יום שלישי, 4 במאי 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

Elder gets results! US will not attend Durban IV conferencenoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 04 May 04:45 AM Lahav Harkov of the Jerusalem Post asked t

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Elder gets results! US will not attend Durban IV conference
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 04 May 04:45 AM

Lahav Harkov of the Jerusalem Post asked the State Department whether the US will attend the Durban IV conference in September, which seemed a distinct possibility after the Biden administration mentioned the upcoming 20th anniversary of the antisemitic "UN World Conference Against Racism" in a joint statement led by the US at the UN Human Rights Council.

The US will keep up its policy of not participating in events commemorating the 2001 Durban Declaration, which singled out Israel as racist, a State Department spokesperson told The Jerusalem Post on Monday.

"The United States will not attend or participate in any events commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Durban Declaration and Program of Action or the World Conference on Racism, which preceded it," the spokesperson stated.

The State Department spokesperson said that the US "remains deeply committed to combating antisemitism at home and abroad. Furthermore, the United States stands with Israel and has always shared its concerns over the Durban process's anti-Israel sentiment, use as a forum for antisemitism and freedom of expression issues."

The spokesperson responded to a query from the Post about the March 2021 UN Human Rights Council Joint Statement on Countering Racism and Racial Discrimination, initiated by the US.

The State Department spokesperson said that the joint statement "includes a brief reference...Read More

05/03 Links Pt2: US will not take part in Durban IV conference; Editorial: How we must investigate Meron; Ayaan Hirsi Ali vs. the Mob; BBC quiz show describes Ashkelon as "a Palestinian port"
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 03 May 05:00 PM

From Ian:

State Dept: US will not take part in Durban IV conference

The US will keep up its policy of not participating in events commemorating the 2001 Durban Declaration, which singled out Israel as racist, a State Department spokesperson told The Jerusalem Post on Monday.

"The United States will not attend or participate in any events commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Durban Declaration and Program of Action or the World Conference on Racism, which preceded it," the spokesperson stated.

The UN plans to hold events marking the 20th anniversary of the World Conference on Racism, called Durban IV, on September 22, coinciding with Sukkot.

The State Department spokesperson said that the US "remains deeply committed to combating antisemitism at home and abroad. Furthermore, the United States stands with Israel and has always shared its concerns over the Durban process's anti-Israel sentiment, use as a forum for antisemitism and freedom of expression issues."

The spokesperson responded to a query from the Post about the March 2021 UN Human Rights Council Joint Statement on Countering Racism and Racial Discrimination, initiated by the US.

The statement mentions the Durban Declaration in a positive light: "Recalling the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Program of Action, we are committed to working within our nations and with...Read More

Cartoon of the Day: JVP's tears of a clown
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 03 May 03:00 PM

This comic was inspired by a Jewish Voice for Peace membership drive email I just saw. It said:

As we reclaim Judaism from Zionism, our opponents try to use false claims of antisemitism against us.

As we gain traction in Congress, our opponents lobby even harder to fund the Israeli military—meaning U.S.tax dollars still pay for the imprisonment of Palestinian children and the theft of Palestinian land.

As the vaccine becomes widely available, the state of Israel continues its regime of medical apartheid, withholding vaccines from the millions of Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza—and accelerating the illegal demolition of Palestinian homes at a time when, for many of us, home is the safest place to be.

Since Zionism is an inherent part of Judaism, what sort of "Judaism" are they referring to?
One where one is obligated to lie about what US aid to Israel is used for?
One where one is obligated to lie about Israel "withholding vaccines" from Palestinians who never asked for them?
And then they complain that they aren't invited to join Jewish organizational umbrella groups!
Anti-Zionist Jews are the real clowns.

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Hate crimes went down significantly in COVID NYC - but anti-Jewish hate still leads
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 03 May 01:30 PM

In 2020, New York City's hate crime complaints went down significantly from 2019 - from 420 to 265.

But as in every other year, complaints about hate crimes against Jews led all others by a wide margin:

So far in 2021, however, it appears that anti-Asian hate crime complaints have overcome the anti-Jewish ones, at least based on their word chart for the first quarter:

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Skipping rope on the Temple Mount (video)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 03 May 12:37 PM

Remember, Jews respectfully walking and praying on the most sacred Jewish site is called "desecrating" it, but a Muslim skipping rope in front of the site of the Holy of Holies of the Temple is something to be admired.

(h/t YMedad)

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05/03 Links Pt1: Delegitimizing Israel has become a mainstream pastime; How Not to Think About the Conflict; Palestinian's celebrate murderers of U.S. citizen; will Biden's Administration react?
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 03 May 11:00 AM

From Ian:

Delegitimizing Israel has become a mainstream pastime - opinion

Human Rights Watch, the US-based NGO, has indicted Israel as an "apartheid" state, accusing Israel of institutionalized racial segregation. Israel, according to Human Rights Watch, is the new South Africa.

What is the impact of this offensive onslaught on Israel?

This ugly "apartheid" smear is central to the larger campaign to delegitimize Israel. Human Rights Watch's assault on the Jewish state is designed to undermine Israel's international legitimacy. Isolating Israel internationally is the intention. Turning Israel into a pariah state they hope will – just like the campaign against South Africa's apartheid – cause the Jewish state to falter and collapse in the face of overwhelming international pressure.

"Apartheid" is a loaded word. "Apartheid" implies moral bankruptcy. It presumes a willful indifference to the consequences of one's actions. HRW's public charge of "apartheid" provides the campaign to delegitimize Israel with "moral standing" and an ethical basis to deny Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state.

And this is important – the delegitimize Israel assault is no longer just a marginal concept held by a few left-wing progressive radicals... no, no, no. The delegitimization of Israel has become a mainstream mindset. Einat Wilf...Read More

BDS list of what supporters should do proves they aren't "pro-Palestinian activists."
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 03 May 09:15 AM

BDS celebrated its 15th anniversary last June with a list of 15 things you can do to "show solidarity with Palestinians."
Here they are:

Expose Israeli Apartheid:

Targeted Sanctions [against Israel]

Apartheid Free Zones in your community "as spaces free of racism, sexism, discrimination"

Corporate Complicity (pressure on companies with branches in Israel)

Racial and Indigenous Justice: Support Indigenous-led and Black-led struggles for racial justice...
Environmental and climate justice

Women's struggles: "justice in Palestine is a feminist issue"

Ethical City Councils: "Promote an intersectional motion in your local council..."

Faith Communities & Tourism: "respect the Palestinian call for ethical tourism/pilgrimage."

Cultural Boycott of Israel

Academic Boycott of Israel

Student Activism: Organize intersectional campaigns...

Sports Boycott: Join the global campaign to boycott Puma...

LGBTQI+ Rights: "Unmask and counter Israel's agenda of pinkwashing..."

Donate to BDS: BDS needs support from people of conscience everywhere...

Only one problem: Not one of them would actually help a single Palestinian.

Not one mention on sending money to Palestinians - only to BDS.No request to help pay rent for Arab Sheikh Jarrah residents which would allow them to stay in their homes.Not one mention of supporting Palestinian businesses - only boycotting Israeli businesses.Not one mention of lobbying Israel to ease...Read More

Why didn't @HRW call Israel "apartheid" in its 2010 report?
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 03 May 07:00 AM

If Israel is guilty of "apartheid," as Human Rights watch and B'tselem now say in 2021, what changed that those organizations didn't use the word beforehand?

Israel's policies are identical to what they were ten and twenty years ago, and arguably they were worse before Oslo when all Palestinian Arabs really were under direct Israeli control and not the tiny percentage that are today.

HRW wrote a 170-page report in 2010 called "Separate and Unequal" that specifically attacked Israel as treating Palestinians in a discriminatory way. Surely, if a sober legal analysis from HRW today concludes that Israel is practicing apartheid (and persecution,) they would have mentioned it then in a report that was entirely about accusing Israel of discriminatory practices.
Yet neither argument was used.
One footnote does mention apartheid, though, and it is worth looking at.
HRW mentions a 2008 lawsuit brought against Israel by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel against banning Palestinians from major highways. Israel's Supreme Court actually agreed that Palestinians should have access to those roads except in extreme security circumstances - another contradiction to HRW's entire thesis.
ACRI's lawsuit did accuse Israel of apartheid, though - something that HRW was clearly aware of since it partially quotes the president of the Court who took great exception to that characterization.
President Dorit...Read More

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