Abbas going to the Security Council about Jews visiting the Temple Mount? (Unknown), 04 Jan 05:45 AM The official Palestinian Waf | The official Palestinian Wafa news agency reports: The President of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, decided to assign the Palestine Mission in New York to take immediate action in the United Nations and the Security Council to condemn and stop the attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque by members of the Israeli government and extremist groups, in a serious violation of the historical and legal status in occupied Jerusalem. His Excellency stressed the importance of this international move to stop this dangerous Israeli escalation against Islamic and Christian sanctities, noting that this move is taking place in coordination with the brothers in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and working with brotherly and friendly groups in the United Nations. Haaretz adds: The United Arab Emirates – a member of the United Nations Security Council – is expected to call for an emergency meeting of the council in order to discuss the violation of the status quo on the Temple Mount, following Israeli minister Itamar Ben-Gvir's visit to the holy site on Tuesday. I look forward to this. Because either the Security Council will throw the issue out, because nothing in the status quo was violated in any sense, or it will prove itself to be an utterly worthless...Read More |
From Ian: FBI Says Violence Against Jews Is in Decline. Jews Aren't Buying It. The FBI's latest annual report shows a decline in violence against Jews, findings that are at odds with Jewish watchdog groups who say anti-Semitic hate crimes have hit their highest levels in history during the past two years. The FBI's 2021 findings, released at the end of last year, have sparked accusations the federal law enforcement agency is deflating these statistics at a time when the American Jewish community is facing an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism. At least one watchdog group is calling on Congress to investigate how and why the FBI underreported anti-Jewish hate crimes. "At a time of record anti-Semitic hate crimes, it is appalling that the FBI's data-gathering has been so badly botched," said Kenneth L. Marcus, chairman of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, a watchdog group that combats Jew hatred. "This massive failure has undermined the purposes of hate crimes data precisely when we most need the data. If the FBI doesn't quickly correct this problem, congressional committees will need to ask some serious questions." Marcus said the FBI's 2021 statistics on hate crimes against Jews are "essentially useless" due to new reporting procedures that omitted statistics from organizations typically included in the federal agency's yearly assessment...Read More |
From EanLibya: Fathi al-Shibli, head of the People's Voice Party and the official spokesman for the Gathering of Libyan Parties, said that Libyan Jews are Libyan citizens, with no difference between them and any other Libyan citizen in terms of rights and duties. He added in his statement: "There is a Libyan Arab, there is a Libyan Tariq, there is a Libyan Tabawi, and there is a Libyan Berber, all of whom are components of the Libyan people..and all of them have the right to live and citizenship..we never differentiate between them." Al-Shibli continued: "Judaism is a heavenly religion that we Muslims recognize and respect. He concluded by saying: "As for the position on the Zionist movement, that is another matter." What a great guy! He emphasizes that Libyan Jews have the same rights as any other Libyan. He's so liberal! Except for one tiny detail. There are no Libyan Jews, and there hasn't been a single one for 20 years. They were discriminated against, slaughtered, plundered and chased out of Libya. They were placed in concentration camps during World War II, and then afterwards... In November, 1945 there was a vicious, three-day pogrom against the Jews...Read More |
I recently wrote about the danger that automated chatbots could have for Israel advocacy, as they can generate lies that cannot be traced back - but people will believe them. AI-generated photos are not yet good enough to fool most eople as being real, but it will only take a year or two before they are. While photo manipulation is as old as photography, and Photoshopping has been around for years, in the not-too-distant future anyone will be able to generate a photo that could be used as "proof" of "Israeli crimes" that no one has ever captured in a real photo. I created a few using the AI art tools that are out there. Jews don't raise wild boars in the West Bank to attack Palestinians? Well, now they do. Ever wonder what "Jewish settlers storming Al Aqsa" might look like? (Notice that the AI mistakes the Dome of the Rock for Al Aqsa, as many Arabs themselves do.) You know those nonexistent dams in the Negev that Israeli supposedly open to flood Gaza? Here's what AI thinks they look like: Are you sure that Israel bombed a school in Gaza but you can't find any photos? Just make them up - there's an infinite supply! This is coming sooner than you think. And it won't be only photos, but faked videos too. We need to be educating people now that they cannot believe anything they see without knowing where it came from. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism...Read More |
From Ian: Israel should put an end to Palestinian diplomatic terror Palestinian Authority leaders should start to feel overwhelming pressure at every turn. They have become used to a limp response by Israel to its attacks in the international arena and have become further emboldened. There is no better time than a brand-new Israeli government to state unequivocally that the rules of the game have changed, and there will be a strong and paralyzing response by Israel to the continued Palestinian attacks. Israeli leaders shouldn't just send threats behind closed doors but announce very publicly a series of steps it will take in response to the passing of the United Nations General Assembly resolution, with a further set of steps should they continue. These steps should be designed with one singular goal in mind, to break the will of the Palestinian Arabs to continue fighting this war. This is not just good for Israel; it will also be good for the Palestinians. If their leaders end their obsessive war against Israel on all its fronts, legal, economic, diplomatic and of course, through violence, it will free up energy and resources for building Palestinian Arab society in all arenas, social, education and infrastructure. The Palestinian Arab war against Israel is also a war against a decent future for the Palestinian Arabs. Nevertheless, a more peaceful, prosperous and secure future for both peoples can only be attained...Read More |
The terror attacks against Jews in the months after the partition were so frequent that even the most hideous attacks were buried on page 3 (out of four) of the Palestine Post. Here we learn about Raya Sitek, a 45 year old woman who was stabbed multiple times to death in Jaffa over the weekend of January 2, 1948. Her Arab attackers weren't satisfied with simply killing her. They kept stabbing this middle aged woman - repeatedly - after she had already died. This has nothing to do with "opposition to Zionism." This is bloodlust to not only kill Jews, but to mutilate them afterwards. I believe that this is the street where Raya Sitek was murdered, close to the Clock Tower square. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
Israel's National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir visited the Temple Mount today to mark the Jewish observance of the 10th of Tevet fast day. He didn't even pray there, as far as I can tell from reports. He has visited the site before without incident. Other ministers have visited the site without incident. Between 50,000 and 60,000 Jews visited the Temple Mount in 2022, according to Palestinian sources. So what exactly makes this a major news story? Nothing happened that hasn't happened many times before without incident. The only thing slightly out of the ordinary is that there was more security than usual, which makes sense given the threats by jihadists. This is a perfect example of terrorist supporters manufacturing a crisis, inciting Muslims into a frenzy, and the media happily doing their part to promote the idea that an utterly normal event is a precursor to an apocalypse. The story isn't the visit. The story is the incitement and the threats which are independent of anything Israel does or doesn't do. The story is the attempt for Palestinians to impose their own rules on Jews and Israel by using dire threats of war and a new intifada. Everyone has a script in this play, and everyone plays their own role that matches their agendas. For the New York Times, it was to describe the visit as a hugely provocative...Read More |
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