יום שלישי, 26 באפריל 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

Canadian Arab lawyers create a ridiculous definition of "anti-Palestinian racism"noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 26 Apr 04:45 AM The Arab Canadians L

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Canadian Arab lawyers create a ridiculous definition of "anti-Palestinian racism"
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 26 Apr 04:45 AM

The Arab Canadians Lawyers Association is planning to release a paper on May 9 where they will define what they call "anti-Palestinian racism."
According to the ACLA, "Anti-Palestinian racism operates to silence the Palestinian experience and expressions of solidarity with Palestinians, including characterizing those who defend Palestinians and are critical of Israel's policies or conduct as antisemitic."
First of all, no one - and I mean no one - tries to "silence expressions of solidarity against Palestinians." It is a straw man. The people who style themselves as "pro-Palestinian" invariably cross the line into a seething hatred for Jewish nationalism and often against Jews themselves, and that is what Jews oppose.
But more insidiously, the ACLA is saying that non-Palestinians can be the victims of "anti-Palestinian racism" - based not on national origin or ethnicity or race, but purely on their political opinions!
So they are not only defining certain treatment of Palestinians themselves as racist, but also pointing out that anti-Zionists who are practicing antisemitism is also part of anti-Palestinian racism. Anyone can be a victim of anti-Palestinian racism - based purely on their political beliefs.
That is a breathtaking expansion of the word "racism."
Up until now, those who tried to declare Israel guilty of racism depended on an...Read More

When the video doesn't fit the propaganda, Palestinians change the caption to MAKE it fit
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 25 Apr 03:00 PM

Palestine Today posted this video last week that it says shows "New batches of settlers storm the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque."
The video shows religious Jews praying at Lion's Gate, one of the gates to the Old City, 200 meters away from the Temple Mount.

Similarly, it posted this video that is says shows "The window of the Al-Qibli prayer hall in Al-Aqsa set on fire due to the occupation's throwing of bombs."
No, it is a Molotov cocktail prepared inside the "holy" mosque that prematurely got set on fire, and then they threw it.
Yes, Palestinians started a fire in a...Read More

The mask slips: PA prime minister indicates that all of Israel and Jerusalem is Palestinian
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 25 Apr 01:15 PM

On Saturday, Palestinian prime minister Muhammad Shtayyeh spoke to the Palestinian Businessmen Association. In attendance were also government ministers.
His words make it pretty clear that the Palestinians have never accepted Israel's existence.
Shtayyeh said, "Israeli Prime Minister Bennett's recent statements that Palestine is not an occupied land but a disputed land, and this statement was adopted by all previous Israeli governments. We responded to him that Palestine belongs to the Palestinians and this occupied land will be liberated. The historical right is ours, Jerusalem is ours, and Palestine is ours."

He also compared Palestinian terrorism to Ukraine, saying, "The world uses double standards, as it sees in Ukraine heroism and Palestine as terrorism. "
Yeah, well, no one in Ukraine is attacking Russians sitting in coffee shops.

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EoZ 4/25: New State Department Report Admits Iran May Be Hiding Nuclear Activities, Abbas sent condolences to family of Tel Aviv terrorist
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 25 Apr 11:15 AM

Ian is under the weather, so I will post a couple of things I saw around...

New State Department Report Admits Iran May Be Hiding Nuclear Activities

The Biden administration has "serious concerns" about "possible undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran," according to an annual report the State Department released on Tuesday. The administration's admission that Tehran continues to stonewall inspectors and conceal its nuclear activities shows why it would be a serious mistake to revive a weaker version of the 2015 nuclear deal, whose verification and enforcement mechanisms were already deficient.

87 Groups To U.S. Dept. Education: Middle East Studies Programs Boycotting Israel Shouldn't Get Federal FundsOn April 20, 2022, in the aftermath of the Middle East Studies Association's endorsement of an academic boycott against Israel, 87 organizations (including Legal Insurrection Foundation) sent a joint letter organized by The AMCHA Initiative to the U.S. Secretary of Education asking the federal government not to fund Middle East studies programs boycotting Israel.How bad has the NYT coverage of Israel been? (CAMERA...Read More

Arabic language media doesn't even pretend not to be antisemitic any more
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 25 Apr 09:00 AM

A couple of years ago, Arabic language media was a bit careful to avoid blatant antisemitism and couched hate for Jews behind opposing the "occupation."

But between the Abraham Accords and the constant incitement over the Temple Mount, that pretense has been falling away. They no longer hide their hate of Jews behind calling them "Zionists" or "occupiers."
Some examples from the past couple of days:
Ahmed Salama, in Jordan's Ammon News, writes, "Jews might think that an agreement here, a dance with an Arab there, and the lighting of a site with the Star of David means that Judaism has excelled and desecrated the nation of Muhammad....Our cousins, the sons of Jacob, are doing themselves in by humiliating the Palestinians and breaking into the sanctities of his sanctuary. This arrogance that the Jews are doing with all this arrogance and this obscenity has only one explanation, that the Jews cannot be a nation and a state..."
Fayez el-Fayez, writing in Al-Rai, says that Jews have been lying ever since the sons of Jacob lied to their father about the fate of Joseph. He continues on saying that "Jews do not hesitate to kill women and children...Read More

Palestinian TV broadcasts desire to see all Jews - and their supporters - exterminated
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 25 Apr 07:00 AM

Palestinian Media Watch has video of an imam, broadcasting a Ramadan prayer live from El-Bireh near Ramallah, wishing to see the extermination of "evil Jews."

Not only that, but anyone who supports them should be killed by merciful Allah as well.

Here's the video:

"Grant us victory over the infidels... Allah, delight us with the conquest and liberation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Allah, make us among the first to enter, the conquerors, the worshippers, and those calling out 'Allahu Akbar' inside [the mosque] to You, Master of the Universe. Allah, delight us with the extermination of the evil Jews, O Master of the Universe, and [the extermination] of their hypocritical supporters who have evil in their hearts."

Once again, the real issue isn't that there is a Palestinian antisemite. It isn't even that the people in the mosque at the time didn't even raise an eyebrow at the desire for the genocide of all Jews and their supporters.

The real issue is that this antisemitism is so much a part of Palestinian culture that there are literally zero people who publicly oppose these examples. No op-eds, no letters to the editor, no "point/counterpoint" discussions on TV.

There never is.

Hating Jews and wishing for their extermination is not only mainstream but unopposed.

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Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

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