It is easier to be a Muslim in Israel than in "enlightened" (Unknown), 29 Aug 04:45 AM Europe is characterized as being li | Europe is characterized as being liberal and enlightened, and Israel is portrayed in the media as intolerant and Islamophobic.But European countries and towns have many laws that are specifically against the practice of Islam, and Israel doesn't. In so-tolerant Denmark, children who live in certain neighborhoods called "ghettoes" - which happen to be Muslim majority neighborhoods - are literally taken from their parents for 25 hours a week, starting at age 1: Starting at the age of 1, "ghetto children" must be separated from their families for at least 25 hours a week, not including nap time, for mandatory instruction in "Danish values," including the traditions of Christmas and Easter, and Danish language. Noncompliance could result in a stoppage of welfare payments. Other Danish citizens are free to choose whether to enroll children in preschool up to the age of six. The French Senate voted to ban hijabs for children in public. Six European nations have banned the face-covering burqa altogether. In Moldova, several local councils banned public Muslim worship. The European Union court has...Read More |
From Ian: Islamism's Brutal Face Is Back on Display Any notion that the worst days of Islamist terrorism are long behind us was brutally shattered at Kabul Airport on Thursday, as twin bombs ripped indiscriminately through Afghan civilians and US and other foreign servicemen trying to complete the desperate evacuation of thousands of people for whom Taliban rule represents the most terrible fate. Gen. H.R. McMaster, a former US national security advisor who served as deputy commander of the international force in Afghanistan, put it succinctly in the hours that followed the bloodshed in Kabul. "Maybe this moment is the time that we can stop our self-delusion that these groups are separate from one and other and recognize that they are utterly intertwined and interconnected, and what we are seeing is the establishment of a terrorist, jihadist state in Afghanistan," McMaster, a visceral critic of the US withdrawal strategy pursued by both the Trump and Biden administrations, observed in a BBC interview. "And all of us will be at much greater risk as a result." His underlying argument is that talking up divisions between the Taliban and fellow Islamist fanatics — such as ISIS-K, the Afghan branch of the Da'esh terrorist organization in Iraq and Syria that carried out the Kabul Airport bombing — elides the point that these groups are united in their fundamental worldview. On the ideological...Read More |
From Ian: Melanie Phillips: The west's delusional fifth column All those precious, preening, posturing personalities who cheered Biden on while demonising all who stood against the Democrats or their left-wing agenda bear responsibility for swelling the fetid cultural sea in which this administration swims. The point of saying all this is not to point fingers gratuitously and inappropriately in the wake of a tragic and still-unfolding catastrophe in Afghanistan. The Taliban and Islamic State are responsible for the savagery there. The Chinese Communist Party, Russia's President Putin, the Islamic regime of Iran and their Sunni jihadi counterparts, not to mention Pakistan and North Korea, are the enemies of the west and the free world. But along with swathes of the western left, the Democratic Party is currently a fifth column in the defence of America and the west against these enemies. The point of calling this out is to warn about the supreme danger of ever putting the left into power. The Democrats have shown themselves to be institutionally unsuitable for high office. They currently constitute a menace to the cultural integrity and continued strength of the United States, are placing individual American lives at terrible risk and are presenting a mortal threat to the security of the free world. And if Biden were to be removed, he would merely be replaced by the Vice-President, Kamala...Read More |
From TOI: The rate of new COVID-19 patients being hospitalized in serious condition has slowed significantly as a result of the booster vaccine, experts said on Friday, anticipating that the current outbreak has been curbed. After surpassing 700 concurrent serious cases earlier this week, Health Ministry data on Friday showed there were 689 patients hospitalized in serious condition, in what appeared to be the start of a decline in the country's fourth virus wave. Researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem said in a Friday report that Israel's drive to administer widespread third COVID-19 vaccine shots had caused the change of trend, along with some reimposed restrictions. They added that in the coming days, the number of daily infections was similarly expected to start slowing down. Eran Segal, a COVID expert and one of the top government advisers to the coronavirus cabinet, said the rate of serious cases out of all new infections dropped from around 2 percent to 1.4% in recent days. Some people - including some who hate Israel - are bitterly opposed the booster shots. Alice Rothchild, of "Jewish Voice for Peace"' Health Advisory Council,. tweeted "As Israel ignores WHO's plea to stop booster shots, some Israeli experts side with the World Health Organization and claim...Read More |
From Ian: John Podhoretz: As We Mourn Today As we mourn the losses of American servicemembers today in Kabul, please keep this in mind: They would not be dead if Joe Biden had not chosen to pull American forces out of Afghanistan. The number of deaths today in Afghanistan is greater than the entire number of Americans who died there in 2020. They mark the first service deaths in Afghanistan since February 2020. The change here was the deliberate and conscious decision to "end a war" in which Americans were not suffering combat casualties. The status quo held. And then Joe Biden, in between licks of his ice cream cones, heedlessly and vaingloriously smashed it to bits. He wanted to be the bringer of peace; he is instead the bringer of chaos. And we haven't seen anything yet. I am heartbroken by the news coming out of Kabul. I send my deepest condolences to the families of the Americans and Afghans who were killed. Israel honors the brave US service members who gave their lives to save so many. Gantz Condemns Kabul Terror Attacks: 'We Stand With Our American Partners'Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz condemned the terror attack at the international airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Thursday, reiterating that Israel "stands with our American partners." "My thoughts and prayers...Read More |
A new poll published by Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) asked Palestinians in the West Bank what they would prefer to see in a final solution with Israel. Their preference reminds one of an earlier "final solution." Only 36% support a two state solution. 60% support a "solution" where an Arab Palestine takes over the entire area: "a unified Palestinian state on historic Palestine." What about that "binational state" where Jews and Arabs have equal rights that so many Israel haters like Peter Beinart are claiming would be the best solution? Only 8% support "a one-state solution with Palestinians and Israelis living together." The question didn't even ask about equal rights - just whether they would want a state where they merely live with "Israelis" (which means Jews - they consider Israeli Arab to be Palestinian.). This means that those who answered "a unified Palestinian state on historic Palestine" don't want any Jews in their state, certainly not as citizens with full rights. Tell us again that Israel is the obstacle to peace. * * * * * * ...Read More |
From Religion News Service: Israel's Chief Rabbinate has written a letter to Pope Francis conveying its "distress" at comments he made suggesting Jewish law, as written in the Torah, is obsolete. The letter, first reported on by Reuters, was sent by Rabbi Rasson Arousi, chair of the Commission of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel for Dialogue with the Holy See. Arousi was referring to a homily Francis made during a general audience on Aug. 11. In that homily, or sermon, the pope reflected on the Apostle Paul's views in the New Testament that the Torah does not give life. Speaking of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible, the pope said: "It does not offer the fulfillment of the promise because it is not capable of being able to fulfill it … Those who seek life need to look to the promise and to its fulfillment in Christ." At first blush, Jews might think, "so what?" Jews don't have to believe Christian theology and every religion believes itself is the right one. The article only gives a beginning of an answer as to why this is big deal. That statement comes close to supersessionism, also called replacement theology— the belief that the Christian faith has replaced or supplanted Judaism, a view the Catholic Church repudiated. In a 1965 landmark Vatican declaration, Nostra Aetate, the church established a new rapport between Jews and Catholics...Read More |
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