"Progressive" BDS attacks Palestinian environmental activist who met with Israeli counterparts - and guess what happened next?noreply@blogger.com (Un | EcoPeace ME is an organization of Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian environmental activists who work on fixing the water shortages in the region to benefit all. It doesn't get more progressive than that. But it breaks a BDS rule. So BDS attacked EcoPeace, and specifically Nada Majdalani (center), director of the Palestinian branch, who recently met with her Israeli and Jordanian counterparts in Washington: BDS issued a statement denouncing the meeting: "What [Nada] Majdalani is doing goes beyond normalization by being completely involved in covering up the crimes of the occupation against our people, and in harmony with the betrayal of Arab regimes that are rejected and fought by the peoples of the Arab region, including our Palestinian people." This was particularly upsetting to the BDS hate group because Majdalani's father, Ahmed Majdalani, is the Palestinian minister of Social Affairs and Secretary-General of the Popular Struggle Front. Majdalani is also a member of the PLO Executive Committee. Seeing his daughter actually touching an Israeli must have been enraging. Of course, they were also trying to shame Nada's father...Read More |
From Ian: Rashida Tlaib Says Certain (((People))) Are Exploiting America In a recent video, Rashida Tlaib tells her audience that "behind the curtain," the forces who stop a "free Palestine" are the "same people" who exploit "regular Americans" for "their profit." Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL, who's done yeoman's work wishing away the anti-Semitism being normalized on the progressive left, calls this a "dog whistle." It isn't. This isn't some subtle messaging aimed at other leftists or Hamas apologists; these are some of the oldest anti-Semitic tropes on the books. The claim that Jews are "exploiting" "regular" citizens is the basis for nearly every major anti-Semitic tract of the modern age — from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion to Mein Kampf to the Hamas charter. The notion that Jews operate behind curtains is another popular anti-Semitic image. Tlaib knows exactly what she's saying. She also knows that no one in her party — not the cowardly Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelsoi or anyone else — is likely to call her out on any of it. So many people have been willfully blind toward the worldview of this congresswoman. Facing the truth of it -- and the silence of the majority of her colleagues--means giving up too much. https://t.co/uVZfdFFyST — Bari Weiss (@bariweiss...Read More |
(Judean Rose is taking off for several weeks.) Weekly column by Vic Rosenthal Today the world we live in is dominated by a Western alliance that includes the US and much of Europe, along with some smaller players. This alliance is threatened by two major forces: radical Islam, whose most dangerous expression is the revolutionary Iranian regime; and the People's Republic of China (PRC), still smarting from its oppression by the West prior to its emergence as a great power. I'll discuss Iran first. Last week, Iranian drones attacked a ship near the coast of Oman, killing the captain and a crew member. Apparently the motivation was a tenuous Israeli connection. More recently, a ship in the same region was hijacked, and several others were disabled, apparently by a cyberattack. Although Iran denies being connected with any of these incidents, most observers believe that the Iranian regime was responsible for them. The Iranian regime finances and arms terrorist groups throughout the region, including in Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen. Lebanon, which survived a brutal civil war, an attempt by the PLO to set up a "Palestinian state" within her borders, an Israeli intervention to throw out the PLO, and the systematic murders of members of its government by Syrian agents...Read More |
In 1921, prominent lawyer and former ambassador to the Ottoman Empire Henry Morgenthau Sr., wrote an article describing why Zionism is foolishness and a Jewish state is simply impossible. Here are some excerpts, reported in the Bnai Brith Messenger, August 5, 1921. Zionism is the most stupendous fallacy in Jewish history , writes Mr . Morgenthau . I assert that it is wrong In principle and impossible of realization ; that it Is unsound in its economics , fantastical in its politics , and sterile in its spiritual ideals . Where is it not pathetically visionary , it is a cruel playing with the hopes ol a people blindly seeking their way out of age-long miseries . These are bold and sweeping assertions , but I shall undertake to make them good . The very fervor of my feeling for the oppressed of every race and every land , especially for the Jews those of my own blood and faith , to whom I am bound by every tender tie , impels me to fight with all the greater force against this scheme , which my intelligence tells me can only lead them deeper into the mire ol the past , while it professes to be leading them to the heights . ...The notion that Great Britain would for one instant allow any form of government In Palestine , under any name whatever , that was not , in fact , an apparange...Read More |
From Ian: With only 40% support, Israelis still think 2 states best option - poll Only 40% of Israelis support a two-state resolution to the conflict with the Palestinians, even though it remains the most popular choice, according to a poll conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute. Past IDI polls on this question have shown that Israeli support for two states has fluctuated widely over the past 28 years since the signing of the 1993 Oslo I Accord in Washington. Past polls on this topic by IDI show that support for a two-state resolution peaked at 70% in 2007 during the Annapolis peace process brokered by former president George W. Bush between former prime minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. It was at its lowest point in 1995 with only 36.9% support, based on IDI data. From July 27 to 29, the IDI polled 750 Israelis over the age of 18 by phone and over the Internet, including 151 Arabic-speakers. The margin of error is 3.59% for the poll on a wide array of topics, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Participants were asked if they would back a "two-state solution with the establishment of an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip." Israeli-Arabs were much more likely to support a two-state resolution than their Jewish peers...Read More |
Lebanon has been failing as a state for years, and in the past year its severe problems have been on the world stage with the explosion at the Beirut port and the incompetent government response. That has been only the most visible part of Lebanon's swift decline. A political deadlock has left Lebanon with a government has not been able to govern. Hezbollah has veto power over anything it doesn't want. Even so, the terror group had built its own independent army that is more powerful than the Lebanese army, with an arsenal of 200,000 rockets in civilian areas. Internal fighting still breaks out. Lebanon treats Palestinian refugees from Syria differently than other Syrian refugees. It's COVID response has been anemic. Its economy is in shambles as people cannot get basic goods. This morning, rockets were fired from Lebanon into Israel. This has been the most serious such rocket fire, although it has not been the first one - there have been other rocket launches in recent months. Hezbollah is not behind them - Palestinian groups in Lebanon are. A wide assumption is that Hezbollah is the beneficiary of Lebanese chaos. It has better organization than most Lebanese political parties - and it has an army. This is probably true. But the further assumption Hezbollah, and therefore Iran, would take over Lebanon itself is far less likely...Read More |
Here is an article about a new market in Portland, selling Palestinian goods and meant to "preserve Palestinian culture." Sprinkled among the examples of this culture are anti-Israel incitement and lies, which is the real product being sold.On the corner of NE MLK and Morris, a new-ish market serves as a culinary portrait of Palestine and the Palestinian diaspora. Jerusalem Rose's storefront sits right next to owner Ramzy Farouki's other project, the Center for Study and Preservation of Palestine.That project is intended to counter the narrative "created by a western, pro-zionist gatekeeper system of discourse." In 1948, Farouki's family fled their homeland, along with 700,000 other Palestinians who were left stateless when Zionist forces expelled them.Most of the Arabs fled, and were not expelled. On one end of the fixture, as a sort of unconventional sign indicating the produce section, a photo of Palestinian watermelon men balancing the fruit on their heads is tacked up. "The watermelon is a special thing to Palestinians because during the first popular uprising by the people—called the first intifada, and even before that—the flying of the Palestinian flag was criminalized," Farouki explains. "But many Palestinians would use the watermelon as a symbol of their culture because it contains...Read More |
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