowing untreated into Israel and 33 mcm/y remains in the West Bank where it contaminates the shared groundwater resources. Hence, Israel has an environmental incentive to support and foster the Palestinian wastewater infrastructure. Nevertheless, the Palestinians claim that Israel is blocking their wastewater infrastructure. These claims are invalidated by two memoranda of understanding that were drafted in the framework of the JWC. They were pushed by Israel after the Intifada broke down the cooperation in the field of wastewater.407
It is clear that the Palestinian Authority decided long ago to stop cooperating with Israel on water issues and instead politicize it at the expense of its people (and the entire region, by overdrilling and refusing to treat wastewater for crops and giving them scarce fresh water instead.) This politicization is what drive bogus statistics about water, statistics that take a lot of effort to debunk. But nearly every one has been shown to be a lie. (h/t Josh K) | ||
02/12 Links Pt2: A special thank you from Scarlett Johansson; Israel a Sanctuary for Migrating Birds Posted: 12 Feb 2014 05:00 PM PST From Ian: A special thank you from Scarlett Johansson to YOU Thousands and thousands of you rose to the occasion and CCFP cannot express our thanks deeply enough. And we're not the only ones. We have been given a note from Mr. Marcel Pariseau, Scarlett Johansson's publicist, thanking her fans for their support. This note of appreciation is from Scarlett to all of you:Scarlett Johansson to receive honorary French OscarScarlett would like to extend her most sincere thanks to the many thousands of people who have supported her these past weeks. Your emails, comments, and tweets have been truly overwhelming and inspiring. It has been wonderful to receive messages from people all over the world who firmly believe that peace is possible. The American star, who is engaged to French journalist Romain Dauriac, will receive her "Cesar" at French cinema's annual gala awards ceremony in the capital on February 28.Major South American Trading Bloc Accepts Israel as Observer State The Pacific Alliance is a bloc of five Latin American member states – Costa Rica just joined the initial four members of Chile, Peru, Colombia, and Mexico – designed to promote economic growth specifically by focusing on trade liberalization. Geopolitically, it sits opposite another South American bloc – the "Common Market of the South" (Mercosur) group – which includes Argentina, Venezuela, and Brazil, and which has political ambitions that often align poorly with American interests. Netanyahu to Make Rare Visit to Colombia, Mexico Netanyahu accepted the invitations of both Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to visit their respective countries.Israel joins Western states at UN human rights forum Israel's Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor praised Israel's inclusion in the JUSCANZ group at the UN's Third Committee. The caucus is a subgroup of Western states that include Japan, the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, among others.Power Promises to Fight to Get Israel on Security Council Samantha Power, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, promised on Monday that she would fight and "not give up" to get Israel a seat on the UN Security Council.Pro-BDS Jewish-American: I'm on UN shortlist to replace Falk In her article on Saturday for the Real News Network, Bennis, a native of California, listed under her description of good news "Oxfam's decision to sack[sic] superstar Scarlett Johansson because of her high-visibility endorsement of SodaStream."Times reporter Catherine Philp falsely claims Oxfam cut ties with Johansson Of course, the claim that Oxfam "parted company with Scarlett Johansson" is not true.Anti-Israel, Anti-UKIP, Anti-Thatcher Activist to Receive Taxpayer Funding O'Hare, a student and unsuccessful student union presidential candidate at the University of Edinburgh, is known for his "direct action" which led to an Israeli diplomat having to cancel a speech at Edinburgh University in 2011.Professor Strips Thesis of Judith Butler Sourcing, Calls for RDS – 'Retractions and Disavowals in Scholarship' – to Oppose BDS Israeli artist, playwright and professor Dahn Hiuni on Tuesday said he launched a new movement called RDS – Retractions and Disavowals in Scholarship – to encourage academics to revisit their work to excise references from scholars who have since lost credibility as public intellectuals because of their bias against Israel and support of BDS, the boycott, divestment and sanction movement, that threatens to isolate and punish Israel.New Princeton program subject to American Studies Assn Israel boycott The American Studies Association has committed itself by Resolution to the full international boycott of Israel, but defends itself by saying it only actually will boycott Israeli academic institutions, their representatives, and their programs.A View from Down Under: Australia frontline of BDS campaign This Wednesday a lawsuit will resume at the Federal Court in Sydney against Jake Lynch of Sydney University, who is a prominent supporter of the BDS campaign against Israel. The lawsuit was filed by Israeli legal center Shurat Hadin on behalf of an academic Dan Avnon from the Hebrew University. Avnon wanted to do research in Australia but Jake Lynch refused to sign the application, stating his support for the BDS movement. The lawsuit alleges that Jake Lynch is violating Australia's racial discrimination act by discriminating against Dan Avnon based on his 'Israeli national origin and his Jewish racial and ethnic origin'."Four Corners" Fudges Footage "Four Corners'" decision to cut the footage of 11-year-old Karim throwing a rock is consistent with the broadcast's overall theme: Palestinian children and adults alike are merely non-violent victims, and not particularly responsible for having any role in the conflict. For example, Lyons falsely depicts the weekly violent clashes at Nabi Saleh as "non-violent":False Charge of 'Palestinian Kids in Cages' Lives On in Australian Documentary For the past six weeks, since the Jerusalem Post article was originally published, CAMERA has appealed repeatedly to the newspaper's journalists and editors, urging them to correct the misleading story, but to no avail.Israeli Embassy in London responds to Harriet Sherwood feature In her feature on Palestinian children, Harriet Sherwood writes at length about protests in Nabi Saleh (Weekend, 8 February). She mentions that at least 140 people from the village "have been detained or arrested as a result of protest activity", neglecting to mention terrorists, such as Ahlam Tamimi, who led a suicide bomber to a restaurant where he murdered 16 people, commenting later that she had hoped for a "larger toll". When she was released as part of the Gilad Shalit deal, there were celebrations in Nabi Saleh.Alison Weir on Munich 1972 The Stop the War Coalition has republished an article by Alison (Blood Libel) Weir at the antisemitic website Counterpunch blaming Israel for the terrorist operation which killed 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics and complaining that the Palestinian "victims" (i.e., terrorists) deserve to be remembered as well– "not just the 11 preferred ones."Aboard Belgian train, Jews asked to get off and shower at Auschwitz Unidentified passengers aboard a Belgian train used the speaker system to urge Jews to get off at Auschwitz and shower at the concentration camp.Presbyterians Declare War on the Jews Unlike past controversies in which Jewish groups sought to bridge the divide between the two communities, the distribution of a publication that is driven by sheer hatred and a determination to see Israel destroyed requires a more forthright response. The response to this screed should be unequivocal. Any Presbyterian Church USA that chooses to distribute it is not merely offending supporters of Israel. It is endorsing hate speech and seeking to spread a doctrine that seeks Israel's destruction and views Jews who do not reject Zionism as guilty of complicity in the "crimes" of the Jewish state. With this publication, the PCUSA has crossed a line that divides people of good will from those who promote racism or anti-Semitism. The many decent members of congregations affiliated with the PCUSA can no longer stand by mutely while the good name of their church is sullied in this manner. They must either actively reject this ugly publication or forever be tainted by association with the vile hatred to which their leadership has committed them. (h/t NormanF)Enrico Macias to make aliya The Jewish French-Algerian singer Enrico Macias announced on Monday that he will apply for Israeli citizenship and settle in the country permanently.Oramed announces successful oral insulin clinical trials Oramed Pharmaceuticals has announced successful results from its Phase 2a clinical trial for its ORMD-0801 oral insulin capsule for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The trial – which met all primary and secondary endpoints — was conducted under a United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Investigational New Drug protocol.Wheelchairs of Hope, from Israel with love Virtually every household in Israel has a few Keter brand plastic chairs, so why not use a similar seat as a base for lightweight, inexpensive but sturdy kid-friendly wheelchairs?Watch half a billion birds find peace in the Middle East (VIDEO) Now Hula functions as a much-needed way station for cranes, which travel about 6,000 miles between their winter and summer homes. In the surrounding areas of the Mediterranean, the birds are shot at for sport, and in some cases for food. "In Malta and Cyprus you can buy pickled wild birds in jars on the streets," [Naday] Israeli says. People show off their killings on Facebook pages. "Since UNESCO declared the sport of falconry a protected part of "living human heritage " two years ago, Israeli says, "it's a massacre." | ||
95% of world's nations refuse to congratulate Iran on anniversary Posted: 12 Feb 2014 03:00 PM PST Here's the best list I could generate of countries that (according to reports) sent their congratulations on the 35th anniversary of Iran's revolution: Turkey (an official spoke at a celebratory rally, not sure if official congratulations were sent) Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan Azerbaijan (given by their transportation minister on behalf of the president) Brunei Armenia Hungary Tunisia (new ambassador, may have been shamed into it) Venezuela Afghanistan (second vice president) That's it. Out of 192 nations in the UN, Iran apparently gets congratulated by only ten. Some Hungarians are upset about being in such company, so they made this poster: Hezbollah's congratulations are ironic given the weak list of countries that are friendly enough with Iran to send a form letter: Islamic Revolution Has Made Iran Pivotal Country in Region, World Top UN officials also congratulated Iran. Iranian media, trying to make these pathetic numbers look more impressive, are printing messages of congratulations from "analysts" like this one in Pakistan. (h/t Stanley) | ||
Posted: 12 Feb 2014 01:00 PM PST There have been two interesting recent news stories from Turkey. From Naharnet: A Turkish court on Wednesday sentenced a group of protesters to two years in jail for chanting slogans deemed insulting to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, local media reported on Wednesday.And from Hurriyet: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has acknowledged that he called a media executive at the height of the Gezi protests to order the removal of news content, days after an alleged phone transcript of the exchanged was leaked online, sparking anger over political pressure on the media.Given how corrupt and dictatorial Turkey's leader is, I'm not so sure that a rapprochement from Israel with Turkey makes sense while he remains in office. | ||
02/12 Links Pt1: Why does the EU fund anti-peace NGOs?; 200 Attacks on Rachel's Tomb in 2013 Posted: 12 Feb 2014 11:00 AM PST From Ian: The BDS folly There is, after all, something decent and intimate in the reciprocal relations imposed by the discipline of the market. The idea that businessmen produce tolerance as a by-product of their self-interested innovations might be an oversimplification of the situation. There are extremists – particularly on the Palestinian side but not only – who are bitterly opposed to any form of normalization between Palestinians and Israelis. And the conditions under which Palestinian businesses must operate are hardly conducive to economic growth.NGO Monitor: Why does the EU continue to fund anti-peace NGOs? For years, the EU has been providing millions of euros to radical political advocacy non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that, as repeatedly demonstrated, promote the images of Palestinian victimization and Israeli oppression. In many cases, the reports and lobbying efforts of these NGO are central to EU policy formation, forming a closed circle in which biased anti-Israel narratives are reinforced.'Nice country you've got there' (UK FM) Hague gets a soft ride on BBC's 'Hardtalk' Sackur also conveniently refrained from dissecting Hague's cringingly transparent 'equality' chimera of EU or UK censure of the Palestinian Authority (the same body which was recently revealed to be holding explosives and weapons in a diplomatic mission on EU soil) should peace negotiations collapse. After all, as past experience shows, even when the PA actively sabotaged the Oslo Agreements by initiating and financing an unprecedented campaign of terror against Israeli civilians in 2000, the EU continued to fund that body and even raised its contributions to the tune of an annual average of 250 million Euros. Hence, there is little reason to anticipate an about-face this time around and just as little reason to anticipate any letting-up in EU and UK funding of anti-Israel NGOs or an end to the practice of paternalistic, diplomatically illiterate finger-wagging from the hand which still feeds sections of the BBC. EU parliament head: We won't boycott Israel The EU has not and will not initiate a boycott against Israel, said European Parliament President Martin Schulz in a speech Tuesday, after receiving an honorary doctorate at Jerusalem's Hebrew University.Obama is Pressuring Israel to Gain Political Points Over Putin With Putin's repeated victories on the world stage, it seems that pressuring Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu is the Obama Administration's best chance to regain political power internationally.'State Dept. Opposes US Law, Kerry's Senate Record' Weiss noted he was troubled by the State Department criticism, saying its "position runs counter to the provisions of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, which makes clear that it is US law that a united Jerusalem is recognized as the capital of Israel, and called for the moving of the US Embassy to Jerusalem."U.S. complains that Afghanistan releasing dangerous prisoners The United States has contended that of 650 prisoners still in custody at Parwan, 88 are a threat to security and should not be released. From that group, Afghanistan has decided to release 65 despite "extensive information and evidence" against them, the U.S. military said Tuesday.Jordanian MP: Kerry deal demolishes right of return Millions of Palestinian refugees and their descendants who live outside of the territories and hold foreign citizenship would be ineligible for a "right of return" to Israel under US Secretary of State John Kerry's proposed framework deal, a Jordanian lawmaker said.Rachel's Tomb Hit By 200 Terror Attacks in 2013 He noted the 1993 Oslo Accords guaranteed Jews prayer access to the site, adding, "if this is what the agreements look like, we need to be very concerned." Massive Arab mobs frequently hurl explosives at visitors, police and soldiers at the site.Erdogan: No deal with Israel until 'Gaza siege' lifted Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan poured cold water Tuesday evening on mounting expectations of a nearing détente between Ankara and Jerusalem, telling reporters that reconciliation between the once-friendly nations was contingent on Israel lifting its blockade on the Gaza Strip.Hamas can hit Tel Aviv, Jerusalem with dozens of rockets The Gaza Strip's Islamist rulers have invested heavily in producing their own M-75 rockets, with a range of 75 kilometers and more, and now have an arsenal of dozens of the rockets, The Times of Israel has learned. They will have dozens more by the end of this year.Hamas bashes UNRWA's human rights curriculum Al-Minawi detailed the reasons for his ministry's objection to the UN curriculum. First, he argued, the curriculum was "completely detached from the reality of an Arab Muslim Palestinian student."Hamas top official arrested on suspicion of corruption In the first case of its kind since the establishment of Hamas, a top official of the Islamist movement has been arrested on suspicion of "financial and moral corruption," sources in the Gaza Strip said Tuesday.Mystery surrounds discovery of Apollo statue in Gaza A local fisherman says he scooped the 500-kg God from the seabed last August, and carried it back home on a donkey cart, unaware of the significance of his catch.US Embassy confirms one of its local employees detained A security source reported National Security arrested Ahmed A., a U.S embassy employee in charge of the political Islam file. The source added that the employee was in constant contact with Khairat el-Shater, First Deputy of the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, when the group ruled the country.Is Al Jazeera Innocent in Egypt Dispute? At the same time, Al Jazeera reporters have sometimes violated basic journalistic ethics. On several occasions during the Iraq war, according to U.S. army officers, American servicemen received anonymous calls drawing them to a certain location, only to observe Al Jazeera reporters manning positions around what later turned out to be a massive booby-trap. Watching American servicemen murdered might make good ratings, but coordinating with insurgents and terrorists ahead of time certainly is not the proper role of journalists. Nor did Al Jazeera exemplify honest journalism when it threw a birthday party for Samir Kuntar, a Lebanese terrorist who had killed a four-year girl he had kidnapped by crushing her skull with a rifle butt.Rouhani: There is 'no military threat' against Iran Iran's President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday called for "fair and constructive" nuclear talks with world powers as the nation marked the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution with massive rallies, complete with anti-American and ant-Israeli chants.Ayatollah Leads "Death to America" Chants: Lying U.S. Leaders Don't Have the Guts to Attack Iran Iran's military chief says ready for war with US, Israel "We are ready for the decisive battle with America and the Zionist regime (Israel)," Iranian Armed forces chief of staff General Hassan Firouzabadi said, according to an AFP report citing Iranian media.Pakistani Dailies: Saudi Arabia Has Asked Pakistan To Dispatch Two Army Divisions To The Kingdom According to the Urdu-language daily Roznama Naya Akhbar, Saudi Arabia has asked Pakistan to dispatch two divisions of its army (some 30,000 troops) to the kingdom as part of a bilateral defense agreement currently being formulated between the two countries. The report has it that Pakistani Chief of Army Staff Gen. Raheel Shareef is currently in Saudi Arabia to promote the agreement. It also mentioned that there may be progress on Pakistan's sale of JF-17 Thunder fighter planes and Al-Khalid tanks to Saudi Arabia.Intel Chief: Iran Will Have ICBM By 2015 Iran will have inter-continental ballistic missiles by 2015, a top intelligence official told the Senate Armed Services Committee Tuesday.AP: Renewed Syrian Peace Talks Stumble Immediately The Associated Press reported yesterday that renewed peace talks between Syria's Bashar al-Assad regime and opposition groups stumbled almost as soon as they began on Monday, with each side blaming the other for a spate of violence that has seen hundreds killed in just the last few days. Both Damascus and extremist rebel elements have been linked to recent massacres:Olympics-Islamist group calls for prayers for earthquake in Sochi A militant Islamist group has urged followers to pray for an earthquake in Sochi during the Winter Olympics to avenge Muslims who died there fighting "Russian infidels". | ||
The truth behind the "State of Palestine"/Gaza patient story Posted: 12 Feb 2014 09:00 AM PST
Israel has denied entry permits to some 50 Palestinian medical patients from the Gaza Strip because the words "State of Palestine" appears on the letterhead of their application, officials said on Wednesday.Gulf News adds: The ban affects ill people using the Erez Crossing and has been labelled by Palestinians as "rude, barbaric, illegal" and "aimed at killing patients" for whom treatment, as the Israelis know, is not available in Gaza. I spoke to the COGAT spokesperson for Gaza, and found out the real story. For several months, the Palestnian Authority has been sending requests on the new letterhead. Every single time, COGAT rejected it, and each time they were resubmitted with the Palestinian Authority letterhead - and approved. This was not new, and the PA knows very well that this was the case. As recently as Sunday, several patients whose requests were on the new stationery were rejected, and then the PA re-faxed the request the old way and they were approved. Today's story is a propaganda ambush. Some 50-70 patients (apparently non-life threatening) were submitted on the new stationery at once, an unusually high number. As has been the case for months, they were rejected. But this time the story was leaked to the media. (There was a Haaretz story about this in January with only one patient, but it didn't get much coverage. Much better to use 50 or 70 if you want Reuters and AFP to take notice.) Existing agreements are between Israel and the PA, not the fictitious "State of Palestine." It is obvious that the PA is trying to embarrass Israel and will happily use Gaza patients as a means to do so. It is equally obvious that the "State of Palestine" is a final status issue, and that Israel cannot act otherwise without jeopardizing its negotiating position. As usual, instead of dealing with Israel directly, the PLO is passive aggressively using the media to demonize (and weaken) Israel on its behalf. And, as usual, the media is happy to play its part in this charade. | ||
Mondoweiss really is hilarious sometimes Posted: 12 Feb 2014 07:00 AM PST Only a week ago, Mondoweiss, along with many others, was crowing over the Sodastream stock price going down 3%, finding an analyst that said it was based on fears of the company being boycotted. At that time, SODA's stock price was $35.34. Since then, Wall Street must have forgotten all about that "analysis," because SODA opened today at around $44.00, an astonishing 24% gain in six days. For some reason, the Mondoweiss drones have stopped cheering. I found something even funnier there, from 2012: Almost a year ago, this site ran a brief post titled "We need to find Americans an alternative to West-Bank-based Sodastream." As it happened, I'd been doing research on that very problem, as part of the Economic Activism for Palestine project at Global Exchange in San Francisco, under the leadership of Dalit Baum of WhoProfits.org. So I responded to that post with a comment listing a slew of settlement-free home soda makers.And Mondoweiss has no moral qualms about buying products from China! But things built by well-paid, happy Palestinian Arabs when Israeli Jews might profit? No, that's immoral. If you can't stomach any connection to Israel, or if you don't expect to drink soda water often, the "soda siphons" or other products listed on the Global Exchange page will probably meet your needs.See? There is an alternative! Thanks for enlightening us! | ||
Review: New Gaza Salafi group makes boring video threatening Israel Posted: 12 Feb 2014 05:03 AM PST A new Al Qaeda-aligned Islamist group has announced itself in Gaza by releasing an unwatchably boring video filled with threats to Israel. Nine masked members of "The Victory of the Islamic State of Jerusalem" group tried to act intimidating, by wearing suicide vests and showing off machine guns. They attempted to make the video exciting by adding introductory graphics that we've all seen before. Frankly, that same style has already been used by Hamas and Islamic Jihad for years. The director tried to make the video a little more bearable by changing camera angles every once in a while, but he couldn't hide the fact that it was essentially a guy reading a statement that said "Death to the Jews" over and over again in different ways. The spokesperson also reportedly criticized Hamas for not being sufficiently violent against "Crusaders and Arab tyrants and Shiites" which is slightly more interesting but ultimately still derivative of much better jihadi videos we've seen. Finally, at 6:45 - way after most people will have moved on to YouTube videos of cute kittens frolicking - the nine terrorist wannabes chant something in unison that is meant to scare Jews who can't understand the non-subtitled work. Even this high point of the video isn't convincing; the terrorists appear to be just half-heartedly doing what is expected, in a performance that looks like it is phoned in. Moreover, after this display we think that we will be treated to some juicy footage of shooting in the air or rocket launches - but no such luck, Instead, the director inexplicably shows the terrorists walking away from their grassy set, in slow motion, using a lens flare effect that does not match the scene. Altogether, this is a poorly made video,. The handheld camera videos of previous years may have lacked professionalism, but they made up for it with their unpredictability and originality. This "Victory of the Islamic State of Jerusalem" video is a failure in every sense. I am anxiously awaiting the explosive video that was made a couple of days ago in Iraq. These guys can learn a thing or two about effective communication from that already legendary incident. "Victory of the Islamic State of Jerusalem" - Zero stars. | ||
Palestinian minister denies saying he would allow Jews to pray on the Temple Mount Posted: 12 Feb 2014 02:00 AM PST The Blaze reports: The Palestinian Authority's Religious Affairs Minister says there will be no peace agreement with Israel unless all territories Israel captured in 1967, including the Western Wall – Judaism's holiest site – are moved under the sovereignty of a future Palestinian state.The Hebrew makes it clear that the question was about the Kotel, and not Judaism's holiest site, the Temple Mount. Hamas seized on Habash's words, and harshly criticized him as saying that he would allow Jews to pray on the Temple Mount. The Mufti of Jerusalem also condemned the statement, calling it a "major crime." So Habash had to clarify, He says he was only referring to the Kotel, which he stressed is Palestinian, but in which Jews would be allowed to worship just like Christians are allowed to worship in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. However, the Temple Mount is obviously off limits from his "Welcome!" quote - Jews aren't allowed up there. Obviously, this is all a sham. Muslim Arabs will not allow any Jew to get near any holy site that Muslims stole. Either Jews will be banned outright, for example on the Temple Mount, or they would be banned when Muslims stage violent demonstrations against Jews visiting, which would cause "Palestine" to ban Jews "for their own safety" or "to keep public order." I am reminded of a claim made once by Ray Hanania claiming that Jordan respected Jews' rights to visit the Old City between 1949 and 1967, and that they only restricted Israelis but not Jews. In fact, Jordan required visitors to the Old City to present baptismal certificates before they would allow them in! The idea that a Palestinian Arab state, whose constitution says that Islam is the main source for its laws and that that it is the official religion, would offer full access by Jews to holy sites is fantasy. There would be restrictions and outright bans, as there has been under Islamic rule since Islam began. But Westerners just cannot believe that these nice people wearing suits and ties could ever lie to their faces. Oh, by the way - the entire Land of Israel is a holy site to Jews. |
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