Iran names war games on Azerbaijan border after Mohammed massacre of (Unknown), 03 Oct 04:45 AM From RadioFreeEurope: Tensi | From RadioFreeEurope: Tensions have increased recently between Tehran and Baku over three issues: a joint military drill that Azerbaijani troops conducted alongside their Turkish and Pakistani counterparts some 500 kilometers from the Iranian border; Azerbaijani restrictions on Iranian truck drivers' access to Armenia and the detention of two drivers; and Azerbaijani ties to Iran's archenemy Israel. On October 1, Tehran added to those tensions by launching its own military drills near its northwestern border, days after the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) deployed military equipment to the region. The move was met with expressions of concern from Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, who earlier this week said he was surprised by the planned drill. "Every country can carry out any military drill on its own territory. It's their sovereign right. But why now, and why on our border?" Aliyev said. He noted that it was the first time since the fall of the Soviet Union 20 years ago that Iran had planned such a show of force so close to its border. Iran and Azerbaijan have enjoyed good relations in the past, but Tehran has increasingly expressed concern about alleged Israeli influence there. Speaking on September 24, Ameli was quoted by the semiofficial Fars news agency as saying the drills sent a message to Israel. "Israel has come to Azerbaijan to plot against Iran," Ameli said...Read More |
In early September, a French citizen was indicted for attempting to buy a Kalashnikov assault rifle from a US source over the dark web. The citizen, known only as "S.", was also found to have a large quantity of jihadist literature in his house. The case has recently taken a more sinister turn, however. According to RTL, examination of the suspect's phone reveals that he carried out research on synagogues in in Paris, as well as research on joining jihadist groups in Syria. His arrest was a collaboration between French customs and the United States where his package was intercepted and replaced (according to some reports) with a non-functional weapon, allowing authorities to arrest him after he took delivery. It seems likely that the arrest foiled a major attack against French Jews. * * * * * * ...Read More |
From Ian: Far-left Democrats push anti-Israel 'peace' bill Let's break down the bill into its individual pieces. First, the two-state solution has been dead from the moment Israel was founded. The 1947 United Nations partition plan would have created a Jewish state and an Arab state. The Jews accepted the plan, while the Arabs rejected it. This led to Israel's founding following war in 1948. Since then, Israel has made numerous offers of statehood to the Palestinians. They have been rejected, and terrorism has, in most cases, followed. Put simply, the Palestinians have repeatedly demonstrated their refusal to co-exist with the Jewish state. A state, we should remember, that was founded only in the aftermath of 6 million Jews being killed in the Nazi-led Holocaust. Second, there is no Israeli "occupation of the Palestinian territories." The West Bank has never belonged to the Palestinians. It used to belong to Jordan. Israel seized that land, including East Jerusalem, during the 1967 six day war. Jordan eventually ceded the land to Israel. The bill would condition U.S. assistance to Israel on the Jewish state not "[undermining] the prospects of a negotiated two-state solution." This would be dangerous, especially as Israel faces numerous threats, the biggest from Iran. The bill would also mark products made in the "Palestinian territories" as either "West Bank/Gaza," "West...Read More |
From Ian: Melanie Phillips: The false accusation of "Israel apartheid" In a speech to the United Nations last week, PA leader Mahmoud Abbas not only stated that "Israel is an occupying power, practising apartheid and ethnic cleansing," but also made no fewer than five further references to Israeli "apartheid". Two years ago, a report by Dan Diker and Adam Shay for the Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs revealed that the Palestinian Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel was not, as was widely believed, a network of local grassroots human-rights groups advocating BDS to establish a peaceful Palestinian state next to Israel. It was instead run by the PA in Ramallah to direct, mobilise and co-ordinate global political warfare campaigns with the goal of isolating, delegitimising and ultimately dismantling the State of Israel. The current "Israel apartheid" chorus is almost certainly the product of the latest such campaign. The "apartheid" libel is a potent weapon because it is unlike claims that Israel is practising genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians that are demonstrably fatuous (the number of Palestinian Arabs has at least tripled since Israel's creation). By contrast, the "Israel apartheid" smear triggers emotions of deep anger and disgust among the shallow and ignorant, whose knowledge of Israel is entirely drawn from malicious propaganda that misrepresents...Read More |
Here's a tweet showing a group of Palestinians at the Temple Mount today chanting, among other things, "Khaybar, Khaybar oh Jews, the Army of Mohammed will return." Meaning, to kill the Jews. "كونوا يدًا واحدة يا عائلات بيت المقدس لنصرة الأقصى" .. عائلة الطويل أدت صلاة الفجر بالمسجد الأقصى وهذه كانت رسالتها للعائلات المقدسية — AlQastal القسطل (@AlQastalps) October 1, 2021 This is the sort of everyday antisemitism that simply gets no coverage in the media. (h/t Khaled Abu Toameh) * * * * * * ...Read More |
From Ian: Caroline Glick: What is the '2-state solution' about? A few hours before the House voted on the supplemental Iron Dome funding, Rep. Andy Levin, a progressive Jewish lawmaker from Michigan who voted in favor of the supplemental Iron Dome funding, submitted his own bill that related to the Palestinians and Israel. And Levin's bill is far more dangerous to Israel and to US-Israel relations than his fellow progressive lawmakers' nay vote on the Iron Dome. The main purpose of Levin's bill, which is co-sponsored by 24 other members, (seven of whom are also Jewish), is to support the Palestinian terror against Israel, while adopting a laundry list of anti-Israel policies along the way. Levin's bill includes an amendment to the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1987 that defines the PLO as a terrorist organization and bars the US from permitting the PLO to open offices in the US or from receiving assistance from the US so long as the PLO and its member organizations remain engaged in terrorism. Levin's bill would amend the law to provide the administration with the authority to permit the opening of a PLO office in Washington and to transfer funds to the PLO/Palestinian Authority even while the PLO and its member groups remain engaged in terrorism. Levin's bill enables the administration to sidestep the law simply by proclaiming that opening a PLO office in Washington and funding the PLO/PA is...Read More |
Iran's Mehr news agency quoted Major General Gholam Ali Rashid as saying, "We have changed the situation, including the lack of defense agreements with governments and other countries in the past forty years, by joining countries and some governments and building regional powers and religious and popular forces." But he doesn't actually mean "countries." He means terror groups. Al Rashid said, "Hajj Qassem Soleimani said in a meeting with the commanders of the armed forces, three months before his martyrdom, 'I have now organized 6 armies outside Iranian territory.'" Major General Rashid continued, "Six divisions of the popular and ideological armies live outside Iran's borders, and any enemy wants to fight the regime must pass through these six armies." What are these armies? Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, "an army in Syria," an Iraqi army called the Popular Mobilization (a collection of militias including terror groups,) and Ansar Allah (the Houthi terrorists) in Yemen. Iran isn't just aligned with terror groups. It isn't just funding them. It considers terror groups to be an integral part of its army. Meaning, Iran is a terrorist state in every sense. But, hey, let's give them a path to their own nuclear weapons. * * * * * * ...Read More |
On Thursday, the Commodore Hotel in Gaza hosted a Hamas-sponsored conference called "The Promise of the Hereafter - Palestine after Liberation," a science-fiction fantasy of what things would look like when Hamas defeats Israel. The final communique of the conference described things like how the new Palestine would inherit Israel's borders with Egypt and Jordan and maritime agreements with Greece, for example. But what would happen to the Jews? According to the final statement, here is what would happen to Israel's Jews. Members of the IDF must be fought and presumably killed. Jewish "fugitives" can be prosecuted for their crimes. "Pacifists" who surrender to Hamas and accept their rule "can be accommodated or allowed to leave" - this is an issue that deserves closer consideration, according to the statement. So even Jews who want to be second class dhimmis under Muslim rule would not automatically become citizens. But Hamas doesn't want to ethnically...Read More |
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