יום שישי, 15 באוקטובר 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

Iranian backed terror "army" threatens war with Israel, calls for terrorism. Media ignores it.noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 15 Oct 04:45 AM On Wedn

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Iranian backed terror "army" threatens war with Israel, calls for terrorism. Media ignores it.
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 15 Oct 04:45 AM

On Wednesday, the Secretary General of Islamic Jihad, Ziad Al-Nakhala, threatened to go to war with Israel if the terror group is not satisfied with how Israel is treating its terrorist prisoners.
Israel has separated many prisoners as a result of the Gilbo prison break.

"The jihad movement will not leave its sons in the Zionist prisons as victims at the hands of the enemy, and accordingly we will stand with them and support them with everything we have, even if that requires us to go to war for them. No agreements or any other considerations will prevent us from that (the option of war)," Nakhala said.

On Thursday, the Al Quds Brigades of Islamic Jihad announced their full readiness to go to war.

Even though this was front page news in Arabic, the Western media ignored it.

Two weeks ago, Iran publicly said that they consider Islamic Jihad to be one of their proxy armies. Which makes this threat something to take seriously, since Islamic Jihad wouldn't do anything without permission of its Iranian patron.

Still, the Western media is ignoring it...Read More

10/14 Links Pt2: The Woke Threat to America— and to American Jews; The Top 100 People Positively Influencing Jewish Life, 2021; Australia to adopt IHRA definition of antisemitism
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 14 Oct 05:00 PM

From Ian:

The Woke Threat to America— and to American Jews

A century ago, anti-Semites sought to deny entry to Jewish immigrants on the grounds that they lacked the superior character traits of Northern Europeans who had populated this country in the 18th and 19th centuries and brought it to greatness. Now Jews face discrimination because they allegedly are co-conspirators with white supremacists or are simply part of the undifferentiated mass of American whites, the oppressor class.

The name-calling and stereotyping are bad enough, but if the equity agenda is broadly enacted, Jews will find few opportunities to land jobs in the civil service, education (especially in higher education), corporate America, and the innovation-based, creative economy emerging today. After all, Jews constitute only 2 percent of the population, but they are overrepresented in these fields. In the cause of pursuing equality of outcomes, quotas are now proposed as the solution to ensure proportional representation by every subgroup in every sector of the economy. Jews have seen this movie before: Their numbers at European universities were limited, as was their representation in the civil service of some countries; during the interwar era and well into the 1950s, American universities placed unofficial but very real quotas on Jewish enrollments on both the college and graduate-school levels...Read More

A terrorist leader treated as royalty at Istanbul Book Fair
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 14 Oct 03:00 PM

The 40th annual Istanbul Book Fair is being held now.

On its Facebook page, the organizers feature a video and photo montage of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh visiting, browsing, and shaking hands of exhibitors, like a head of state.

He should have been arrested, but instead he is treated like a celebrity in Turkey.

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Rejecting My Jewish Heritage In The Face Of Antisemitism Will Work *This* Time (PreOccupied Territory)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 14 Oct 01:30 PM

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

Check out their Facebook page.

Rejecting My Jewish Heritage In The Face Of Antisemitism Will Work \*This\* Time

by Simone Sheodlo-Higanu

New York, October 14 - An aphorism attributed (wrongly) to Albert Einstein characterizes insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. With all due respect to the professor, I believe my current course will defy that pattern: unlike all the efforts of my ancestors who sought to relieve themselves of anti-Jewish persecution and discrimination by assimilating into the wider culture, only to find that the wider culture still considered them Jewish and therefore ripe for discrimination, in my case the effort to jettison everything of substance in my Judaism will engender only acceptance and approval from those whom I seek to join. I just know it.

I certainly will fare better than the hundreds of thousands of Jews who decided to convert to Catholicism rather than leave Spain in 1492, only to discover over the next several hundred years that their loving, tolerant neighbors and the Office of the Inquisition continued to suspect them of heresy and clinging to Jewish beliefs and practice, no matter how loudly or publicly the protestations of adherence to good Christian doctrine.

Nor will I face the fate of my predecessors...Read More

10/14 Links Pt1: A New Jerusalem Consulate Will Again Proclaim: Jerusalem Is Not in Israel; Saudi Cartoon Depicts Quranic Story In Which Allah Transforms Jews Into Apes
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 14 Oct 11:00 AM

From Ian:

A New Jerusalem Consulate Will Again Proclaim: Jerusalem Is Not in Israel

Many consider the Biden administration's oft-expressed intent to open a U.S. consulate-general in Jerusalem a minor administrative change. In fact, it is a dangerous resurrection of a fiction that dominated American attitudes and policy toward Israel for decades.

It is nothing less than a devious scheme to reverse U.S. recognition that Jerusalem is in Israel by pressuring Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to abandon Israel's claim to sovereignty over its own capital city. If Bennett acquiesces to U.S. pressure, he will go down in history as the Israeli leader who gave away Jerusalem.

In May 1948, President Harry Truman was the first world leader to recognize the modern State of Israel, only 11 minutes after its creation. But for the following 70 years, successive U.S. presidential administrations steadfastly refused to formally recognize the City of Jerusalem as being in the State of Israel. It took us 18 years of pro bono litigation, with two appearances before the U.S. Supreme Court and working with the prior administration, to overturn the State Department's long-running position. That position had effectively treated as stateless thousands of American citizens born in Jerusalem.

We began representing Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky soon after he was born in Jerusalem...Read More

When NYC Mayor LaGuardia insulted Hitler - and the State Department apologized
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 14 Oct 09:00 AM

In March 1937, New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia spoke at a women's meeting of the American Jewish Congress Women's Division:

Michael Williams, editor of Commonweal, Catholic weekly, warned against the spread of Nazism and anti-Semitism in the United States. He suggested that the 1939 New York World's Fair establish a building devoted to "human and divine liberty."

Mayor LaGuardia, seconding the suggestion, said: "I will add an annex to Dr. Williams' suggestion. I would have a chamber of horrors added to this temple. In it I would place that brown-shirt fanatic. I'd give them an example they could look at and learn."

The Third Reich responded furiously, calling LaGuardia the most vile epithet in their vocabulary: a "dirty Talmud Jew." (Sound familiar?)

Because Germany formally demanded an apology, the spineless State Department gave them one:

LaGuardia doubled down:

Time magazine reported on the story, and suggested that LaGuardia was pandering to Jewish votes, by saying - no joke - that "In New York City, as any political nose-counter knows, the hooked far outnumber the Aryan noses. " (Time, Mar. 15, 1937)

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That "Jewish Currents" comic - anti-Israel propaganda filled with false history and bigotry
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 14 Oct 06:55 AM

The socialist, anti-Israel "Jewish Currents" site published a comic by JB Brager that positions itself as a sober argument against Jewish indigeneity to Israel.

Like all good propaganda, it hand-picks the pro-Zionist arguments it wants to debunk, twists them, and then gives its own answers from within its own false framing. People who agree with the anti-Israel side think they have read a brilliant work that demolishes the Zionist arguments taken one by one. But in reality it ignores the real arguments and engages in a lot of misdirection and handwaving to make it look like it is objective.
Brager self-describes as a a "white, Jewish, queer & trans self-taught comics artist, illustrator and PhD currently living in Brooklyn, NY, Lenapehoking." They gained publicity when they were fired from an elite New York school for tweeting support for a speaker who said that Jews have become the same as Nazis.
The comic claims to show how Jews are rebranding themselves as non-white natives of Israel when in fact, they claim, Zionists made that all up to give Jews a common ethnic identity.
Their final frame:

While it is true that Zionists emphasize that argument of being a people, it doesn't mean that it isn't true. And in no way does Brager disprove it, instead...Read More

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