Palestinians greet Abbas with a rally of support of his antisemitic remarks (Unknown), 19 Aug 04:00 AM Mahmoud Abbas has made ma | Mahmoud Abbas has made many trips around the world over the years. I have never seen a crowd greet him upon his return, let alone with the enthusiasm that he received upon returning from his trip to Germany on Thursday. What makes this trip different? It was Abbas' antisemitic statement that Palestinians have gone through "50 holocausts" from Israel. The rally was to show support as the world condemned him. The official Palestinian Wafa news agency reports (Arabic version only): Our Palestinian people received President Mahmoud Abbas, this evening, Thursday, with a huge and solemn reception, as the Palestinian masses turned around on the outskirts of the road the president passed through near the northern entrance to the city of Al-Bireh, returning from an official visit to Germany, to confirm his positions which was confirmed on his trip, which reflects the aspirations and dreams of our people . This reception came after popular public calls to receive the president, and the emphasis on our people's support for his statements and political stances . Those lining the road carried pictures of the president with the words, "You are not alone, Mr. President." The Secretary of the Revolutionary Council of the Fatah movement, Majid Al-Fatiani, said that this reception is a stand of loyalty to Abu Mazen, who carried the message of the Palestinian people, their concerns and history with all boldness and courage, armed with the...Read More |
From Ian: Meir Soloveichik: Two Providential Nations Let us ponder the Blackstone Memorial, one of the most fascinating occasions in the history of the American relationship with Zionism and one almost entirely forgotten today. It was drawn up in 1891 by William Blackstone, a prominent evangelical minister, and personally presented in the White House to President Benjamin Harrison. The petition proclaimed, several years before the epiphany of Theodor Herzl, that the world powers should seek to alleviate the suffering of Jews by restoring them to the Holy Land: "Why shall not the powers which under the treaty of Berlin, in 1878, gave Bulgaria to the Bulgarians and Servia to the Servians now give Palestine back to the Jews? These provinces, as well as Roumania, Montenegro and Greece, were wrested from the Turks and given to their natural owners. Does not Palestine as rightly belong to the Jews?" The memorial's signatories were not merely men of the cloth; among the 400 who appended their appellations to the document were the speaker of the House of the Representatives and the Supreme Court of the United States. And yet, while prominent Gentile politicians, jurists, and businessman readily signed, Blackstone attempted in vain to convince one of America's most prominent Reform rabbis to join him. Emil G. Hirsch summarily informed Blackstone that he no longer embraced the biblical...Read More |
Lately there has been a flurry of articles about whether recent harsh criticism of George Soros is antisemitic. Since I have written my definition of antisemitism, I have been keenly interested in boundary cases to see if my definition can clarify the issue of whether a specific utterance or act is antisemitic or not. My definition says: In an academic paper that I submitted along with my presentation on the topic at ISGAP earlier this month, I tackled this exact topic, comparing specific criticisms of Sheldon Adelson and George Soros to see whether they are antisemitic or not. There is no doubt that some criticism of both of those men is antisemitic, but each case must be judged on its own. Here is what I wrote in the paper: How does this definition do with more controversial or ambiguous cases of potential...Read More |
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory. Check out their Facebook page. Tel Aviv, August 18 - The director of a large outdoor facility offering rides, games, and other diversions acknowledged this afternoon that the miserable experience you and your loved ones had during your visit there resulted from a specific effort on her part to destroy your outing by arranging for more than the usual number of summertime day camp visits at the same time. Tzula Hakhis, who runs Superland in the Tel Aviv suburb of Rishon LeTzion, admitted at an end-of-the-day staff meeting that she had deliberately scheduled two dozen groups of at least forty children each for the sole purpose of ruining the family outing that you and your spouse had planned for weeks. "I commend all of you for handling the crowds today," she told the workers. "Together, we succeeded in spoiling an entire outing, and, I hope, contributing to the undermining of a family's entire summer." Hakhis reserved special mention for the staff who ran the water flume ride. "You did a fantastic job of moving the line as slowly as you could and never letting it get shorter than a hundred people. thanks to your hard work, our target family wasn't able to go on the ride more than once, and even then, it was the catalyst for endless bickering." The only ride that allowed your family...Read More |
From Ian: Jonathan Tobin: Why the world won't care about Abbas's 'Holocaust' lie There's something almost pathetic about the outrage generated after the latest comments by Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas. In Berlin for a meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who was standing with him, the Palestinian was asked about his role in funding the 1972 Olympic massacre of 11 Israeli athletes and coaches in Munich, and whether he ought to apologize on the 50th anniversary of that infamous crime. In response—and speaking in English so that there could be no doubt about his meaning—he said: "If we want to go over the past, go ahead. I have 50 slaughters that Israel committed … 50 massacres, 50 slaughters, 50 holocausts." Of course, this unrepentant and libelous comment deserves to be harshly condemned. Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid was entirely correct to say that for Abbas to falsely claim that the Jewish state had committed "holocausts" while standing on German soil "is not only a moral disgrace but a monstrous lie. Six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, including one and a half million Jewish children. History will never forgive him." Other condemnations, such as that of Scholz, who, to his shame, did not contradict Abbas when he uttered these words in his presence, were also angry and entirely justified. But the fury about this seems both oddly misplaced as...Read More |
Arabi21, a pan-Arab news channel, published an unusual op-ed by Abdullah Al-Ashaal, a former Egyptian presidential candidate and former assistant to the Egyptian Foreign Minister. He is described as an ambassador, but I cannot find to where. Al-Ashaal argues that Egypt should abrogate is peace treaty with Israel - and that Sadat was under Zionist influence when he decided not to destroy Israel completely in the Yom Kippur War. His delusions are apparent throughout the article: "Israel is not an ordinary country, but rather the spearhead of the Zionist project and was planted in this particular region to destroy Egypt." "Israel insisted on forcing Egypt to violate the principles of international law in many of its provisions" of the peace agreement. "If Sadat had better planned the October War with the best of the Egyptian military,.... the end of Israel would have been the October War, but there is a contradiction between the management of the war in the first week and the setback [in following weeks.]" "The [peace] treaty does not prevent Egypt from supporting the resistance, nor does it prevent Arab solidarity and the restoration of the joint Arab defense treaty. Egypt can, at its...Read More |
Yesterday, Israel shut down seven Palestinian organizations with ties to the PFLP terror group. I have recently shown how the PFLP remains a terrorist organization, which explicitly calls for violence and killing Jews as part of "legal resistance." Organizations like Al Haq, Addameer and Defense for Children-Palestine are dominated with PFLP operators. The idea that terrorists are also human rights advocates is obscene, yet the UN and groups like Human Rights Watch support them (and the PFLP itself.) The PFLP website is the best place to see how, to them, human rights is just another weapon. Two articles are juxtaposed: praise for the terror attack in Jerusalem and a meeting between...Read More |
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