יום שני, 10 באוקטובר 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

Chag sameach! noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 09 Oct 03:05 PM I wish everyone a happy Sukkot! Here are a couple of typos from 19th century ads for L

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Chag sameach!
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 09 Oct 03:05 PM

I wish everyone a happy Sukkot!

Here are a couple of typos from 19th century ads for Lulavim and Etrogim.

Bloch corrected the "zulofes" in subsequent years.
But this one seems to move the typo of "lulofim" from English back to Hebrew!

Which reminds me of this bizarre Yom Kippur greeting I tweeted last week, where someone transliterated a bad English mispronunciation of "g'mar chatimah tovah" back to unintelligible Hebrew:

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Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.

Read all about it here!

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Islamic Jihad 35th anniversary parade seems to be a dud
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 09 Oct 01:26 PM

Yesterday, Islamic Jihad (PIJ) celebrated the 35th anniversary of its founding with a military parade through Gaza City. It has been advertising the event for weeks.

But although the webpage of its organ, Palestine Today, has lots of articles about the celebration, there are very few photos showing how many people actually attended,
The video of Islamic Jihad's military parade is heavily edited with mostly tight shots, not allowing one to see large crowds. At the very end, we see two seconds of an aerial view, where it appears there are more vehicles in the parade than members of the audience.

The actual anniversary rally occurred on Thursday. It did seem to attract several thousand people.

The video of the speech by PIJ's leader was...Read More

10/09 Links: Amb. Dore Gold: Why a Two-State Solution Won't Work; IDF soldier dies of wounds following Jerusalem attack; Annexation and International Law
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 09 Oct 12:00 PM

From Ian:

Amb. Dore Gold: Why a Two-State Solution Won't Work

There is a school of thought among historians that each of the Arab states, back then, had its own particularistic aims for attacking Israel: Damascus was looking to establish a Greater Syria in the Levant, Amman hoped to reinforce its hold on the holy sites of Jerusalem after the Hashemites lost the holy sites of Islam that they once held in the Hijaz, and Cairo was looking to connect itself with the Mashreq – that portion of the Middle East that was located in West Asia – and by doing so avert becoming isolated in North Africa.

If the considerations of the Palestinian Arabs were paramount for the Arab world, then why wasn't a Palestinian state established in Judea and Samaria during those years, when the Arab world had the chance because it already held those areas?

True, the Palestinian Arabs tried briefly to set up a mini-state in the Gaza Strip, known as the All-Palestine Government, but it never acquired wider backing through international recognition.

Its association with the Jerusalem mufti, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, the Palestinian leader most visibly connected with Nazi Germany during the war, undermined the chances of the All-Palestine Government succeeding. Gaza remained an area under Egyptian military occupation until the Six-Day War.

Today, Israel needs to design an approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that keeps in mind the...Read More

Judaism's second holiest site was Judenrein yesterday - but no one reported that
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 09 Oct 10:00 AM

Last week, Arab media was filled with anger at news that the Jews of Hebron had taken over the Tomb of the Patriarchs and held a concert there on Sunday for the Selichot prayers.

They emphasized that Muslims were not allowed into the building, insisting that this was unacceptable.
But yesterday, no Jews were allowed into the same building. It was filled exclusively with Muslims. It was Judenrein.

The reason? It was Mohammed's birthday, one of the ten days a year the shrine is dedicated to Muslims only. Just as there are ten days a year it is for Jews only.
Yet there are no screaming headlines about how no Jews were allowed to the site. Because the rules are clear and well-known. The holidays are published ahead of time every year.
Three of the exclusively Jewish days are coming up - this coming Wednesday and Thursday, and next Monday. Expect more angry articles in the Palestinian media, none of which will mention the fact that the holy site is exclusively Muslim exactly as often as it is exclusively Jewish.

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Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.

Read all about it...Read More

Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur, absurdly pretends that she is objective.
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 09 Oct 07:00 AM

Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur of the "Occupied Palestinian Territories," had a telling exchange with NGO Monitor's Anne Herzberg.
Herzberg, commenting on the reported kidnapping and beheading of a gay Palestinian man, tweeted, "Horrific. Will you be reporting on this @FranceskAlbs?"
Albanese subtweeted, "Passive-aggressiveness of the insinuation aside, I am impressed with certain people's talent for cherry-picking."
Herzberg: "It's a legitimate question and falls under your mandate. So will you be addressing this case and other LGBTQ+ violations in the PA by Palestinian authorities and armed groups?"
Albanese acted offended: "Of course, I am even surprised you are asking such a question. I intend to investigate all human rights violations, and my visit to the occupied Palestinian territory is particularly necessary to this end."
Of course the UN Special Rapporteur will investigate Palestinian human rights abuses! How dare anyone question that?
Perhaps because since she assumed that position, she has called for submissions for three reports that are meant to attack Israel and none to investigate Palestinian human rights abuses? The three reports are titled, "Deprivation of...Read More

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