Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Did Abbas renounce the so-called "right of return"? Of course not.
- Today;'s anti-semitism out of Saudi Arabia
- Anti-Israel "peace" group loves Haaretz, goes beyond "apartheid" slander
- Administrivia/Thursday links
- Egyptian Salafi "vice" squad attempts to cut off man's tongue
- Israel offers help to Jordan on water, natural gas. No one reports it.
- Western money goes to terrorists, not peace
Did Abbas renounce the so-called "right of return"? Of course not. Posted: 01 Nov 2012 07:08 PM PDT From the Times of Israel: Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas stated Thursday that he was not seeking the right to live in Israel, even though he was born in Safed, in remarks that implied a moderated stance on the longstanding Palestinian demand for a "right of return" to Israel for millions of refugees and descendants of refugees.Is this a change in policy? So far, the Fatah media has not commented on the interview at all. Islamic Jihad-oriented media that did note the interview so far did not see anything explosive in Abbas' declaration that he, personally, accepts that he has no right to live in Safed. And Hamas interpreted Abbas' statements as being his own personal view and not an official policy: Hamas denounced Abbas, saying he spoke only for himself.Since Western media has picked up on this point, no doubt Fatah and the PA will be forced to issue a clarification within a few hours. It would be most surprising if they say that the official PLO position is that the "right of return" is no longer considered a right. Anyone who has read their statements in Arabic over the years knows that it is considered sacrosanct. So how will his statement be reconciled with the long-standing insistence on "return?" Here is one way that Abbas' statement can be true without the PLO changing its position. Paragraph 11 of UNGA 194, the source of the imaginary "right of return," says Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return... The General Assembly resolution, which has no legal weight, says that only those refugees wishing to return should be allowed to do so (the word "right" was deliberately left out, by the way.) Abbas is defining himself as a refugee who chooses not to return under UNGA 194. But that in no way limits how the Arab world (mis)interprets UNGA 194, and therefore it does not impact the PLO's negotiating position in the least. This way Abbas can continue the long Arab game of telling gullible Westerners what they want to hear without actually saying what they want so desperately to believe he said. Other relevant posts on UNGA 194: The UN's 1950 interpretation of the "right to return" The part of UNGA 194 that the Arabs ignore Why Palestinian Arabs will never negotiate on "return" Efraim Karsh on Resolution 194 The "right of return" is the opposite of human rights PLO reiterates "right of return" has nothing to do with statehood |
Today;'s anti-semitism out of Saudi Arabia Posted: 01 Nov 2012 03:30 PM PDT In today's Al-Madinah, Dr. Zaid Ali Fadhil says that what he is seeing today in the US is a fulfillment of the prophecy of "President Benjamin Franklin." The purported "Franklin Prophecy" has been an anti-semitic staple since it was created in the 1930s. The version quoted in Al Madinah is similar to this: There is a great danger for the United State of America. This great danger is the Jew. Gentlemen, in every land the Jews have settled, they have depressed the moral level and lowered the degree of commercial honesty. They have remained apart and unassimilated; oppressed, they attempt to strangle the nation financially, as in the case of Portugal and Spain.Interestingly, he skips one other section of the "prophecy" that is contradicted by, well, Israel's existence: For more than seventeen hundred years they have lamented their sorrowful fate — namely, that they have been driven out of their mother land; but, gentlemen, if the civilized world today should give them back Palestine and their property, they would immediately find pressing reason for not returning there. Why? Because they are vampires and vampires cannot live on other vampires --they cannot live among themselves. They must live among Christians and others who do not belong to their race.Dr. Fadhil goes on to say that nowadays the prophecy has come true and the Jews are indeed ruling the US, and America has lost the ideals of its founding fathers to the evil machinations of the Jews. A comment on the article by the author contains a correction - he found out that Franklin was never president. Everything else is accurate, though. There are anti-semitic articles in the mainstream Arab media every day. And not once have I seen any backlash, corrections or apologies. |
Anti-Israel "peace" group loves Haaretz, goes beyond "apartheid" slander Posted: 01 Nov 2012 01:00 PM PDT Much has already been written about how Gideon Levy's Ha'aretz piece quoting a problematic survey to prove that Israelis support "apartheid." And much has already been written on how Ha'aretz' belated corrections to its mistakes will never be propagated to the many media outlets that uncritically parroted the original, biased article. But it is not only the media that embraced this canard. Anti-Israel groups masquerading as "peace" groups have also run with Levy's flawed assumptions, and are even adding to them. "Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East" is one such group. While they cannot seem to find a way to condemn Hamas rocket fire, incitement against Jews on official PA media or Abbas' refusal to negotiate with Israel, they revel in anything that can make Israel look bad. So this bogus survey is right up their alley. In their gleeful press release announcing Levy's article, their president says "The Israeli government, and its supporters in Canada, rile at the term 'Israeli apartheid,' and have even tried to prohibit its public use here in Canada, yet, as this survey reveals, it is unfortunately all too apt." CJPME doesn't only parrot Ha'aretz' discredited claims - they exaggerate them. One egregious example: Forty-seven percent favour the expulsion of Israel's "Arab" citizens, with only 40 percent opposed.Really? 47% of Israelis want to expel all Israeli Arabs? The actual question was: ?האם אתה תומך או מתנגד לטרנספר, דהינו להעביר חלק מערביי ישראל לרשות הפלסטינית This is a very poorly worded question, as were many of the survey questions. But it is clear that most Israelis would interpret this in the context of a land swap, where heavily Arab areas bear the Green Line would be swapped with settlement blocs in a peace agreement, obviating the need to physically move people to new homes on either side. (This is especially obvious because the previous question was about Israel keeping the settlement blocs.) The word "transfer" is loaded and had a completely different meaning in the days of the Kach party, but the survey question seems to have purposefully kept it in just so people like Levy could interpret it in the worst way. But CJPME doesn't care about the subtlety. even though the question explicitly says "some Israel Arabs" they make it sound like a plurality of Israelis want to physically expel all Israeli Arabs. Because CJPME doesn't care about peace or coexistence. Its website makes it clear that it believes that Israel is uniquely evil and the Arabs are wonderful (their upcoming fundraiser is entitled "Experiencing Arabia" - can you imagine one called "Experiencing Judea"?) This flawed survey and bogus interpretation is right up their alley. So thanks to Haaretz and Gideon Levy, Israel-haters pretending to be "peace activists" have ammunition that will keep them going for years, the truth be damned. (h/t Gidon Shaviv) |
Posted: 01 Nov 2012 11:00 AM PDT Things remain the same at the Elder compound. No way for me to get to work physically so working from home with the same painfully slow Internet connection on my phone. While I have seen the AT&T commercials touting how their iPhones allow one to surf and talk at the same time, I really never listened to them. I found it hard to believe that anyone would not be able to do that on a smartphone nowadays. But Verizon's iPhone (provided by my job) indeed cannot do both at once, so when I need to speak on the phone, I lose the Internet, even when using it for W-Fi tethering. And my T-Mobile Google Nexus Galaxy phone, which I love, is having serious Internet issues so that is not an option for Wi-Fi tethering, at least not now. When an average web page takes two minutes to load, it means that I simply cannot blog as fast as I normally do. It also means that I will tend to favor stories that are easy to blog - a minimum of links and photos. So until my home Internet provider is back online, posting will remain light. Meanwhile, here are today's links from Ian. The Islamists' Need to Feel Wronged by Nonie Darwish "When anyone dares to say jihad means violence, or when violence is committed in the name of Islam, the so-called moderate Muslims are outraged but manage to look the other way. The more some Muslims terrorize, while others stand by in denial, the more they confuse, soften and weaken their victim. While one face of Islam is doing the terror, the other face tells the world, we love peace, so please don't you dare judge us by our terrorists because if you do, we will riot, kill, and burn. Both faces of Islam work together; one cannot survive without the other." Israel admits to top-secret operation that killed senior Fatah commander in 1988 Special ops mission commander recounts killing terror mastermind Abu Jihad — with the help of a box of chocolate and a soldier dressed as a woman "Abu Jihad ("father of the struggle"), whose real name was Khalil al-Wazir, was deemed a security threat. He was the mastermind of the infamous Coastal Road massacre, a 1978 attack on an Israeli bus near Tel Aviv that killed 38 Israelis and wounded another 70. As military commander of Fatah, he unified fragmented factions of the PLO, enabling the movement to better fight Israel in the First Intifada." Dieudonné's movie 'L'Antisemite' deserves our gratitude L'Antisemite has torn away the pretextual camouflage. Now it is finally clear: cocktail chitchat against Israel leads directly to cocktail Molotovs against neighborhood synagogues and, most recently, a Jewish school massacre. Netanyahu, Hollande to visit Toulouse killing site Leaders to tour school where terrorist shot dead rabbi and three children; victims' relative says he prefers debate over vengeance Protest planned for Israel Philharmonic concert at Disney Hall Ireland: It seems we are very selective about what makes us angry in this country "WELL, that was a very revealing week. Had I called Uganda a "cancer" after the revelations about missing Irish Aid money there, by now, I'd be hanging from my thumbs, while the various press-quangoes consulted Torquemada on how to deal with heretics, and numerous columnists would be sharpening their blades on my ribcage. The Alan Dershowitz Syndrome Prominent Jews like the Harvard lawyer have spent years criticizing Obama. So, why are they endorsing him? Former Democrats Abroad Israel Chair: Obama Soured U.S.-Israel Relations MEMRI: Grand Mufti of Lebanon: The Jews Orchestrated 9/11 and Were Behind Anti-Islam Film Lebanese Priest: "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" Called to Destroy Christianity BBC Watch: BBC's Jon Donnison continues to airbrush Hamas terrorist activity CIF Watch: Rachel Shabi has "fresh hope" that the Jewish state may cease to exist Morsi removed affirmation of Arab peace plan from U.N. speech "Morsi's remarks, as prepared for delivery and distributed by the Egyptian mission to the United Nations on Sept. 26, included an endorsement of the Saudi-initiated Arab plan, which would exchange pan-Arab recognition of Israel for Israel's return to the 1967 lines and a solution to the Palestinian refugee issue. Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood says new constitution must be based on Islamic Shariah law Egyptian night owls decry government efforts to impose curfew State faces backlash from nocturnal Cairo residents after making move to conserve electricity Tunisia, a Sad Year Later A year later, we have no democracy, no trust in elected officials, no improved constitution. Human rights and women's rights are threatened. The economy is tanking. Norwegian Islamist held for offering to 'protect' Jews with AK-47 Security stepped up at main Oslo Synagogue after comment posted to Facebook European Jewish Association calls for protection of Ukrainian Jews Move follows unprecedented electoral gains of anti-Semitic, ultranationalist Svoboda party Italy, Land of Islam Education minister Profumo proposed that Islam be taught in public schools alongside Catholicism. Nazification of Israel ruled free speech. "Meanwhile, the Italian judges are apologetic about hatred. Ucoii, the largest Islamic organization in Italy, published an ad in many mainstream newspapers entitled "Nazi Bloodshed Yesterday, Israeli Bloodshed Today". An Italian court ruled that the Nazification of Israel came under "freedom of expression" and was not a case of incitement to hatred." Thousands of Texas Christians Rally for Israel Thousands of Christian Zionists came together at a Texas megachurch on Sunday night to rally in support for Israel, the San Antonio Express-News reported. Victim of Burgas Attack Celebrates 25th Birthday, Looks to Future The Algemeiner spoke with Daniel on his 25th birthday, an event hosted by the One Heart One Hope Foundation. An especially sweet occasion considering that only a few months earlier he was nearly killed by a terrorist attack on his tour bus in Burgas, Bulgaria that killed seven others. IDF Blog: Infographic: Last week, 32,800 Tons of Goods Entered Gaza Jewish groups begin Sandy relief efforts Union of Reform Judaism, Jewish Federations of North America establish aid funds |
Egyptian Salafi "vice" squad attempts to cut off man's tongue Posted: 01 Nov 2012 08:30 AM PDT We've discussed Saudi Arabia's official religious police before, but in Egypt the unofficial "vice squad" is already out of control. From Al Arabiya: The "Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice Authority" group , in Egypt's eastern city of Suez has attacked a man for not allowing them to use his private toilet and ordered to cut his brother's tongue for "cursing" Islam. |
Israel offers help to Jordan on water, natural gas. No one reports it. Posted: 01 Nov 2012 06:30 AM PDT Jordan is having serious problems with shortages of both water and natural gas. From AFP, October 1: Many ordinary Jordanians, as well as others in government circles, complain that tens of thousands of Syrian refugees who have fled from the conflict at home are draining the country's meager water resources. And Asharq al-Awsat talks about how Egyptian supplies of natural gas to Jordan have been interrupted many times this year. They spin a conspiracy theory of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood wanting to destabilize Jordan, which is far from convincing - it appears that there were technical problems as domestic Egyptian demands caused a shortage, and Egypt is even now importing gas just to be able to re-export it according to agreements. Buried in an article critical of the Israeli-Jordanian peace treaty at Jordanian newspaper Al Ghad, we see something very interesting: Months ago, Israel supplied Jordan with three million cubic meters of water beyond the annual quantities agreed upon in accordance with the Treaty; this water went mostly for the consumption of Syrian refugees residing north of the Kingdom. So while Jordanians are protesting against peace with Israel, Israel is quietly working behind the scenes to help Jordan with its two most pressing needs. This makes it crystal clear how much that right-wing hawkish satanic Likud government of the Zionist entity wants peace and stability in the entire region. Maybe if journalists would do their jobs, we - and the Arab people - would know these things. (The article also notes how Israel is negotiating with Jordan to allow them to sell produce to European markets through Israel's ports on the Mediterranean. In addition, some 30,000 Israelis - mostly businessmen - crossed the Allenby Bridge to Jordan in 2011. Israel exported over $209 million of goods to Jordan last year, most of which gets relabeled and resold to Gulf Arab states at a profit.) (h/t Zvi) |
Western money goes to terrorists, not peace Posted: 01 Nov 2012 03:33 AM PDT From the Wall Street Journal: A report by Palestinian Media Watch recently revealed that British taxpayers have been paying salaries to terrorists. It revealed that £3 million every month is paid by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in salaries to Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. The salaries come from the PA's general budget. That "general budget" is kindly provided by the U.K., among other EU countries. Meanwhile: The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, where students from Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority learn together, may not open its gates in the next academic year. Yes, the terrorists get paid far more every month than a real example of cooperation and peace needs to start its academic year. No one in the "pro-Palestinian" crowd supports the existence of real peace programs between Israel and the Arabs. Because they aren't "pro-Palestinian" at all - but anti-Israel. Both those stories are worth reading in full for other reasons. The British story notes how Britain's International Development Minister Alan Duncan adamantly refuses to accept the evidence and insists that paying these prisoners - whose payscale increases with the time they are in prison - is really "social welfare." The Arava story notes that the institute has to hide the fact that it is in Israel when recruiting students from Jordan. (h/t Ian, Zvi) |
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