Again, Palestinians use Israel's preservation of Islamic antiquities as proof of Israel destroying Islamic (Unknown), | The Palestinian Safa news agency "reports:" The Israeli occupation authorities are still continuing their efforts to obliterate the Islamic and Arab features of Al-Aqsa Mosque, including the Umayyad palaces area, falsifying its identity and ancient history, and stealing its antiquities and historical stones, in order to impose an alleged biblical narrative, and prepare for the establishment of the alleged "Temple". With its ancient stones and ancient buildings built by the Umayyads, the Umayyad palaces represent an Arab Islamic heritage, and a symbol of Islamic civilization in Palestine, which refutes the claims of the occupation that it discovered Jewish antiquities and assets in the region during its excavations over the past years. The Umayyad palaces were shown during the early Islamic conquest as a house for the emirate, palaces for the Muslim caliphs and Islamic institutions for managing the affairs of Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestine about one thousand four hundred years ago. In 1967, the occupation took control of this area, and tried to confiscate it under the pretext of the so-called "Holy Basin", in order to suffocate...Read More |
From Ian: Swedish MP's participation in Hamas-tied conference sparks uproar Swedish legislator Jamal El-Haj, a member of the Riksdag, the national legislature, may face consequences in his Swedish Social Democratic Party after attending a conference affiliated with Hamas. The opposition lawmaker participated in "The 20th European Palestinians Conference: 75 Years On... We Will Return" in Malmö on Saturday, even though the Social Democrats, the Greens and the Left Party withdrew in light of the event's affiliation with Hamas. "It is worrying that he chose to participate in the conference despite the party's advice," the Social Democrats were quoted as saying by the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet. "The group leadership in the [parliament] will summon Jamal El-Haj to discuss what happened." Sweden's Social Democrats The Social Democratic Party, which led Sweden as recently as 2021, advised its representatives not to attend the conference. But El-Haj, a member of the Riksdag Foreign Affairs Committee, went anyway. His participation in the event was first brought to light by Swedish academic and columnist Daniel Schatz, who tweeted about it on Sunday, demanding answers from the Social Democrats and calling on El-Haj to be forced to resign. El-Haj can be seen embracing European Palestinians Conference chairman Amin Abu Rashid in a video of the event. Abu Rashid is known to be affiliated with Hamas, although he has...Read More |
* * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
This article from 200 years ago - May 1823 - describes the lives of (Sephardic) Jews in Jerusalem then, and pays particular attention to the women. Excerpts: Many of the Jews are rich and in comfortable circumstances, and possess a good deal of property in Jerusalem, but they are careful to conceal their wealth, and even their comfort, from the jealous eye of their rulers, lest by awakening their cupidity, some vile, indefensible plot should be devised to their prejudice. In going to visit a respectable Jew in the holy city, it is a common thing to pass to his house over a ruined foreground, and up an awkward outside stair, constructed of rough unpolished stones, that totter underfoot, but it improves as you ascend, and at the top has a respectable appearance, as it in an agreeable platform in front of the house. On entering, the house itself is found to be clean and well furnished the sofas are covered with Persia carpets, and the people seem happy to receive you. The visitor is entertained with coffee and tobacco, as is the custom in the houses of the Turks and Christians. The ladies presented themselves with an ease and address that surprised me, recalled to my memory the pleasing society of Europe. This difference of manner arises from many of the Jewish families at Jerusalem, having resided in Spain or Portugal, where the females have rid themselves of the cruel domestic fetters of the east, and on returning to their beloved land, had very properly maintained their justly...Read More |
From Ian: Dennis Prager: If US abandons Israel, 'that is end of America' If America abandons Israel and the Jews, "that is the end of America as we know it," according to American conservative talk show host Dennis Prager. A Jew well known for his deep connection with the Christian Right, Prager expressed concern that America was abandoning the Judeo-Christian values on which it was founded and was, therefore, at risk of losing its support for Israel and, ultimately, its rank of a superpower. "Christians [support Israel] because they cite God's promise to Abraham that 'those who bless you, I will bless and those who curse you I will curse,'" Prager said. "They happen to be correct. Those who have cursed Jews have ended up cursed. "America has been the biggest blessing to Jews since Darius in ancient Persia, and America has been a blessed country." Darius I, "the Great" authorized the Jews to rebuild the Temple after Cyrus, his predecessor, decreed their right of return to Jerusalem from Babylonian exile. Surveys show rising antisemitism, less religiosity He made the comments in an interview with The Jerusalem Post in the Israel365 studio at the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) conference in Orlando last week, against the backdrop of several surveys that have shown both an America disconnecting from religion and skyrocketing antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment in the United States. Prager did not name...Read More |
Here is video of Jews at the Temple Mount today. According to Palestinian media, they are "storming Al Aqsa mosque." Trigger warning: this is a shocking video of Jews storming. I repeat, they are storming. Turn the sound way up to get an idea of the intense violence and provocations they are doing. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
Yesterday we showed that the Washington DC based "Museum of the Palestinian People" displays Egyptian coins and labels them as "Palestinian." That isn't the only explicit lie at this museum. Because not only does it show a "Palestinian coin" that isn't Palestinian, but it also shows a reproduction of a "postage stamp" that was never a postage stamp. Despite it showing a monetary value, this is not a postage stamp. It was a propaganda stamp (also known as "Cinderella stamps") issued to raise money by Arab nationalists. One could not mail a letter with this stamp. And anyone could print one. The Jewish National Fund printed millions of similar "stamps" as fundraisers from at least the 1910s to, I believe, today. No one claims they were "postage stamps." If their cause is so just, why do they have to lie all the time? * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
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