Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Today is the day of the UN stunt
- Hamas media says Egypt in battle against "Jews and their loyalists"
- Midweek links
- Is Egypt headed for civil war?
- Muslims uncover nefarious Jewish p0rn plot
- Richard Falk calls rockets towards Jerusalem "survival cries"
- UK pulls Sodastream ad - because of Pepsi or BDS?
- Video: Spectacular precision bombing of a Gaza house
- Hamas bears legal responsibility for EVERY civilian death in Gaza.
- New evidence Iran working on nuclear weapon piling up
Today is the day of the UN stunt Posted: 29 Nov 2012 12:00 AM PST As I have mentioned before, there are two major things Abbas is trying to accomplish. One is to use the status of being a "non-member state" to be able to prosecute Israel in the International Criminal Court. (Sort of how he used UNESCO membership also not for anything positive for his people, but to delegitimize the Jewish claim to the Land of Israel.) The other is to throw language about the mythical "1967 borders" into the resolution, so that he can claim that the UN General Assembly has declared the borders of his state - even though it has no legal right to do so. Previous postings: Abbas again says the goal of the UN stunt is to establish borders Here's the full text of the draft resolution. Remember - this is also the 65th anniversary of the unanimous Arab rejection of the UNGA resolution calling for the partition of Palestine that would have created a Palestinian Arab state. Arabs think that there should be no consequences for their actions and that they can roll back the clock whenever they want to in order to erase their mistakes, whether the mistakes were made in 1947, 1948, 1967 or 2001. Sadly, much of the world agrees with them when the only party that stands to lose is Israel. |
Hamas media says Egypt in battle against "Jews and their loyalists" Posted: 28 Nov 2012 07:00 PM PST An op-ed in Hamas mouthpiece Felesteen claims that the current protests in Egypt are, of course, a Jewish plot. Playing off the recent Arab obsession with Tzipi Livni, the article quotes an interview with Al Quds al Arabi editor Abdel Bari Atwan a few days ago claiming that Livni met with Amr Moussa, former head of the Arab League and failed Egyptian presidential candidate, on November 4 in Ramallah. During that meeting, Livni was said to demand that Moussa start a series of internal problems in Egypt to overwhelm the Morsi government, and Moussa - obeying his Jewish master (or mistress) - did exactly that. I think Livni might now qualify as an Eldress. Her powers of persuasion are truly awesome. Arab men in particular seem to find her irresistible. Meanwhile, the article charges, other minions of the vast Jewish conspiracy did their part, like an interview that Mohamed elBaradei had with Der Spiegel saying that the ruling government bans music at weddings and has members who deny the Holocaust, and editor of Asharq al-Awsat Tariq Hamid "and his ilk" who are writing articles critical of the Egyptian regime. |
Posted: 28 Nov 2012 01:30 PM PST From Ian: How Hamas Is Trying to Fool Everyone by Khaled Abu Toameh "Mashaal told CNN's Christiane Amanpour: "I accept a Palestinian state according to 1967 borders with Jerusalem as the capital, with the right of return [of millions of Palestinians to Israel]." Melanie Phillips: Sanitising Hamas in the worship of power "The commitment by Hamas to destroy Israel and wipe out every Jew on earth is considered all but irrelevant. There can only be a solution if Hamas is involved, goes this thinking, because it is in power over the Palestinians – and there can only be a solution that is brokered between Israel and the Palestinians." Daniel Pipes: Next Time Israel Must Retake the Philadelphi Corridor "To permit Israeli soldiers effectively to prevent armaments from reaching Gaza, David Eshel of Defense Update argued in 2009 for the IDF taking back the Philadelphi Corridor and increasing its size to "a fully sterile security line of about 1,000 meters," even though this would mean having to relocate about 50,000 Gaza residents. Interestingly, the Palestinian Authority's Ahmed Qurei privately endorsed similar steps in 2008." Free Gaza—from Hamas "Anyone who is actually concerned about the welfare of the people of Gaza, and does not belong to the church of "it's all Israel's fault" would have focused the generous resources provided by foreign donors (including the New Israel Fund and anonymous European government officials) on liberating Gaza's citizens and Israelis from Hamas." Hamas' Lifeblood: Money Saudi charities fund terrorists and their families—including Hamas' late military chief Ahmed Jabari "Why do Western governments like Great Britain, France, Italy, and Austria continue to allow radical Islamic charities to operate freely on their soil and to fund Hamas institutions like Jabari's Al Nur Prisoners Society? Why do EU governments, facing their own fiscal cliffs, continue to fund the Palestinian Authority's enormous subsidies to terrorists and their families? Only when Europe and the United States get serious about stopping the flow of money to men like Ahmed Jabari can there be any realistic hope of writing a less grim ending to this conflict." Following Gaza 'victory,' Hamas sets its sights on the West Bank Haniyeh says territory controlled by rival Fatah is central to the 'struggle with the occupation', makes plain ultimate aim of armed effort to destroy Israel Report: Egyptian Security Seizes Shipment of Weapons on Way to Gaza, Including Anti-Aircraft Artillery A preliminary investigation indicated the shipment contained 185 bullet crates, anti-tank and anti-aircraft artillery, rockets, RPG launchers, land mines and explosives – collectively worth some 20 million Egyptian pounds (roughly $ 3.3 million). TA bombing suspect related to 1978 terrorist Man suspected of placing bomb on Tel Aviv bus last week related to family of Dalal Mughrabi, who carried out attack that killed 35 Israelis in 1978 David's Sling success caught on film Defense Ministry publishes video showing anti-ballistic missile defense system in action JPOST Editorial: Misguided UN bid "The PLO's UN bid is misguided and wrongheaded and will do nothing but add to the long list of historic mistakes made by Palestinian leadership which date back at least to November 29, 1947 when Palestinians failed to grab their chance for nationhood and self-determination." Why I Don't Want a Palestinian State The reason I don't want a Palestinian state is because they will make a big fat mess of it. Britain heads for Israel sell-out at the UN The prospect of Britain backing the Palestinian UN bid shows just how deep anti-Israel feeling goes at the Foreign Office "Britain should vote no to the Palestinians' diversionary tactics at the UN. If we do vote in favour, never again do I want to hear British officials garbling on about being friends of Israel, or Israeli officials talking about Britain being the "responsible adult in the room". Israellycool: Must-Read Thoughts Of a Palestinian Remember the palestinian who supported the IDF getting rid of Hamas and retaking the Gaza Strip? Well, he's back, this time publishing a post on the shoddy treatment of palestinians throughout the Arab world, especially when compared to their treatment by Israel. In wake of Gaza conflict, anti-Israel activity on campus is rising, ADL says Future Palestinian state to try Israel at ICC for Arafat killing, official says Head of panel probing leader's death says 'those whose policy is assassinations' will be brought to justice Muslims Claim Netanyahu Plans to Build 'False' Holy Temple Netanyahu's latest building plan for Jerusalem is none other than for the Third Temple, claims Al Aqsa Foundation. Group demands UN probe IDF strikes on journalists International Federation of Journalists claims IDF deliberately targeted journalists in Gaza during Operation Pillar of Defense. CIF Watch: Seumas Milne tells thousands at London rally that Palestinians have a right to kill Israelis Journalist interviews Hamas TV spokesman about PMW VIDEO "Journalist Suroosh Alvi from Vice magazine interviews a spokesman from Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas TV). Alvi tells the spokesman about PMW, an Israeli organization that monitors channels like Al-Aqsa TV in order to expose "how radical the people in Gaza are." The spokesman responds, "They also say to their people that killing a Palestinian is good. So this [is] a different way to see [things]." Debunking the media lies - Syrian and Israeli pictures recycled as pictures from Gaza VIDEO More media lies exposed VIDEO Claims Muslim Brotherhood are rounding up activists Hungarian rightist: List Jews who pose security risk Marton Gyongyosi of Jobbik party calls for list of Jews who are threat to country; Jewish groups: Reminiscent of Nazi policy. We feel safe here' Pastor Umar Mulinde, who was attacked with acid in Uganda for supporting Israel, is receiving treatment at Sheba Medical Center. "Pastor Umar Mulinde's love for Israel has only grown since he began treatment here for the burns he sustained in a horrific acid attack in his home country of Uganda on Christmas Eve last year." Mumbai Jews mark fourth anniversary of killings at Chabad House Israel's consul general speaks at commemoration of terrorist attack "Among those on hand for Monday's ceremony was Israel's consul general in Mumbai, Orna Sagiv, who was in Mumbai at the time of the 2008 massacre, in which members of a Pakistan-based terror group attacked several sites in the city, including luxury hotels, a train station and a popular cafe. More than 170 people were killed in the attacks." Also: (h/t Vandoren) |
Is Egypt headed for civil war? Posted: 28 Nov 2012 12:10 PM PST From Al Ahram: Over 100,000 defiant protesters occupied Cairo's Tahrir Square on Tuesday to demand the cancellation of President Mohamed Morsi's controversial Thursday decree. Egypt's ruling Islamists, however, showed no sign of backing down, suggesting that continued political deadlock is inevitable.The Muslim Brotherhood website has articles supporting Morsi's decree, calling it "truly patriotic," saying it "protects the revolution," and calling the protesters "thugs" who are Mubarak supporters. If the voting for Egypt's parliament is any guide, the 100,000 protesters are no match for what the Islamists can muster if they just say the word. So far, the protesters have been largely peaceful, and the Brotherhood has (wisely) chosen to avoid counterprotests that could easily devolve into violence. Moreover, the protesters have no central idea unifying them outside of opposition to Morsi's decree. They are all over the map politically and even if they force new elections, the results would be the same. So right now they are limited to clever slogans and quips ("Shave your beard and show us your face, so we can see your true disgrace: you look just like Mubarak!" ""It used to be soccer distracted us from lousy presidents. Now lousy presidents are distracting us from soccer.") Morsi himself has given no indication of backing down in the least, and he even indirectly issued a veiled threat against the protesters: President Mohamed Morsy will not retreat on the controversial constitutional declaration he issued Thursday, according to his chief of staff, Mohamed Refaa al-Tahtawi.Indeed, journalists have been prominent fixtures at the protests as well, and at least two journalists were beaten by Morsi's security. So far, it looks like Morsi will ride this one out, as at least the secularist protesters are not the types to mount a violent uprising, and nothing short of that will change anything. |
Muslims uncover nefarious Jewish p0rn plot Posted: 28 Nov 2012 11:00 AM PST From MEMRI: I have a feeling that this preacher is familiar with more than a few of the 4.2 million websites. I'm still getting dozens of hits a day from people searching for "Arab six video" .Here are a few recent ones: The plot is working! |
Richard Falk calls rockets towards Jerusalem "survival cries" Posted: 28 Nov 2012 09:30 AM PST Richard Falk outdoes himself again with his embrace of terrorists and seething hatred for the Jewish state. In a November 18th article he wrote for - where else? - Al Jazeera, Falk liberally sprinkles lies on top of a serving of half-truths to come up with conclusions that would be universally considered the ranting of a lunatic if the object of his vitriol would be anything besides Israel. It is too tedious to fisk completely - I've done that many times, and life is way too short to spend on someone as already thoroughly discredited as Falk - but for those late to the game of exposing this United Nations Special Rapporteur, here are some quickies: Referring to Israel's attack on Ahmad Jaabari, Falk writes: Such an extra-judicial killing...remains an unlawful tactic of conflict, denying adversary political leaders separated from combat any opportunity to defend themselves against accusations...Yes, Falk is saying that the leader of Hamas' terror wing, the Al Qassam brigades, is a "political leader." Falk knows this and lies. Gaza, which is one of the most crowded and impoverished communities on the planet...People living in Egypt, only a few miles away, are far more impoverished. As are large swaths of Africa, Asia, and South America. Gazans have malls, supermarkets, luxury hotels, plenty of food, tons of goods, nice cars and more. Not to mention that the "refugees" get free medical care and education. Falk knows this and lies. Israeli removal of troops and settlements [in 2005] was little more than a mere redeployment to the borders of Gaza, with absolute control over what goes in and what leaves...Two words: Egypt and tunnels. Falk knows this and lies. From an international law point of view, Israel's purported "disengagement" from Gaza didn't end its responsibility as an Occupying Power under the Geneva Conventions...Wrong. Very wrong. Falk knows this, and lies. 600,000 armed settlersReally? every man, woman and child in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem is armed? Falk knows this is a lie, and lies anyway. The top Hamas leaders have made it abundantly clear over and over again that they are open to permanent peace with Israel if there is a total withdrawal to the 1967 borders and the arrangement is supported by a referendum of all Palestinians living under occupation.Hamas has never, not once, even implied a permanent peace with Israel. Ever. And its terms for a truce include the destruction of Israel by allowing millions of fake "refugees" to flood it and become citizens. Falk knows this, and lies. But even if you can excuse a UN representative for his constant lies, his anti-semitism, his embrace of Hamas terrorists - just check out how he describes medium range Iranian rockets, with 100 kg. of explosives, being fired at population centers of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem: It is truly alarming that now even the holiest of cities, Jerusalem, is threatened with attacks, but the continuation of oppressive conditions for the people of Gaza, inevitably leads to increasing levels of frustration, in effect, cries of help that world has ignored at its peril for decades. These are survival screams! To realise this is not to exaggerate!Yes. Shooting rockets at women and children aren't mere war crimes, but they should be understood to be survival screams. What a reprehensible excuse for a human being Richard Falk is. He fits right in to the UN. (h/t Real Jerusalem Streets) |
UK pulls Sodastream ad - because of Pepsi or BDS? Posted: 28 Nov 2012 08:15 AM PST From Globes: SodaStream International Ltd. (Nasdaq: SODA) insists that the ban of its new global advertising campaign in the UK is absurd, and censors the company for trying to save the environment. The reasons given are nothing short of ridiculous. Would Clearcast say that ads for electric cars denigrate gas guzzlers? But I'm sure that some BDS idiots will regard this as a victory since Sodastream is an Israeli company they constantly call to boycott, with manufacturing in a Jerusalem suburb that Arabs claim is theirs. The joke is on them, because the publicity is worth more than the ad itself. The timing for SodaStream could hardly be better. The Israeli company has dramatically improved distribution over the past year with a series of high profile retail partnerships. The holidays are upon us, and the company is promoting a new, easier to use carbonator – the SodaStream Source. While the SodaStream ad campaign is not running in the UK, an appeal could put it back on the air next week, and it's already running globally. Media attention over the clumsy UK move will only help SodaStream build awareness. |
Video: Spectacular precision bombing of a Gaza house Posted: 28 Nov 2012 07:15 AM PST Obviously, the residents of this Gaza house were warned that it would be bombed, so someone set up a video camera to watch the fireworks: Note how well the bombing was calibrated to only destroy the house, and little else. And the cameraman- less than a block away - knows this quite well, with no fear of filming out an open window. (h/t Yoel) |
Hamas bears legal responsibility for EVERY civilian death in Gaza. Posted: 28 Nov 2012 05:30 AM PST I just came upon a quick review of the Laws of Armed Conflict written at the beginning of Operation Pillar of Cloud, written by David French, an expert in that topic. It should be required reading for every single reporter, pundit, politician and critic who opines on Israel's actions. The fundamental aim of LOAC [Laws of Armed Conflict] is to prevent unnecessary casualties and destruction within the context of military conflict. In pursuit of that goal, three principles govern: necessity, distinction, and proportionality. In general, "necessity" requires that combatants only attack targets necessary to accomplish military objectives. "Distinction" requires that combatants not only distinguish between civilians and combatants, but they also distinguish themselves from civilians (through the wearing of uniforms, use of clearly identified military vehicles, etc.). Finally, "proportionality" requires a combatant to use only that force necessary to accomplish the military objective. It does not require you to use the same force as your enemy (you can bring a JDAM to a gun fight). Applying these principles to the Gaza conflict, three truths emerge:Every time an anti-Israel activist talks about the number of civilian casualties in Gaza - which were historically low given the number of Israeli airstrikes and the locations of the legitimate targets - the proper response is that every single civilian death is the result of war crimes committed by Hamas, and Hamas has legal culpability for each and every one. People who refuse to accept that argument are people who have revealed their disinterest in real justice. |
New evidence Iran working on nuclear weapon piling up Posted: 28 Nov 2012 02:48 AM PST From AP: Iranian scientists have run computer simulations for a nuclear weapon that would produce more than triple the explosive force of the World War II bomb that destroyed Hiroshima, according to a diagram obtained by The Associated Press. The IAEA recently released its latest report on Iranian nuclear activities. It included this: 39. Previous reports by the Director General have identified outstanding issues related to possible military dimensions to Iran's nuclear programme and actions required of Iran to resolve these.41 Since 2002, the Agency has become increasingly concerned about the possible existence in Iran of undisclosed nuclear related activities involving military related organizations, including activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile.But all this evidence is apparently nothing, because Iran's Supreme Leader issued a fatwa forbidding the development of nuclear weapons. And he would never, ever, ever lie. Unless he wants to. (h/t CHA, Andre) |
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