יום שני, 1 במאי 2023

Daily EoZ Digest

Denmark buys Israeli artillery systems, backfilling weapons sent to Ukraine - and upsetting BDSersnoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 01 May 04:45 AM ATM

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Denmark buys Israeli artillery systems, backfilling weapons sent to Ukraine - and upsetting BDSers
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 01 May 04:45 AM

ATMOS truck-mounted howitzer

Defense News reported in March:

Israeli defense company Elbit Systems said it won several deals in Europe this month, including a $119 million sale of ATMOS truck-mounted howitzers and a $133 million contract for PULS artillery rocket systems.

The deals, which Elbit said are with a European NATO member country, come as several governments on the continent continue their shopping sprees to resupply their troops, having sent munitions from their own stocks to Ukraine, which is under invasion by Russia.

"We are witnessing a trajectory of an increased demand for advanced artillery solutions from militaries around the world, including European countries and NATO members, as part of their efforts to increase the effectiveness of their armed forces. Our operationally proven systems provide an advanced, cost-effective solution to meet that demand," said Bezhalel Machlis, the CEO of Elbit.

Although the buyer was not named, it is widely believed to be Denmark, based on an earlier press release that Denmark was negotiating with Elbit for those systems.

I'm surprised that we have not...Read More

When an Egyptian delegate warned the UN that Arabs would massacre a million Jews in their lands
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 30 Apr 02:30 PM

UN Special Committee for Palestine meeting, 1947

From JTA, November 25, 1947:

A threat that Jews living in Arab countries will be massacred should the U.N. General Assembly decide to adopt the partition plan for Palestine was made today at the Ad Hoc Committee by Egyptian delegate Heykal Pasha. He warned the Committee, which concluded its debate tonight, that it was "playing with the lives of 1,000,000 Jews who are now living peacefully in Arab countries."

The Egyptian delegate warned that the General Assembly's decision is fraught with the possibility of widespread bloodshed. "We now regard the 1,000,000 Jews in the Moslem countries as brothers, but your decision may make some of our citizens regard them as enemies," he declared, adding that the Arab governments would do all they could to protect the Jews within their borders, but "mob violence is often hard to control."

Heykal Pasha appealed to the United States to reconsider its support of partition and to refrain from advocating "a dangerous adventure which might imperil the peace of the world." He said that "no force on earth could prevent blood from flowing in Palestine if the United Nations decides to amputate a part of Palestine in order to establish a Jewish state." All the peoples of the Orient, he asserted, would come to the aid of the Palestine Arabs in a "race war."

"Would the members of the...Read More

04/30 Links: Gil Troy: 'If you will it, is no dream!': What would Herzl think of Israel today?; The Cost of Obama's Foreign Policy; Remembering San Remo: When the world powers recognized our rights to the land
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 30 Apr 12:00 PM

From Ian:

Gil Troy: 'If you will it, is no dream!': What would Herzl think of Israel today?

Eventually, Herzl decided the only answer was to transform "the Jewish Question into a Zion Question." We're not just a religion, he realized, "We are a people," with a particular history, heritage, and homeland, Zion, meaning the land of Israel. Knowing that a national political renewal requires a strong cultural foundation, Herzl deemed the Jewish national liberation movement, Zionism, "a return to Jewishness even before there is a return to the Jewish land."

Unfortunately, especially when examining Eastern Europe's Jewish masses, this proud Westernized Jew, with his piercing dark eyes and impressive black beard, saw a paralyzed people demoralized by poverty and persecution. He wanted his Zionist Congress to reawaken the Jewish people. Sensitive to optics, he insisted that the 197 delegates – including 13 women and some non-Jews too – attend the Congress in formal eveningwear, reflecting the Jewish people's dignity.

This frustrated playwright valued the script more than the costumes. As a peoplehood-person, Herzl appreciated the past; but, as a dreamer, a social-experimenter, and a liberal-democratic nation-builder, he was future-oriented too. "Our hearts cling to the old, it is true; we love the glorious past of our people, so full of struggle and suffering," he warned, "but we do not want to revert to any narrowness of spirit...Read More

Israel blamed for acting like every Western nation
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 30 Apr 10:00 AM

The desire to paint Israel as evil is an all-encompassing obsession for some. But they thirst for new material.
+972 Magazine published an expose about Israel's ties to the Greek military junta in the 1960s:

The relationship blossomed during the dark days of the military junta that ruled Greece from 1967 and 1974 — a period marked by the brutal repression, imprisonment, torture, and murder of opponents of the regime, and a period that was deliberately omitted from the celebratory narrative Israel promotes.

Israel, was a besieged country in 1967 surrounded by enemies. The Greek coup happened in April - before the Six Day War.
For Israel, a potential ally in the Mediterranean would of course be an attractive prospect to cultivate.
This article mentions, as an aside:
Immediately upon seizing power, the military junta began a campaign to eliminate its real and imagined opponents, an effort embraced or tacitly supported by most Western European countries and the United States. So Israel was acting exactly as Western European countries and the US did. This was the height of the Cold War, and the junta's anticommunist position was the major factor in this decision-making.
Yet Israel is singled out for not caring about human rights. This was in a year when Israel was being threatened daily with annihilation in Arab newspapers.
When countries choose whom to ally with, they look at shared interests, in how that relationship...Read More

Amnesty's defense of its anti-Israel lies: "Trust us, bro. We have experts."
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 30 Apr 07:00 AM

There was a remarkable Twitter exchange between a number of critics of the Amnesty "apartheid" report and Kristyan Benedict, Amnesty UK campaigns manager.
CAMERA created a video showing specific lies in Amnesty's video supporting the report.

If Amnesty had a good case, why would it need to manipulate viewers?

15 Lies in 15 Minutes: Amnesty International's 'Apartheid' Video":#Israel pic.twitter.com/PFMqfs5T4T

— CAMERAorg (@CAMERAorg) April 18, 2023

Benedict responded:

Please send this as 'evidence' to the chief prosecutor of the ICC..
David Litman of CAMERA:

Now that we have your attention, perhaps someone from Amnesty could finally address some of those blatant factual errors I pointed out directly to your colleague, which suggest your organization is knowingly lying or doesn't actually understand the law.

Kristyan Benedict

Benedict: "Sound like you've already made your mind up. Good luck with that."

Adam Levick (CAMERA-UK): "Why don't you just respond to the CAMERA video, Kristyan."

Benedict: "We've laid out our findings in a very detailed report and stand by it. We didn't just put it out without serious review from experts. You however...Read More

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