Insane antisemitism in Jordanian news (Unknown), 17 May 04:45 AM From Jordan's Ad Dustour: Zionist Jews are the most impure | From Jordan's Ad Dustour: Zionist Jews are the most impure deformed people on this earth. They are the sons of apes, pigs, tyrant worshipers, and cow worshipers. They are the kings of sorcerers, immoral people, and warlocks. In order to expand your knowledge of the Jews, I invite you to refer to the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, as they surround you with abundant, more accurate and detailed information about the Jews. The Zionist Jews killed children, women, the elderly and youth by slaughtering, burning and dragging, and displacing millions of people. These impure Zionists consider the whole world and people, whether Americans, Europeans, Chinese, or Japanese people, and all non-Muslim nations must live at their service and under the power of these impure and deformed people. Until someone finds a magic solution to get rid of them forever and ever without return.. Is it reasonable for eight million Zionists to control the world, which has a population of eight billion people, with the exception of the resistant and free Palestinian...? Since the occupation...Read More |
From Ian: A new low in Israel-bashing Targeting terrorist leaders and their bombmakers is legal according to international law. The only way to avoid civilian casualties when fighting terrorists embedded in civilian neighborhoods is never to attack the terrorists. That would reward the terrorists by granting them immunity as they plot and execute attacks and hide rockets in civilian homes. Perhaps the French and the U.N. missed the story that PIJ leader Abu al-Ata was hiding inside a Gazan hospital to make himself immune to attack. The Foundation for Defense of Democracies said using "civilians to shield its weapons or fighters from lawful attack, the terror group committed a war crime in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention." I have seen firsthand how Israel tries to avoid civilians in responding to missiles launched from civilian areas in Gaza. Israel often releases videos of aborted drone and missile strikes because civilians were in the line of fire. One example was on May 11, when an IDF pilot said, "There is a child here outside. Forty meters. Two. Hold fire. Hold fire." Yet when a missile aimed at Israeli civilians misfired in Gaza and killed four Palestinian civilians, including a 10-year-old child, the French made their best impression of famed mime Marcel Marceau, remaining mute. The Obama administration defended targeting terrorists during our wars with al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Jeh Johnson...Read More |
The Palestinian prime minister, Mohammad Shtayyeh, put this graphic on his Facebook page on New Year's 2018 Eve: Yes, he wrote "Next Year in Jerusalem." I think that is a far more offensive cultural appropriation than falafel could ever be. It is clearly meant to denigrate the Jewish claim to Jerusalem. This is the prime minister of the Palestinian Authority insulting all Jews worldwide. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
From Islamic Jihad: You are invited to the great national festival: Revenge of the Free . This will be on Friday, May 19, 2023, immediately after the Asr prayer, on the battalion land in Gaza City. Your participation is a message of strength and support for the resisters and loyalty to the martyrs The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, and its military arm, the Al-Quds Brigades Yes, they lost their leaders, but they managed to murder an 80-year old Jewish woman, so it is time to party! What exactly is the definition of victory, you may ask? Based on the ecstatic news articles during the fighting, anytime an Israeli is affected by anything the terrorists do, it is a victory. Walking to a bomb shelter, mostly. But any damages from rockets are huge victories as well. Causing Israelis to cancel school is a big one. Their bar for "victory" is very low. It is as if mosquitoes avidly follow when they make humans wave them away in...Read More |
From Ian: The tragedy of the Palestinians More recently, Iran has come to play more of a role in the Palestinian tragedy. Its aim is to bolster its regional presence at the expense of Israel. So it has provided substantial backing to the heavily armed Hezbollah militia of Shiite Muslims in Lebanon as a way of threatening Israel. It has also supported Islamist terrorist groups among the Palestinians, such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. These Palestinian Islamist groups, as I have previously argued, do not support Palestinian self-determination. On the contrary, they share the Islamist goal of creating a transnational Islamic order. They are hostile to national self-determination. The Palestinians are being used to lead a fight for an Islamist order that transcends national borders. Finally, there is the UN itself. It has a special organisation, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), formed in 1949, charged with dealing with the large number of Palestinians still deemed as refugees in the West Bank, Gaza and the surrounding countries. This is separate from the UNHCR, which deals with refugees around the world. The problem with the UNRWA is that it helps perpetuate the refugee status of many Palestinians. There are now not only first-generation refugees, but also those deemed second- and third-generation and beyond. Rather than encourage the Palestinians to integrate...Read More |
From the British Arsenal football club: Celebrating our Jewish Gooners Ahead of Sunday's match against Brighton & Hove Albion, we celebrated the official launch of Jewish Gooners with a special party at Emirates Stadium. The Jewish Gooners supporter banner was also revealed inside the stadium for the very first time at the match, marking the arrival of our newest official supporters' club. The group has been set up by Jewish Arsenal supporters wanting to express and celebrate their identity as a community. Around 70 supporters attended the launch event, including club legend Perry Groves and Lord John Mann, the UK Government's independent advisor on antisemitism. Speaking at the launch, Lord Mann, said: "It's fantastic to see Arsenal and their community of Jewish supporters working together in this special way. Football has a unique power to unite communities and Arsenal and Jewish Gooners are setting the example for others to follow. I'm looking forward to seeing what they can achieve together, and I'm delighted to support them on their journey." The Algerian Echorouk Online site is very angry at this. How dare a British football club honor its Jewish supporters...Read More |
Now that the Gaza micro-war is behind us, it is time for Palestinians to create the next crisis: this Thursday, Jews will march in their capital city with Israeli flags. Obviously, this is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad event. Because Jews being proud of the reunification of their historic capital city is regarded as an insult to those who prefer those Jews to be dead and unable to march. Palestinian feelings are more important than Jewish pride. That's an axiom - after all, some murder people when their feelings are hurt, so it is clearly important. In fact, Jewish pride itself insults Palestinian feelings. Jews with flags are an insult, Jews walking around their holiest spot is an insult, Jews praying at the Kotel is an insult, Jews living in Hebron is an insult, Jews breathing as free citizens is an insult. And insults are Very Bad, worse than death. Jews marching with flags is effectively genocide. So, we have a completely artificial crisis brewing based on Palestinians not being able to tolerate Jews acting like normal people. The question is, what will happen this Thursday? In 2021, Hamas shot rockets towards the "third holiest city in Islam" at precisely the moment that the march was set to begin. This is considered a major victory for Gaza terrorists, who say that they linked the events in Gaza with Jerusalem. They call this the "unity of the squares," a warning that whatever Israel does in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem will cause a reaction from Gaza. It seems...Read More |
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