יום שלישי, 22 ביוני 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

The vaccines show the Palestinian zero-sum mentalitynoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 22 Jun 04:45 AM The vaccine debacle shows again a fundamental dif

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The vaccines show the Palestinian zero-sum mentality
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 22 Jun 04:45 AM

The vaccine debacle shows again a fundamental difference between the Israeli and Palestinian mentality - and why peace with Palestinians is impossible.

Israelis want to find solutions to problems. Ideally, the solutions are win-win – both sides get what they want and everyone is ahead of where they were previously.

Israel had vaccines that were coming close to expiration. Palestinians were way behind in vaccinating their population, and their vaccines – which they ordered many months ago – were delayed.

I don't know who came up with the solution – Israel or Pfizer – but Israel had a chance to not waste the vaccines while allowing the Palestinians to get a head start on over half a million jabs.

However, Palestinians do not have a win/win mindset. They have a zero-sum mentality.

The two cannot mix.

From the Palestinian perspective, "if my enemy wins, I lose." Israel cannot be allowed to win – whether it is in PR, or in not losing millions of dollars of vaccines. If Israel wins, then Palestinians lose, in this bizarre mindset.

Even if Israel's win can also save the lives of hundreds of Palestinians

A lose/lose is preferable to a win/win, when you hate your enemy enough.

And Palestinians are taught to hate Israelis from birth.

The zero-sum mindset is tied with the honor/shame mentality. If your enemy wins, it is shameful for you.

How can anyone make peace with people whose top priority is for their opponents to lose and be humiliated – more than they care about their own...Read More

06/21 Link Pt2: The New Refuseniks; Emily Schrader: The Price of Being a Zionist Woman on Twitter; What's Disproportional Is the Criticism of Israel
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 21 Jun 05:00 PM

From Ian:

The New Refuseniks

At a recent United Against Terrorism rally in Beverly Hills, Jennifer Karlan, 17, spoke passionately about why American Jews should stand for Israel. With remarkable confidence, she talked about a new form of antisemitism facing American Jews: "Today, they no longer say they hate the Jew; today they say they hate Zionists. Today they no longer say they hate the Jewish people; they say they hate the Zionist entity. But the hate is the same." Some 2,000 people had gathered for the rally. Karlan drew cheers as she insisted that Jewish identity and Israel are deeply interconnected: "Israel is not just the name of the land; it is the name of our people. We are the people of Israel, each and every one of us: Am Yisrael Chai."

Karlan is a graduate of Club Z, a Zionist club for teens and quite possibly the most important American Jewish organization you've never heard of. Club Z was founded four years ago by Masha Merkulova, a Soviet Jewish immigrant from Minsk. Along with a handful of other organizations that Russian-speaking American Jews have started over the past few years, it is changing the conversation about Jewish identity, Jewish peoplehood, Zionism, and Israel. Disappointed with the way the United States' organized Jewish community has treated these issues, and alarmed by the growing embrace of politically weaponized Zionophobia—the...Read More

Palestinian prime minister defends antisemitic textbooks
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 21 Jun 01:00 PM

The European Union finally released its report on Palestinian textbooks, which was delayed for four months after completion. It is summarized in the Jerusalem Post:

The report includes dozens of examples of encouragement of violence and demonization of Israel and of Jews.
The textbooks present "ambivalent – sometimes hostile – attitudes toward Jews and the characteristics they attribute to the Jewish people... Frequent use of negative attributions in relation to the Jewish people... suggest a conscious perpetuation of anti-Jewish prejudice, especially when embedded in the current political context."

The report identifies "the creation of a connection between the stated deception of the 'Jews' in the early days of Islam and the insinuated behavior of Jews today," calling it "extremely escalatory."
One textbook ties Muhammad's aunt, who clubbed a Jew to death, to a question about Palestinian women's steadfastness in the face of "Jewish Zionistic occupation."
One textbook promotes a conspiracy theory that Israel removed the original stones of ancient sites in Jerusalem and replaced them with ones bearing "Zionist drawings and shapes."
The concept of "resistance" is a recurring theme in the textbooks studied, along with calls for...Read More

06/21 Link Pt1: Is Bennett set to shake-up global consensus on a two-state solution?; UK to boycott 'festival of Jew-hate' Durban IV; PA to renegotiate COVID-19 vaccine deal with Israel
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 21 Jun 11:51 AM

From Ian:

David Singer: Is Bennett set to shake-up global consensus on a two-state solution?

Bennett – anointed as "Prime Minister and Minister for Settlement Affairs" – is now uniquely placed to promote his "Israel Stability Initiative – February 2012" (Stability Plan) – summarised by him in 2017:

"The main idea of The Stability Plan is to provide full civilian self-governance to the Palestinians so they can elect themselves, pay their taxes, and control those areas that are theirs. We should apply sovereignty in Israeli-controlled areas – known as Area C – and Palestinians living there will become part and parcel of the State of Israel. And since within the State of Israel you cannot have two levels of people, those Palestinians living in Area C – approximately 80,000 people – will be offered full Israeli citizenship, including voting rights. I think most will opt for residency rather than citizenship (like in East Jerusalem) but it's up to them. They can be Israeli citizens, Israeli residents or Palestinian citizens.

"Those living in the Palestinian-controlled areas (Areas A and B) will govern themselves in all aspects barring two elements: overall security responsibility and not being able to allow the return of decedents [sic] of Palestinians refugees. We can't have an inflow of millions of great grandchildren of 1948 refugees coming across the Jordan River because in one swoop that would distort the...Read More

"Night confusion units" - Palestinians in West Bank importing methods from Hamas against settlement
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 21 Jun 09:15 AM

Hamas and Islamic Jihad have been touting their "night confusion units" for years.
These are different methods to harass IDF soldiers and residents near Gaza. They include incendiary kites and balloons, cutting the Gaza border fence, fireworks and firecrackers, amplified music, setting tires on fire, Molotov cocktails, and shining laser lights towards the soldiers and residents.
Now, Arabs in the West Bank are importing these methods to harass Jews in the Evyatar settlement outpost.
They are setting scores of fires to tires as well as to plastic to pollute the air and upset the residents.
Other "units" are the catapult unit, the reconnaissance unit, the Molotov cocktail unit, the horn unit that uses air horns, and the firework unit.
Some commercially available lasers are powerful enough to blind people at a distance or even to set fires.

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Palestinian faction (Dahlan) claims that "expired" vaccines would have killed half a million Palestinians
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 21 Jun 07:00 AM

To Palestinians, if the truth is inconvenient, you might as well lie.

Before the Palestinian elections that never happened this year, the Fatah party was split into three components. One of them is the Democratic Reform Movement, which is headed by Mohammed Dahlan, who was placed in exile in the UAE by his rival Mahmoud Abbas.
The Dahlan party is attacking the Palestinian Authority - not for spurning perfectly good vaccines for hundreds of thousands of people, but for initially reaching a deal with Israel to bring in "expired vaccines."
But it is not enough to lie about the vaccines being expired, as many "pro-Palestinian activists" are claiming. That isn't dramatic enough. The Dahlan party is claiming that the vaccines are actually dangerous.
Ghassan Jadallah, the local leader of the Democratic Reform Movement, wrote on his Facebook page that the mainstream Fatah movement is hiding the person "who almost killed thousands of our citizens in an expired vaccine deal"
An article in the party's mouthpiece said that "if a healthy person is vaccinated, the health consequences will be catastrophic and dire, because the vaccination is...Read More

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