Why don't the Palestinians join the Negev Forum? Because it contradicts their entire purpose of destroying Israelnoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 11 Ja | The third Negev Forum met this week in Abu Dhabi. The forum has participants from the United States, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Morocco as well as Egypt. The goal of the forum is to advance multilateral projects in the fields of health, regional security, education, water and food security, tourism and energy. It is not a peace summit - it is very focused on specific mutual interests to countries in the Middle East, to benefit all. The US tried to get Palestinians to join the meeting. They refused. And Jordan said that they won't attend unless the Palestinians do. Now, why won't the Palestinians attend? Certainly they could benefit from talks about health, water and energy. According to Arab News, the reason they refuse is "Palestinians view the forum as an attempt to sideline its key demands of independence and an end to the Israeli occupation." But that is not what the forum is about. The only way the Palestinian refusal makes sense is if you understand the Palestinian mindset. They have joined lots of international forums - but, invariably, they use those platforms to attack Israel. Whether it is about the world's oceans, or climate, or women, or the disabled, the Palestinians enthusiastically join - and then the entire session grinds to a halt as a Palestinian representative uses his allotted...Read More |
From Ian: Gil Troy: Israel at 75: The ancient love story between the Jewish people and their homeland Seven Arab armies attacked. Starting with only a population of 600,000, Israel would lose 6,000 people. By the 1949 truce, Israel had secured more defensible borders, while 700,000 Arabs fled their homes — some voluntarily, awaiting victory; others in fear. Israel's War of Independence established this old-new state. Despite the war's distractions, Ben-Gurion made another fateful decision: overruling his economic advisers, again, he welcomed every Jew who wished to immigrate. Arab hostility throughout the Muslim lands and North Africa soon triggered an exodus of 850,000 Jews from Arab countries. These Jewish refugees became Israeli citizens on arrival — stabilizing the state the Arabs had tried to destroy. Seventy-five years after these epoch-making events, it's important to remember that life in Israel has often been stressful. Since 1948, Israel has had to overcome numerous challenges. While full peace remains elusive, since Israel won the Yom Kippur War in 1973, no Arab army has attacked Israel. The once-monolithic Israeli-Arab conflict is now a series of conflicts, largely due to peace treaties signed with Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Morocco. Along the way, Israel solved its water shortage, developed from a poor, primitive economy into a high-tech behemoth and ended its often vulgar...Read More |
* * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
Ken Roth, formerly of Human Rights Watch, has been having a meltdown lately. Over the summer, Harvard's Kennedy School did not offer him a fellowship, reportedly because rich Zionists who fund the school didn't like his record of crazed anti-Israel tweets and reports. We have no information about whether this is really the reason. But Roth is pushing that narrative as mentioned in the original Nation article about this non-story. As a propagandist, Roth waited until he could get media coverage for the insult to his vaunted expertise and now he is tweeting about the supposed loss of "academic freedom" that this represents - now that he has found another fellowship at another Ivy League school. He's been tweeting constantly about this. Anyway, I responded to one of his tweets where he demeaned anyone who called out his anti-Israel obsession as a form of antisemitism: So Roth, or one of his German fans, tried to show how much they care about freedom of speech by reporting me to Twitter! I received an email: Hello, Twitter is required by German law to provide notice to users who are reported by people from Germany via the Network Enforcement Act reporting flow. We have received a complaint regarding your account, elderofziyon, for the following content: Reported Tweet @KenRoth We're not idiots, Ken. We know what human rights advocacy looks like. We know what "criticism of Israel...Read More |
From Ian: Bassem Eid: The perpetual dictator and the missing peace: The story of Mahmoud Abbas During these long 18-plus years, peace has eluded the region primarily through Abbas's personal obstinance. In 2008, Abbas walked away from a third Israeli peace offer that would have relinquished Israeli control over the Old City, location of the holiest site in the Jewish faith, the Temple Mount. Under his rule, Palestinian public education and news media fully normalized and are even saturated in antisemitism, often featuring explicit calls for violence against Jews. Abbas's public statements and speeches place all of the onus for peace on Israel, as the Anti-Defamation League's Jonathan Greenblatt succinctly wrote: "The Abbas approach should be rejected by the international community, not merely because of its bias against Israel, but also because it recycled the same-old ideas that have pushed Palestinians down the pointless loop of delegitimizing Israel rather than the hard climb of reaching compromise." Over 2 million Palestinians live under the tyrannical power of Abbas's PA in the West Bank, including me and many of the people I care most about. Abbas is the real occupier of our cities and our homeland, not our future partner Israel, which has consistently had a majority in favor of peace and not Benjamin Netanyahu, a leader who has explicitly supported the...Read More |
In a recent interview in Hamodia, US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides said, when asked about a recent poll that showed 72% of Palestinians support terror groups like Lion's Den, "I firmly believe, and you might disagree with me, but the vast, vast majority among the average Palestinians doesn't wake up in the morning wanting to kill someone who happens to be Jewish. They want to live just like you and I do." Stephen Flatow responded quite nicely in JNS to this. I would like to add my own observations. Nides was careful in his words. He didn't say that the vast majority of Palestinians don't support terror, only that most of them don't want to personally kill Jews. I've been closely following Palestinian polls for over 15 years. I suspect Nides knows that polls show consistently over the years that a majority of Palestinians support terror attacks as part of a strategy to gain independence. Those questions are asked in the abstract. But when Palestinians are asked about specific terror attacks, support goes way up. In 2008, a terrorist entered the Mercaz Harav yeshiva and started mowing down students. 8 were killed, including 4 children. When Palestinians were asked if they supported...Read More |
Mahmoud Abbas was elected on January 9, 2005 to a four year term term as president of the Palestinian Authority, scheduled to end January 15, 2009. He is about to start the 19th year of his "four year term." During his time in office, he has not only stopped any possibility of further elections. He also has taken over the legislative and judicial branches of government, changed laws to ensure that his people remain in all leadership roles, and consolidated his hold on Fatah, expelling any potential threats to his power either within his party or within his government. And he remains the head of the PLO, which is the real political leadership of the Palestinians, an organization that the Palestinian Authority reports to. He has used the people of Gaza as hostages in his attempts to defeat Hamas there, regularly blocking delivery of medicines and fuel. He has mercilessly jailed and murdered protesters. He has passed laws that make any criticism of him or his cronies into crimes. He has played potential successors against each other. He's a dictator in every sense of the word, every bit as ruthless as Bashar Assad or Vladimir Putin. Yet how many Western articles about him mention the word "dictator?" They dance around it, they will sometimes quote a critic or two, but you won't hear the "D" word in mainstream Western media or analysis. Arab analysts, on the...Read More |
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