The Mufti's speech to Arab Americans, March, 1943: "If Allies win, Jews will control the world" (Unknown), 09 May 04:45 AM The ex | The ex-Grand Mufti of Jerusalem appealed to Arab Americans during World War II to support Nazi Germany - and he appealed to antisemitism to help convince them. Here are excerpts from his shortwave radio address broadcast from Rome on March 19, 1943: The Arabs and Moslems will not be deceived by Britain once again because not only have they known its true intentions but they have also known those of Britain's allies—America—and I want to draw the attention of the Arab emigrants in America to this fact, reminding them of their glorious past when they supported the National movement. I would also like to remind them that their efforts will be wasted if, God forbid, America and her Allies may be victorious in this War because at such a time the Arabs will never rise again. I therefore know that those Arab emigrants in America will refrain from helping Roosevelt or taking part in a war which he brought on to his country. If those Allies win this war the Jewish influence will be the arbiter in the world resources and one can thus imagine the future of the Arabs and Moslems, and the dangers which they are exposed to in their fatherlands and beliefs if the Jews and their Allies dominate them and spread the latent hatred on to them. Then the world will become Hell—God forbid: But Allah is too just and merciful to grant such murderous violators any victory. We are sure that victory will be ours and that...Read More |
From Ian: For Jerusalem Day, the humble memorials to those who died unifying the city The 28th day of the Hebrew month of Iyar, which this year falls out on the evening of May 9 and the day of May 10, is the anniversary of the day that Israeli paratroopers captured Jerusalem's Old City in the Six Day War. Almost immediately following the Old City's liberation, the soldiers who had participated in the battle piled some rocks together along Jericho Road outside the Lions' Gate and planted a flag in the ground. It was their way of honoring the memory of their fallen comrades, killed on that very same road, when soldiers made a fatal navigational mistake. Israeli troops had conquered the Jordanian outpost at the Rockefeller Museum, but two large obstacles remained: the Old City, and the well-fortified Augusta Victoria complex on the Mount of Olives, which offered a clear view of the Temple Mount down below. Soldiers heading for the Mount of Olives missed the turn onto the ascent and instead descended along Jericho Road. Unfortunately, from their position on the road, the Israeli forces couldn't see the Jordanian troops standing at the ready atop the Old City walls. Thus, the soldiers were hit hard when they reached the curve in the road which serves as a bridge above the Kidron Valley. A savage battle raged on the bridge, and other Israeli troops were called...Read More |
IfNotNow tweeted: Incredible, inspiring images of Palestinian resistance coming out of Jerusalem tonight. American Jews are with you ✊ — IfNotNow (@IfNotNowOrg) May 8, 2021 The chants include "Bomb, Bomb Tel Aviv." From the holiest site in Judaism. And IfNotNow claims not only to be inspired by a genocidal call to kill a million Jews, in a place that is sacred to Jews - but that American Jews support these terrorist supporters! 95% of American Jews support Israel, and IfNotNow is nothing but the fringiest of fringe groups. This tweet proves it. And any media that gives them attention is promoting people who literally support genocide of Israeli Jews. * * * * * * ...Read More |
From Ian: Canadian Court Overturns Barring 'Product of Israel' Labels on Judea, Samaria Wine A Canadian federal appeals court reversed a lower court's decision that barred "Product of Israel" labels for wines produced in Judea and Samaria. In July of 2020, the Federal Court of Canada had ruled that it was "false, misleading or deceptive" for wines produced by Israeli vintners east of the Green Line to be labeled "Product of Israel." Parts of the decision had also lent support to boycotts of Jewish communities, suggesting that the "Product of Israel" obstructed consumers' right to boycott these communities. However, the Federal Court of Appeal reversed this decision, ruling that the lower court judge had gone too far in its decision and that the federal agency, Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), that initially reviewed the labels should be allowed to try again, with all options remaining open. "We welcome the decision, which puts this matter back on track to being resolved fairly and correctly," said Michael Mostyn, CEO of B'nai Brith Canada. "B'nai Brith has engaged with decision-makers on this issue since the very beginning and will continue to do so as this matter progresses. We say proudly that Jews returning to producing wine in their indigenous homeland is something to be celebrated, not stigmatized." Shimon Koffler Fogel, president...Read More |
From Ian: Caroline Glick: A powder keg, courtesy of Washington Since the Democrats took control of the White House and both Houses of Congress a hundred days ago, the Middle East has become a powder keg. But Israel's ruling class sees nothing. In Afghanistan and Iraq, violent attacks against US forces are rising steeply. From January through April, attacks on US forces increased 40%. President Joe Biden's announcement that the US will withdraw its forces from the country by September 11, the 20th anniversary of the jihadist attacks on the US worsened the situation by communicating a message of profound American weakness and defeatism. The Taliban, al-Qaida and Iran clearly believe they are now free to humiliate and bleed the US as they take control of the country. In Iraq, Iranian-controlled Shiite militias launched three missile strikes against US bases in the past week. Hoping to avoid confrontation with Iran as its emissaries appease it in Vienna, the Biden administration is assiduously avoiding acknowledging that Iran is behind the attacks, and so it guarantees that more attack will soon follow. As in Afghanistan, Iran reads US behavior as an invitation to strike with immunity. In Syria, Iran's Syrian proxy President Bashar Assad and Iran's Lebanese proxy Hezbollah continue to wage a war of extermination against Syrians who oppose them. In southern Syria last weekend, after opposition...Read More |
Other countries are following the US lead in boycotting Durban IV. The US committed to boycotting the Durban IV conference this September - in response to a question by a Jerusalem Post reporter Lahav Harkov, who had read about it from one of my articles. This helped push other countries into making a decision as to whether they will legitimize the notorious 2001 Durban antisemitic hatefest or not. Australia was the first to follow the US in announcing that they will not attend. "We will not associate Australia with one-sided and contentious language that singles out Israel or an event that champions such language," Prime Minister Scott Morrison stated on Thursday, in a much more public position than the US had done with an anonymous State Department official. Shortly afterwards, Canada also declared that they will not attend. Global Affairs Canada spokesman Grantly Franklin said, "Canada remains committed, at home and abroad, including at the UN, to advancing human rights, inclusion and combatting antisemitism, islamophobia and systemic racism in all its forms...Read More |
Iran's Tasnim news agency, which has ties to Iran's Revolutionary Guards, highlights a video for Quds Day today. It starts off showing Iranian children, and then a quick montage of about 20 photos of children suffering in war. The Iranian children then piece together an oversized jigsaw puzzle with those photos of injured children to make a large Palestinian flag under the landmark Azadi Tower in Tehran. The montage starts at 0:21: Most of the photos of suffering or injured children I could identify are of Syrian children - suffering under the Iranian-backed Assad regime. (At least one was from the aftermath of an ISIS attack, there may be some from Yemen as well.) I couldn't verify a single photo as being of Palestinian children. Somehow, I don't think they really care about Palestinian children. * * * * * * ...Read More |
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