יום שלישי, 17 באוגוסט 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

What's the difference between the Taliban and Hamas?noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 17 Aug 04:45 AM What is the exact difference between the Taliban

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What's the difference between the Taliban and Hamas?
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 17 Aug 04:45 AM

What is the exact difference between the Taliban and Hamas?

Both are Islamist groups that have taken over a geographic area.

Both govern according to their interpretation of Islamic Sharia law.

Both take rights away from women.

Both are viciously violent against their political opponents.

But when Hamas attacks Israeli civilians, we are told "armed resistance is legal under international law."

When Hamas says that women cannot travel without a male guardian the world shrugs.

When Hamas takes suspected "collaborators" out of prison and kills them publicly by dragging them along the street, Human Rights Watch pretends it was some rogue element and calls on Hamas to investigate - itself.

Everyone is outraged at the Taliban, but no one is outraged at Hamas. On the contrary - Hamas is considered far more legitimate a government than the Taliban.

There's no difference between them. But Hamas has one advantage: people hate Jews and therefore, people support Hamas over the Jewish state.

Everything else Hamas does - which is everything the Taliban does - can be swept under...Read More

08/16 Links Pt2: We can no longer ignore anti-Zionist Jews; It is time for Palestinians to acknowledge Israel's existence; Israel Sends Emergency Team to Help With Devastating Earthquake in Haiti
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 16 Aug 05:00 PM

From Ian:

We can no longer ignore anti-Zionist Jews - opinion

The new anti-Zionist Jews are not like members of the Satmar Hassidic community who hold the theological belief that Jews should not have a state of their own until a miraculous messianic era. The new anti-Zionist Jews are Jews who have decided to wage war against other Jews. They are Jews who advocate for economic boycotts of Israel, which will rob other Jews of their means of livelihood; they are Jews lobbying to limit weapons sales to Israel, choking the Jewish state's ability to defend itself, they are Jews seeking to tilt public opinion against Israel and seeking to diplomatically isolate Israel. This is not about Israel being in the land of Israel with all of the historical and religious meanings that might have; this is about waging war against the largest Jewish community in the world. It is about taking an active role in seeking to harm other Jews.

Peter Beinart could have taken whatever position he wanted on what the meaning of Zionism is. Joining Ben and Jerry's campaign to actively boycott other Jews, whether they live inside or outside the Green Line, in Uganda or Iran, crosses a red line. It is the kind of behavior we cannot contain as a community. This brings us to why it is that Zionism plays a role in our communities when not religiously mandated or inspired.

Two things that have always brought together...Read More

Yes, Jewish children should learn about the conflict. This is not how to do it.
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 16 Aug 01:00 PM

From Haaretz:

Toasting marshmallows around the campfire, splashing in a lake and competing in color wars are all images that come to mind when we think of classic summer camp activities. Comparing narratives about Jerusalem by reading the poetry of Israeli and Palestinian writers Yehuda Amichai and Mahmoud Darwish, or stepping into the shoes of Jewish, Christian and Muslim social justice activists? Not so much.

But a new program launched this summer in the United States, called "Breaking Binaries, Creating Connections," is attempting to add a new dimension to the Jewish summer camp experience.

In 2018, the need to better equip young Jews for such future challenges came to the fore when the leftist-activist group IfNotNow launched its "You Never Told Me" campaign.

In an open letter that year to their day schools, youth movements and summer camps, a group of young Jewish Americans asserted that they had been denied "the honest truth" about Israel and would "no longer accept an educational approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that ranges from open endorsement of indefinite occupation to saying 'it's complicated' and leaving it at that," nor "accept a communal norm that will force another generation to only learn about the occupation...Read More

08/16 Links Pt1: Biden Just Made America and the World Much Less Secure; The US should have learned from IDF withdrawals
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 16 Aug 11:00 AM

From Ian:

Noah Rothman: Joe Biden Just Made America and the World Much Less Secure

Eighty years ago, the West's appeasers howled in unison "Why Die for Danzig?" Why wouldn't today's "peacemakers" be just as inclined to question the value of a global war against Russia over Tallinn? At least, that's what the Kremlin's hungriest revanchists must be asking themselves.

It's a perfectly rational question. After all, even America's allies were shocked to watch the United States so callously sacrifice an ally for no discernible strategic purpose and under no perceptible pressure from the voting public. Our caprice has shaken the faith that we will defend our partners' interests around the world if we're unwilling to bear the modest burdens associated with preserving our own.

As the Washington Post's Liz Sly reported over the weekend, U.S. allies are fit to be tied over the shambolic handling of Afghanistan. "U.S. allies complain that they were not fully consulted on a policy decision that potentially puts their own national security interests at risk," Sly reported. One German official raged over the Biden administration's haughty disregard for European security. "We're back to the transatlantic relationship of old, where the Americans dictate everything," she snarled. Another British parliamentarian wondered aloud about whether America under Joe Biden would or even could...Read More

Israeli rabbi prays for the King of Morocco in Casablanca (video)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 16 Aug 09:15 AM

Israel in Arabic tweeted video of an Israeli rabbi, Yisrael Hazot, offering a prayer for the King of Morocco at the Beit El synagogue in Casablanca, as Israel's Foreign Minister Yair Lapid attended.

The Arabic comments to the tweet were mostly supportive, and the ones that were negative did not receive many "Likes."

The tweet did not receive too much coverage in Arabic media, although it was picked up by Sputnik's Arabic site and copied from there to a few small sites.

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Hamas praises the Taliban (UPDATE)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 16 Aug 06:30 AM

Musa Abu Marzouk, deputy head of the political bureau of Hamas, has expressed praise and support for the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.

Tweeting in both Arabic and English, he wrote, "The Taliban are victorious today after being accused of backwardness & terrorism. it became more pragmatic. They have stood up to the US & its agents refusing compromise, they have not been fooled by slogans like democracy & elections.This is a lesson for all oppressed peoples."

Hamas' Ismail Haniyeh met with a Taliban delegation in the past couple of months,probably in Qatar.

A Fatah news site aligned with Abbas rival Mohammed Dahlan says that Hamas' praise of the Taliban is shortsighted - not because they are bloodthirsty Islamists, but because they never helped the Palestinian cause.

UPDATE: Hamas formally congratulated the Taliban with this press release:

In the name of of Allah the Merciful
Press release
Issued by the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas

- Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas blesses the people of the Muslim Afghan defeat of the US occupation of Afghan territory.

-The Hamas movement congratulates the Taliban movement and its courageous leadership on this victory, which was the culmination of its long jihad over the past twenty years.

- Wishing Afghan Muslim people and their leadership success in liberating Afghanistan and its...Read More

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