יום חמישי, 10 בנובמבר 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

The French reaction to Kristallnacht: Let's pretend to care about Jews while watching them suffernoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 10 Nov 05:45 AM Read

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The French reaction to Kristallnacht: Let's pretend to care about Jews while watching them suffer
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 10 Nov 05:45 AM

Reading the contemporaneous newspaper coverage of Kristallnacht is overwhelming. While the story did not start out on the front pages, the coverage snowballed over the next few days as Nazi restrictions on Jews increased and editorials in newspapers expressed outrage.

The outrage did not extend to doing a damn thing to help Jews in Germany, though.
A French newspaper published this editorial cartoon:

And the New York Times reported of angry reactions to the pogroms and anti-Jewish edicts in France:

But there were two other stories out of France that week.
In this one, we see that France turned away the Jews who were fleeing Germany - Jews the Nazis were allowing to leave.

And days later, after French newspapers said how unacceptable it would be for France to make an agreement with a Nazi Germany that so cruelly and proudly persecuted Jews, France worked hard to make exactly that agreement.

That agreement was signed on December 6, 1938, and the articles about it didn't mention a thing about Jews.
Then, as now, the world pretended to care about Jews - but was not willing to lift a finger to actually save their lives. It was all lip service.
So whenever the world demands that Israel compromise on its security today, remember that it is also no lip service. No one will guarantee Jewish security and survival besides Jews themselves.
The only difference is that now we have a state and an army.
There's another relevant lesson for today. Don't make agreements with genocidal madmen...Read More

11/09 Links Pt2: The Jewish Studies Professors Who Traffic in Antisemitism'; Thomas Friedman: Equal-opportunity Israel-basher; Chilling, newly discovered photos show Nazi Kristallnacht up close
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 09 Nov 06:00 PM

From Ian:

The Jewish Studies Professors Who Traffic in Antisemitism

What is particularly disturbing is the fact that Jewish studies scholars have no compunction in deploying antisemitic tropes to further their agenda. Myers and Sokatch write: "The apparent return of Benjamin Netanyahu to power in Israel is a gut punch to people concerned about the state of democracy and the rule of law in the world. Netanyahu has been a key pillar in the global movement of illiberal leaders who have taken control and altered the rules of the democratic game—including in Turkey, Hungary and the United States in the Trump era." While at first glance such a statement may seem little more than an anti-Netanyahu screed for his dictatorial propensities and underhanded machinations (which to be fair, is not unreasonable), a closer reading of this op-ed's opening salvo reveals its perniciousness, the antisemitic trope embedded in their choice of words. Suggesting that Israel is a "key pillar" in a "global movement" to subvert democracy implies that the tiny Jewish state exerts disproportionate power in world affairs and it is exercising such power through collusion with actors who seek to enshrine white supremacy (or a local variation of fascism) in their own domains. Interestingly enough, they do not impugn Russia, China, Saudi Arabia or Iran, who are regional hegemons, in a...Read More

A Cowardly Antisemitic Attack on a High-Profile Jewish Organization (Judean Rose)
noreply@blogger.com (Varda Meyers Epstein (Judean Rose)), 09 Nov 04:00 PM

I have watched the organization I work for, a high-profile Jewish nonprofit\*, face a daily onslaught of vicious antisemitic comments since I began there as a writer in 2013, way before Ye burst on the scene as the hateful antisemite he is. The comments imply that our donation program discriminates against children not of the Jewish faith: "Don't give them your cars, they only help Jewish kids."

Well, and what of it? We aren't trying to hide anything. We are a Jewish organization providing educational services to Jewish children and their families. Would you similarly accuse Catholic Charities of discrimination for providing services only to Catholics?

No. Of course not. It's only Jews you hate.

But we say none of this to the haters. We don't answer their insults and their comments. Because it is pointless. Hate isn't rational or fair. It is only endless.

This week, that hate took a creative turn.

As editor of our parenting hub, I receive a lot of pitches from writers and others hoping I'll link to their websites, articles, infographics and the like, in content we already have up on the website. It's not our practice to do so, but in general, if the pitch is good, I'll take a look and see if there's another way we can collaborate. "Dave C" of "Spread Great Ideas" sent me just such a pitch. The subject line of the pitch was "Varda – How does self-education benefit you."

The pitch read as follows:

Hi Varda,

Perhaps one of the only positive changes to come from the Covid...Read More

A French court ruled Israel's "occupation" is legal. The UN makes up new laws to say otherwise.
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 09 Nov 02:15 PM

The UN Commission of Inquiry - which is not a court - decided that Israel's occupation is illegal, which is pretty much new legal ground. And the Commission even admits it!

Its report says, "It is unclear in international law and practice when a situation of belligerent occupation becomes unlawful." But that doesn't stop it from trying - and then pretending it did!

A number of legal experts have identified several principles that, when adhered to, may be used to determine the legality of an occupation. These include whether sovereignty and title are not vested in the occupying power, the occupying power is entrusted with the management of public order and civil life in the occupied territory, the people under occupation are the beneficiaries of that trust in view of their right to self-determination, and the occupation is temporary.

In the present report, the Commission focuses on two indicators that may be used to determine the illegality of the occupation: the permanence of the Israeli occupation, already noted in its previous report to the Human Rights Council at its fiftieth session, and actions amounting to annexation, including unilateral actions taken to dispose of parts of the Occupied Palestinian Territory as if Israel held sovereignty over it.
No legal precedent. Just asking some "experts" who are anti-Israel - and not asking legal experts who are not already antipathetic...Read More

11/09 Links Pt1: Israel Accused of Denying Palestinian 'Right to Life' in Speech to UN Commission; Russia gave stolen Western weapons, cash to Iran
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 09 Nov 12:00 PM

From Ian:

Israel Accused of Denying Palestinian 'Right to Life' During Activist's Speech to UN Commission

A Palestinian activist claimed on Tuesday that Israel has removed the "right to life" of Palestinians throughout Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip during a speech before a UN panel in Geneva.

"We as Palestinians have basically zero to no rights–even the right to life, the most basic right," Ubai Al-Aboudi — executive director of the Ramallah-based Bisan Center for Research and Development — told the second day of a five-day meeting of the "UN Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory," created by the global body's Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in the wake of the May 2021 war between the IDF and the Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza.

"Every political system between the river and the sea violates basic Palestinian human rights," Al-Aboudi said, using a form of words associated with advocates who seek to end Israel's existence as a sovereign Jewish state.

Bisan and the other NGOs were outlawed in 2021 by the Israeli government for their connections to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which is designated as a terrorist organization by Israel as well as by the United States and European Union. The groups deny the charges.

Other speakers at the panel denounced Israel in similar...Read More

An antisemitic WWII-era Nazi poster from France has relevance today
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 09 Nov 10:15 AM

During the Nazi occupation of France, this antisemitic poster was published shortly after the United States entered World War II.

It says, "87% of American Heavy Industry Is In The Hands of !"

This poster can teach us a lot about modern antisemitic propaganda.

First of all, it uses a completely made up number, but it appears legitimate since it sounds so precise. No "three quarters" but 87%! This is like the completely made up accusation that Israel has imprisoned 850,000 Palestinians since 1967. It sounds precise enough to be parroted by mainstream media - but there is no source.

But there is another, far more important point with this poster.

If the audience isn't already antisemitic, it doesn't make any sense.

Who cares if Jews own most of American heavy industry? What difference does it make?

But when the audience of the poster already considers Jews to be vermin, then the poster is giving a warning that something evil is afoot.

The poster doesn't need to say anything disparaging about Jews - years of previous propaganda has already brainwashed large numbers of French people to...Read More

Last night's battle in Nablus proves that Palestinian nationalism is just repackaged antisemitism
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 09 Nov 08:00 AM

Palestinian terror apologists like to say to clueless Westerners, "Don't Palestinians have the right to defend themselves?"

On the surface, it sounds like a reasonable question. Only when you know a little about what's going on do you realize that shooting rockets at civilians is in no way "self defense." It is terror.
We now have proof positive that Palestinians are not motivated by self defense but by Jew-hatred.
Palestinian armed groups announced on Tuesday afternoon that they intended to start a battle in Nablus last night.
The reason? To stop Jews from performing "Talmudic prayers" at Joseph's Tomb.
The IDF entered Nablus last night, not to arrest a wanted militant, or to frustrate a planned terror attack. Unlike most incursions, this one was known to all ahead of time. Because the terrorists knew that the Jewish pilgrims were visiting and they wanted to stop them from visiting, and that the IDF would be there to protect them.
The terrorists - part of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, which is part of the Fatah group headed by Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas...Read More

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