Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Iranian video threatens to nuke Israel
- Saudi site implies Israel killed JFK
- 02/18 Links Pt2: Debunking the Apartheid Smear; Blumenthal and the Mainstreaming of Anti-Semitism
- Throwing the Jews into the sea (updated)
- Jews must have stolen the word "chutzpah" from ancient Palestinians
- 02/18 Links Pt1: Abbas' duplicity; After rockets, Hamas asked Netanyahu for restraint
- Al Jazeera says Erekat supports "armed resistance" and doubles down on his "Natufian" roots
- The unreported Egyptian siege of the Sinai
- Arabs celebrate more murderers' bodies being returned (update)
Iranian video threatens to nuke Israel Posted: 18 Feb 2014 07:00 PM PST From Algemeiner: A short animated film being aired across Iran, shows the nuclear destruction of Israel and opens with the word 'Holocaust' appearing on the screen, underneath which a Star of David is shown, Israel's Channel 2 reported on Tuesday. Keep in mind that Iranian websites are controlled by the government; if this video is being placed on websites it is with the approval of Iranian leaders. |
Saudi site implies Israel killed JFK Posted: 18 Feb 2014 05:00 PM PST Okaz, which is Saudi Arabia's largest newspaper, has an op-ed analyzing how Jews think and how that in turn makes it inevitable that they will subjugate and terrorize Arabs. Jews have a doctrine that is composed of three elements. The first is a bitter historical experiences carried by every Jew on his shoulders, the second is the fear of injustice, and the third is the fear of the unknown, and these three elements constitute the awareness of every Jew that lives on Earth, and these elements blended with their attributes mentioned in the Koran forms Israel's policy toward the world in general, and towards the Arabs in particular. The writer mentions that Eisenhower insisted that Israel withdraw from the Sinai in 1956 and that Kennedy insisted that Israel reveal the secrets behind its nuclear program in the early 1960s. However, "he was murdered for mysterious reasons not known to the world even today." And since then, US presidents have traditionally been more favorable towards Israel. And it is all because of those Jewish attributes! |
02/18 Links Pt2: Debunking the Apartheid Smear; Blumenthal and the Mainstreaming of Anti-Semitism Posted: 18 Feb 2014 03:00 PM PST From Ian: Caroline Glick: The anti-Zionist challenge to the Jewish establishment As a form of economic warfare, boycotts aim to harm the profitability of targeted entities and either force them to toe the boycotters' line, or force them out of business. That is, the aim is either coercive or eliminationist.Max Blumenthal's 'Goliath' and the Mainstreaming of Anti-Semitism While Blumenthal was perfectly capable to adjust his presentations according to the audience he was addressing, he provided a chilling demonstration of what he hoped to accomplish with Goliath during an event at the University of Pennsylvania, where he was hosted on October 17 by political scientist Ian Lustick to promote his book. Lustick noted at one point in the discussion that Blumenthal showed in Goliath that "Israel is not just a little bit fascist, Israel is a lot fascist," and according to Lustick, this was the "ultimate delegitimizer," because after World War II, "nothing fascist can even be allowed to survive." Referring to the biblical story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha, Lustick invited Blumenthal to fancy himself in the position of God in order to decide whether there are enough "good people" in today's Sodom-like Israel to save it from destruction. Blumenthal, who clearly didn't need convincing that Israel as a Jewish state shouldn't be allowed to survive, responded by explaining that his first concern was relieving "the suffering of the indigenous people of Palestine." According to him, the only way to achieve this was by placing "external pressure" – such as the BDS (boycotts, divestment and sanctions) movement is advocating – on Jewish Israelis in order to force them to choose between emigrating and agreeing to "become indigenized" by accepting Arab dominance in political, cultural and social terms.Crisis in Arab civilization The cruel violence among ethnic and tribal brothers in Syria is indicative for the depth of the crisis in that civilization. No coalition of warriors can open the way to the creation of an open civil society. The identities of the groups are being defined by ethnicity and/or religious affiliation. If a coalition of warriors would be able to defeat the other coalitions, a new dictatorship will be created – and this new dictatorship can only equal the old one since there is no prospect of successfully suppressing the traditional value systems while introducing those of liberal open societies. The peace process and the Apartheid smear: We need to be armed with the facts So how can Israelis and friends of Israel respond? The most important tool is the truth. The Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM) has produced a pamphlet on the Apartheid Smear, deconstructing it and countering it with facts, statistics and quotes. It focuses on the reality of Israel as a multi-ethnic democracy with a well-respected judiciary; a country which has Arabic as an official language, invests in economic opportunities for its minority populations and works to improve access to higher education.The boycotters When someone like the demagogue rock-artist Roger Waters asks musicians to cut their ties with Israeli artists and audiences, or English ruffians interrupt the performance of the Israel Philharmonic, one cannot help being reminded of the way Jewish musicians were treated in Nazi Germany and Austria, not to mention the proscription of Jewish composers like Mendelssohn, Mahler and Schönberg.Netanyahu: Israel boycotters are anti-Semites European calls for a boycott of Israel are "an outrage," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday.Huckabee lambasts BDS movement, peace negotiations, praises Scarlett Johanssen The politician went on to laud actress Scarlett Johansson for resigning from Oxfam after the human rights organization repudiated her for promoting SodaStream International Ltd, which employs Jews and Palestinians in the West Bank.San Diego State University divestment resolution to be debated The Aztecs for Israel are fighting back. Signs such as this are appearing all over campus. Good for them, fighting the message of BDS hate with love.I'm Committing Crimes Against My Citizens, But I'm Not Israeli, So Who Cares? By Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un (satire) I thought it would be easy – when Israel does even the smallest thing to displease anyone, the Security Council jumps all over them. Hey, I figured, I'll just go them one better, suppressing dissent, the whole deal. But nada. Bupkis.'Guardian' Contributor Lauds British Suicide Bomber's 'Heroism' No finer example of willful ignorance can be found anywhere in the world than on the pages of The Guardian. I assure you – you won't find better (worse?), even in the deepest recesses of Obama's administration.NY Times column on anti-Zionism a reminder of its own publisher's past The New York Times raised some eyebrows in the Jewish community last week with a lengthy feature about four self-described religious Jews who oppose Israel. In an apparent attempt to legitimize Jewish anti-Zionism, the article stressed that Zionism "was not always the norm among American Jews" and that it was only "the persecution of European Jews [which] turned many American Jews into Zionists."Reader secures correction to inaccurate claim in BBC website report BBC Watch reader Funzarian also noticed that historical inaccuracy and contacted the BBC News website's Middle East desk. The reply received stated:Would the UK media normalize anti-black racism like they do with antisemitism? Has antisemitism become so socially acceptable within the media and among the cultural elite that most don't blink an eye when a political figure, journalist or artist explains social or political problems by evoking the specter of powerful, malevolent Jewish forces in Hollywood and in Washington?Vandals cover Toulouse with swastikas Swastikas and other hate graffiti were painted on buildings throughout the French city of Toulouse.Hungarian Jewish Community Discovers 100 Holocaust-Era Torah Scrolls Confiscated in WWII Budapest's Unified Hungarian Jewish Congregation (EMIH) on Monday said it will announce details regarding the discovery of more than 100 Holocaust-era Torah Scrolls that had been confiscated during World War II.2,300-year-old village discovered on road leading to Jerusalem Work to uncover the remnants of an approximately 2300-year-old rural settlement that was discovered on a road leading to Jerusalem in August 2013 was completed recently, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced Tuesday.Peru looks to become Israel's most important partner in Latin America Peru is one of the beneficiaries of Israel's agricultural technology and has received assistance from Israel in other areas as well. Minister of Agriculture, Yair Shamir who met Humala when he visited Peru last May, was near the head of the receiving line that greeted Humala as Peres escorted his Peruvian guest into the reception hall.Israel, Western energy companies eye Cyprus gas talks With billions of dollars at stake, Israel and major Western energy corporations are closely watching renewed Cyprus peace talks that could clear the way for major gas projects with a role for Turkey.Israel's Energiya Global to solar power 8 percent of Rwanda Yosef Abramowitz, an Israeli-American solar energy pioneer and cofounder of Arava Power Company in Israel, has begun making inroads into solar-powering Africa.Twitter Trends Expands to Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa In a blog post, Twitter said, "Twitter Trends capture the pulse of the planet. We want to make it easy for anyone in any part of the world to find out what is happening around them, and Trends make that possible."IDF Blog: Druze Soldiers Dance with Joy after Finishing a 63-Kilometer Beret March The beret march of the all-Druze Herev Battalion is unlike any other in the IDF. It's a long march not through the wilderness, but through the lands they defend, and the villages of their families.March With the Druze IDF Battalion |
Throwing the Jews into the sea (updated) Posted: 18 Feb 2014 01:00 PM PST Wikipedia says: In 1973 [British MP Christopher Mayhew] offered £5,000 to anyone who could produce evidence that Nasser had stated that he sought to "drive the Jews into the sea". Mayhew repeated the offer later in the House of Commons (Hansard, 18 October 1973) and broadened it to include any genocidal statement by an Arab leader (The Guardian, 9 September 1974), while reserving for himself the right to be the arbiter of the authenticity of any purported statements as well as their meaning. Mayhew received several letters from claimants, each one producing one quotation or another from an Arab leader, all of which Mayhew deemed to be fabricated. One claimant, Warren Bergson, took Mayhew to court. The case came before the High Court in February 1976. Bergson was unable to offer evidence of Nasser's alleged statement and acknowledged that, after thorough research, he had been unable to find any statement by a responsible Arab leader that could be described as genocidal.The Internet is filled with this anecdote about the court case, and after much searching it appears to be true (see page 3 here. ) Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, was quoted by the New York Times in 1948 as saying "If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea." That wasn't about Israelis but about Jews in Arab countries. So did Arabs ever use that phrase concerning the Jews of Israel, or is it a myth? It does not appear to be a myth. This book by (unreliable) author Gilbert Achcar says that Nasser quoted the phrase in an ironic way: The Gamal Abdel-Nasser Foundation's Web site, created in collaboration with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina,'° contains 1,359 declarations and transcriptions of speeches or interviews by the founder of modern Egypt. This electronic resource makes it considerably easier to analyze Nasser's discourse. There one finds an address delivered by Bikbachi (Colonel) Abdel-Nasser before Alexandria's Palestine Club on December 13, 1953.... In it, the future president offers an ironical comment on the Arab attitude during the period when the Zionist plan was being translated into action under the British mandate: "At our meetings and in our speeches, we said we were going to throw the Jews into the sea, and felt reassured after every speech. Then we all went back home:" So while Nasser may not have made that call directly (and he actually denied ever saying that,) it seems to have been a common enough threat among Arabs themselves. But did any Arab leader make that threat? Yes. Here is a statement by Dr. Fadhil Jamali, Iraqi Representative to the United Nations, speaking to the Arab League, February 6, 1955: I asked them (Arab League members) how Palestine was lost. It had been lost for two basic reasons: one, because we deluded ourselves by underestimating the power of our opponent and by thinking that the Jews were not powerful. The highest official in the League said that with 300 soldiers or North African Volunteers we could throw the Jews into the sea. The war started and His Excellency then said that with 3,000 North African Volunteers we could throw them into the sea. The second reason was that we thought that we were strong enough to face the world but the fact was that we did not estimate our own strength correctly. This then was the issue of Palestine. It seemed a trifling thing at the time but we did not know that behind the Jews of Palestine stood World Zionism with its resources in every major country.Jamali had no incentive to lie about this for his audience. So while this is second-hand evidence, it seems pretty strong. UPDATE: The book O Jerusalem, by Collins and Lapierre, mentions that the phrase was used by a number of Arab leaders. The first one to say he wanted to "throw the Jews int the sea," according to the book, was Kamal Irekat (almost certainly the same family as Saeb Erekat,) a police chief in Jerusalem. It says that the Mufti of Jerusalem adopted the phrase. Finally, the book attributes it also to Fawzi el Kaukji, an Arab League field commander. (h/t David Sigeti) |
Jews must have stolen the word "chutzpah" from ancient Palestinians Posted: 18 Feb 2014 11:00 AM PST The Palestinian Authority has accused Israel of "inciting against peace." Really. At a meeting yesterday, the PA cabinet issued a statement saying that the Israeli government is waging a systematic campaign of incitement "in word and deed" against the Palestinian people and all the "peace-loving" people worldwide. "The campaign of incitement and fabrications and fallacies led by the Israeli government is not addressed only to the Palestinian people and leadership, but also towards groups of peace-loving Israeli people, and against American efforts, and the efforts of all peace-loving people in the world, in order to kill the possibility of achieving the two-state solution and to finish off the chances for peace irreversibly, leading to more instability and a foretaste of serious consequences for the entire region," the statement said. In the very next breath, the spokesman welcomed the decision by the Arab League to hold an emergency meeting to discuss ways to support the prisoners in Israeli jails, at the request of "Palestine" and with the participation of Minister of Prisoners, who will brief the delegates and representatives of the Arab countries and officials of the Arab League on the tragic situation of the prisoners. Why are these two statements juxtaposed? Because the "incitement" that the Pa is complaining about is the recent story that the PA is allocating $46 million more annually to terrorists who are now or have been imprisoned. The story hit some major media outlets. Probably some Western donors to the PA raised some half-hearted questions about how their money is being used to support terrorists. Naturally, when an Israeli organization publicizes facts that are freely available in Arabic media about the PA's monetary support for terrorists, that is "incitement against peace." Which can only mean one thing. Just like falafel, hummus and keffiyehs, Jews must have usurped the ancient Palestinian word "chutzpah" and pretended that it was theirs instead of representing a long hallowed Palestinian tradition. It does take a special brand of chutzpah to claim that pointing out that Palestinian Arab society wholeheartedly supports terrorists - monetarily and emotionally - is "incitement against peace." Unless you understand exactly what they mean by "peace." |
02/18 Links Pt1: Abbas' duplicity; After rockets, Hamas asked Netanyahu for restraint Posted: 18 Feb 2014 09:00 AM PST From Ian: Mahmoud Abbas' duplicity According to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, are Israeli students peace partners or are murderers of Israeli students heroes? The answer, it seems, depends on who Abbas is talking to.Canaanites Deny Being Forebears Of Palestinians (satire) Amirapu added that he felt personally slighted by the idea that Palestinians might in any way carry his genes. "My mighty kingdom sat astride the crossroads of Assyria and Egypt," he pronounced. "I resent even the insinuation that these desert people from distant Arabia, whose combined armies could not defeat a ragtag group of Second World War refugees, represent my progeny."Kerry-mocking site now jeers in English John Kerry Solutions Ltd., which was launched last month by the organization My Israel with the backing of the Yesha Council — the umbrella council of West Bank settlements — is a composite of slapstick animated videos, bad-wig YouTube spots and a handful of semi-biting sections and articles, all designed to mock the secretary of state and his frequent-flier mile-heavy attempts at creating an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal.We've got a peace partner Abbas and the False Hope of Peace So what is Abbas doing?Dangers of the Palestinian state We recently learned that shortly before he was deposed, Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi contacted al-Qaida and promised to help the terror group set up a base of operations in Sinai. Had Morsi remained in power, the Israel-Egypt border would have become an extension of the Gaza Strip and our peace treaty with Egypt would have gone up in smoke.Khaled Abu Toameh: Palestinians: Keep Religion on ID Cards A-Nunu claimed that the move may be linked to talk about allowing Jewish settlers to stay in the West Bank and hold dual citizenship in a future Palestinian state.Netanyahu's Party Ties His Hands on Concessions to Palestinians Members of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ruling Likud party have won a crucial court battle over the party's internal rules that allow the leader of the central committee, in this case Deputy Minister of Defense Danny Danon, to require party approval of any concessions made to the Palestinians in negotiations.US said ready to compile list of Palestinian refugees to return in deal The Palestinian source quoted by Israel Radio indicated that it is thought that very few Palestinians would choose to live in Israel even if that was an option, because they would have to sing the national anthem, Hatikvah, send their children to schools run by the Israeli educational system, and perhaps in the future have to perform some form of national or army service.The Peace Process and Tony Blair's Forgotten Speech Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said it best in a timeless, but long forgotten, speech to the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles in August 2006.Hamas head sent message to Netanyahu asking for restraint Haniyeh's message requested Israeli military restraint, after a series of rockets from Gaza hit the Negev and Israeli planes struck back at sites in the Strip in late January and earlier this month.Palestinian-Arab Handed Jail Sentence for Poisoning Ra'anana Family The incident occurred in 2011 when the Lerner family hired Nas'ara to renovate the exterior of their Ra'anana home. One day in October, upon returning to his apartment, the family's patriarch realized that it had been broken in to. A short while later, his wife and two young sons also arrived and the Lerners called the police to report the burglary.Jihadist group claims Taba bombing as part of 'economic war' "One of the heroes of Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis carried out the attack on a tourist bus heading towards the Zionist entity (Israel)," said a statement attributed to the group and posted on jihadist forums.Morsi on trial for conspiring with Hamas, Hezbollah to commit terror acts in Egypt Deposed Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi appeared in court on Sunday on charges of conspiring with foreign groups to commit terrorist acts in Egypt, in a further escalation of the crackdown against his Muslim Brotherhood.Morsi's wife 'friends' with Hillary Clinton Naglaa Mahmoud, the wife of ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi has claimed that she has been a close friend of Hillary Clinton since the 1980s.Amid scant hopes, final status Iran nuke talks kick off Expectations were not high, however, for the scheduled three-day Vienna meeting between Iran and the United States, China, Russia, Britain, France and Germany, the first in a likely series of tricky encounters.Netanyahu: Iran engaged in 'subversive activities' in Latin America, world Netanyahu told the Peruvian president that a different policy is required than what is currently in place.Netanyahu Demands: 'Zero Centrifuges' for Iran Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu kept up the rhetorical pressure Monday on the six world powers – known as the P5+1 – that are about to resume talks with Iran over its nuclear weapons program, demanding as he has countless times that tougher measures be taken against the rogue Islamist theocracy.WATCH: Iranian Film Shows 'Nuclear Attack' on Israel The clip was posted together with messages decrying attempts to tighten sanctions on Iran due to its nuclear program, according to Israel Hayom, and begins with an airstrike by Israeli and American forces on Iran.Iran Insists Its Ballistic Missiles Are for 'Peaceful Purposes' (satire) President of Iran Hassan Rouhani lashed out at the US in particular, citing American "hypocrisy" at allowing its ally Israel to develop defensive technology such as the Arrow anti-ballistic missile system and the Iron Dome short-range rocket interceptor, while preventing countries such as Iran from developing weapons that might overwhelm those defenses and slaughter countless Israeli civilians. He insisted that his country's missile program was intended only for peaceful purposes.Hezbollah Secretary General Nasrallah: 'Israel Sending Suicide Bombers to Lebanon' "The Israelis and Americans are using extremists as suicide bombers inside of Lebanon," he said, in a speech honoring deceased terror operatives.Nasrallah: Israel Benefits from Lebanon Turmoil Speaking during a televised speech, Nasrallah declared that Hezbollah would continue fighting in Syria despite the wave of car bombings targeting predominantly Shiite areas in Lebanon controlled by the group.Lebanese PM forms government after 10-month stalemate Lebanon's Prime Minister Tammam Salam formed a Cabinet from a wide range of groups across the political spectrum on Saturday, over 10 months after he became premier, after bridging serious divisions between rival political groups mostly over Syria's civil war.Misadventures in the Middle East |
Al Jazeera says Erekat supports "armed resistance" and doubles down on his "Natufian" roots Posted: 18 Feb 2014 07:09 AM PST I noted yesterday that Saeb Erekat appeared at the Oxford Union last Friday, although very few had reported his statements. The talk was sponsored by Al Jazeera and they will broadcast the interview on Friday. They just issued a press release of the highlights, though: Saeb Erakat, the chief Palestinian negotiator told Al Jazeera's Head to Head that the situation will turn "ugly" in the Occupied Territories if a peace deal isn't done by April. The show will air on Friday 28 February at 20.00GMT.Um...who elected Erekat again? And how long ago did Abbas last win an election? Erakat said he was fearful for the future of the PA and thinks it will be forced to shut down if a peace deal isn't signed with Israel: "I'm not asking for the solution for the PA, the PA cannot be sustained in its current form…It's not sustainable anymore."Nice to know that the peaceful PLO is planning to return to terror. It must be because they are so democratic, and this is what the people want. (I pointed out yesterday that Erekat admitted in Arabic that his family is from a Bedouin tribe in Jordan/Saudi Arabia, and are not "Canaanite" or "Natufian.") By the way, if he is "Natufian," then he has the dates wrong - Natufians disappeared out around 10,000 BCE. And the Canaanites weren't Arab. Lying is just second nature to Erekat. |
The unreported Egyptian siege of the Sinai Posted: 18 Feb 2014 05:00 AM PST Ma'an reports: The Egyptian army killed five people and arrested three others in raids in Bir al-Abd, Sheikh Zuweid, and Rafah, an army spokesman said.Amazingly, out of the 200 or so people killed by the Egyptian army in the Sinai since their crackdown on Islamist militants, none have been civilians - according to the Egyptian army. That would be an amazing record, if it was true. Last September, however, a video of four babies incinerated by the Egyptian army was released and confirmed by bloggers and reporters in the Sinai. Al Masry al Youm reported on a village with houses of ordinary citizens burnt and destroyed, and about how the Egyptians have arrested journalists who tried to report the truth. The Egyptian army has imposed a siege on the Sinai, collectively punishing all residents there for the actions of the terrorists. With the Sinai operations underway, the locals have many good reasons to complain. Despite virtually all public utilities being cut off, from electricity to water and internet to cell phone networks for most of the time, to many, their biggest complaint is being singled out by the army, just because they are from Sinai. This is still the case today. This Egyptian blogger last month said that while Israel's military operations in the Sinai took only six days and afterwards there were no security problems, Egypt's siege of the Sinai is now six months old and no one can even talk about it. The danger of Islamists in the Sinai cannot be denied, as the Taba bus bombing shows. However, the double standards of the media and "human rights" NGOs is striking - they ignore Egypt's collective punishment of hundreds of thousands of Sinai residents, with checkpoints, travel restrictions, limitations on electronic communications, censorship, curfews and more. All this is happening right next to Gaza which has hundreds of reporters and NGO workers ready to write daily condemnations of Israel in order to justify their existence. None of them bother to travel a couple of miles to see what is happening on the other side of Rafah. How many civilians have been killed by the Egyptian army? How many houses have been destroyed? How many have died because they couldn't access medical help? How many hours are they without electricity? How many have been arrested for no reason? No one knows, and no one cares to find out. Egypt's war against murderous Islamists is laudatory, while Israel's war against these same murderous Islamists is a violation of human rights. |
Arabs celebrate more murderers' bodies being returned (update) Posted: 18 Feb 2014 02:30 AM PST I mentioned recently that Israel was returning the body of one of the terrorists responsible for the attack at the yeshiva in Otniel in 2002, where 4 students were killed. Palestinian Arabs celebrated the return of the murderer. Israel quietly released the other terrorist of the same attack, and naturally there was a large celebratory funeral. He was buried next to his fellow terrorist. It is still unclear why Israel is releasing the bodies of terrorists now. While the state was taken to court to release the bodies, apparently there was never a ruling forcing their return. And Israel is being very quiet about these releases of terrorist remains. It sure sounds like something that John Kerry pressured Israel to do, in order to keep the sham negotiations going. So instead of getting something real in return, Israel is seeing its peace partner praising terrorists who killed Jews in cold blood. What a deal. UPDATE: PMW has the video of another funeral for a terrorist with remarks by a PA official praising him. This one killed three teenagers in Itamar in 2002. (h/t Ian) |
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