Chanting "Death to Arabs" is horrible. But so are many Palestinian chants, and no one condemns (Unknown), 16 Jun 04:45 AM Y | Yesterday, during the Jerusalem Flag march, a group of Jewish children chanted "Death to Arabs." מוות לערבים — نير حسون Nir Hasson ניר חסון (@nirhasson) June 15, 2021This was the scene that reporters came there to see, and it spread like wildfire. The chant is reprehensible. It is a call to genocide and ethnic cleansing. However, such calls are seen in Palestinian - and pro-Palestinian - protests all the time. They do not get nearly as much coverage. In Manhattan on Tuesday, among the many slogans being chanted by a crowd of anti-Israel protesters, you can hear: "Long live the intifada" "There is only one solution - intifada revolution"This is a direct call to violence. While apologists claim that "intifada" merely means "shaking off" in Arabic, in colloquial terms today it always refers to the terror spree that killed hundreds of Jews with bus bombings, suicide bombings and other attacks. "Hey hey, ho ho, Zionists have got to go"Where? Jewish Zionists have lived in Israel for a hundred years. It is a call for ethnic cleansing. "No justice, no peace"This one means that unless Palestinians reach what they call "justice" - which is the elimination...Read More |
From Ian: Christine Rosen: Democrats Can Blame Their Headaches on Their Own Cravenness Note to Nancy and the Squad: Criticism of a public official for questionable or misleading statements she made in the course of doing her job isn't "tone policing" or Islamophobia or racism. It's part of the job of being a public servant; you have to answer for your public statements. At least Omar continues to receive plenty of cover for hers from mainstream media outlets. Intellectuals sympathetic to the progressive cause have leaped to her defense. Former New York Times columnist Elizabeth Bruenig, now at the Atlantic, argues that "of course no one should believe" that Omar would equate the Taliban with the U.S. or Hamas with Israel, and paints those who questioned the remarks as acting in bad faith. There is no "of course" in this situation, however. Given Omar's history of anti-Semitism and anti-American statements, the burden of proof should be on Omar to explain herself, not on the public to give her the benefit of the doubt every time she says something inflammatory or bigoted. Bruenig is assessing the situation within the framework of internal Democratic coalition politics, and as such complains that while the Marjorie Taylor Greenes of the world roam free, "Democrats pick off their only honest lefties and coddle their pet right-wingers, such as Senators...Read More |
Many Palestinian sites have this news: The customs police seized, at dawn today, Tuesday, in the Bethlehem governorate, more than 6 tons of [bathroom] tissues produced by settlements, prohibited from trading in the Palestinian market; in order to protect and support the Palestinian local product. In a statement, the police agency said that the competent authority in the Directorate of National Economy approved the seizure of the mentioned quantity and referred the case to the Public Prosecution to complete the necessary legal procedures according to the rules. It would be a tragedy if Palestinians started using settlement toilet paper. Who knows what awful diseases could be spread by that? * * * * * * ...Read More |
Gay McDougall is Biden's nominee for the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) and is expected to be confirmed on June 24. Before Biden, Both Clinton and Obama had nominated her the position -- but unlike Biden, neither Bush nor Trump renewed her term. Why? In 2002, then-Democrat congressman Tom Lantos, responded to the Durban Conference with an article, The Durban Debacle: An Insider's View of the UN World Conference Against Racism in The Fletcher Forum of Foreign Affairs. After a hopeful start, it disintegrated into an anti-Ameican, anti-Israeli circus. A number of Islamic states conducted a well-orchestrated effort to hijack the event, and they succeeded...Durban will go down in history as a missed opportunity to advance a noble agenda and as a serious breakdown in United Naitons diplomacy According to Lantos, the starting point for the corruption of the conference was one of the preliminary conferences -- the one held in Iran. Gay McDougall responded to Lantos in the following issue of Fletcher with her article, The World Conference against Racism: Through a Wider Lens On the one hand, McDougall begins with a promising start: This is not to say that there were no flaws in the Durban process. There were many. I join with Congressman Lantos and other critics who rightly condemn the anti-Semitism...Read More |
From Ian: Bret Stephens (NYTs): Israel's Coalition of Patriotic Traitors Israel's new government must be a puzzle for anyone who thinks of the Jewish state as a racist, fascistic, apartheid enterprise. Issawi Frej is Arab and Muslim and used to work for the Peace Now movement. Now he's Israel's minister for regional cooperation. Pnina Tamano-Shata is Black: The Mossad rescued her, along with thousands of other Ethiopian Jews, from hunger and persecution when she was a small child. She's the minister for immigration and absorption. Nitzan Horowitz is the first openly gay man to lead an Israeli political party. He's the health minister. At least one deputy minister, as yet unnamed, is expected to be a member of the Raam party, which is an outgrowth of the major Islamist political group in Israel. As for Benjamin Netanyahu, "King Bibi" has finally left office — churlishly, bitterly, pompously — but in keeping with the normal democratic process. He faces criminal indictments in multiple cases. His immediate predecessor as prime minister, Ehud Olmert, spent 16 months in prison on corruption charges. It's some fascist state that subjects its leaders to the rule of law and the verdicts of a court. Meanwhile, Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, "postponed" elections in April. He's in the 17th year of his elected four-year term of office. A new government, even one as fragile...Read More |
In March, Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) introduced S.1061 - Israel Relations Normalization Act of 2021 in the Senate. A companion bill, H.R.2748, was introduced by Rep. Bradley Scott Schneider (D-IL) in Congress. The bills are very good. They seek to promote and expand the existing Abraham Accords, to work to find other Arab peace partners for Israel, to fight antisemitism and Holocaust denial in the Arab world, and - crucially - to protect Arabs who desire peace with Israel from being persecuted in their own countries who have "anti-normalization" laws. I cannot find any reason why anyone would object to these bills. Yet for some reason, the bills have gone nowhere. The Senate bill has just sat there since March. The Congressional bill was referred to the Subcommittee on Middle East, North Africa and Global Counterterrorism and to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, with no new news since April 30. These bills have received very little attention in the media. It may be worthwhile for US citizens to contact your senator and representative and ask that they help push these bills through Congress and to become law. * * * * * * ...Read More |
Today, Palestinian groups in the US are planning a "Day of Rage" protest outside the Israeli consulate in New York City: The purpose of the rally is to "stand against the Zionist settler invasion on Al Aqsa in Jerusalem Palestine." Which means to stop Jews from peacefully walking on Judaism's holiest site. Here's one such recent "invasion:" This isn't a pro-Palestinian rally. This isn't even a rally against the Jerusalem Flag March, which will not enter the Temple Mount. The entire stated purpose of this rally is to deny Jews any religious rights to Judaism's most sacred spot. Denying Jews basic human rights is the very definition of antisemitism. When it comes down to it, every "pro-Palestinian" demand is a variant of denying the right of Jews to live in peace and security in their ancestral homeland. * * * * * * ...Read More |
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