An example of successful Hamas (Unknown), 01 Jun 04:45 AM On May 11, the Quds News Network posted a video on YouTube s | On May 11, the Quds News Network posted a video on YouTube showing a young boy crying as he chased the funeral procession of his father who was killed in an Israeli airstrike. The video shows the boy, Baraa Suleiman, wailing as he runs after his father's body. The YouTube video has over 1.1 million views, and there were millions more views of the mourning child from other media outlets. What none of the reports said was that the father was Walid Suleiman, a major Hamas leader. The Al Qassam Brigades just released an 18 minute video tribute to Suleiman. The propaganda victory doesn't end there. Walid was killed along with another son of his, Mohammed. The New York Times listed Mohammed as one of the children killed in Gaza: But its research into the background of the children it lists doesn't mention that Suleiman's father was a Hamas leader and military target, and therefore he is responsible for Mohammed's death. Major media aren...Read More |
Hamas announced on Monday that it had pulled the body of Walid Shamali, who they describe as a leader and an expert in the military manufacturing unit, out of the rubble under a building in the Shuja'iya neighborhood of Gaza. The interesting part is that Israel announced that they killed him on May 12, along with other major Hamas targets. They described him as Hamas' commander of the Industrial Equipment Directorate of the Production System. Hamas already had admitted that many leaders were killed in that airstrike, but didn't announce most of their names. It is possible that his body really was pulled out Monday, but it seems more likely that Hamas withheld the news of his death until well after the fighting so it could claim that most of the dead were civilians. At any rate, it shows that Israel's intelligence in Gaza is excellent - to know that their airstrike successfully killed him before any official announcement. In other news - see above that Hamas uses Caterpillar equipment, even though BDS wants to boycott Caterpillar. * * * * * * ...Read More |
From Ian: As Hamas Fired Rockets, the New York Times Joined the Assault on Israel By publishing one anti-Israel essay after another after another, New York Times editors were taking advantage of a persuasion technique. The "mere-exposure effect" describes how people develop preferences for ideas that they're more exposed to. By repeating anti-Israel messages, the newspaper also manufactures "social proof" — the persuasive phenomenon in which people tend to drift toward positions or behaviors that they believe many others are also engaged in. Psychologist Daniel Kahneman wrote that "a reliable way to make people believe in falsehoods is frequent repetition." And as a trio of German researchers recently noted, although "information repetitions constitute redundancy and, hence, should not affect the recipient's decision," in practice repeating information helps persuade people to change their minds in favor of what's being repeated. Beyond trying to steer people toward the Palestinian narrative, though, Times opinion editors are guilty of curating a lack of empathy for Israeli Jews. Even as Israeli families were traumatized by emergency runs to bomb shelters as Hamas strove to kill them, their experiences and emotions were largely missing from the paper's opinion pages. In the 12 Guest Essays about the conflict published since the start of the rocket attacks...Read More |
Nowadays, when Palestinian media talks about the Temple Mount, they mention the "alleged" Temple that Jews "claim" to have existed there. But their founding father, the Nazi-supporting Grand Mufti, Haj Amin Husseini, even admitted that the Jewish Temple was there. In his testimony before the British commission of inquiry on the 1929 pogroms, the Mufti reiterated his claim that the Jews were planning to rebuild the Temple on top of Al Aqsa. From the New York Times, December 4, 1929: That answer is revealing. Unlike later Palestinian leaders who denied that the Temple was ever in Jerusalem, the Mufti based his entire libel that Jews planned to destroy Al Aqsa on the fact that the Temple was there and the Jews would want to rebuild it! Temple denial only started in Jordan after 1948 when guidebooks to the Temple Mount were re0written to take out any references to a Jewish presence in Jerusalem. But the modern version of Temple denial started with Yasir Arafat, who famously insisted to the American negotiators at Camp David that the Jewish Temple was in Nablus. Since then, other Arab officials and media picked up on this revisionist history to the point that it is now accepted much of the Arab world. But even the Jew-hating Mufti knew the truth. In that same testimony, the Mufti also fully accepted the truth of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and attempted to have it included as evidence. The British decided that they would allow it - as evidence of Arab Jew-hatred...Read More |
"Lynch" is a word that most people don't really comprehend. Although many are familiar with the word "Fauda" from the hit tv series, the term is not understood. Fauda means chaos - but it is not just any chaos. It is the chaos of the gates of hell opening up, turning individuals into a blood-thirsty, raging, mob that swarms you, intent on ripping you to pieces. Literally. To escape with your life, you need a miracle. That is what happened to Elad Barzilai. May 12, 2021. Arabs in Akko were rioting – as were Arabs in Jerusalem, Lod, Haifa and across the Galilee (where there are many Arab villages surrounding the Jewish communities). Israeli Arabs, citizens of Israel were raging against anyone or anything Jewish – individuals, Jewish property, and symbols of the Jewish State. Elad, 37 years old, a teacher and father of four, went outside to look for his students. He wanted to make sure that his (Jewish) students were not caught up in the violence. He didn't want them to get hurt and he didn't want them to try to fight the rioters. He never imagined he wouldn't come home afterwards. Neither did his wife, Yael. Elad was attacked and beaten with metal rods and rocks. His skull was smashed in. By a miracle and by the hands of good doctors, Elad survived. I cannot comprehend how it was possible to piece together the remains of his...Read More |
From Ian: Israel did everything it could for peace and was rejected - opinion That brings us to the distortions. First, when in the history of the world was the side that was attacked with more than 4,000 rockets pressured to stop its own military operation, acknowledged as accurately hitting Hamas targets and not so many civilians by no less than the head of the UN Relief and Works Agency, the obsolete and hate-mongering UN Palestinian refugee organization, after just 11 days? How long did the US carry out military operations in Iraq, killing hundreds of thousands, with little pressure from the world to stop, and little or no evidence that anyone there actually attacked the US? Israel appears to be in a whole new category of nations with its own very special set of rules. But we knew that. And most importantly: What are the Palestinians supposed to contribute to this? After all, they're getting either a state or a piece of an Arab-majority confederation or unlimited aid. Where, in all these formulas, is the place where the Palestinians actually have to do something? If you have concluded that I am a charter member of the Oslo-disappointed crowd, you're right. Oslo was not a complete failure – it saved the lives of many Israeli soldiers and civilians – but it didn't produce peace. I still believe that, for the sake of Israel as well as the Palestinians, a...Read More |
By Dr. Andrew Pessin I weep for the academy. I weep for the Jews. As the Islamic Resistance Movement (better known by its acronym, Hamas) rained thousands of deadly rockets upon Israeli men, women, and children, the academy loudly and voluminously proclaimed its endorsement of this effort to murder as many Jews as possible. Petitions, declarations, statements abounded, from major universities and academic disciplines and student governments in the United States, Canada, Europe—essentially the only remaining places on Earth from which Jews have not yet been nearly entirely ethnically cleansed—signed collectively by thousands of professors and students and alumni, expressing "solidarity" with the Palestinians: Harvard, Princeton, Brown, Stanford, Georgetown, Vanderbilt, CUNY, to name a few. It is of course wonderful to express solidarity with suffering peoples. Except when, as is the case here, that expression can only be understood as endorsement of the murder of as many otherpeople as possible. Start with who was firing the rockets. The Hamas charter makes its goals crystal clear. The Islamic Resistance Movement "strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine," "In the absence of Islam, strife will be rife … and wars will break out," "Israel … will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it," "Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes," and "Initiatives...Read More |
Last week, Gaza UNRWA director Matthias Schmale told Israel's Channel 12 news, "I'm not a military expert, but I would not dispute that. I also have the impression that there is a huge sophistication in the way the Israeli military struck over the last 11 days, so that's not my issue. I've had many colleagues describe to me that they feel that, in comparison with the 2014 war, this time the strikes felt much more vicious in terms of their impact. So yes, they didn't hit – with some exceptions – civilian targets, but the viciousness, ferocity of the strikes was heavily felt."" Uh-oh. Schmale made the cardinal mistake of deviating from the groupthink that Israel randomly targets and kills civilians for no reason whatsoever. And when someone goes against the official line, there is hell to pay. Hamas - which literally targets civilians and brags about it - condemned Schmale and was soon joined by the other groups in Gaza who send rockets indiscriminately towards Israel (and often Gaza itself.) Obviously, Schmale spoke the truth. Israel's airstrikes were more precise than in any previous war. The ratio of combatants to civilian casualties was higher than in any urban war in history. It is literally impossible...Read More |
The official Palestinian Wafa news agency has a video titled, "Even the cemeteries were not spared from the Israeli bombardment." It shows a couple of large craters in the al-Shuja'iya Cemetery that were hit with Israeli missiles on May 14. The impression they want to give is that Israel is even attacking the dead. Back in 2014, the IDF released figures of how often Gaza terrorists shot rockets from civilian areas: Approximately 260 rockets were fired from schools. Approximately 160 rockets were fired from religious sites, including mosques. Approximately 127 rockets were fired from cemeteries. Approximately 50 rockets were fired from hospitals. Cemeteries are ideal rocket launching sites, and they are used all the time. Which makes more sense: Israel shooting cemeteries randomly, or Israel targeting rocket launch sites that happen to be placed in cemeteries? * * * * * * ...Read More |
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