Palestinians try to hijack King Charles's Coronation Oil - and admit they try to hijack everything for the "cause" (Unknown), 07 M | There has been some media attention paid to the coronation oil that King Charles was anointed with on Saturday. It was prepared in Jerusalem according to a centuries-old recipe. As the royal website quoted the Archbishop of Canterbury:(archived): Since beginning the planning for the Coronation, my desire has been for a new Coronation Oil to be produced using olive oil from the Mount of Olives. This demonstrates the deep historic link between the Coronation, the Bible and the Holy Land. From ancient kings through to the present day, monarchs have been anointed with oil from this sacred place. As we prepare to anoint The King and The Queen Consort, I pray that they would be guided and strengthened by the Holy Spirit. As he indicates, the idea of anointing kings with holy oil comes from the Hebrew Scriptures as the kings of Israel were anointed with consecrated olive oil. This custom was taken up by the Holy Roman Emperors and the monarchs of France and England. Of course, the Palestinians want the world to think that this is "Palestinian" olive oil. Palestinian-British academic Dr. Makram Khoury-Machool writes in the Palestinian Raya site about the "secret of the Palestinian olive oil." Khoury-Machool then makes a fairly startling admission for a supposedly impartial academic: Whether we are supporters or opponents...Read More |
From Ian: Jonathan Tobin: Islamist antisemitism is flying under the Jewish radar Using the language of intersectionality they have positioned themselves as the representatives of a group that is under attack. Part of this is a campaign to raise awareness of what they consider a rising tide of Islamophobia. That's something that is guaranteed to appeal to the sensibilities of liberal Jews, who are keen to ally themselves with another faith that suffers discrimination. But while prejudice against Muslims can be real, most of what is usually characterized as Islamophobia is actually merely accurate reporting about Muslim support for extremists and prejudice against Jews. Talk of Islamophobia is, for the most part, merely a scam intended to divert attention from Islamist hate, as well as their groups' willingness to rationalize terrorism as long as the victims are Israeli Jews. This was made clear in May 2021 when Israeli efforts to fend off attacks from Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists based in the Gaza Strip led to Muslim violence against Jews in the streets of American and international cities. The INSS report notes that research shows that while American Muslims are more likely to show antisemitic attitudes than other Americans, they also don't believe groups like CAIR or the similarly toxic US Council of Muslim Organizations represent them. Those groups...Read More |
From Ian: Melanie Phillips: The coronation of King Charles will be more than an amazing spectacle On Saturday, Britain's King Charles III will be crowned in London's Westminster Abbey. The coronation, which will be viewed by millions around the world, promises to be a spectacle of ceremony and magnificence for which the British have no rivals. Even this week's dress rehearsal, which was carried out in the middle of the night, was attended by crowds of spectators and produced awe-struck responses to the mile-long military procession taking the gold state coach to the abbey from Buckingham Palace. The significance of the event, however, goes far deeper and wider than all the pomp and circumstance. The coronation makes two statements of great importance for today's world about the place of religion in public life and the importance and meaning of the nation. Both religion and nation are currently opposed, scorned and vilified by the dominant progressive elites of Western culture. Many such people also oppose the monarchy, viewing it as an anachronism redolent of hereditary privilege that has no place in a modern democracy. Throughout the West, there is now an all-out assault on the very idea of the nation along with its inherited culture. This is fueled by a determination to impose supposedly universal values that will usher in the unity of all mankind. This onslaught...Read More |
If Israel would declare that puppies are cute: BDS would start a campaign saying Israel is "puppy-washing" and criticizing Israel for politicizing puppies. Palestinian NGOs and then JVP would make AI-generated posters showing puppies tearing apart the bodies of Palestinians. The New York Times would call liking puppies "controversial" and feature 25 paragraphs of anti-puppy propaganda before adding, "Some still like puppies." The SPCA would issue a statement saying that its pro-puppy stance should not be interpreted as supporting war crimes and begging people to not firebomb them. Nickelodeon would pre-emptively cancel Paw Patrol after TikTok videos of kids chanting "Palestinian kids must grow up! Say no to Paw Patrol Pups!" Signs that say "No Puppies or Zionists Allowed" would start to dot trendy progressive shops. Teachers who read stories about puppies to their classes would get fired for being insensitive to Palestinians. Dog owners would be too frightened to walk their dogs in dog parks. Houses with fenced-in yards would go up in value as the owners flee to the suburbs. IfNotNow would "out" pro-Israel politicians as "Ziopups." J-Street would issue a carefully crafted press release saying that they do not support the anti-puppy campaign but they are cognizant of how painful puppy ownership is to Palestinians and affirm that everyone has the right to hate puppies. A poster saying "Send the puppies back to Auschwitz" would be defended by anti-Zionists as only being...Read More |
From Ian: US envoy nominee: I'll do everything to extradite Ahlam Tamimi The nominee for the post of America's Ambassador to Jordan Yael Lempert promised that if confirmed she would push to ensure the extradition of terrorist Ahlam Tamimi to the United States for her role in the 2001 Jerusalem bombing that killed 15, including seven children. "I will do everything in my power to ensure that Ahlam Tamimi faces justice in the US for her horrific crimes," Lempert said during a Senate confirmation hearing in Washington on Thursday. Tamimi, 43, was originally from the West Bank town of Nabi Saleh and is on the Foreign Bureau of Investigation's list of most wanted terrorists. She moved to Jordan after she was freed from an Israeli jail in the 2011 prisoner swap for the release of captive Gilad Schalit. The US has pushed for her extradition given that two of the victims of the attack which took place at the Sbarro pizza restaurant were American citizens; Malka Roth, 15, and Shoshana Yehudit Greenbaum, 31. Lempert was quizzed on the issue of Tamimi by US Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, who said he was determined "to get this terrorist who murdered Americans to face justice." He explained that he had "personally raised this issue face to face, multiple times with the King of Jordan. We need to get this resolved." Cruz pressed Lempert, who is now the Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Near Eastern...Read More |
On Thursday, Mahmoud Abbas convened a meeting of the PLO Executive Committee. Besides his normal anti-Israel pronouncements, he called for the widest possible participation in Nakba Day activities, stressing to his people their right to "return" to an apartheid state rather than live under his rule. The "widest participation" line is funny, because the PLO Executive Committee is entirely made up of older light-skinned men. The youngest member, as far as I can tell, is 55 years old. All the rest are over 60, and most are in their 70s. So a uniformly old white and male committee is telling all Palestinians what they should do. As usual, the Palestinian "victimhood" status serves to negate their crimes against progressivism. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
Israeli and Arab media are reporting that the Israeli government is conducting secret talks with the Palestinian Authority to extract gas from the "Gaza Marine" field off the coast of Gaza. The report stated that the Gaza Marine field was a major topic in the Aqaba and Sharm el-Sheikh meetings, which brought together security and political officials from the Palestinian and Israeli sides, under the auspices of the United States, and with the participation of Jordan and Egypt. Reportedly, the current talks in this regard are being led by the head of the Israeli National Security Council, Tzachi Hanegbi and the head of COGAT, Ghasan Alyan. Israel believes that this step will benefit the Palestinians economically, which may contribute to reducing security tensions in the long term. There are concerns that Hamas might try to shoot rockets at the field, so Egypt is trying to bring them on board the initiative. Egypt would be the official sponsor of the field as the Palestinian Authority is not a state and cannot legally negotiate directly. This is not really new. The Washington Post reported about this last November: The long dormant issue of gas off the Gaza coast was resurrected last year when Europe feared losing access to natural gas from the Russia/Ukraine war and started...Read More |
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