יום שני, 22 באוגוסט 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

We are family: the secret of Israel's successnoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 22 Aug 04:45 AM The Economist reports that the birthrates of Israeli Jew

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We are family: the secret of Israel's success
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 22 Aug 04:45 AM

The Economist reports that the birthrates of Israeli Jews has been rising and that of Arabs in Israel and the territories has been dropping - and the Israeli Jewish birthrate is bucking the trends around the world.

In short, the demographic bomb that was predicted for decades to destroy Israel has nearly fizzled.
But the article then touches on an important point that rarely makes it to the media.


"If an Israeli woman has fewer than three children, she feels as if she owes everyone an explanation—or an apology." That, at any rate, is the view of a leading Israeli demographer. When she visits London she is struck by its dearth of toy shops. Israelis have many more children than their counterparts elsewhere in the rich world. Whereas the average Israeli woman has 2.9, her British and French peers have 1.6 and 1.8 respectively.

Yasser Arafat, who led the Palestinians for three-and-a-half decades, described "the womb of the Arab woman" as his "strongest weapon". Demographic projections used to suggest that Arabs living between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean would eventually outnumber Jews.

At the time there was indeed a wide demographic gap. In Israel itself Arab women were having almost twice as many babies on average as Jewish women. But in the past few decades this gap has disappeared, as the birth rate of Israeli Arabs...Read More

Another look at the "Jekyll and Hyde" head of Al Haq
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 21 Aug 02:30 PM

NGO Monitor published an English translation of a 2007 court ruling by Israel's High Court denying a petition brought on Shawan Jabarin's behalf to allow him to travel internationally. Jabarin was the director of Al Haq and denied any terror ties, same as today.
The petitioner's points sound an awful lot like what NGOs are claiming today about Jabarin and other terrorists who work for NGOs:
The petition claims that the petitioner is a prominent human rights activist in the West Bank, and by limiting his movement there is "an unpleasant odor of harassment of a man active in solidifying the human rights of his people," and harms the petitioner's freedom of movement.It also claimed that the "Al Haq" organization- of which the petitioner has served as CEO since 2006- is the oldest Palestinian human rights organization and cooperates with international and Israeli organizations...
The High Court denied the petition based on classified information. The ruling is unhappy that it cannot share this information with the petitioner, but it leaves no doubt that it did everything it could to make up for that - by acting as a "quasi defense attorney:"

With the agreement of the petitioner's representative, we have studied the classified material in camera, and we have engaged in a debate about it with the representatives of the Ministry of Defense. We were convinced...Read More

08/21 Links: The many lies of Mahmoud Abbas; Who is enforcing the PA's antisemitic land laws?; Professor Nachman Ash celebrates 26 years of Save a Child's Heart
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 21 Aug 12:00 PM

From Ian:

The many lies of Mahmoud Abbas

The United Nations have entire committees formed to attack Israel – while ignoring the atrocities committed by the many Palestinian terrorist organizations. The antisemitism of the members forming these committees, such as Miloon Kothari and Navi Pillay, are often very publicly exposed, but they remain held 'in high esteem' without any sanction or punishment finding their way to them.

In fact, the only time UN officials are punished is when they show some kind of balance and acceptance of reality such as Sarah Muscroft who tweeted "indiscriminate rocket fire of Islamic Jihad provoking Israeli retaliation is condemned."

She was removed from her office for that 'offense.'

But this is the world we live in, in which the basic tenets of morality have been flipped so blatantly that up is now down. Left is now right. And terrorists who commit murder are innocent victims.

Mahmoud Abbas may just be one person, but he represents many who share his warped sentiment. It is shameful that knowing all we know about him; world leaders continue to treat him with a certain respect and reverence that is unfathomable to any decent person of conscience and justice.

Just last month, President Joe Biden stood alongside this illegitimate unelected antisemite and dictator, and said, "it's good to see you again, my friend…. And I'm very proud to be with you today as President of...Read More

"Chaim Weizmann made up the myth of 6 million Jews killed"
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 21 Aug 10:00 AM

As we've been showing, Mahmoud Abbas' outrageous antisemitism in Germany is prompting lots of Palestinians and Arab pundits to let fly their own Holocaust denial and antisemitism.

This example, from Ali Mohsen Hamid at Rai al-Youm, tries to prove that according to Chaim Weizmann, there were only six million Jews in all of Europe before the Holocaust, so therefore six million Jews cannot have died and it is all a Zionist lie.
Hamid quotes Weizmann testifying at the Peel Commission hearings, saying, "six million people pent up in places where they are not wanted, and for whom the world is divided into places where they cannot live, and places into which they may not enter."
He then quotes Weizmann at the UNSCOP hearings on Palestine in Lake Success, NY in 1947 where he says that six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust - and uses this "contradiction" to claim that Weizmann made up the six million number out of thin air.
The Peel Commission quote is accurate...Read More

Many examples of antisemitism and Holocaust inversion in 24 hours of Palestinian/Jordanian media
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 21 Aug 07:00 AM

I can't keep up with the sheer amount of antisemitic hate being published by Palestinians (in Palestinian and Jordanian media) over the past few days in response to the German criticism of Mahmoud Abbas' Holocaust trivialization. Here are some from just the last 24 hours.
Al Mal News says that the Nakba is worse than the Holocaust, since the Holocaust only lasted a few years but the Nakba is still ongoing. The title of the article is, "Nazi racism and Zionism are two sides of the same coin."
Rashid Hassan in Ad Dustour manages to throw in lots of antisemitic memes in a short space:

The Jews blackmailed Germany, forcing them to pay thousands of billions of dollars in compensation for the so-called "Holocaust"..!! Their ally was Hitler, who deported them to Palestine to get rid of the Jewish problem...the Jewish mess with Europe, and dragged it into global wars...

On the other hand, it is necessary to point out a very important issue, namely: that the majority of Jews who immigrated to Palestine from Europe, 96 %.. they are not Semites, especially...Read More

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