יום שני, 11 באוקטובר 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

Palestinians upset over Jews having a ceremony on a former cemetery that Muslims deconsecrated in the 1940snoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 11 Oct 04:4

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Palestinians upset over Jews having a ceremony on a former cemetery that Muslims deconsecrated in the 1940s
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 11 Oct 04:45 AM

The Palestinian Wafa news agency reports:

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates and the Chief Islamic Justice, Mahmoud Habbash, today condemned the intention of American Zionist groups to hold a ceremony at Mammilla cemetery in West Jerusalem, considering it a desecration of the Islamic graveyard and a flagrant violation of international law and conventions.

They said in two separate statements that the historic cemetery includes the remains of Muslim leaders and residents of Jerusalem who have been buried there for more than a thousand years.

The ceremony is for the Museum of Tolenace.

Iranian media is already trying to turn this into major incitement.

I looked at this issue 11 years ago, and unearth this Palestine Post article from November 22, 1945::

An area of over 450 dunams in the heart of Jerusalem, now forming the Mamilla Cemetery, is to be converted into a business centre. The townplan is being completed under the supervision of the Supreme Moslem Council in conjunction with the Government Town Planning Adviser...Read More

Israeli natural gas might end up in Lebanon!
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 10 Oct 02:30 PM

The Atlantic Council reports about a convoluted plan t provide Lebanon with much needed fuel - and some of it would be from Israel.

Egyptian, Lebanese, Syrian, and Jordanian leaders want to give the beleaguered Lebanon natural gas from Egypt and electricity from Jordan. The gas would travel from Egypt to Jordan to Syria to Lebanon. But all Egyptian gas is mixed with Israeli gas - which means that Lebanon would be using Israeli fuel.

For it to work, the US may have to grant a waiver for the Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act of 2019, which puts sanctions on Syria and would not allow the gas to pass through there.

The article asks why the US would allow such a waiver without demanding concessions to limit Iranian and Russian influence on the region. It isn't like Hezbollah would give the US any goodwill for facilitating fuel to Lebanon. And Hezbollah certainly aimed to benefit politically from illegally smuggling Iranian fuel through Syria into Lebanon.

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10/10 Links: Why are Jews so quick to defend our enemies?; Amazon, Google Under Fire for Sponsoring Event With Linda Sarsour; Islamic/Arab terrorists bite the hands that feed them
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 10 Oct 12:00 PM

From Ian:

Why are Jews so quick to defend our enemies?

Writing here last month, Sabrina Miller made a plea: Jewish schools should teach Palestinian views. Her argument was that this would help woefully ill-informed young Jews better to argue Zionism's case once they arrive on campus. Although the plea came with the best of intentions, it risks falling into a trap. The nakba (an Arabic term for the 'catastrophic' exodus of 710,000 Palestinian refugees) is the self-inflicted consequence of the Arab decision to go to war in 1948 — a war which their side instigated and lost. To talk of the nakba without balance or context would be to promote a one-sided narrative of Palestinian victimhood.

If we mention the Arab nakba, we are compelled as a matter of law and equity to talk about the Jewish nakba (I use the expression for convenience). As many as 870,000 Jews (persecuted by the Arab League as the "Jewish minority of Palestine") were driven from, or fled, the Arab world at around the same time as the Palestinian refugees — and as a consequence of the same conflict, merely because Jews in Arab lands shared the same religion and ethnicity as Israelis.

Why should we take only the Palestinian refugee cause seriously, while dismissing the Jewish refugees? Why are Jews so quick to empathise with our enemies, while failing to defend our own rights? Furthermore, no credible and lasting...Read More

Palestinian Authority denying passports to Gazans
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 10 Oct 09:45 AM

Amad reports that the Human Center for Democracy and Rights (I think they mean this) sent a letter to a number of Palestinian and international bodies about the continued failure of the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah to issue passports to a number of Palestinian citizens in the Gaza Strip.
The Palestinian passport is not recognized everywhere but it is better than nothing, and it seems that the PA has a deliberate policy to deny many Gazans the ability to obtain one that they could use to travel through the Rafah crossing, or when they get permission to go through Israel. Egypt has recognized these passports in the past.
While Israel apparently has to give permission as well for Palestinian passports (according to Wikipedia, although the page seems dated) this NGO is not blaming Israel but the PA. If Israel was stopping the issuance of passports, you can be sure that it would be making headlines.

Gisha, the Israeli NGO that supposedly deals with freedom of movement for Palestinians, has nothing...Read More

Muslim Temple Mount "silent prayer" reaction is nothing less than naked Jew-hatred - but too many Jews adopt their narrative anyway
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 10 Oct 07:15 AM

On Friday, the Jerusalem District Court overturned the ruling the previous week from the Jerusalem Magistrate Court saying that Jews cannot be prevented from saying silent prayers on the Temple Mount.

Given that so many Muslims had made such a big deal over the initial ruling, one would think that they would celebrate this new ruling, right?
Nope - it is barely being reported. And most of the reports are dismissing the new ruling as being irrelevant, by the same people who claimed the initial ruling was cataclysmic.

Sheikh Kamal al-Khatib, deputy head of the Islamic movement inside the Palestinian territories, said in a press statement that the new court ruling "is a kind of fraud and igniting public opinion with a fair position of the Israeli judiciary, but the truth has proven that the judiciary is an arm of...Read More

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