The nightmare scenario: Iran tells Hezbollah to find a pretense to open a second (Unknown), 12 May 04:45 AM I don't think i |  |
I don't think it is going to happen. The people of Lebanon would not tolerate a Hezbollah starting a war now when they are in such bad shape from COVID and the country being on the brink of bankruptcy. They are still upset over the 2006 war. But Hezbollah follows the orders of Iran's Supreme Leader, and Iranian media has been talking for weeks about how weak Israel is and how it will be destroyed soon. They wrote lots of stories about the Syrian anti-aircraft missile that ended up near Dimona, about a chemical factory fire in Haifa. Iranian media is following the events in Israel on a minute by minute basis. The Ayatollah Khamenei has been tweeting a lot about Israel. Hezbollah rockets are much more powerful and accurate than Hamas rockets. And they have 150,000 of them, of varying types. Hassan Nasrallah can invent an excuse to start shooting and claiming that Israel started it. Only last week he warned Israel not to make any aggressive moves. Let's hope this doesn't happen, but if Israel is too cautious in confronting Hezbollah, Khamenei might interpret that as weakness and think he has an opportunity. * * * * * * ...Read More |
This is what the autotranslated Arabic version of Hamas mouthpiece Al Resalah looks like for its Arab audience: Articles extolling rocket fire, celebrating dead Israelis, exhorting Israeli Arabs to start an uprising, promises for more bloodshed. Here's the English version, directed at the Western anti-Israel, primarily leftist audience: Here, the emphasis is on victimhood, quoting Ilhan Omar and Tayyip Erdogan on how awful Israel is, and "defending" Al Aqsa. The two messages are exactly opposite. And the West insists on believing what Palestinians say in English without realizing that everything is propaganda - in both languages. * * * * * * ...Read More |
From Ian: Michael Doran: The Realignment It is impossible to exaggerate the value to the United States of a full-blown Saudi-Israeli peace agreement or even of significant steps in that direction. The 9/11 attacks announced that a doctrine of radical intolerance had taken deeper root inside the Muslim world than we had realized—a doctrine that seeks to wall off Muslim societies from non-Muslim influences. The Emiratis, the lead players in the Abraham Accords, see peace with Israel as part of a multipronged effort to refute this intolerant view of Islam and Muslim history. Saudi Arabia is the most powerful Arab country and, thanks to its guardianship of Mecca and Medina, one of the most influential countries in the entire Muslim world. It has also long been the fortress of conservative Islamic jurisprudence and Quranic literalism. If the country toward which all Muslims pray five times a day, and to which some 2 million make annual pilgrimages, develops openly friendly relations with the Jewish state, the implications for relations between Muslims and non-Muslims everywhere would be profound. Yet the Biden administration has forbidden its officials from even using the term "Abraham Accords," which, under the influence of the Realignment, it abhors. Because the accords are politically popular, even in Democratic circles, the administration will refrain...Read More |
The PA prime minister Muhammad Shtayyeh is very happy that people are dying, because that has "returned the Palestinian issue to the agenda of the world's priorities." This is important to understand. Since the Abraham Accords, Palestinians have been feeling irrelevant - the worst feeling for them. They felt that the world no longer cared about them - which is largely true since they couldn't even fix their own issues and kept blaming everything on Israel. The Arab world has been sick and tired of the Palestinian issue for years, unless it helps their own political agendas. Instead of working towards peace, the Palestinian Authority wanted to feel important, to be cover stories in Time magazine and the New York Times. As Palestinian Media Watch has documented, the PA has worked to incite violence in Jerusalem for weeks before Ramadan. TV music videos glorified martyrdom. They know this stuff works on heir people. Sure enough, it did - starting with the TikTok attacks on religious Jews...Read More |
As news came that two women in Ashkelon had been murdered as a result of direct hits to their homes, my son wrote the following on our family Whatsapp group in the Hebrish shorthand typical of my 12 EFL children: "A jeep full of an Arab family just drove by the bus stop blaring their horn, fingers in v shape out the window." "Where was this?" I asked. It was on a main thoroughfare in Jerusalem, on Derech Hevron, in broad daylight. And it's not the first time this has happened, but something that happens whenever they managed to pick off one or more of us: They cheer when we die. They cheer when we die and we do nothing to deter them. While my son was writing this to me, a friend in Ashkelon was sharing phone footage and voice recordings from a female friend, describing the devastation surrounding her. Two 20-story buildings on either side of her building had taken direct hits. Every window of every car, up and down her street, had been shattered from the impact of the twin blasts. The footage she recorded with her phone showed a man down on the ground, shaking uncontrollably, with obliterated buildings and the rubble of what was once a hardware store, surrounding him.\* As my friend was sharing these items with me, he was debating whether or not to travel to a suburb of Jerusalem for a bar mitzvah. The decision was made for him almost immediately when the residents of Ashkelon received a notice from the mayor of that town, telling people to stay home. My friend gave up on...Read More |
From Ian: Melanie Phillips: What you won't read in western media about the Jerusalem riots As I write here in Jerusalem, sirens have sounded and explosions have been heard. It appears that rockets were fired by Hamas at the city. I am posting this now before finding out what is happening. Further to my piece here yesterday about the Jerusalem riots, here's some more information you won't read in the venomously slanted media coverage which continues to obscure the Palestinian Arabs' incitement and attacks that sparked these disturbances and which continues falsely to blame Israel instead for its behaviour. In this twisted reporting, much of the British and American media continue to parrot the Palestinians' narrative which, as always, seeks to obscure their own murderous and bigoted aggression by pretending that their Israeli victims are the aggressors while the Arabs are merely defending themselves. While the Israeli police have struggled to contain the continued Arab rioting, as you can read in these accounts here and here, this is what the senior Hamas Official Fathi Hammad tweeted: People of Jerusalem, we want you to cut off the heads of the Jews with knives. With your hand, cut their artery from here. A knife costs five shekels. Buy a knife, sharpen it, put it here and just cut off (their heads). It costs just five shekels. With those five shekels, you will humiliate the Jewish state...Read More |
The Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, part of Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement, proudly lists its rocket attacks for Monday: 1: The bombardment of the usurped Majdal (Ashkelon) with 4 missiles. 2: The bombing of Karm Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) with 3 missiles. 3: Shelling the Zionist settlements inside our occupied lands with rockets and mortar shells from all the governorates of the Gaza Strip. 4: Shelling the usurped Majdal with 3 missiles 5: The bombing of the usurped Sderot with 6 missiles. 6: The usurped Kissufim was bombed with 5 mortar shells. 7: The bombing of Karm Abu Salem with 5 mortar shells. 8: Shelling Nahal Oz with 3 mortar shells. 9: Shelling the usurped Kissufim with 3 missiles. 10: The usurped Sderot was bombed with a missile 11: The bombing of the third eye (?) with 4 missiles 12: The bombing of Karm Abu Salem with two mortar shells 13: The bombing of Karm Abu Salem with two mortar shells It is a revolution until victory These are the "moderates" that the world says is ready for peace with...Read More |
Yesterday, a missile hit the house of the Masri family in Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killing at least seven including three children. Israeli TV reported that the IDF confirmed that the missile was an errant Hamas rocket that fell short in Gaza. USA Today reported: (The article has been updated and no longer has this section.) Ashraf has no idea if his family was killed by Israel or Hamas. He just wants to bury them. But the New York Times later interviewed another relative, Bashir. He is convinced it was an Israeli missile, and Israel is solely responsible for all suffering: But as the conflict expanded and the airstrikes began, it quickly became deadly. In Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza, the Masri family was grieving for two young boys who were killed on Monday evening. Ibrahim, 11, and Marwan, 7, had been playing outside their home when a missile struck, according to their uncle, Bashir al-Masri, 25. For Mr. Masri, the attack showed that Israel had no concern for civilian life. "They target buildings with children, they target ambulances, they target schools," he said by telephone. "And all the world, beginning with America, says that people in Gaza are terrorists. But we are not...Read More |
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