יום רביעי, 13 באוקטובר 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

Iranian VP brags that Iran is holding its 10,000 Jews hostagenoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 13 Oct 04:45 AM MEMRI quotes an Iranian opposition group

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Iranian VP brags that Iran is holding its 10,000 Jews hostage
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 13 Oct 04:45 AM

MEMRI quotes an Iranian opposition group's Telegram channel as saying that Iranian Vice President Mohsen Rezaee, deputy for economic affairs, has threatened to use Iran's Jews as hostages in case Israel does anything Iran doesn't like.
The Telegram page said:

In an unprecedented speech, Mohsen Rezaee, [President] Ebrahim Raisi's deputy for economic affairs, took Iran's Jews hostage, warning that they would be punished by the [Iranian] regime if Israel makes a mistake!

Rezaee told members and directors of [the ideological organization] Tharollah Tehran: 'The Israeli government knows very well that if it makes a mistake, the regime will treat the 10,000 Jews living in Iran differently.'

Elements in the Islamic Republic [of Iran] have in the past threatened Israeli citizens and cities such as Tel Aviv and Haifa, in order to confront the Israeli threat, but this is the first time that a senior [Iranian] regime official is threatening the Jews, who have been living in Iran for thousands of years.

It seems that Rezaee has a habit of threatening to take people hostage:

On June 10, 2021, Iranian journalist in the U.S. Masih Alinejad tweeted a video clip showing then-presidential candidate Rezaee in an Iranian television broadcast calling for solving Iran's economic problems by taking 1,000 Americans hostage and demanding billions of dollars in ransom...Read More

10/12 Links Pt2: A Common Battle Against the Poison of Antisemitism; Sally Rooney's very ugly world; Vice News Downplays Hamas Terror Tunnels, Contends Gaza Child Soldiers Receive 'Fitness Training'
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 12 Oct 05:00 PM

From Ian:

Ambassador Erik Ullenhag: A Common Battle Against the Poison of Antisemitism

We live in a formative time with fewer and fewer survivors who can tell us what happened, which calls for intensified efforts to commemorate the Holocaust. Deniers should never be allowed to falsify the history of the worst crime against humanity.

On Oct. 13, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven will be hosting the Malmö International Forum on Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Antisemitism, Remember ReAct, with President Isaac Herzog as one of the main speakers. The Forum aims to jointly take concrete steps on Holocaust remembrance and the fight against antisemitism.

During the pandemic we saw it again – when there is a crisis in the world, some will always blame the Jews. And during the flair-up of the Gaza conflict, Europe witnessed an appalling rise in antisemitism and hate crimes against Jews, so to in Sweden. In Malmö, a 12-year old Jewish girl found a derogatory comment about Israel written by her cloakroom hook in school. In Gothenburg, a man wearing a Kippa to show solidarity with his Jewish friends was assaulted. I am repulsed by these heinous acts and the hatred aired publicly and online. antisemitism is a poison that must be fought.

Going back to the personal engagement of former Prime Minister Göran Persson, who in 1998 initiated the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance...Read More

Elder Comix: The difference between the old and new antisemitism
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 12 Oct 03:00 PM

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Palestinian Authority corruption continues (with little coverage)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 12 Oct 01:00 PM

In 2016, the Palestinian Authority created a Social Security Insitution..
It's been a joke ever since.
In 2018, two members of its board resigned because of non-transparency and non-independence.

Now, a new audit report shows that despite millions of dollars put into it, the organization can point to zero accomplishments.

Its budget has never been published. No financial reports have been published.

Employees were appointed without any regard to their qualifications.

Office furniture was purchased without any oversight.

Board meetings were held without most members of the board.

Unauthorized people signed contracts on behalf of the entire organization.

There is no mechanism to identify any conflicts of interest by employees.

There has been tampering of electronic records.

In other words...Read More

10/12 Links Pt1: Israel's critics have a new slogan; Do the EU and the UN Know They Are Supporting Scholarships for the Children of Terrorists?; Ben & Jerry suffered an AOC moment
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 12 Oct 11:28 AM

From Ian:

Israel's critics have a new slogan

Every couple of years, critics of Israel come up with a new slogan that they hope will pressure the Israelis into making more concessions to the Palestinian Authority. They've just trotted out their latest model: "Shrinking the conflict."

Such slogans are usually invented to try to overcome some obstacle that's interfering with the left's campaign to force Israel to accept a Palestinian state in its back yard. The current obstacle is that it's been more than seven years (!) since Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas has been willing to negotiate with Israel.

If Abbas won't talk, there's no way to talk Israel into surrendering half its country. So, Israel's leftwing critics figure they will wait him out—after all, Abbas, now in the 16 th year of his four year term of office, is 85 and facing various domestic problems. He can't last forever. While they wait, the pressure-Israel crowd is looking for other ways to engineer Israeli concessions. Hence "shrinking the conflict."

The Israel-critics think they're being very clever with this one, because it actually comes from a phrase that was spoken by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. But of course, they've taken it out of context and tried to turn it into a weapon against him.

The concept that Prime Minister Bennett has mentioned is that since there's no way of ending the conflict, then all that's possible is...Read More

Israel haters just cannot stop lying
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 12 Oct 09:00 AM

Jewish Voice for Peace tweeted, "Thousands of Palestinians who took part in uprisings this May are still detained in Israeli prisons." It then gave a link to a fund that pays Palestinian terrorists.

Thousands of them are still in prison? Given that for the past few years, there have been roughly 5000 security prisoners in Israeli prisons at any time, that seemed to be unlikely.
Another NGO that is critical of Israel, HaMoked, keeps track of the number of security prisoners in Israel by month. (B'Tselem used to but says that they can no longer get the information under Israel's Freedom of Information Act. It is unclear how HaMoked does.)

The first thing you notice is that the number of prisoners has stayed roughly the same between April and today.

The second thing is that the number of security prisoners actually decreased during the time period in question, between April and June, indicating that however many people Israel arrested were not placed in prison (unless Israel released a similar number of prisoners, which seems highly unlikely.)

The third thing you realize is that these anti-Israel organizations are filled with liars.

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Susan Sarandon thinks Jews are native to Europe. That's another kind of antisemitism.
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 12 Oct 07:04 AM

Airhead actress Susan Sarandon retweeted a graphic by the absurdly named "Jewish Voice for Peace:"

The top half of the graphic is, of course, the much-debunked "Map That Lies" which has been recanted by MSNBC, McGraw-Hill and others.

This version is even more inaccurate than the usual ones, which often say "Map of Palestinian dispossession" or words to that effect.

This one says that the black areas in the top maps were "inhabited and stewarded by natives" and the white areas were "controlled by settlers."

Even if you think that most Palestinians are natives, when did they ever "steward" the areas of Palestine? The area was controlled by British, Turks, Ayyubid and Mamluk Egyptians, Crusaders, Byzantines, Romans - but never by Arab residents.

The last time it was controlled by natives was when it was called Judea.

But according to JVP and Sarandon, Jews aren't native to Judea. They are all "settlers."

Where exactly are Jews native to, then?

Whether she realizes it or not, Sarandon is saying that Jews are native to Europe, meaning that she is denying the very origins of the Jewish people...Read More

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