Rashida Tlaib's antisemitic dogwhistle (UPDATE)noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 04 Aug 04:45 AM Speaking at the Democratic Socialists of America natio | Speaking at the Democratic Socialists of America national convention this week, Rashida Tlaib nodded and winked for an attack on Jews using the codewords that we hear so often. We also need to recognize and - this is for me as a Palestinian-American - we also need to recognize... you know as I think about my family in Palestine that continue to live under military occupation and how that really interacts with this beautiful black city I grew up in, you know, I always tell people cutting people off from water is violence and they do it from Gaza to Detroit and it's a way to control people to oppress people. It's those structures that we continue to fight against. So I know you all understand the structure we've been living under right now is designed by those that exploit the rest of us for their own profit. I always say to people, you know I don't care if it's the issue around global human rights and our fight to free Palestine or pushing back against those that don't believe in the minimum wage or those that believe that people have a right to health care and so much more, and I tell those same people, that if you open the curtain and look behind the curtain it's the same people that make money - and yes they do - off of racism, off of these broken policies, there is someone there making money and you saw it it was so exposed during the pandemic, because all those structures everything that was set up they made record profit when we were all at having some of the most challenging...Read More |
From Ian: Boycotting the Western Wall Mittal has made it crystal-clear that she considers eastern Jerusalem "occupied territory." As recently as July 30, for example, she re-tweeted a statement about "Israeli occupiers" arresting Arab rock-throwers "from Sultan Suleiman Street in J'salem." Sultan Suleiman Street runs along the walls of the Old City. Part of it is within the pre-1967 armistice line, part of it is beyond. To the chair of the Ben & Jerry's board, it's all "occupied." So why, in their official announcements, has Ben & Jerry's been coy about Jerusalem? Because they know what would happen if they said, openly: "Our company is boycotting the Old City, the Western Wall and Temple Mount because we consider it to be Occupied Palestinian Territory." The volume of protests that Ben & Jerry's is facing would be ten-fold what it is now. The Gristedes supermarket chain would not be reducing its Ben & Jerry's shelf space by 30 percent, as they have announced; they would reduce it by 100 percent. Delta would not still be serving Ben & Jerry's on its flights to Israel; neither would any other airline. But as long as the company makes it seem as if it's just targeting "settlements," a certain segment of the Jewish community will support them. A number of left-wing Jewish groups, including J Street, Americans for Peace Now and Partners for Progressive Israel, have issued statements taking the side of the ice...Read More |
It's amazing how Mizrahi Jews and Ethiopian Jews in Israelcan turn on a dime from being people of color oppressed by Ashkenaz Jews into becoming Jewish white supremacist oppressors, depending on the day's narrative. * * * * * * ...Read More |
On anonymity noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 03 Aug 01:00 PM There was a thought provoking article about Internet anonymity in the New York Times this week. In general, the writer supports the ability to be anonymous, despite the chances that bad actors will abuse that ability. I've always remained anonymous because of concerns about my career far more than any worries about harassment or threats. In recent months, though, the latter reason has come to the forefront for me. Antisemitism is worse than it has been in decades, and the digital world is where one can see it in its most ugly forms, in real time. I see how Zionist social media stars - especially but not exclusively women - are routinely harassed. One of the reasons is because they are not anonymous. Bigots want something to hang onto as their objects of hate, and the more human a person is, the more of a target they are. I've become most appreciative that I have separated the Elder persona from my real world self as I've seen the explosion of antisemitic attacks both in the real world and online. If I was only concerned with my own safety, I could brush it off. But I have to worry about my family, my kids and grandkids - all of whom could become targets from sick, hateful Jew haters (including those who swear they are only "anti-Zionist.") It is actually frightening to think that the more I share about myself, the less safe I and my family would be. We aren't in 1930s Europe...Read More |
From Ian: Richard Goldberg: It's Time for Biden to Leave a Bad Deal in the Past When asked if Raisi's selection would complicate the administration's drive to rejoin the nuclear deal and lift U.S. sanctions on the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, Biden national-security adviser Jake Sullivan said only one person mattered in Iran: the supreme leader. How funny — that's exactly what opponents of the nuclear deal said back in 2013 when the Obama administration was selling America on the need to embrace a flawed nuclear deal to empower "Rouhani the moderate." Of course, Sullivan is correct — and the selection of Raisi is only one of many signals the supreme leader has sent Biden this year, making clear that Khamenei fully intends to pocket any sanctions relief he receives from Washington to fuel the Islamic Republic's war on the United States and its allies. The Justice Department revealed last month that Iran attempted to carry out a terrorist attack on American soil, kidnapping a U.S. citizen from New York. Iran-backed proxies in Iraq have attacked U.S. forces for months with little to no response from Biden. Iran-sponsored terror groups such as Hamas in Gaza and the Houthis in Yemen have lobbed missiles at Israel and Saudi Arabia. And the supreme leader has vastly escalated his nuclear provocations — enriching uranium up to 60 percent purity, producing uranium...Read More |
By Daled Amos The Palestinian Authority goes to great lengths to dissuade Palestinian Arabs from selling land to Jews. That is nothing new. Recently, Palestinian Media Watch reported, Fatah publicly exposed, shamed and endangered an Arab "traitor" who sold land to Jews in Jerusalem: The PA has publicly exposed, shamed, and literally endangered the life of an Arab who sold land to Jews in Jerusalem. According to the PA, Palestinians who sell land to Jews are considered "traitors" and criminals. In fact, the PA has forbidden selling land to Jews by law. Anyone who tries to sell land to Jews will be sentenced to 5 years of hard labor, and someone who actually sells land to Jews will be sentenced to life in prison with hard labor. [emphasis added] Despite this "law," Palestinian Arabs selling land to Jews is an ongoing problem for the PA. For example, in December 2018, The Jerusalem Post reported that 44 Palestinian Arabs were arrested for selling property to Jews. One of them, a Palestinian-American, was sentenced to life imprisonment -- and only with pressure from both the US and Israel, was he released and deported 3 weeks later. This came from the...Read More |
Al Jazeera published a profoundly idiotic op-ed where a contributing editor of the socialist Jacobin site engages in faux outrage that Zionists are attacking Hamas paramilitary training of children in summer camps. Normally, I would fisk Belen Fernandez' arguments, noting how the entire article is a huge exercise in whataboutism, with provably false claims that Israel is worse than Hamas in every possible aspect and therefore Zionists have no right to say a word against Palestinian child abuse. But facts are irrelevant. Fernandez doesn't care about facts - which is why she doesn't address them. She wants to play to readers' emotions, accusing Israel of raising its own children with the singleminded goal of blowing up Arab babies. She wants to change the subject. This is the modus operandi of Israel's critics - since the facts aren't on their side, they ignore the facts and make up others, or engage in character assassination or other diversions, all to avoid actually addressing the issue. So this time, instead of pointing out facts, I will take a page out of the socialist, leftist playbook. My foray into writing an article that ignores actual issues, makes up facts based on the flimsiest of evidence, and adopts the methods of the anti-Israel crowd begins here. ______________________ Belén Fernández is a sexist. She writes...Read More |
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