יום שישי, 1 באפריל 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

New lexicon entry from the Palestinian Authority: Jewish prayer = "racist Talmudic rituals"noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 01 Apr 04:45 AM The offici

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New lexicon entry from the Palestinian Authority: Jewish prayer = "racist Talmudic rituals"
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 01 Apr 04:45 AM

The official Palestinian Authority news agency Wafa writes:

Occupation MK Itamar Ben Gvir, at the head of 202 settlers, stormed the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, where they carried out provocative tours and performed racist Talmudic rituals under the protection of dozens of Israeli policemen .

Both the Israeli Left and the Palestinian Arabs predicted that violence would result from Ben Gvir's visit, but he quietly walked around for 15 minutes and left.

But here we see that the Palestinian Authority is calling Jewish prayer not only "Talmudic rituals," but "racist Talmudic rituals."

This is new. I cannot find the phrase "racist Talmudic rituals" before February 22 of this year.

This isn't just antisemitic - it is official antisemitism from the Palestinian Authority, and the formulation of "racist Talmudic rituals" was copied slavishly in many other Arab sites, including in Egypt.

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Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

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Read all about it...Read More

03/31 Links Pt2: Biden Admin Failing to Reform UNRWA; How EU Funding of West Bank Activities Breaches Int'l Law & Undermines Peace; Hillel Neuer: The Jew Among the Nations -- Israel and the UN
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 31 Mar 05:00 PM

From Ian:

Biden Administration Failing to Reform U.N.'s Palestinian Refugee Agency

The Trump administration cut off all U.S. funding for UNRWA in 2018, concluding that UNRWA needed to be reformed completely, if not dismantled. With a mandate to care for refugees, providing basic services like health care and education, but not resettle them, UNRWA has perpetuated the problem it exists to deal with. By conferring refugee status on multiple generations of Palestinians—a departure from U.N. practice in other conflicts—an initial refugee population of approximately 750,000 in 1948 has ballooned to 5.7 million. This expansive definition of who is a refugee, coupled with UNRWA's support for the "right of return," the Palestinian claim that all these millions of Palestinians have a right to resettle inside Israel, makes the agency a vehicle for prolonging the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. To boot, UNRWA has also had serious issues of waste, fraud, and abuse.

When the Trump administration zeroed out aid to the U.N. agency in August 2018 after it resisted making changes, a State Department spokesperson announced, "The United States will no longer commit further funding to this irredeemably flawed operation."

The Biden administration opted to restore funding to the agency before securing structural changes in UNRWA's mandate or operations—all but ensuring no change would...Read More

ElderToon: Misery loves....
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 31 Mar 03:00 PM

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Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.

Read all about it here!

...Read More

My Supreme Leader, We Can Attack The US And Biden Will Still Cave To All Our Demands (PreOccupied Territory)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 31 Mar 01:20 PM

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

Check out their Facebook page.

My Supreme Leader, We Can Attack The US And Biden Will Still Cave To All Our Demands

by Ali Mossadegh, advisor to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Tehran, March 31- Your Holiness, I must express my admiration for your wisdom and insight regarding the Great Satan and the naivety of their political leadership. Not only did you tell us not to compromise, but to harden our demands and even extend them; you predicted that we could actively hurt American interests and Washington will still grovel to reach some sort of agreement over our nuclear program, regardless of how triumphant it makes us and how humiliated it makes them. It now appears we could conduct actual, direct terrorist operations on their soil and they will continue to grant us everything we ask for and more! A remarkable diplomatic achievement.

I suggest we do so, but defer to your greater experience and wisdom as to the timing, location - or locations - and extent of the operations. It is one thing to keep pushing Biden and the craven Democrats further and further back from their original negotiating position; it would be another entirely to risk alienating enough of the US voting public that the leadership, no matter how accommodating they wish to be to us, must take into account the animosity our actions...Read More

03/31 Links Pt1: Noah Rothman: In Israel, the Grimly Familiar and the Utterly Shocking; New synagogue guidelines call for weapons, cellphones on Shabbat following deadly attacks
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 31 Mar 11:00 AM

From Ian:

Noah Rothman: In Israel, the Grimly Familiar and the Utterly Shocking

An ominously familiar scene unfolded on Tuesday night in the Tel Aviv suburb of Bnei Brak—one that Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said was indicative of "a new wave of terrorism" washing over the country.

Gruesome video of that event showed an attacker, dressed all in black, firing an M16 assault rifle indiscriminately at passersby. The attacker shot and killed four, including a police officer, before he was neutralized. The gunman was later identified as a 27-year-old Palestinian from the West Bank. While no terrorist organization has yet claimed responsibility for the attack, several militant groups—including Hamas—welcomed this act of barbarism.

Another grimly familiar spectacle occurred shortly thereafter in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip. As news of the bloodshed spread inside Gaza, images of militants handing out celebratory sweets to locals flooded social media. It was all evocative of the painful and persistent violence that has colored so much of the region's history, and it may presage even more terrible events yet to come. This mass shooting was the fifth in a recent series of terrorist acts that have so far taken 11 lives inside Israel. That's more violent death than Israel has experienced outside wartime...Read More

Moroccan anti-Israel group warns that normalization endangers national security, somehow.
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 31 Mar 09:00 AM

Anti-Israel arguments are sometimes quite amusing.

The National Working Group for Palestine/Morocco has been trying to get Moroccans to oppose normalization with Israel, with not much success.

Ahead of yesterday's Palestinian Land Day, they called for a massive rally in front of Morocco's Parliament to show their anger and displeasure at normalization.

Abdelaziz Aftati, an MP for the Islamist Justice and Development Party, wrote on his Facebook page normalization "puts Morocco's strategic security at risk" isolating it from its Arab neighbors - which means Algeria. (Algerian media are the only ones that covered this story.)

How, exactly, does this affect Morocco's strategic security? Perhaps because Israel intends to "expand" into Morocco, somehow. The Moroccan Association for Human Rights warned of the "danger posed by the Zionist expansion." Perhaps Israel will invade Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Algeria on its way to take over Morocco.

Finally, yesterday was Land Day, and a...Read More

EU condemns Jews legally buying a disgusting, dilapidated hotel property in Jerusalem
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 31 Mar 07:00 AM

EU and Palestinians tweeted, "EUREP, MS & like-minded states attended a meeting with the heads of churches to discuss the ongoing settler occupation of the Little Petra hotel at the entrance of the Christian Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem, owned by the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate. Urge Israeli authorities to immediately deescalate the situation and take measures to fully protect the presence and heritage of the Palestinians and Christian community in East Jerusalem."

Haaretz reported earlier this week:

Following an 18-year legal battle, members of a settler organization have moved into the Petra Hotel in Jerusalem's Old City.

Currently, Ateret Cohanim occupies only part of the Petra Hotel. Located near Jaffa Gate, the hotel is one of two large buildings the organization bought from the previous Greek Orthodox patriarch, Irenaios, in a controversial deal. The other is the nearby Imperial Hotel.

When the deal came to light in 2005, it sparked a major crisis within the local branch of the Greek Orthodox church that culminated in Irenaios' unprecedented dismissal. His replacement, Theophilos III, then tried to repudiate the deal and get it overturned.

But the Jerusalem District Court, and later the Supreme Court, ratified it, despite concluding that there were "shadows and black...Read More

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