A child cries in Gaza (video)noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 25 Aug 04:45 AM Hamas-affiliated website Al Resalah features this video.It shows a very | Hamas-affiliated website Al Resalah features this video. It shows a very sad Gaza child. He is crying. He is inconsolable. The music is dramatic. What happened to this poor child? Was his brother killed by the Israelis? Was his father jailed? Is he starving? Then, the camera pans to what he is crying about....
His large, wall mounted color TV is showing that Manchester United defeated his favorite Liverpool team, and its star Mohamed Salah, 2-1. Life is so cruel for Gaza kids. Notice how easy it is to create Pallywood-style propaganda with nothing more than a mobile phone. This is no less absurd than hundreds of similar videos and photos of Gaza children who are prompted to act for the cameras to tug at Western heartstrings. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
From Ian: A defeat for Ben & Jerry's, and all of BDS Even when the Arab boycott stronghold was breached in the 1990s, the tools continued to be used by our enemies – now by left-wing organizations and Western countries – which were enthusiastic about embracing the anti-Zionist vision and isolating Israel with fervor that would have put the Nazi campaigns to shame. For the Left, the outline was clear: to bring an anti-Israel atmosphere into every sphere of life, to ostracize the Jewish state and prepare the ground for the expansion of sanctions against it, all the way to government and international institutions. Israel was targeted from all directions, and yet, it did nothing. The peak of the wave occurred around the turn of the century, which is no coincidence. The Oslo Accords and the disengagement policies only reinforced the boycott movement. A little bit more effort, the activists believed, and Israel will break. And they spared no effort: Israeli scientists were excluded from international conferences and projects, international companies cut ties with Israeli tenders, and talks of boycotting corporations and banks that dared invest in Israel became common knowledge. The trend began to change when Israel and its allies – Jewish communities in the Diaspora, first and foremost – stopped turning the other cheek and began to retaliate against our enemies. We are beginning to see...Read More |
Life is a supreme Jewish value. So much so that it's customary to make charitable donations or monetary gifts in multiples of 18: the numerical value of the Hebrew word for life: chai. When we drink in celebration we say, "L'Chaim," as popularized by the song from Fiddler on the Roof. We Jews place life on a pedestal not only in times of celebration but in times of mourning too. Anglo-Jews from Britain and communities in the former Commonwealth, for example, are likely to conclude a condolence call with "I wish you long life." In Islam, on the other hand, life appears to take a backseat to death. The goriest murders, butchery, death, and suicide seem not to faze Muslims at all. Whereas Jews are preoccupied with life, the Muslim thinks more about death. In a 2004 op-ed, Aspiration not Desperation, Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook detailed the final words of a suicide bomber, describing her joy at the prospect of blowing herself to smithereens. "I always wanted to be the first woman who sacrifices her life for Allah. My joy will be complete when my body parts fly in all directions." These are the words of female suicide terrorist Reem Reyashi, videotaped just before she killed four Israelis and herself two weeks ago in Gaza. What is surprising about this horrific statement is that she put a positive value on her dismemberment and death, distinct from her goal to kill others. She was driven by her aspiration to achieve what the Palestinians...Read More |
A Spanish Christian tourist's Instagram photo is causing an uproar among some Palestinian factions. Ana Ramos Gutiérrez visited the Temple Mount earlier this month, and posted this photo: It was noticed today, and Palestinian media are freaking out about this "naked" picture. But that isn't enough to whip up the anger that political and terror groups need in order to survive. So the media, Hamas and Palestinian officials have been falling over each other to issue condemnations that are more and more insane - and of course, they claim that Gutiérrez is a "Zionist settler." There is a hashtag on the topic: "#Jewish_prostitute_desecrates_Al-Aqsa," with dozens of angry people upset at her and one other photo of a woman showing her knees. Incidentally, on her Instagram, you can see that she - along with her family - visited the Kotel and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre as well, along with the Dead Sea. Hamas newspaper Felesteen writes, "An Israeli settler provoked the feelings of the Almoravids in Al-Aqsa Mosque, after she took pictures semi-naked on the stairs leading to the Dome of the Rock." A Hamas spokesman said the photo "constitutes an unprecedented provocation to the feelings of our Palestinian...Read More |
From Ian: Enough rounds of fighting in Gaza, it is time for victory The leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad realize that the IDF has no intention of defeating them. Hamas and Islamic Jihad also understood that if the patience of Israel's security and political echelons runs out, as indeed occurred during Operation Breaking Dawn, at most there will be Air Force planes shooting at infrastructure targets in Gaza, ending like the previous rounds without defeating the enemy. After every round, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad can return and threaten again to launch rockets at Israel, and after a short period of time hold another round and thus freeze the economic and social activity in the cities and communities surrounding Gaza, a situation that the State of Israel cannot afford. The situation is worse even than that and goes beyond the boundaries of the Gaza Strip. The army fears that the continuation of the rounds against Hamas and the Islamic Jihad in Gaza could lead to a regional explosion and a multi-arena war for which the IDF is also unprepared, which greatly increases the fear in the army to take offensive action. The IDF is looking for every possible way to maintain peace even at very heavy costs of the complete loss of deterrence. The security and political echelons are looking for mediators like the Egyptians, who will help Israel ameliorate the murderous intentions of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The leaders of...Read More |
Lebanese and other Arab media this week are celebrating the decision by a junior chess player to refuse to compete against an Israeli in a tournament in Abu Dhabi. The Lebanese chess champion, Nadia Fawaz, withdrew from the 4th round of the 28th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival to avoid facing the Israeli player, Elia Grozman. Her refusal to play against Grozman came as a statement of refusal to recognize the Israeli state, a stance always taken by Lebanese players and athletes in international competitions. Some articles list other recent examples of Arab refusal to compete against Israelis in recent international tournaments: Charbel Abou Daher recently withdrew from the 2022 Youth MMA World Championships in Abu Dhabi, even though some believed he could have won, to avoid playing an Israeli opponent. The Lebanese MMA Federation shared on Instagram an explanation that his decision was made for "patriotic reasons. Aquilina Al Chayeb is a judo athlete who, during the Athens Junior European Cup 2022, allegedly lost on purpose to avoid facing an Israeli in the next round. The Lebanese Judo Federation allegedly asked their player to lose her current tie to avoid competing with an Israeli in the next round, as to do so would have been considered...Read More |
Here's yet another way to know that the biggest self-described supporters of Palestinians really don't give a damn about them. As we've been reporting, Israel is setting up a plan for Palestinians to be able to travel through Ramon Airport in the southern Negev. This will make it easier for most Palestinians to travel internationally. Assuming that the passengers are vetted for security, no one should oppose this. Human rights advocates should be celebrating. For years, they have been complaining about Palestinian "freedom of movement" - and here, Palestinians are about to be given an easier, heaper and more convenient option to escape their supposed prison. Yet not one of the groups that claim to support Palestinians are happy. And because this makes no sense whatsoever, each one is making up their own reasons to oppose it (or to ignore it altogether.) The Palestinian Authority is against the plan, threatening any Palestinian who takes advantage of Ramon Airport. Their stated reason? Because...Read More |
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