יום שישי, 25 בנובמבר 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

Abbas didn't condemn Jerusalem attacks; Palestinian newspaper upset at UAE and Turkey for condemning themnoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 25 Nov 05:45

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Abbas didn't condemn Jerusalem attacks; Palestinian newspaper upset at UAE and Turkey for condemning them
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 25 Nov 05:45 AM

It used to be that Mahmoud Abbas, like Yasir Arafat before him, would issue a pro forma condemnation of deadly terror attacks against Israel.
As of this writing, he hasn't said a word against the twin Jerusalem attacks, nor the Ariel terrorist attacks.
He doesn't even pretend anymore to be against terror. Earlier this year he only reluctantly condemned some attacks when under pressure from Israeli and US officials.
Meanwhile, this article in Al Quds News is upset that the UAE and Turkey did condemn the Jerusalem blasts, calling it "normalization:"

The UAE and Turkey were not content with drowning in normalization with the "Israeli" enemy, in all fields, at the expense of the cause and the Palestinian people. Rather, they were quick and brazen to condemn the two heroic Jerusalem operations, which were carried out by the revolutionary Palestinian youth, in response to the crimes of the Zionist enemy against the Palestinian people and its desecration of the holy places.
Observers believe that these irresponsible positions come in the context of the state of submission in the positions of the current Palestinian leadership and some Arab and regional...Read More

11/24 Links Pt2: Thanksgiving Reaffirms the 400-Year-Old US-Israel Nexus; Irving, Stewart and Chappelle and the Double Standard for Jew-Hatred
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 24 Nov 06:00 PM

From Ian:

Thanksgiving Reaffirms the 400-Year-Old US-Israel Nexus

Thanksgiving was reportedly first celebrated in November 1621 by William Bradford, the leader of the "Mayflower" and the Governor of the Plymouth Colony.

He enhanced his appreciation of the Bible — and especially the Five Books of Moses — in Leiden, Holland, where he found refuge from religious persecution in England. While there, he heavily interacted with the Jewish community.

Bradford and the other Mayflower passengers perceived the 66-day-voyage as a reenactment of the Biblical exodus, and the departure from "the Modern Day Egypt," to "the Modern Day Promised Land."

As a governor in this new land, Bradford announced the celebration of Thanksgiving by citing Psalm 107, which constitutes the foundation of the Jewish concept of Thanksgiving, thanking God for ancient and modern time deliverance.

The epitaph on Bradford's tombstone in the old cemetery in Plymouth, Massachusetts, begins with a Hebrew phrase — "God is the succor of my life" (יהוה עזר חיי) — as befits the person who brought Hebrew to America. He aimed to make Hebrew an official language, suggesting that reading the Bible in the original language yields more benefits.

The Hebrew word for Thanksgiving's central dish, turkey, is "Tarnegol Hodoo" (תרנגול הודו), which means "a chicken from India," but also "a chicken of gratitude/Thanksgiving...Read More

The Kosher Turkey-Trot (c. 1912)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 24 Nov 04:00 PM

As I browse through old newspapers looking for interesting things to blog, I came across a story of a January 1916 banquet in Mexico, Missouri. One participant jokingly complained that he didn't get the chance to dance the "kosher turkey-trot."

Was that a real thing?
At first, I thought not. It seems to have been a lyric to a novelty song from 1912 called "At the Yiddisher Ball."

The lyrics:

In our neighborhood we have, what you call,
Once a year a sociable ball,
What a time, there's everything you wish
Ev'ry one is dressed from soup to fish;
You take Rifky, she looks pretty nifty,
Don't you mind to bring the lunch, it only costs you fifty;
There'll be wine and ev'ry thing that's fine
At the yiddish sociable ball.
At the ball, at the ball, at the yiddisher ball,/
There'll only be class, or there'll be nothing at all,
And when that orchestra plays/ Yiddish kazotskys and Bombershays,
At the ball, at the ball, and the yiddisher ball

We'll make monkey doodles 'round the hall,
Out upon the floor I'll be Jakey on the spot,
Doing the kosher turkey trot,
At that first class yiddisher sociable,
(Remember, fifty cents admits the ladies and the gents)
At that first class yiddisher sociable ball.

I have tickets here I don't want to keep,
Say you'll come, I'll give you them cheap;
I'll sing there if you will surely come,
I'll knock them from the seats singing Chill-i-bom-bom;
A theatre won't be half so good...Read More

Descendants Of Arab Conquerors Confused Why European Settlers In Americas Never Claimed Land Was Always Theirs (PreOccupied Territory)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 24 Nov 02:30 PM

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

Check out their Facebook page.

Washington, November 24 - The distant progeny of seventh-century invaders of the Levant from the Arabian Peninsula and of later immigrants from around the region voiced puzzlement today that the White people who colonized and eventually took over the New World have not followed the same playbook they themselves did, namely to insist that they were there since the dawn of time and therefore the only legitimate people with collective political rights in the area.

Pro-Palestinian activists and political figures wondered Thursday what might explain Europeans' collective neglect of a powerful tool in the rhetorical repertoire, namely claiming that one's people occupy the same territory since time began, and that others who make claims on that territory have no historical validity to do so - despite that claim flying in the face of all the evidence indicating that one's ancestors in fact came much later.

"It works well for us, and I can't imagine why Westerners don't do that same thing," stated Nour Erakat, a commentator and political activist. "It would be so much easier for the US, for example, to dismiss 'Indian' claims by calling those claims lies, as we do with Jewish claims to our land. My clan in particular came to Palestine in the nineteenth century, but that doesn't stop us from insisting...Read More

11/24 Links Pt1: Jerusalem Bombings Don't Mark Beginning of 3rd Intifada; Learn from the Druze and get results; Ending Jew-bashing at the UN; BBC pundit calls Jerusalem bombing 'Palestinian World Cup'
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 24 Nov 12:00 PM

From Ian:

JPost Editorial: Terror is still here, Israel needs secure government to stop it - editorial

Attacks that are carried out by lone attackers are usually more difficult to thwart. They can be perpetrated by people who wake up one morning and decide to try and kill some Jews without any prior warning. An attack like the one that took place on Wednesday is something else.

This was an attack that required the involvement of a number of people – to assemble the bombs and obtain the necessary ingredients, smuggle the bombs into Israel and plant them next to their targets.

This is already what is called "terrorist infrastructure," the kind that likely is affiliated with a known organization, which should have been on the Israeli intelligence community's watch list.

What this also shows is the need to focus now on establishing a government. The sooner there is a stable government in Jerusalem the sooner Israel will be able to create a clear strategy for how to stop the terrorist wave that is not going away. Fights about ministries and portfolios

Fights about ministries and portfolios might interest the politicians who are supposed to occupy those offices, but they are not of real interest to Israelis, who want to see safe streets and to know that their children – like Shechopek – are safe when they stand at a bus stop waiting to go to school.

Comments like the one made by an Army Radio reporter on Wednesday – that...Read More

Arabic media upset that UAE will teach students about the Holocaust: "normalization"
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 24 Nov 10:15 AM

Times of Israel reports:

The United Arab Emirates is taking major steps to combat a regional culture of Holocaust denial in the wake of the 2020 Abraham Accords that normalized its relations with Israel.

Once entirely absent from the learning materials of children in the UAE — which also blacked out Israel from world maps and globes — the Holocaust is now set to be fully included in the curriculum, as the Gulf country moves to position itself as a regional peacemaker.

Emirates Leaks published this news with the headline "the new shame of normalization." It got picked up by Iraqi and Iranian Arabic media as well.

If teaching the Holocaust is considered a shameful act of normalization with Israel, then it follows that Holocaust denial is merely "anti...Read More

"Jews Need Not Apply" - antisemitic want ads from 1862-1939
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 24 Nov 08:00 AM

New York Times, 1862:

New York Daily Herald, 1878:

Birmingham Daily Mail, 1880:
Sydney Morning Herald, 1883:
Glasgow Herald, 1884:

St. Louis Post Dispatch, 1888:
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 1895:
Philadelphia Inquirer, 1906:

Boston Globe, 1910:
Hartford Courant, 1923:
Asbury Park Press, 1931, in what may be the most fascinating of them all:
Kansas City Times, 1939, the latest one I could find.
The phrase "Jews need not apply" was so well known that it was the punchline to jokes, as this article in British newspapers in 1889 shows.

No major city's newspapers were immune from publishing the phrase.

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