יום שישי, 25 ביוני 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

Did Hamas commit the crime of human shielding in the May war? noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 25 Jun 04:45 AM In 2018, Congress passed the ''Sanction

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Did Hamas commit the crime of human shielding in the May war?
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 25 Jun 04:45 AM

In 2018, Congress passed the ''Sanctioning the Use of Civilians as Defenseless Shields Act''. It is meant "To impose sanctions with respect to foreign persons that are responsible for using civilians as human shields, and for other purposes."
Orde Kittrie, writing for Freedom for Defense of Democracies, argues that Hamas used human shields during the 11 day war in May, and therefore President Biden (or his delegates) should invoke this act and put further sanctions on Hamas.
This should be a slam dunk. The ICRC, in its Customary IHL Database, defines human shields this way:

The prohibition of using human shields in the Geneva Conventions, Additional Protocol I and the Statute of the International Criminal Court are couched in terms of using the presence (or movements) of civilians or other protected persons to render certain points or areas (or military forces) immune from military operations.

This means that Hamas, by purposefully placing military targets in civilian areas in order to dissuade Israel from attacking them, is clearly guilty of "using the presence of civilians to render areas immune from military operations."
But the examples given do not include the purposeful...Read More

06/24 Links Pt2: Why the West loves the Palestinian narrative; Biden Admin Walks Back U.S. Recognition of Golan Heights; Google Sanctions Use of Anti-Semitic Slogan
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 24 Jun 05:00 PM

From Ian:

Underdog appeal: Why the West loves the Palestinian narrative

The pile-on of the left against the Jewish state has with little doubt been fueled by the end of the apartheid era in South Africa in 1994. For self-styled progressives of the Left, always in want of a cause, Israel-Palestine was a no-brainer; in fact, it was there waiting. The verbal artifacts of this period, specifically "racism," "apartheid" and "colonialism" were ready-made and easily adapted to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by leftist ideologues. These have been joined with additional charges of "war crimes," "crimes against humanity," "murder of children" and "genocide" in creating the image of a society that is the epitome of evil.

The impunity with which these baseless and fallacious allegations have been leveled is facilitated by the fading significance of the Holocaust. Ironically, though, Holocaust inversion rhetoric, i.e. what the Nazis did to the Jews, the Jews are now doing to the Palestinians, is also employed in the malicious campaign to defame Israel. Israelis are today's Nazis.

The ability of otherwise well-meaning people to buy into this narrative and to look the other way at, if not actually applaud, the incessant bombardment of civilian Israeli communities, requires on their part a powerful selective filtering of reality. The throngs of pro-Palestinian Western...Read More

Comix: The rules of the newsroom
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 24 Jun 03:00 PM

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'Anti-Zionist' Students Excited To Return To In-Person Instruction, Jew-Harassment (PreOccupied Territory)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 24 Jun 01:30 PM

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

Check out their Facebook page.

Berkeley, June 27 - Undergraduates across the country who hide their Jew-hate behind opposition to Israel expressed anticipation and enthusiasm for a post-COVID restoration of a routine that social distancing had disrupted, with specific anxiousness to bring back experiences that Zoom had replaced during the pandemic such as physical attendance of classes and face-to-face bullying of Jews under the pretext of protesting Israeli actions.

Self-proclaimed "anti-Zionist" students here at the University of California at Berkeley and and at college campuses across the country voiced their excitement this week at the prospect of a full return to normal, which for them involves actual presence in a lecture hall and the regular harassment of Jews on- and off-campus, as they exercise their animus toward those of the Hebraic persuasion by couching it in the more socially and politically accepted idiom of opposition to the Israeli government, its alleged policies, or other libels.

"It's been a tough year," acknowledged Jewish Voice for Peace activist Muhammad Bakri, who attends Berkeley. "Getting together on a screen to learn, or to rail against Jewish settlers or against ethnic cleansing just doesn't provide the same experience, or the same emotional rush as getting...Read More

06/24 Links Pt1: 20 Years after the UN's Durban event, the antisemitism continues to grow; Pressure on Europe about Palestinian textbooks is working
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 24 Jun 11:00 AM

From Ian:

Gerald Steinberg: 20 Years after the UN's Durban event, the antisemitism continues to grow

We now stand 20 years later, and the Durban NGO strategy is being implemented through attacks on different fronts. Poisonous "apartheid weeks," featuring the same NGOs and their anti-Israel slogans, are annual events on university campuses, inciting attacks on Jewish students who identify with Israel. Human Rights Watch and their allies, such as Al Haq, as well as some radical Israeli NGOs generously funded by European governments to act as political sub-contractors, continue to market the "apartheid" slogan, including a recent campaign and report that used the term 200 times, and received widespread media coverage, with no justification. Now, they have combined under the false banners of intersectionality and solidarity, adding the term "Jewish supremacy" to the poisonous agenda. Antisemitic attacks are at the highest levels since the end of the Holocaust. And in parallel, the NGO network is pushing a well-funded propaganda campaign to dismantle the IHRA working definition, disguised as an alternative "Jerusalem definition" without the Israel-related examples, precisely because it is the most effective mechanism for defeating the Durban strategy.

As if the current plague of antisemitism is insufficient, the UN Human Rights Council is planning a conference...Read More

After 30 Years, The Threats Against Israel And The Jewish Community Remain The Same (Daled Amos)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 24 Jun 09:00 AM

Last year I wrote a post about David Bar-Illan and his 1993 book, Eye on the Media: A Look At World News Coverage of Israel and the Arab-Israeli Conflict. The book was based on a column he regularly wrote for the Jerusalem Post. Skimming through his book, I realized how little has changed over the past 30 years.

Sheikh Jarrah

The issue of Sheikh Jarrah concerns the case in the Israeli courts involving documented Jewish property rights dating back to Jewish land purchases made in 1875. Following Jordan's participation in the 1948 war, it claimed Yehudah and Shomron (the "West Bank") as its own, expelling the Jewish residents and seizing their property. During the Six Day War in 1967, Israel recaptured that territory. In the cases where Jordan officially transferred title of the formerly Jewish-owned property to Palestinian Arabs, Israel allowed the Arab owner to remain -- despite the fact that the Arab ownership was based on the forcible taking of land in a war of aggression followed by the ethnic cleansing of Jews. In other cases, where there was a dispute over the title of ownership but Jordan never gave legal title to the Arabs, the Israeli courts followed the unbroken rights of Jewish plaintiffs and returned their property to them.

Now rewind back to July 5...Read More

Chilean presidential candidate proves "anti-Zionism" is antisemitism
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 24 Jun 06:30 AM

Daniel Jadue, a grandson of Palestinian immigrants, is the frontrunner to become Chile's next president.

He is an outspoken critic of Israel, but more importantly, he has been recognized as an antisemite since he was in high school. For Jadue, there is no distinction.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center wrote about Jadue last year:
He charges Jews control of the media and dual loyalty: "It is an insult that the State of Israel through its agents here in Chile wants to import the strife" ... "they have to learn and define if they are Chilean citizens."

Last year, Recoleta's Municipal Council passed a resolution stating, "Palestinian people have been the victim of a deliberate plan of violence and terror by armed Zionist groups ..."

Jadue insists, "... The leaders of the Jewish community in Chile act on behalf of the State of Israel in Chile…," adding, "I get along very well with the Jews, with the Zionist I have certain problems."

Jadue is always referring to Chile's Jews as the "Zionist" community of Chile.

At a time of soaring global anti-Semitism and Islamist terrorism striking from France to the Philippines, Jadue insults three Abrahamic Faiths: "If you are born into a Jewish family, you can legitimately believe that you are part of the Chosen People and you can kill the Palestinians to stay with their lands' possession…

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