יום שישי, 7 במאי 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

Antisemitism is in the DNA of the Islamic Republic of Irannoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 07 May 04:45 AM The first leader of Iran after the 1979 rev

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Antisemitism is in the DNA of the Islamic Republic of Iran
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 07 May 04:45 AM

The first leader of Iran after the 1979 revolution, the Ayatollah Khomeini, wrote a book called Islamic Government: Governance of the Jurist: Velayat-e Faqeeh, which is a manifesto he wrote in 1970 and is the theological basis for Iran today.
It is also thoroughly antisemitic.
The entire book is online with an official translation from the Institute for Compilation and Publication ofImam Khomeini's Works.

On the very first page of the introduction, Khomeini says, "From the very beginning, the historical movement of Islam has had to contend with the Jews, for it was they who first established anti-Islamic propaganda and engaged in various stratagems."

On page 22, he refers to Israel as "a handful of wretched Jews."

Page 53: "Since the Jews of Bani Qurayza were a troublesome group, causing corruption in Muslim society and damaging Islam and the Islamic state, the Most Noble Messenger ('a) eliminated them."

Page 78: "the imperialists, the oppressive and treacherous rulers, the Jews, Christians, and
materialists are all attempting to distort the truths of Islam and lead the Muslims astray....We see today that the Jews (may God curse them) have meddled with the text of the Qur'an and have made certain changes in the Qur'ans they have printed in the occupied territories. It is our duty to prevent this treacherous interference with the text of Qur'an. We must protest and make the people aware that...Read More

05/06 Links Pt2: Dore Gold: "Why Is a Meeting in San Remo 101 Years Ago So Important?"; New York courts prove that woke politics endangers Jews; My first month with the Sabras
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 06 May 05:00 PM

From Ian:

Amb. Dore Gold: "Why Is a Meeting in San Remo 101 Years Ago So Important?"

On April 29, 2021, Dr. Dore Gold, President of the Jerusalem Center, was interviewed by Professor Ugo Volli of Turin University in Shalom Magazine, published in Italy. Below is the translation of excerpts from "Siamo Ancora un Popolo Che Dimora Da Solo" – Intervista a Dore Gold

What is the 101-year-old San Remo Conference, and why is it important today?
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, states were born through great international conferences. For example, the Congress of Berlin took former Ottoman territories in 1878 and granted them independence, creating Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro. Bulgaria also emerged from this division of Ottoman territories. After the First World War, international conferences of the victorious allied powers led to a division of formerly Ottoman territories as well. It was in San Remo, Italy, that the powers decided on the emergence of a national home for the Jewish People that established the State of Israel. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 was a statement of British policy; the San Remo Resolution of 1920 was a formal international treaty that was legally binding.

In the years between 1919 and 1922, many states were established. Why, after one century, is the right of the State of Israel to exist still disputed?
Israel is the only state whose legal foundation was...Read More

Squad memes (cartoons)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 06 May 03:00 PM

Stuff I posted on Twitter....

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Arab MKs Call On Constituents To Engage Only In Responsible Rioting, Mayhem (PreOccupied Territory)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 06 May 01:30 PM

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

Check out their Facebook page.

Umm el-Fahm, May 6 - Weeks of Arab violence against Jews in Israel have some among the Arab political leadership in the country to urge their voters to calm the situation by inflicting beatings and attempted murder only in a responsible manner.

Faction leaders of Arab parties in the Knesset and mayors of Arab locales across Israel have, in the wake of several near-lynchings of Jews in Jaffa, Ramle, and Jerusalem by Arab assailants, stated in no uncertain terms that random street violence remains out of the question, and that the only proper outlet for expressing their frustrations or ambitions lies in deliberate, careful rioting and beating Jews.

"We call on the youth of our people to cease irresponsible behavior, and on the adults among us to curb it," declared MK Mansour Abbas. "The times demand something other than random outbursts, which betray both a regrettable lack of discipline and seldom prove effective. We must train our youth to attack Jews only in a responsible fashion, and not in some slapdash or extemporized heat of the moment."

Abbas's colleague Dr. Ahmad Tibi invoked historical precedent to stress the point. "Our ancestors, some of whom are still alive, could tell you," he stated in an online video message...Read More

05/06 Links Pt1: Palestinian terror group stole millions from European aid donors; Perverse Incentives Discourage Palestinian Leaders from Making Peace; Australia won't go to anti-Israel Durban Conference
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 06 May 11:00 AM

From Ian:

Shin Bet: Palestinian terror group stole millions from European aid donors

The Shin Bet security service on Thursday accused the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine of pilfering millions of euros from European aid organizations and governments to fund terrorist activities.

The Shin Bet in recent weeks arrested a number of those suspected of involvement and said that indictments against them would be filed shortly, including against a woman with Spanish citizenship, Juani Rishmawi.

In light of the investigation, the Foreign Ministry met with European diplomats in Israel and sent Israeli diplomats in Europe to meet with representatives of their host governments to ask them to refrain from donating to Palestinian non-governmental organizations linked to the PFLP.

"During these conversations, the representatives of the Israeli Foreign Ministry explained to the European diplomats the severity with which Israel sees these issues and presented them with the findings of the investigation, including proof that European government funds went to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which is recognized in Europe as a terrorist organization," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

According to the security service, the PFLP used its health organization, the Health Work Committee, to defraud various Europe organizations and countries...Read More

How Far Can The Abraham Accords Extend To Counter Israel's Critics? (Daled Amos)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 06 May 09:00 AM

By Daled Amos

The goodwill and cooperation generated by the Abraham Accords continue. Just last month, Israel and the UAE signed an agreement for the two countries to collaborate on healthcare and healthcare technology. But more than that, there have been public expressions of goodwill on holidays and condolences on other occasions.

How far can this spirit of goodwill go?

Last December, I suggested this could extend inwardly as well as outwardly and the Abraham Accords could even affect Israeli relations between Arabs and Jews. Mansour Abbas, an Israeli Arab politician and head of the United Arab List (Ra'am), has openly spoken about working with and from within the Israeli government. More importantly, this approach is supported by a majority of Arab Israelis. Yousef Makladeh of the consulting company StatNet, reported that "over 60% of the [Israeli] Arab population supports MK Mansour Abbas' approach, that they can work with the [Jewish] right."

Makladeh sees the Abraham Accords as a part of this:
"The [Arab Israeli] public wants peace, it does not matter with whom, because...Read More

Palestinians who demand 675,000 Jews be evicted because they are Jewish are complaining about "ethnic cleansing" in Sheikh Jarrah
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 06 May 07:00 AM

The headlines from Sheikh Jarrah almost all ignore the basic facts of the issue: The buildings in question are owned by Jews and the Arab residents have refused to pay rent - even though they had agreed in a 1982 court case.

As NGO Monitor summarizes:

According to the Supreme Court, the land in question "was owned by Chief Rabbi (Hacham Bashi) Avraham Ashkenazi and Chief Rabbi Meir Orbach until the War of Independence [1948], after they purchased it in 1875 from its Arab owners."
Subsequently, two Jewish organizations, Va'ad Eidat HaSfaradim and Va'ad HaKlali L'Knesset Yisrael, worked to register the land with British Mandatory government in 1946.
The properties were registered with Israeli authorities under these two organizations in 1973.
These organizations sold the properties to the Nahalat Shimon organization in 2003.

According to a 1979 High Court decision, and re-affirmed repeatedly in subsequent cases, as in the case of any tenant living on someone else's property, residents living on the land owned by these organizations were required to pay rent to the organizations that owned the properties. Their failure to do so, along with instances of illegal building and illegally renting properties to others, resulted in the current legal proceedings against them, culminating in the District Court decision.

Crucially, in 1982, a number of residents- including those whose descendants appealed to the District...Read More

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