JVP claims Palestinian terror doctor was an innocent civiliannoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 16 Oct 04:45 AM Jewish Voice for Peace sent out an email | Jewish Voice for Peace sent out an email to its members: Last night, Israeli snipers shot and killed Palestinian Doctor Abdullah Abu al-Teen outside the hospital where he worked. But instead of reporting on how the Israeli military targeted and killed a doctor, the Associated Press calls him a militant — the same language used by the reports from the Israeli military. According to Palestinian news agencies and video from the scene, Dr. Abdullah Abu al-Teen was treating a wounded patient outside the public hospital in Jenin when he was targeted by an Israeli soldier. Dr. Abu al-Teen had three children. As usual, JVP is lying. Here is video of Dr. Al-Tin's body being recovered - with his machine gun. #Jenin: The moment AMB militant Dr. Abdullah Abu Tin was rescued from the alley after being shot, his rifle still on him. To comment, follow this link pic.twitter.com/O28YYQR48J — AbuAliEnglish (@AbuAliEnglishB1) October 14, 2022 And here is a Palestinian Fatah official not only admitting but bragging that Al-Tin was fighting at the time he was targeted. His martyr poster also makes it clear that he is proudly considered a terrorist, not a doctor. JVP never met a terrorist they didn't defend...Read More |
From Ian: Nation's Top Law Firms Fund Anti-Semitic Campus Groups at Berkeley A host of the nation's premier law firms are financially supporting organizations at Berkeley Law School that are accused of fostering anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel, according to a campus watchdog group. Student groups at the elite law school, led by Law Students for Justice in Palestine, adopted what they called a pro-Palestine bylaw earlier this month pledging to ban all speakers who support "Zionism" or "the apartheid state of Israel." The resolution primarily targets Jews who identify as pro-Israel and support the Jewish state, fueling accusations of anti-Semitism among Berkeley law students. An analysis by StandWithUs, a nonpartisan pro-Israel organization that combats anti-Semitism on campus, indicates that half of the student groups that backed the resolution are funded in part by some of the country's most elite law firms, including Latham & Watkins, Jenner & Block LLP, and Cooley LLP. StandWithUs is demanding these firms pull their support from the student groups, but, as of Friday, none have committed to do so. A Washington Free Beacon request for comment to 10 of the law firms named by StandWithUs was not returned by press time. Roz Rothstein, StandWithUs's CEO and cofounder, told the Free Beacon that she is hopeful once these law firms learn that they are financially backing...Read More |
From Ian: Melanie Phillips: Hysteria greets British PM's embassy move proposal Few expect that the British embassy will actually be moved. Indeed, given the chaos that has engulfed Truss since she became prime minister, with the financial crisis and collapse in electoral support sparked by her scorched-earth economic policies currently threatening to bring her down before she has her feet properly under the Downing Street table, moving the embassy would hardly seem to be a priority. If it were to happen, however, it would not only be an enormous boost to Israel. It would also represent a dramatic change in British policy. Unlike the US, where despite various presidents' relative coolness towards Israel the Christian heartlands remain solidly supportive, Britain's attitude towards the Jewish state has always been at best ambiguous and at worst – as in Mandatory Palestine – actively hostile. Moving the embassy would not only start to reset Britain's shameful attitude towards Israel. It would also advance the cause of peace. The only reason this century-old conflict continues is that the Palestinian Arabs have repudiated the two-state solution. They have refused repeated offers of a state of their own, because their goal is not a Palestinian state but the eradication of the Israeli one. Towards this infernal goal, their principal weapon has been the refusal by Britain and...Read More |
MEMRI uncovers an incredible video: Iranian scholar and strategist Alireza Panahian, co-founder of the Ammar think tank, said in an October 6, 2022 public address which was aired on Channel 3 (Iran) that according to Islamic tradition, the Iranians will annihilate Israel and become the "masters of the world." He said that according to commentators on the Quran, Iranians will ravage the homes of Israelis, annihilate them, and finish them off. Panahian went on to say that according to Islamic tradition, this will happen before the rise of the Mahdi and before the appearance of the Hidden Imam, the rulers of the entire world will be Iranians. He added that all the "free nations" of the world, the Yemenis, Iraqis, Syrians, and Lebanese, are proud of these traditions, and that the Iranians will liberate the world. Panahian further said that the "wanning" Western civilization has no choice but to be annihilated in confrontation with Iran. Iranian supremacy, anyone? Everything Iran and Arab antisemites accuse Israel of planning is being said here for Iran, practically word for word. Iran is planning on destroying Israel and Jews, and on ruling the world. And if you are wondering whether this is antisemitic or merely "anti-Zionist" since he is only saying that the Iranians will annihilate "Zionists".... "According to our traditions, Imam Al-Sadiq and...Read More |
From Ian: Lapid's Two State Solution What did Yair Lapid mean by his foregoing statement? Did he mean 2 states in an undivided Jerusalem or Jerusalem undivided as an Israel state with the Palestinian Arab state established elsewhere? If the former, he would find a majority in Israel would not accept this. If the latter, no Palestinian Arab or Arab leader would accept it. What he should have done was to make use of an expert historian to proof positive Jewish indigenous rights to the Land of Israel, After all, during Temple Times , we learn of the Jews and the Romans. Subsequently the Greeks. The words, "Palestinians" and Arabs" don't appear until many centuries later. To begin with, he could share the words of Lloyd George, who was outraged by the claim that Arabs had been treated unfairly in Palestine---": "No race has done better out of the fidelity with which the Allies redeemed their promises to the oppressed races than the Arabs. Owing to the tremendous sacrifices of the Allied Nations, and more particularly of Britain and her Empire, the Arabs have already won independence in Iraq, Arabia, Syria, and Trans-jordania, although most of the Arab races fought throughout the War for the Turkish oppressors---[In particular] the Palestinian Arabs for Turkish rule."[A Mandate for Israel by Douglas J. Feith]. Perhaps the greatest lesson for Lapid is demonstrated by history - Appeasement mostly does not work and it...Read More |
Because the antisemitism from Palestinian and Arab media and personalities is so pervasive, they need to keep upping the ante in order to get their incitement to break through the line noise of normal Jew-hate. Enter the preacher of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and "Grand Mufti" of Jerusalem, Sheikh Muhammad Hussein. In response to Jews visiting the Temple Mount on Sukkot, Hussein said that they "performed racist Talmudic rituals" and "carried out collective recitation of excerpts from their Talmud in the mosque's courtyards." But calling Jewish prayer racist is not nearly inflammatory enough nowadays. Modern Jew-haters need a new hook. So the Mufti added that the goal of Jews who quietly walk around Islamic buildings designed to supplant Judaism's holiest site are "attempts to obliterate Islamic civilization." Who knew that Jews pushing their kids in baby strollers could have such far-reaching abilities as to destroy entire civilizations? We Jews are even more powerful than I thought...Read More |
Ever since the free world has been condemning Russia for invading Ukraine, modern Jew-haters have been trying to paint Israel as being like Russia. They tried to compare Ukraine to Gaza. They tried to compare Russia's occupation to Israel in the West Bank. Facts, of course, are not part of the conversation. Modern antisemites rely on emotion and analogy, as well as the ignorance of their audience. But you don't hear much from them lately about this analogy. Because the Ukrainians and the Palestinians aren't following the script. Ukrainians have compared themselves multiple times with Israel standing up against a hostile Arab world, not with Palestinians. And now Mahmoud Abbas, who has pretended to not take sides, has dropped the pretense that he doesn't support Russia. A month after Hamas leaders met with senior Russian officials (without any negative reaction from Palestinians,) Abbas followed suit and met with Vladimir Putin and other officials. "Russia adheres to justice and international law, and that is enough for us...Read More |
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