יום שני, 15 באוגוסט 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

Palestinian leaders deliberately avoid condemning Jerusalem attacknoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 15 Aug 04:45 AM In recent days, Palestinian leader

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Palestinian leaders deliberately avoid condemning Jerusalem attack
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 15 Aug 04:45 AM

In recent days, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas:
- Offered condolences to Egyptian leaders on the tragic church fire- Offered condolences on the assassination of a Fatah military leader in Lebanon by unknown people- Called three terrorist prisoners who were recently released by Israel- Congratulated Chad's leader for its independence day, as well as those of Ecuador and Singapore- Offered condolences to the families of three terrorists killed in Nablus by the IDF- Condemned Israel for its "continued aggression against our people"
With this busy schedule of statements and phone calls, his choice not to condemn a terror attack in Jerusalem that targeted religious Jews is not an oversight. It is a deliberate decision.
Because Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority support, tacitly or explicitly, every terror attack.
The only time they condemn terror attacks is when they are pressured to do so...Read More

Book review: The Arc of a Covenant by Walter Russell Mead
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 14 Aug 02:30 PM

The Arc of a Covenant is a well-researched book about the history of the US-Israel relationship. And it destroys many myths in the process.
Most books about the US and Israel are written by one of two kinds of people: Zionists and anti-Zionists. Both of those suffer from a skewed vision where the American Zionists and Israeli politicians are considered critical players in the drama.
Walter Russell Mead calls the anti-Zionists who believe in a nefarious and outsized role of Jews in steering the US towards a disaster in foreign policy "Vulcanists." In the late 1800s, astronomers noticed irregularities in the orbit of the planet Mercury, and postulated that there was a hidden planet they called Vulcan that could explain them. Some claimed to have observed the planet. In the end, the irregularities were found to be because of the sun's gravity bending the fabric of space under Einstein's theories, but they didn't have a clue - they convinced themselves that there was a fictional planet. They couldn't even imagine that there was an alternate theory that could explain things better.
The field of research into the US-Israel relationship is likewise skewed, according to Mead, by writers who are convinced that Jews have been at the center of the decision-making. The entire book zooms out from this tunnel vision and looks more fully at history and sees that US (and other countries) made their decisions about Palestine and Israel based on their specific political circumstances at the...Read More

08/14 Links: Who speaks for the Arab world about Israel? Biden under pressure to suspend Iran talks after Rushdie attack, weak condemnation
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 14 Aug 12:00 PM

From Ian:

Jonathan Tobin: Who speaks for the Arab world about Israel?

Israeli diplomats at the United Nations often speak of how their Arab colleagues talk one way about the conflict in public and very differently in private. The United Nations can be dismissed as a mere talking shop with no power. But that ignores the genuine damage that U.N. agencies can do to Israel and to aid those boycotting and trying to destroy it.

Even if Arab statements at the world body were merely a cynical show, the fact that they feel it is necessary to behave this way is not insignificant.

Public opinion in Egypt and Jordan is still heavily anti-Semitic and lags far behind their country's leaders when it comes to the acceptance of Israel. Popular culture in the Arab world is also still hostile to Israel and Jews. There is no sign of a popular groundswell backing an alliance or closer ties. On the contrary, even governments that have made peace are wary of going too far when it comes to abandoning the Palestinian desire for Israel's destruction. Authoritarian regimes in Egypt, Jordan and in the Gulf don't depend on popular approval. But they are acutely conscious that by getting too close to Israel, they are giving ammunition to radicals backed by Iran who seek their overthrow.

Saudi Arabia's modernizing ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salmon, has embraced closer under-the-table ties with Israel though that...Read More

Today, I am a man (under international law.) It's EoZ's 18th birthday!
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 14 Aug 10:00 AM

This blog began on August 14, 2004.

At the beginning, it was mostly links to articles that looked interesting to me, with brief comments. But soon it became more like it is today, a place to find news and analysis about the Middle East and antisemitism that you cannot find anywhere else.
Here's what the blog header looked like in January, 2006: (I don't have any earlier snapshots)

And in 2008:

EoZ has grown a lot since then, and I'd like to thank my loyal readers and fans, as well as columnists, for making it a success.

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Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.

Read all about it here!

...Read More

Arab media more honest about Islamic Jihad killing Gaza civilians than Western media and "human rights" groups
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 14 Aug 07:00 AM

Amira Hass in Haaretz published a detailed account of the Gazans who died in Operation Breaking Dawn and the circumstances of each death. I disagree with several of her conclusions, and she doesn't identify all of their affiliations with terror groups, but on the whole it is a reasonably fair article that squarely blames Islamic Jihad for the deaths of 19 civilians including 12 children, far more than were killed in Israeli attacks that were targeting terrorists and military targets.

Despite Palestinian media attributing all deaths to Israeli attacks, Gazans know well that a very high number of victims stemmed from failed rocket launches by Islamic Jihad.

The high number of fatalities from so-called internal fire has embittered Palestinians, some Gazans told Haaretz.

Amira Hass is a reliably anti-Israel reporter for Haaretz, often quoted by anti-Zionist activists and faux "human rights" professionals.
Which is why this article is being nearly universally ignored by the anti-Israel crowd who have insisted that every dead child was "murdered" by Israel - and fundraised based on that lie.
The only exception I could find was James Zogby, prominent Arab American...Read More

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